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What Size Surfboard Should I Get? - Surfing Waves

What Size Surfboard Do I Need?

Surfboard sizes arranged from soft to logboard

The choice of surfboard size depends on many different factors, but the two main ones to consider are the ability of a surfer and time in the water. In general, the bigger the board is, the better it will be to catch waves with. Take a look at the tables below to get an idea about the minimum sizes that you should be looking at for your surfboard. Be sure you make the right choice when buying a surfboard; have a chat with the surf shop staff for their advice.

Be honest when choosing a surfboard, picking the wrong one may result in less waves, slower progression and reduced fun.

  • A novice surfer will need a larger board than a more skilled surfer.
  • A surfer who only surfs occasionally will need a bigger board than one who surfs regularly.
  • A board that is too small will hold back a surfer's improvement and probably result in frustration.

Shortboard Sizes

Note that the sizes below should be used as a guide only. If you're in doubt, get something a little bigger than suggested below, or post on our surfboard advice forum for some impartial advice. Surfboard measurements are still in imperial, so it's feet and inches.

Surfing a shortboard less than 1 day per week

Surfer Weight (lbs)Surfer Weight (kg)Surfboard LengthSurfboard WidthSurfboard Thickness
A guide to shortboard size for surfers who will surf less than one day a week  
100-140 45.4-63.5 6′2″-6′4″ 18¾″-19¼″ 2¼″-238
140-160 63.5-72.6 6′4″-6′8″ 19″-20″ 238″-2½″
160-180 72.6-81.6 6′6″-6′10″ 19½″-20½″ 2½″-258
180-200 81.6-90.7 6′10″-7′4″ 20″-21½″ 2¾″-3″
200 + 90.7 + 7′4″ + 21½″-22½″ 3″-3¼″

Surfing a shortboard at least 1 day per week

Surfer Weight (lbs)Surfer Weight (kg)Surfboard LengthSurfboard WidthSurfboard Thickness
A guide to shortboard size for surfers who will surf at least one day a week  
100-140 45.4-63.5 6′0″-6′4″ 18½″-19″ 2¼″-238
140-160 63.5-72.6 6′2″-6′6″ 18¾″-19¼″ 238″-2½″
160-180 72.6-81.6 6′4″-6′8″ 19″-19¾″ 2½″-258
180-200 81.6-90.7 6′8″-7′2″ 19½″-20½″ 258″-278
200 + 90.7 + 7′2″ + 20″-21½″ 3″-3¼″

Funboard Sizes

Funboards (mini-mals) are much more suited to someone new to surfing and are ideal to start getting waves straight away. You still need to make sure the board is large enough to suit your weight and surfing ability.

Surfing a funboard / hybrid / minimal less than 1 day per week

Surfer Weight (lbs)Surfer Weight (kg)Surfboard LengthSurfboard WidthSurfboard Thickness
A guide to funboard / minimal size for surfers who will surf less than one day a week  
100-140 45.4-63.5 7′0″-7′4″ 20¼″-21″ 2½″-2¾″
140-160 63.5-72.6 7′2″-7′8″ 20½″-21½″ 2¾″-3″
160-180 72.6-81.6 7′6″-8′0 21″-21¾″ 2¾″-3″
180-200 81.6-90.7 7′10″-8′4″ 21½″-22¼″ 3″-3¼″
200 + 90.7 + 8′2″-8′8″ 22″-22¾″ 3¼″ +

Surfing a funboard / hybrid / minimal more than 1 day per week

Surfer Weight (lbs)Surfer Weight (kg)Surfboard LengthSurfboard WidthSurfboard Thickness
A guide to funboard / minimal size for surfers who will surf more than one day a week  
100-140 45.4-63.5 6′8″-7′2″ 20½″-21¼″ 2¼″-2½″
140-160 63.5-72.6 6′10-7′4″ 20¾″-21½″ 2½″-2¾″
160-180 72.6-81.6 7′2″-7′8″ 21″-21¾″ 2½″-3″
180-200 81.6-90.7 7′6″-8′0″ 21½″ -22¼″ 2¾″-3¼″
200 + 90.7 + 7′10″-8′4″ 22″-22¾″ 3″-3¼″

Longboard Sizes

Longboards are the ideal surfboard for beginners and are suitable for surfers of all standards. As with the funboard, you'll need to choose the right board for your surfing ability. Be honest.

Surfing a longboard less than 1 day per week

Surfer Weight (lbs)Surfer Weight (kg)Surfboard LengthSurfboard WidthSurfboard Thickness
A guide to longboard size for surfers who will surf less than one day a week  
< 154 < 70 9′4″ 22¾″-23½″ 2½″-3½″
155-198 70-90.7 9′4″-9′10″ 22¾″-23½″ 2½″-3½″
200 + 90.7 + 9′10″+ 23″+ 3½″+

Surfing a longboard more than 1 day per week

Surfer Weight (lbs)Surfer Weight (kg)Surfboard LengthSurfboard WidthSurfboard Thickness
A guide to longboard size for surfers who will surf more than one day a week  
< 154 < 70 9′4″ 20½″-21¼″ 2¾″+
155-198 70-90.7 9′4″-9′10″ 20¾″-21½″ 2¾″+
200 + 90.7 + 9′10″+ 21″-21¾″ 2½″

Surfboard volume

The length, width and thickness of a surfboard multiplied together gives the surfboard volume in litres. This volume can be thought of as the space the surfboard occupies. The greater the volume the more floaty the board is. (Avoid using floaty in day-to-day use!). The shape of the board will also affect the board volume, so it is possible for two boards with the same length, width and thickness could have a different volume.

If you know what your desired board volume is, you can choose the right surfboard for you more easily.

Surfboard volume calculation

Calculation surfboard volume is hard to do due to the shape of a board but typically you can order or buy a board based on given length, width, thickness and volume. You may see the following dimensions on the bottom of a board or on the information at a surf shop:

(6'5 x 21" x 3" / 42.7L)

The above shows a shortboard that is 6/5 long, 21"wide and 3" thick and has a volume of 42.7 litres.

You can find out more about volume on the surfboard volume calculator page.

Factors to consider with surfboard sizes

Along with the length, width, thickness and volume there are also other factors that should influence your choice of board:

  • Your age
  • Your weight
  • Your fitness level
  • Your surfing standard
  • The types of waves you'll be surfing

Surfboard size FAQs

What is the best size for a beginner?

The bigger the better. A larger board is easier to paddle, will catch waves more easily and will be more stable. You can find more about surfboards for beginners here.

How do you know what size to get?

The right sized board will depend on lots of different factors including your age, fitness, surfing standard, where you are surfing and more. Head over to our forum to get bespoke advice to get the right board based on what you need without the hard sell.

Is a 6-foot board good for beginners?

No, a 6-foot board is too small for a beginner. Ideally a beginner should start on a nice big longboard to make the maximum progression in the shortest amount of time. Shortboards are for more experienced surfers and can delay progression and limit fun.

Can you duck dive an XX size surfboard?

The greater the volume a board has the harder it becomes to duck dive. This becomes less of a problem for more experienced surfers who are efficient at duckdiving. One surfer may be able to duck a board and another surfer may not. Learn more about how to duckdive a surfboard.

How does surfboard length affect volume?

Other factors aside, the longer a board is the larger the volume.

How many litres should my surfboard be?

This will depend on many different factors, see above.

There is a topic on the forum where you can discuss board sizes further and ask any questions that may not have been answered. Please post any questions about specific board size on the forum.


  • Guest
    on Apr 25, 2011

    I weigh 300+ - will I sink?

  • surf patrol
    surf patrol
    on Apr 26, 2011

    If you are serious about surfing, you'll be able to get a board that will float you at 300 lbs.

  • Guest
    on May 12, 2011

    i havent surfed since i was a looking to buy a used board form a guy thats in great 6 foot and 190 lbs and still athletic and good balance....i will be surfing on the southeast coast of florida...will these dimesions work for me to relearn on so i dont have to buy different boards to catch up? Dimensions 6' 9" X 11 X 19 X 13 5/8 X 2 1/2...please help.

  • surf patrol
    surf patrol
    on May 12, 2011

    This board will be ok for you to re-learn on. If you are in good shape can get in regularly, you'll soon be back up to speed.
    You could always see if he'll let you take it out a couple of times, try it out before you buy to make sure it's suitable.

    If you'd not surfed before, I'd suggest getting something bigger.

  • Guest
    on May 16, 2011

    Thanks...i also heard a fish would be an option...wider and thicker espically for florida have more stability and be able to turn better unlike a funboard...any sense in that rather than the shortboard i mentioned above?...if so how big of Fish should i get?

  • surf patrol
    surf patrol
    on May 17, 2011

    A fish is an option, but be honest about your ability. They are not boards for beginners.
    You'd probably want something at least 6'5" x 21" x 2 5/8 - 3"
    We've got some knowledgeable members on our surf forum if you want to bounce some ideas around.

  • Guest
    on May 22, 2011

    I haven't surfed in maybe 10 years. I am 5'10 170 and in great shape. Surfboard sizing charts have me at a 6'4-6'8 shortboard, which is what I want to ride. I have an opportunity to buy a used Channel Islands whip which is in excellent shape. It is 6'6x 20 1/4x 2 3/4. I talked to the local at the surf shop who recommended a 6'4 x 19 7/8 x 2 5/8. On channel Islands website it recommends riders ride this board 3-4 inches smaller than your normal shortboard. So I am kind of confused, have decided on this board but unsure of what size to get. I sure would like to save the 300 hundred dollars and get the used one but am afraid that it is way too large. Any thoughts?

  • Guest
    on May 22, 2011

    im not 15 and not very heavy or tall, and am looking at buying a new surfboard i am looking at one thats 6'6" but i think it might be too big for turns and things? what size do u recommend?

  • Guest
    on May 27, 2011

    I'm 5'5 and 170lbs. I can stand on a 7'9" but I'm interested in buying a board. There is a 7'9" or 7'3" for sale, which should I get?

  • Guest
    on May 30, 2011

    Help please...
    I have a 6'4" Quiet Flight thruster w/ 3 glassed in fins...Tom Nielson design. Probably a 1990 or so....
    measurements written on the board are:
    11 1/4
    18 1/2
    13 3/4
    "Double Concaves"
    "2114 (1x3)", too...but i don't know what that means. What do the dimensions above mean also?
    Where are the three measurements taken?
    I weigh 145 and am 5'7"...great board from home in Florida, but now I'm stationed in Guam, and it's all reef break. I'm having a hard time getting the board to finish turns unless I'm standing on the very tail. i surf pretty aggressively, with a lot of driving turns and fast runs. need to know what to look for in a new board. this one doesn't whip turns around fast enough...wants to try to go straight as I come around. was going to shorten the #3 fin, or the 2 twin fins....which would do the trick? I'm thinking the center fin...
    Help! the waves here rock!

  • Guest
    on Jun 2, 2011


  • Guest
    on Jun 2, 2011

    I am planning a surf trip and im not what i used to be. what board should i ride. Im 6'2 and about 215

  • Guest
    on Jun 7, 2011

    Hey guys, I wanted to seek your advice. I surf in the bay area in northern california. I started surfing two years ago and have gotten a very good amount of water time. Probably twice a week average over the two years. I have been riding a 7'2 for a year now and feel that I need to go shorter. I struggle catching overhead waves with such a large board. I am 5'7 180 pounds. What size do you suggest? Looking for a beach break board, primarily surf ocean beach san francisco, on days that are overhead and a little more. Appreciate the advice.

  • surf patrol
    surf patrol
    on Jun 7, 2011

    Please ask any specific questions about suitable board size over on the surf hardware forum.
    Many thanks

  • Guest
    on Jun 12, 2011

    I need help, i want a short board but i weigh a tad bit over 140. will i still be able to ride a 6'2 short board??

  • Guest
    on Jun 18, 2011

    im 90 pounds and have a 4'7" and it rides great...

  • Guest
    on Jul 5, 2011

    if weigh 350 lbs and im 6'4 WHAT SIZE LONG BOARD WOULD I START ON

  • Stevo
    on Jul 5, 2011

    At 350lbs you'll need a board with plenty of volume (3.5" maybe), and plenty of glass. Have a chat to a local shaper, you'll have to get a custom board shaped for you.

  • Guest
    on Jul 7, 2011

    i weigh in at 210, used to surf but havent in about 3 years. ive been buggering around on a longboard but miss the manouverability of a shortboard. am i wasting time buying a 6'8 x 19'5" x 2'5"?

  • Guest
    on Jul 8, 2011

    Really want to get going, live in wa. Don't want to ride the long ass boards. Really good in the snow and on a long board. I'm 6"1 and was Thinkin of getting a board 6"10. Is that long enough?

  • Guest
    on Jul 8, 2011

    what are the best waters to start surfing in in florida? any ideas?

  • Guest
    on Jul 13, 2011

    Im 220 pound 6ft 2 " . What size board shold i buy?

  • Madeline
    on Jul 15, 2011

    I weigh 96.2 lbs. and am 5ft 2in. I am looking to surf on fun boards but I am not sure what size please help me out? :) thanks a bunch!

  • Guest
    on Jul 20, 2011

    i am new to surfing and i was wondering if i should get a shortboard or a funboard?

  • surf patrol
    surf patrol
    on Jul 21, 2011

    Funboard, no question

  • Guest
    on Jul 21, 2011

    i am about 5'7" and weigh about 135-140lbs so what size board should i get

  • nic
    on Jul 25, 2011

    i am about 6'3 200 would a 6'10 board be good for me or should i go up to a 7'0 7'2 board i haven't surfed in a couple years so its tough to think bout what i should get now

  • HairMeister
    on Jul 30, 2011

    You will be able to find a board fine at 300+ lbs... Something atleast 3 1/2 in thicknes.. minimal.

    I am 208lbs and I use a 6'4 biscuit with 2 3/4 thickness.

  • Guest
    on Jul 31, 2011

    Hello! I'm an occasional surfing looking to get more invested in the sport. I've been going out more recently, and have fallen in love with the whole idea of surfing, wondering why I never got more involved in the first place. I'm 22 years old, 5'0" and 120lbs. Right now I have a 6'0" shortboard, and I'm definitely in need of something bigger! I was out in the water last week and the nose of my board sliced my head open right above my temple, resulting in an emergency room visit and 5 staples. Surprisingly (haha), now I'm determined as ever to get back out there and really start taking on the waves. Although, now I really want to retire my board and get on something else. So my question is what size board would you suggest for me? Thanks so much! :)

  • Guest
    on Aug 3, 2011

    I weigh 105lbs. and i am 5ft.3in tall and i surf Massachusetts waves(they aren't very big)and i am very very very new to surfing. what kind of board should i get?

  • Guest
    on Aug 7, 2011

    I am not the biggest guy around, but really want to get started...i am 5'2" @ 130lbs.....i tried a 9 foot board and caught 4 out of 5 first time ever on a board...the one thing i didn't like is that it is outrageously cumbersome for me to carry this thing to the beach and anywhere around....would you recommend i stick to this one or get a small board....i've only surfed that one time

  • Guest
    on Aug 16, 2011

    hi im moving to hawaii for school! and im gonna learn to surf but i wanna buy my own pink surfboard but i dont know what size i would need! im deffinately a begginer! im 5'7 and i weigh 145?! can anyone help!

  • Guest
    on Aug 20, 2011

    my name is brandy jimenez and i started surfing last week, but m still getting the hang of it and itss really awesome!! im 14 and i also play basketball so im in good shape! im 5'4 and i have a 6' something board but im not sure if its the right one forr me??so does anyone have any advice for me? id appreciate it veryy much(: thanks

  • Guest
    on Aug 28, 2011

    Weird it says I need a 6.4-6.6 cuz my weight but I ride a 6 an I'm fine lol but I do wanna pick up a 6.4 for sure tho

  • Sarah K
    Sarah K
    on Aug 30, 2011

    Hey, iv been surfing a 7'3 mini-mal for 2 years and want to move to a shortboard. im 5'2 and weigh 130lbs. i am going to get a spider bomb and they say to go several inch smaller than what you would normally, so what sort of length am i looking at? i am planning on surfing at least once a week, as much as the waves round here will let me (south coast uk, moving to Cornwall soon) Thanks.

  • Guest
    on Sep 1, 2011

    im 6' 00 and ive got a 6''4 2 and quater inch 79 kg is that too heavy for it?

  • Riley
    on Sep 5, 2011

    I'm 6'3 173 lbs could I ride a 6'4 board?

    on Sep 7, 2011

    im 16 year old male, new to surfing, 62kg 170cm tall. what demensions board should i get?
    please note im allways active as im a boxer and study at new zealand institute of sport, so im doing diferent sports all day long.

  • surf patrol
    surf patrol
    on Sep 7, 2011

    Please post all "what board should I get" questions to the forum. Please include your weight, size, fitness and surfing ability. Members of the forum are all friendly and helpful - join our community today!

  • Westy
    on Sep 18, 2011

    Im 72-73kg (160 lb) and ride a 5'10" thats 19" wide. Its got a pretty flat rocker that helps with speed on entry though. This board flies once it gets going and can surf waves from 1 ft to about 4-5 ft, then i need to step up to a 6'2 with a bit more rocker for anything bigger and heavier. Kelly slater is riding 5'8" boards just thicker than 18"...and he weights 75!

  • Sunnyl
    on Sep 20, 2011

    My dad is 6'8" and weighs about 250. He's in good shape except for a little tummy (he coaches and trains basketball).
    He tried my spongie (8') but I think he was more embarassed about not knowing what he was doing than not able to do it.
    If I can get him started I know he will take lessons. What size board should he use?

    Should I get him out on a boogy board first?

  • Dao
    on Sep 24, 2011

    My weight 48 Kg., My height is 153 CM., I normally surf with board size 6.6 at Phuket, Thailand. I'm now thinking to get a new surfboard. I'm so confused between size 6 and 5.10, anyone can please advise me which one I should go with.

  • Guest
    on Sep 25, 2011

    I'm 5'5" and new to surfing, but I'm really good at wakeboarding, wakeskating, and longboarding. Will these dimensions work for me?

  • Guest
    on Sep 28, 2011

    I take woodshop in school and want to make a surfboard because i like to surf when i go down the shore in the summer. Will making a board out of wood be horrible and just sink or do you think that itll do alright?

  • surf patrol
    surf patrol
    on Sep 29, 2011

    You can make a surfboard out of wood, with th right construction techniques it will not sink. It's probably not suitable for a school project though.

  • Guest
    on Oct 1, 2011

    to give you an idea of what you can do when you get better at surfing, Im 6 3 230 and I ride a Super Vapors model thats 6 2 x 20 1/4 x 2 5/8 with a lighter glassing job. once you get better, you can start to play around with different shapes, different fin setups, different volumes, but remember one thing, FOAM IS YOUR FRIEND. Just because a friend of yours is riding some 5 5 chip doesn't mean you can too. Either they've been surfing for a lot longer or they are vastly under floated and as a result doesn't get the momentum to carry through sections to thoroughly enjoy the wave. You can tell when someone has taken the time to thoroughly learn the ins and outs of surfing on a mini mal or a long board before sizing down to a more performance based short board. Trust me, take your time and get comfortable on a long board. nothing under 8 ft to start. Besides, if your doing it right you'll catch more waves than any short boarder on a smaller day.

  • Guest
    on Oct 1, 2011

    don't make a wooden surfboard if you haven't got experience with shaping boards or with a wooden surfboard making kit. I'm sure it will look nice but realistically unless you understand how rail volume, single and double concave, rocker and glassing techniques work, it wont be much in the water. As a wall hanger, however, it will be totally awesome.

  • Guest
    on Oct 5, 2011

    I'm 17, 5'4", weight 120lbs and am a girl. I'm new to surfing what should my first board be? Size wise too.

  • Guest
    on Oct 17, 2011

    what 7'6" actually means?

  • surf patrol
    surf patrol
    on Oct 17, 2011

    7'6" => 7 foot 6 inches (2 meters 29 cms)

  • Guest
    on Oct 18, 2011

    Hey.. im getting started on surfing.. and im like 5'3" And my weight is like 110 and I bougth a 6"2 surfboard... did i made a good decision?

  • Arvid
    on Oct 18, 2011

    Hello! Is it too hard to learn to surf on a 6'8" funboard if I weigh 170 lbs and Im 6'6" tall? It's pretty wide though, probably 20"
    I only surfed once before and Im going to surf on my vacation in two weeks, so I need to know if my board is good

  • Shae
    on Oct 23, 2011

    I'm a total beginner and I want to get a board so do you think a fish would be fine?

  • surf patrol
    surf patrol
    on Oct 23, 2011

    Fish are not suitable boards for beginners. Here's an article on surfboard choice for a beginner.

  • Guest
    on Nov 1, 2011

    i am 14 5 4 and 105 pounds and ride a 5'6 lost and its great

  • deni
    on Nov 6, 2011

    im 5 feet 11 71kgs wat size board should i get?

  • Maurice
    on Nov 7, 2011

    If you are 300 pounds or more go surfing with me, that way when a great white shark comes it will eat you over me. Are there surfboards for beginners weighing 300 pounds or more? If they did the board would have to be 12 feet long and 5 inches thick hahahaha

  • Guest
    on Nov 14, 2011

    I have two boys aged 11, weight at around 90 lbs each, New to surfing..loves water and did some intro surfng...which board , fun- or short- board do i buy them? Surfing in Jeffreys and PE South Africa...

  • Caleb
    on Nov 16, 2011

    If you are 6'0 and want to short board then you need a board within 3 inches of your height. I am 5'11 and weigh 220 lbs. I thought like all of you once and got a 6'8 Rawson Hyperskate 2. Easy as all hell to catch a wave but turning it in average California beach break is next to impossible. Cut backs forget about it. So I took a chance and got a 6'0 flyer one day and even though my wave count went way down, when I caught a wave I was able to get myself up the line. I realize now I need something a little wider like a 20-20 and a quarter inch rather than that 19 inch. The 2 5/8 felt like plenty of foam. In fact with full rails width is the most important thing for us heavier and broader men. I am looking at the Roberts diamond and dump truck boards myself. I am also interested in the Rusty Dozer and T. Patterson Rising Sun. Which of these boards do you guys think would be the best for every kind of surf.

  • Bunny
    on Nov 18, 2011

    I am a beginner who just finished surfing lessons, and would like to buy myself a board. I'm 5'1 weighs 58kg. What would be the ideal board for me please.
    Thank you

  • Guest
    on Nov 19, 2011

    hey,i'm going to do my first surf in a 2days and hopes that it passes well!!!i'm a bit of nervous because i get tired quickly by swimming and canot swim for long and i also have orientation problems-can someone give me tips??

  • Guest
    on Nov 19, 2011

    i am 11 years old and i am around 4'9 would a 4'2 sized surf board be big enough?

  • hey
    on Nov 20, 2011

    im like 6'1 and i ride a 6'6 foamy would it be hard for me to learn

  • Guest
    on Nov 21, 2011

    Hey my name is Teahna and I got a 5'8 board I use to have a fome board that was 7' you think I went to low?

  • Guest
    on Nov 21, 2011

    I weigh 210. I know i will float but idk what size board to get. I am new to it but i want to get good.

  • Guest
    on Dec 2, 2011

    Dude 7'2" for a person that weighs 91kgs. thats unneccasarily big. Thats a tank. I weigh over 100kgs, im ridding a 6'6". Granted that is probably slightly too small, I should be riding like a 6'8" or 6'10".

  • Guest
    on Dec 3, 2011

    i am 5'7 and weigh 125 lbs. what size surfboard should i get?

  • turtle
    on Dec 6, 2011

    hey man, ima start surfing and im look at buying a board with the dims of 6'8" 19.1/4" 2.9/16" would that be good leaner board?

  • Guest
    on Dec 11, 2011

    i just got a 6' 2" shortboard. I'm 5' 2" and 100 pounds. Would this board be good for me?

  • Guest
    on Dec 14, 2011

    I am 5'8 200-210lbs and used to ride a 5'11 when I was 135 lbs ages ago. I'm looking to get back into surfing with a buddy who just picked up the sport. I am not looking for anything but a shortboard but the old 5'11 doesn't quite float me anymore. I was just wondering if anyone had any advice on the size I should get. The charts I see are all 7' or so but I'm not really interested in going above 6'6. Is that just no feasible anymore?

  • Guest
    on Dec 23, 2011

    i am thinking of picking up a danny hess quad fish. i am 5'10 and 200lbs. the board is poplar aand eps construction. the approx dims are 6'0x20.5x2.5. i am an intermediate level surfer. will this board work for me. a 3'0 thick poly board is too corky? i like a 2 3/4 thickness in a poly board. never owned a poplar/eps board? any feedback for me

  • Guest
    on Dec 23, 2011

    Im a begginer and i weigh 200 + should i get a longboard shortboard or a funboard

  • Guest
    on Dec 26, 2011

    i am 194kg would i sink

  • Brandon from So Cal
    Brandon from So Cal
    on Dec 27, 2011

    I'm 6'1 165 no surfed once and did terrible. Snowboard was a little easier but still difficult. Would a 7 foot epoxy board work for my first board?

  • Guest
    on Dec 29, 2011

    I'm 14. 5'5" and weigh about 114. I live in WA, but we go to Hawaii every year for 2weeks and I go to surf camp in Cali. I wanna get a shortboard but I don't know what size to get??? Help? I wanna get the FCD Octo short board.?(:

  • Guest
    on Dec 30, 2011

    I am 40kgs and 145cm and I want to start learn to surf but I cannot get a longboard so what size shortboard should I start learning on?

  • Guest
    on Dec 31, 2011

    I am 40kgs and want to learn to surf, is a 9'4" longboard too big to start learning on for me?

  • Tori
    on Jan 3, 2012

    Hey I am not a beginner but I havent surfed as often as I have wanted. I just sold my shortboard and I was either looking into buying a fish or funboard. I am a decent surfer and have surfed Hawaii quite a few times but I just dont know if a fish is right for me

  • Guest
    on Jan 4, 2012

    I am 5'7'' 135lbs and i got a 6'5'' swallow tail board and the problem is that I cant make a duck dive. Can you help me?

  • Guest
    on Jan 4, 2012

    I got a 5'8'' swallow tail surfboard. I am very good at surfing on it but right now its the only board i have. Do you think that it will hold up on 10-15ft waves at Swamis or Blacks? (I am 6'1'', 160lbs.)

  • Guest
    on Jan 7, 2012

    I'm 11 about 4.3 ft tall and i weigh 38kg and i'm loking into geting a new board. I surf a lot in summer and not much in winter i've got no idiea what size my board should be.

  • Guest
    on Jan 9, 2012

    no it will not sink at 300 ponds

  • johnson
    on Jan 10, 2012

    once i surf until i think im good enuf for a shortboard i was thinking about getting a channel islands neck about 5'7 and it said to get 4 to 6 inches shorter than your height??is a 5'6 good enuf or i should look for a different brand...

  • Wallace
    on Jan 14, 2012

    HELP! I surfed when I was a teen some and now I am 51 yrs old and go to the ocean a couple of week a year (Mostly Outer Banks of NC) I am 185 lbs and 6' 2" tall. I broke my neck in 2003 and have 4 rods and 9 screws in my neck so my neck Does NOT turn much at all. I enjoyed surfing and will only be able to try in on Vacations on the EAST coast or maybe NJ Shore, so what kind of board would be best for me as an old re-learning beginner who wants to surf, ride nice waves, and hopefully someday get tubed?

  • Guest
    on Jan 14, 2012

    i've had a couple of lessons now, and I want to take surfing up now. would it be good to get a short board or a fun board, looking to buy one so i can have it for a long time. I've got my eye on a 6 foot 8 shortboard. Would you recommend?

  • sofia
    on Jan 14, 2012

    I want to buy a surfboard and can you get a small one and can you tell me what website to go on to by a surfboard.

  • justin
    on Jan 16, 2012

    Hello im just about to get back with my surfing again im 15 and have not surfed since 8 years old what do u recomend

  • ChocoMelonSwagg
    on Jan 17, 2012

    I'm 5'4 and I have an 8' foam.. Is that really big? I can ride it ok it's a beginner board but I dunno.... :/

  • Guest
    on Jan 18, 2012

    listen everyone.. this chart is not right..i ride what a 100 pound person is suppose to ride according to this chart? first off its whatever feels best to you..and what kind of waves you are riding and how experienced you for instance iam 175 180 and im riding a 6'2 needing somthn a little smaller.. if your just now startn out try a fun shape..if you have been surfing for a while shortboard usually no bigger than your height.. unless the surf calls for it. just go talk to a shaper or someone at a surfshop..

  • surf patrol
    surf patrol
    on Jan 18, 2012

    @Guest on Jan 17, 2012 - I agree with the points you make. The size guide tables above will not be accurate for ever surfer, and is aimed at the less experienced surfer. The type of waves, fitness, ability and personal choice are all factors. Just go talk to a shaper (and be honest about your ability) is a good piece of advice.

    As mentioned, you can receive personal help and advice over on the forum. Feel free to post your questions there.

  • tai
    on Jan 30, 2012

    i am 194kg would i sink

  • Guest
    on Feb 6, 2012

    Hi guys, 1.72, 82kg, advanced learner.... 1 a week surfing
    6.8 as the table says is ok?

  • Tommy
    on Feb 8, 2012

    I've been surfing about 3 years on a 7'8 fun shape. I'm at an intermediate level and I'm looking for a big guy shortboard/fish/pumpkin seed etc. I'm 6'3 and weight 230lbs but I'm in good shape. I just have a big build from football and weightlifting background. Any suggestions for dimensions? I was looking into a Webber 6'9 fatburner/pulse but I'm worried I'm too big for the board. I surf about 2-3 days a week. Thanks!

  • Michelle
    on Feb 12, 2012

    i'm 5'1 and i weigh 175lbs. what type of surfboard will be better for me?

  • Ben
    on Feb 16, 2012

    Hi Would a 7'6" X 19" X 2" Surfboard suit a beginner i am 5'11 and weight 73kg

  • Guest
    on Feb 18, 2012

    Is a 8' 6" by 3" by 22" a good board for me? i weigh 150 pounds.

  • Guest
    on Feb 19, 2012

    im 6'1 200lbs and want to ride a 6'4, is that a bad idea?

  • Guest
    on Feb 26, 2012

    I am 5 6 and only way around 55kgs. I usually ride a 6 3 or a 5 10 fish both fairly thick. I rode a 5 8 fish today which was 19 wide and about 2 and 1/2 thick and it was really fun to ride. would i be better off on a board like this? i am starting to get sick of turning slow and always catching rails..

  • Smapsezes
    on Mar 2, 2012

    Thank you for sharing this great advice here.

  • Guest
    on Mar 5, 2012

    I am 6.3 and weigh just under 200lbs. I'm in good shape and on head high waves I always surf a 6.0'', of course I usually pick boards that have a bit more width and thickness...

  • shaun
    on Mar 10, 2012

    Hey guys I need some advise! I'm 6'3 210 lbs athletic and looking to get a 6'6 fish measures 21 3/4" wide and 2 1/2" thick. Would I be to big? I'm intermediate i surf 3 or 4 days a week on a long board.

  • Guest
    on Mar 25, 2012

    i am between 80 and 85 pounds what board should i get?

  • Guest
    on Apr 10, 2012

    I'm 5'4. I'm 103 pounds, But I'm not sure what shortboard I should buy?
    I've been asking differnt people and they tell me 6'0 or 6'2
    Isnt that to tall for me?

  • Guest
    on Apr 12, 2012

    are those measurments are aplicable for wood surf boards ??

  • Hawaii n surfer
    Hawaii n surfer
    on Apr 13, 2012

    I from north shore Hawaii. My weight is 65 kg so I want new board so How many feet should I get for board?

  • Guest
    on Apr 25, 2012

    i am 6'2" @ 215lbs. I am looking to buy a 6ft6 santa cruz pumpkin seed. will it float me?

  • JoJo
    on May 9, 2012

    I am about 5"0 and want to surf and i have never surfed before. Any Tips???

  • Ken
    on May 13, 2012

    I am 5 ft 10 inch guy I way about 165lbs .what size short board should I get?

  • Guest
    on May 15, 2012

    i am about 5'11
    150 pounds and my boys got a shortboard i can borrow and its 6'1 will it work for me?

  • Guest
    on May 18, 2012

    i am 5'6 210 what would be a good size board

  • AnthonyF
    on May 21, 2012

    I am 14 years old and I'm 6'4" and 180 pounds and I am still growing. I'm a begginer-intermediate surfer.. What size board and thickness?

  • Far(NL)
    on May 26, 2012

    Hey guys, I am a beginner, 6'1'' and 220 pound. what would be a good size board for me to learn? thank you,

  • Guest
    on May 27, 2012

    At 300 lbs plus you shouild take up Sumo not Surfing :D

  • Bethany
    on May 28, 2012

    Im 5'11 and i have a 6'4 board and its amazing!

  • Guest
    on Jun 7, 2012

    That guy who's 300lb need to go on a diet not a surfboard

  • Guest
    on Jun 7, 2012

    Bethany sounds cute ; )

  • Guest
    on Jun 14, 2012

    i am a new comer to surfing. i way around 100 pounds, and my height is 5'2. i have a 6'1 board. do you think i will succeed?

  • Olivia
    on Jun 23, 2012

    I'm 5'4 and 120 lbs. I have a soft surfboard, and want to get a hard shortboard, but not sure how to go about finding the right type/size. Help? Pleeaase

  • Tom
    on Jun 24, 2012

    Hi im 17 years old and I im really thinking about start surfing, my height is like 6 feet and I weigh around 132 lbs. I skate and I think I can be really good at this so I would like to buy a small board so I don't have to buy another one some days later if I buy a bigger one now. What do you recommend to me??

  • JDnOside
    on Jun 25, 2012

    yo, I see all this smack talk about the 300 pound club. reality is, I used to be that heavy and could ride a 6'7'' big boy fish. it was a little wider and thicker than I liked surfing so it gave me the desire to loose mad weight. now I ride a 6'4'' firewird dominator. basically weight doesn't matter as much as skill level so unless you are a beginner, the size of the board is up to the surf and skill level you are trying for.

  • Nick
    on Jun 27, 2012

    I am 5'11" 250lbs and need a shortboard so i was looking at 6'7" or above, would this be good. I plan to loose atleast 30lbs over the summer

  • victoria
    on Jul 8, 2012

    I'm 5'2" 130lbs wich surfboard I need? thanks

  • Guest
    on Jul 26, 2012

    i am 460 lbs and i ride a 5 foot 6 shortboard. is that the right size?

  • Guest
    on Aug 3, 2012

    I'm new at this and I weigh around 80lbs and don't know what surfboard to use. Can you help me?

  • Guest
    on Aug 3, 2012

    I am 6ft and 215 pounds mostly muscle i used to be alot smaller but over the last couple years i stopped surfing and worked out is my 6'4 board to small.?

  • Guest
    on Aug 4, 2012

    I am a 50 yr old female that is going to Hawaii with my 31 yr old daughter and she is wanting to try surfing while we are there and was wanting me to go with her. I have been in better shape in the past but pretty sedentary for the last 5 yrs. Is this something I can try or should I forget it?

  • surf patrol
    surf patrol
    on Aug 4, 2012

    @Guest on Aug 3, 2012: You're not to old or out of shape yet. Start exercising, especially swimming, to improve your fitness levels. We've some good advice in our surf training section.
    Then check out our learning to surf later in life topic on the forum and see you are not alone in starting a little later than most.

  • surf patrol
    surf patrol
    on Aug 4, 2012

    PLEASE NOTE, this is not the place to post your questions about what board you need to get. We have a whole section on our forum dedicated to this question.
    Please Post Your Questions Here

  • Guest
    on Aug 7, 2012

    i ride a 6ft shortboard and my sister want to start surfing as we started as when we were kids but she gave up shes weighhs 6.5kg and shes 4ft 9 sjould she have the same board as me?

  • Guest
    on Aug 7, 2012

    (guest 7th aug 2012)

  • Surfdawg
    on Aug 21, 2012

    Just turned 50, I used to shread and want to surf again. I am up to 250lbs, What size board do I need? Will be surfing FL waves...I need something that will float me well and that will catch waves. Im still in ok shape despite being fat (for now!)The thought of not surfing again makes me weep!

  • Guest
    on Sep 6, 2012

    i started surfingin the beginning of summer. i surf 4ft waves and use a 7'2 board. i dont have trouble getting up and i feel like i should get a smaller board to challenge myself. what size should i get? (i go every weekend)

  • Guest
    on Sep 9, 2012

    I'm 6'2" 180 lbs 23 years old and I want to learn how to surf which surfboard do u guys recommend?

  • Jack
    on Sep 21, 2012

    im 6'0 250 im looking at the 6'4 chemistry tron and the 6'4 chemistry beaker any thoughts im pretty good at surfing id say if that helps

  • Guest
    on Oct 16, 2012

    Hi, Im just a kid but I'm fairly good on a surfboard, like I can ride the wave properly. I'm 34 kg's and about 142 cm tall, I ride a 5'11 is that to big for me????

  • Guest
    on Oct 18, 2012

    I weigh 200 pounds but I surf a 6'5" that works just fine for me. This varies from person to person.

  • Guest
    on Dec 1, 2012

    I'm 5'3 and 95 pounds what size board shouls i get??

  • Guest
    on Dec 1, 2012

    Hi, I'm 13 and I'm ready for a new board I want to get a better shortboard but I don't know what size to get.. I'm 5'3 and about 95 pounds can you help me figure it out please??

  • Guest
    on Jan 3, 2013

    i love surfboards

  • dav
    on Jan 4, 2013

    is the flatter the rocker the faster the board goes or not

  • Andrew Williams
    Andrew Williams
    on Jan 5, 2013

    im 215 i dont want to get a 8' longboard or somethings i want a 6'5'' is that okay????? will i not float or what ill really happen

  • E.T.
    on Jan 11, 2013

    this guide is absolutely terrible in regards to shortboards... i am 185 lbs, 6'2" and ride a 6 foot board and im an intermediate surfer who surfs daily. 6'4"-6'8" is definitely too big and not really even a shortboard anymore

  • Guest
    on Jan 14, 2013

    This guideline is totally off brah way to big boards for your weight try trimming it down a bit

  • Guest
    on Jan 16, 2013

    I am about 55kg and 5'9ft and was wondering would a 6'8ft mini mal be a good board to learn on

  • Lara T.
    Lara T.
    on Feb 9, 2013

    Hi, I'm 21, 5'7" and 112 pounds. I surfed as a kid all the time because I lived by the beach but moved away 15 years ago and haven't been surfing since. Now I'm moving back and want to start out again, should I start as a beginner and get a longboard?

  • lloyd
    on Feb 20, 2013

    does having too volume on your surfboard could work against me?

  • Megan
    on Feb 23, 2013

    I am trying to learn how to surf but what would be the best size board for a 13 year old?

    on Feb 26, 2013

    PLEASE WRITE BACK TO THIS SURF PATROL! I'm 12 and I weigh like 80 pounds what size board I should get?! Thanks

  • surf patrol
    surf patrol
    on Feb 26, 2013

    We've got a specific forum called surfboard advice where you can get personalised help and advice on board choices. :)

  • Guest
    on Mar 20, 2013

    This is completely non-sence.
    I'm 80kg 24years old surfing since I was 13 and my favorite boards goes from 5'10 to 6'1

  • surf patrol
    surf patrol
    on Mar 21, 2013

    This guide is aimed at the beginner and novice surfer, not for the more experienced surfer who will be able to surf shorter, thinner boards with less volume.

  • Kevin
    on Mar 27, 2013

    Growing up i use to mess around with my mates who surfed and tried a few times but since ive grown (6'7") i havent been in years. I weigh anywehre from 220 to 230. Im athletic and have great balance and want to get back into surfing. I live at the beach so this summer i want to go practically every day. Your thoughts on the size and what kind of board?

  • Guest
    on Mar 30, 2013

    im new at surfing and planning to buy a board cause board rentals would really burn your wallet in the long run if u think about it. I'm 5'4" and i weigh 138 lbs. I can pretty much stand up and balance myself. the problem is catching waves. what size would be suitable for me?

  • Guest
    on Jun 3, 2013

    Ok so I just recently got a board from my neighbor that's 7 feet by about 2 feet. I weigh in at about 90 lbs and I'm 5'4 would this board work for me?

  • Linda
    on Jun 3, 2013

    i am just starting to surf now. i am 5ft 4inches and 115 pounds. what board should i get

  • Guest
    on Jun 13, 2013

    I need advice. Started surfing 2 years ago and surf at least 3 times a week. I learned on a 5'10 Chuck Andrus board and I have gotten to a point where I need a board that fits me. I'm 6' 230 lbs and I'm thinking of getting a dumpster diver what do you think

  • Guest
    on Jul 22, 2013

    i am about 86 pounds and im looking for a shortboard what should be my size pls help

  • Xoff
    on Jul 30, 2013

    I use to surf in Jr high school. Back then I surfed every day and lived on a reef.

    That being said, I have not surfed in 15 years and am now 6.2 200lbs. What size board should I buy. I am looking for a short board. Live in New York City so will try to go at least once a week in summer and fall. Any advise would be appreated.

  • Guest
    on Aug 5, 2013

    anyone who can help me out. ive been surfing for 1 year now and im able to catch waves easy on a long board im looking into getting a funboard. I weigh 145 and im 5'7 how long thick and wide should i get it. i also have a short board but i struggle a bit to catch waves but i do catch them. its a 6'2 rusty 19 wide and 2 3/4 thick.

  • Alex
    on Sep 12, 2013

    Im 6'6 and weigh 250 and in good shape. I snowboard regularly and have only surfed one time. What size board should I buy? And what type of wetsuit should I buy for all around seasons? I live in San Diego California

  • jose t
    jose t
    on Dec 4, 2013

    im 140 pounds. what size fin should i get? can i ride a medium ?

  • Joe
    on Dec 19, 2013

    im looking at buying a short board ive been surfing for a few years and i dont know what sized board i would need or does that not matter?

  • Guest
    on Jan 2, 2014

    im 5'4 and 13 years old. i am about 50kg and i have been riding on a 6'2 foam board for a few months. i can stand up and do turns and stuff, but i was thinking of getting a new fiberglass board. not exactly sure of what size to get. maybe like a 5'10 or something like that i was thinking. help is appreciated.

  • Guest
    on Jan 31, 2014

    My height is to the board what board shall santa bring me?

  • erica
    on Mar 22, 2014

    Hi!I'm 5'5 and 45 kilograms i have a 6'10" mini malibu, i would like to switch to a pelagic 5' 9" or 6'1" which one shall i pick?please help!☆

  • Guest
    on Mar 25, 2014

    Hi there, I'm 6ft3 and about 90kg. I am looking at a triple swallow tail board with dimensions 6ft2 x 20" x 2 7/8 for surfing waves around England. I am a little more than a beginner. Is this going to be too small for me?

  • guest
    on Apr 24, 2014

    I have been surfing now for 5 years, primarily small east coast waves in S.carolina. I go on trips to Mexico and Costa Rica once a year and surf big waves. I am going to be surfing next week a left point break, bit mushy shoulders that tends to barrel. Usually between 3-5 with offshore winds. Im 5'9 and weigh 185 lbs. Thinking of a hypto krypto hayden shapes board 5'8. thoughts?

  • Guest
    on May 16, 2014

    all these sizes are wrong im 6''4 175lbs i ride a 5'9 x 20.5x2.5 and thats more than enogh to float me this web site sucks

  • Blaise Burke
    Blaise Burke
    on May 21, 2014

    So I've been surfing longboard for about a year and I wanna start short boarding I am 130 pounds and I'm about 5'6 or 5'7 and I wanna know what kind of board should I get like the size the thickness and I surf at least 3 to 4 days a week

  • Luke
    on Jun 5, 2014

    im about 5ft4, 16, weight is around 120 lbs, intermediate surfer, but riding on knee to waist heigh waves what is the best surfboard for me to get. I'm thinking of an Nsp
    E2 Epoxy Construction
    Length: 6'4''
    Width: 18 3/4''
    Thickness: 2 7/16"
    Tail: Square
    Rails: Hand finished rail for good edge definition
    Vee Concave: For easy rail to rail surfing
    Performance rocker: Optimizes manoeuvrability
    Fins: M3 thruster template

    would that be good thanks for reading and maybe answering

  • Jacob
    on Jun 12, 2014

    Im 15 years old, and about 5ft 7inches, 120 lbs. and I live about an hour from the beach. I really love to surf though, and Im thinking about buying my own board soon. I live in the Pacific Northwest. What do you think as far as what kind of board, and size?

  • Jay
    on Jul 11, 2014

    I'm 13 4'11" and 95lbs I ride medium to large waves and my board is 5'1" am I getting to heavy

  • Harry
    on Jul 30, 2014

    I dont usually surf every week, but when I go to the beach I surf at least 1 hour each day. ( I go to the beach for over a month in summer vacations). I own a foam board and it is pretty big. I don't feel like I can actually maneuver it so much, because of the big size. I want to get something shorter, what should I get? I weight around 75 lbs, I am a teen. Please help me!

  • Guest
    on Aug 16, 2014

    I weigh 120 and I'm 5'7 I'm a begginer. What surfboard should I get and what height?

  • Guest
    on Aug 20, 2014

    I haven't surfed since high school. Maybe once about 5 years ago. I just got on a board last weekend and caught a wave no problem. Being on a board again makes me want to get back into it. I wouldn't surf very often though, maybe once a week. What size board would you recommend that I start on?
    I'm a female, 5'4" and I weigh 124.

  • Guest
    on Aug 22, 2014

    hi I am 12 years old and I would like to buy a surf board! I am a beginner, and I weigh 85 pounds, and I am 4.9 inches. I was wondering if you can find me a board.

  • Guest
    on Oct 7, 2014

    Hi! I am new to surfing but was successful getting up on a 6'9 board. I'm a female, 5'8 and 116 lbs. I was wondering if there is a smaller size that would be better.

  • MB
    on Nov 7, 2014

    I am about 5 foot 30 what surfboard size would be good for me

  • Guest
    on Nov 12, 2014

    What kind of board is recommended for people who are under 100 lbs. and 4"7

  • Norwegian viking
    Norwegian viking
    on Nov 14, 2014

    I went to australia for about a month this summer, i had never surfed before, but i used a friends 7.6 mini mal. it had a pointy nose so i would maybe say it was like a super fish or something.. i dont know. I got quite a few greenwaves evetually and my question is. Should i buy a 7.0 - 7.3 super fish or a 9 ft longboard. Im thinking about the fish cause it is a little less expensive. Any opinions?

  • Guest
    on Nov 16, 2014

    Im 240 pounds 50 yrs and surf a 6'4" eps egg Quad its 23"wide round tail 52 litres and great for waist to just over head and just pure fun. Why cruise down the line on a mal when you can have life back in your surfing. Yes and even as an overweight dad I can still fluke the odd 360 slide. So I guess it comes down to what you want out of your surfing and where you surf. Superfish 7s is also another board I love especially the 7 foot when its bigger in the quad format.

  • Tanner
    on Dec 1, 2014

    Hi, I'm new to surfing. I just moved to NorthEastern Florida and I want to learn how to surf. One of my new friends took me out on their board which was probably about 6'0". I caught a couple of waves and I want to by my own board....Any recommendations??

  • Tanner
    on Dec 1, 2014

    Oh, I'm 15...5'10" and 137 lbs

  • Guest
    on Jan 13, 2015

    Fish are great boards for beginners IMO, I work in a surf shop and we sell them to people that snowboard or skate but are beginner surfers. It the person is fit, and co-ordinated then fish are great boards to learn on because you won't out grow them quickly, you can take them in more places than you can a mini-mal, and you can get them at any size or volume, We sold them from 5'4" to 7'6". And the customers loved them and would even bring their mates in to buy them. It's more about volume and shape than it is about length. Unless you are buying a board than is not well designed. Thoughts?

  • Guest
    on Jan 30, 2015

    I'm 5'3 and 120lbs what size board and thickness do I need ? Can I use a 7 foot board to sup?

  • Guest
    on Feb 3, 2015

    I'm new to surfing, did it once last year, and I got given a board that is pretty hard for me to surf on but it was my brothers so i took it, I'm 105 lbs and 5 feet tall, I know some about boards but I'm just unsure about the length that would be right for me, I really need one for this summer, and my boyfriend also needs one he 5'8 and 167 lbs he has surfed more than me but is still a beginner

  • Guest
    on Mar 2, 2015

    I'm 6,1 and 120kg and I have a short board that is 6ft will still float me

  • Guest
    on Mar 8, 2015

    I am 65 pound what type of board fould i get?

  • Guest
    on Apr 10, 2015

    im 46kg 1.52m 12 years old and alright surfer looking for short board

  • Allen
    on May 6, 2015

    I surf once - 2 times a week. I have a 6'8 thinking about getting a 6'2 what do you think ?

  • Guest
    on Jun 14, 2015

    I'm 14 turning 15 wiegh about 100 to 120 depends on what I eat that day an I'm 5,6 5.7 maybe 5.8 I've never surfed at all but I want to try it really bad I'm planning on trying to surf more near August when my birthday is but if I like it what board would you recommend I also skateboard a lot an what wet suit should I get for color I thought about black oR grey an said what color is a seal what colors attract sharks an what colors keep them away

  • Jessica
    on Jun 17, 2015

    My family wants to get a surfboard, more specifically a longboard because we're all beginners (unless you have a better suggestion for us), but my sister and I are reasonably the same size (130 lbs, 65 kg) and my dad is 220 lbs (91 kg). If there is a type of board that can be used by all of us, or a specific size, I would greatly appreciate any suggestions!

  • Hanoof.
    on Jul 28, 2015

    Hei i am new to surfing and would really love if some one helped me out pick a board for me
    im 5'5
    Wieght 63 kg.
    Which type surf boards fits me best.

    It would be awesome if anybody would respond.

  • Foster
    on Aug 10, 2015

    I just found a surf board and have always wanted to surf. Its a 6,2 length board and I am about 6 feet tall and 160 pounds. I'm am athlete and in very good shape. Is this board too small to learn on?

  • Guest
    on Aug 11, 2015

    Im 12 and i weigh 80 pounds and i have been surfing for 5 years

  • Jeremy
    on Aug 11, 2015

    I'm looking at this board on Craigslist, looks in pretty good shape. It's a 6'7" Graham Hamish Groveler/Performance 6'7", 14 1/8" x 19" x 11 1/4", 2 7/16" thick, flatter rocker for speed.pinched rails, single concave into dbl concave, squash tail, FCS Tri fin and the greatest rocker for speed and rail-to-rail. I'm 6 ft tall range from 170-180 lbs. I'm a decent surfer, just tired of borrowing my friend's board every week. Would this board be a good fit?

  • Keola
    on Aug 17, 2015

    Hi I want to start surfing. Right now I bodyboard I live in Hawaii. I'm 5"8 135 but I want something not to big but easy to start learning on like a funboard. What size and type of board do you guys recommend?

  • Guest
    on Sep 1, 2015

    I'm considering buying a secondhand 6'6 7s superfish and absolutely have NO experience with surfing.
    I'm 15 year sold, 154lbs and 170cm - I'll probably go surf twice a week or so.
    Thoughts/recommendations? - I don't want to spend too much on a board.

  • Branden
    on Sep 19, 2015

    So I've been surfing off and on for like 15 years. I can surf but not totally awesome at it but definitely can get up and board. I now live in central coast cali, and looking to buy a used board but not sure what board size I need. I'm 5'10" 180 lbs. What is a ideal board size for me.

  • Guest
    on Sep 27, 2015

    I have been surfing for a while and i'm pretty good. I have mastered riding the line and want to challenge myself. What should i get a fish or shortboard?

  • Guest
    on Oct 13, 2015

    im a begginer at surfing. im starting with a 6'4" thruster im aware of the difficulty but is it possible tonlearn on one of these...i would appreciate it if the answer was sent to the eamil just in case i miss it on this. thanks . i appreciate it

  • Jeremy
    on Oct 18, 2015

    Yes I'm 5'7 and weigh 195 and getting back into surfing and looking for a new bord I surf in Baja what should I get and size what type the old one is a bit small

  • Guest
    on Nov 1, 2015

    I'm 5'3 and weigh 140 and I am looking at a board that is 6'10 X 20 X 2 1/2 in dimension. Is this too big?

  • Guest
    on Mar 8, 2016

    5"0, 125 is 6"0 skrate?

  • Brandon
    on Mar 9, 2016

    I just purchased a Island Inspired 7'6" fun board shaped by Todd Sutz out of Myrtle Beach. I'm new to surfing, have been to a session put on by Warrior Surf Foundation thru Charleston Surf Rentals and Lessons (i.e. Folly Beach, SC). I am 6'10" and approximately 165 lbs. is this a good board for a beginner?

  • Guest
    on Mar 12, 2016

    5"0, 125 is 6"0 skrate?

  • Guest
    on Mar 16, 2016

    I'm 14 years old and 5'6 115 lbs and I really want to get into surfing what would be a good beginner board for me and length?

  • Guest
    on Apr 14, 2016


  • Ally182001
    on Apr 19, 2016

    Hey there,
    I am about 5'5'' and I would like to know what size board I should get for a short board. I surf about 2-3 times a week when the weather is good, and no sharks are near. Hope that you could also maybe give me width and thickness.
    Thank you,

  • Jacob
    on May 10, 2016

    Hi I am looking at getting a fish board, I am 5 foot 10 and weight 165 pounds. what dimensions would you recommend me looking at? I am an intermediate surfer?

  • Guest
    on May 26, 2016

    I'm a 13-year-old girl and I surf I have a beginner foam board and I want something a little bit better than that and I want to get more serious about surfing what kind should I get I weigh 105 pounds about 5.3or 5.4

  • Guest
    on Jun 22, 2016

    I'm 5'4" and 130 lbs, I rarely get to surf but have very good balance and snowboard three times a week. I'm moving to an area where I might be able to surf once a week and am curious what type and size board I should look at using

  • Jey
    on Jun 23, 2016

    I want to buy a short surf board but I have to say that I haven't surf in my life. I do make boogieboard and paddle board. I ride skate and longboard. So I think that I would be kinda of easy for me I don't know, I just want to learn. The think is that I am a girl, 5'0"ft tall, with 90 weight. What do you suggested? I can use a 5'8" or 6'0" board to learn? Please help.

  • Guest
    on Jul 12, 2016

    I'm 6 foot and 160 pounds. Will a 6 foot shortboard be too small for me?

  • Guest
    on Jul 26, 2016

    I'm 13, I weigh 160 and im 5 foot 7 inches. I've never surfed before so I want something easy enough to get up on but hard enough to grow into. I'm very athletic and stay in good shape year round. I live off the coast thou and would probably only have the opportunity to use the board 1-3 times a year. What kinda board would fit me?

  • RaeRae
    on Sep 10, 2016

    I've only surfed 1-3 ft waves and I weigh 83 lbs. I just got a new 5''2' TOMO Vanguard. Will I be okay with that?

  • Guest
    on Oct 16, 2016

    I'm 73 kg looking at a dhd project 15. 5,10 18 and three quarters. Any good ?????

  • Guest
    on Nov 14, 2016

    I'm 5 ft. 90lbs. 12 year old little more than advanced surfer i ride short boards but only soft-tops I'm about to by a hard-top. But, what volume?

  • Sizzla
    on Jan 7, 2017

    I just got a board for xmas. I am athletic but never surfed before. She got me a wavestorm 8ft. It seems kinda thick. I live in Hermosa Beach, should I downsize? I'm thinking I will get the hang of it pretty quick and not be able to have fun after a couple of weeks. Suggestions?

  • angel
    on Jan 24, 2017

    im 5'9/5'10 not really sure and i weight 150 pounds and i want to go in to a shortboard what size should i be getting ?? i really need help

  • Guest
    on Mar 1, 2017

    Hi, I'm 6'2" and about 190 and have been learning on a 7'2" foamie in U.K. Channel island waves. I want to move up but no idea what to go for. Any suggestions would be appreciated ? Cheers

  • marc
    on May 28, 2017

    im four foot nine about 45 kg what size do you recommend

  • Guest
    on Jul 8, 2017

    What about the measurements for the width, thickness and rocker/height?

  • Guest
    on Aug 20, 2017

    You buy a surfboard based on skill. The bigger the board, the easier to get up on.

  • Surf coach
    Surf coach
    on Oct 9, 2017

    If you are fit and skilled buy a shortboard around as tall as you are and if you are just learning buy a soft top longboard. If you are in between buy a fun shape. If you buy a shortboard that’s too big for your height you will place your turns in awkward positions on the wave and never really progress. Whatever board you ride will alter your approach. Most of the footage you see of the top performers is held in high performance conditions w the best equipment possible to emulate that you may want to replicate exactly what they are doing w their equipment. If you replicate their equipment based ok your size and can’t perform at all or catch waves then maybe step back and hire a surf coach and get some footage. I’m not trying to push you farther ahead of the curve than is realistic I just hate to see everyone buying rediculously large shortboards and never hitting the lip or maneuvering properly.

  • Guest
    on Dec 9, 2017

    Hey I'm a beginner to intermediate that is 6 foot 5 and 225 pounds. I have found a great board that is 7foot 2 and was wondering if that is gonna be big enough for me and whether I will still be able to surf it

  • Guest
    on Jan 2, 2018

    Man U guys are surfing on some guns lmao. Yes that will be stable enough dude

  • Jacob
    on Jan 23, 2018

    Im 11 years At 4”10 90 lbs and don’t know how to surf yet I am starting lesson soon what board should I get ?

  • Flick
    on Feb 14, 2018

    My 11 year old daughter has been surfing a 7’0 foam board since she was 5. She surfs 3-7 days a week all summer long. We live on the east coast and she wants a fiberglass short board. What do you recommend?

  • Guest
    on Feb 26, 2018

    So i am 6'2. I am pretty fit and i weigh 195lbs. what would be the smallest durable surfboard i could ride?

  • Leo Cowie
    Leo Cowie
    on Mar 12, 2018

    i have recently gone for a fishboard, I live in the north east of England. One basic rule for buying a new board (from experience): It's almost impossible to buy too big!

  • Guest
    on Apr 12, 2018

    i am looking for a board i am 5'6 what board sholud i use

  • Guest
    on Jun 24, 2018

    Ayye starting up surfing agin I am 16 I surfed when I was 12.
    I wiegh 125 and I’m 5’3 and in excellent shape.please help what side Baird should I get

  • Guest
    on Aug 5, 2018

    I don’t surf certain times a week as I don’t live close to a beach. Every holiday from school I go away and go surfing most days. So would I use that as once a week or more than once a week??
    Please answer ASAP as I’m looking to get a board as soon as possible!!
    Espeshally as it’s the summer and I’m going away again the end of the holidays and during at some point!!!!

  • surf patrol
    surf patrol
    on Aug 5, 2018

    Please post your surfboard advice questions on our forum.

  • Guest
    on Dec 27, 2018

    My son is 9 a surf life saving nipper. Does height after the length of board?

  • G-Man Gomez
    G-Man Gomez
    on Jan 11, 2019

    Hi all, I surf on a 7' funboard 2 to 3 times a week. I am 6' 1/2" tall and 210 pounds. I'm interested in a used MANN KINNE Sweet potato shortboard (5'7x22"x 2 5/8") for $325 at a local shop . My friends tell me to look for a 3" thick instead but I'm thinking it's so wide it'll balance it out. I just don't want to pass up a good opportunity. Also I'm hearing growler types are very skaty if anyone can clear up a bit as to what that means.
    Thanks appreciate all your feedback.

  • Guest
    on May 4, 2019

    I have never surfed before, but its my dream and i am only like 97-100 pounds... Any suggestions for which board???

  • Guest
    on Jul 18, 2019

    I havent surfed in maybe 15 or 20 years. I already have a board, which is a WRV 6'4 board. Should i sell this and get something longer, or stick with this one? Thank you!

  • SamarripaIV
    on Aug 8, 2019

    I’ve never surfed before but have always wanted to I’m 6’2” and weigh get ready 330lbs but looking to buy something that I won’t sink and also in the market for a wetsuit as well can anyone help with boardsize and suit size would be appreciated thank also wondering if I should just rent thank you to whoever is out there with any advice or tips

  • Guest
    on Sep 9, 2019

    Hi I’m looking at buying a board it’s 7”10 x 22” x looks like 23 egg
    I’m 5’9 180lbs would it be a good starting boards ?

  • Guest
    on Dec 22, 2019

    Hey.. I weigh in about 61 kg and 1.85 foot... I am looking to buy a shortboard and my skill level is intermidiate.. What surfboard dimensions should i look for..

  • Guest
    on Feb 11, 2020

    im 5' 7 and about the same weight and i ride a 6' 3'' Roberts meat cleaver which floats really good and also surfs very well but dimensions dont really matter but i think a nice big fish a fat 4 fin fish would work really nice for you also if you want dimensions these are mine in my board 6' 3'' 20.5 and 35 L volume

  • Guest
    on Feb 25, 2020

    hey, I'm 5' 3 and I'm looking to buy a new board I have surfed before but haven't in awhile. I way around 50kg and looking at buying a board that is 6'3 would that be good or should I get a 7'6 that I have also been looking at.

  • Guest.-.
    on Apr 9, 2020

    I am 5’2 I weight 94 pounds how big would a surf board need to be to fit me

  • Guest
    on Apr 28, 2020

    I’m 6’3 and 200lb.... I’m out of practice. I used to live on the Big Sur waves.... I was 175-180 then and rode a 6’1 short board... according to this chart I should be riding over 7’.... I still have my 6’1. Do you think it’ll hold me....I plan on getting back into daily surfing

  • Guest
    on May 2, 2020

    Hello! I’m 12 and like 75-80 lbs and like 4”9 height which surfboard should I get I’m a beginner? Thank you!

  • Guest
    on May 11, 2020

    I’m 5’4 and a 125 lbs. I’m also a beginner, any suggestions on types of boards and fins?

  • Guest
    on May 19, 2020

    im 80 pond so do i just go with a 100

  • Guest
    on May 26, 2020

    how long should the bored be if I'm 58 in

  • Kathy
    on Jun 1, 2020

    Hi - looking to get a surf board for my 8 year old. She is approx 60lbs and she’s about 54inches tall. Can someone please tell me what I need to look for - she’s tried our hybrid board and some other crappy one we started out with but she can’t get up - our thought is, it’s just too big. Any suggestions are much appreciated. Thank you in advance.

  • Skylar
    on Jun 1, 2020

    What kind of board should I get, I weight 130 lbs and i am 5'7", I have surfed before and I have taken lessons but I only surfed on a soft board if I were to go to a hard board what kind should I get? I asked one of my old surfer friend's and she said epoxy but I need help with sizes.

  • Molmac
    on Jun 2, 2020

    I'm 5"2 and weigh about 50KG, I have surfed before using a hired 6ft soft tech board and it suited me really well. Are there any makes/brands that are similar to this but for a cheaper price or any other suggestions for a beginner board.

    Thanks :)

  • Guest222
    on Jun 2, 2020

    I’m 5’7 and around 175-180 I have a 7’ board I’m a beginner will that be okay?

  • TallGuest
    on Jun 3, 2020

    I'm 6'7" and I'm just starting out what board would be ideal and I way around 270lbs rn.

  • Dara
    on Jun 28, 2020

    I’m 6’4”, 110kg. I’ve been using a 9ft foam board for over 2 years now and looking to get a new board. What would be the best board to go to?

  • Guest
    on Jun 29, 2020

    kook bait. im 5'8 and I ride a 5'10

  • pewdiepie
    on Jul 15, 2020

    i am 4'10 and i ride a 5' 10 lol

  • Guest
    on Aug 30, 2020

    Hey guys so I’m 5.6 - 5.7 and I weigh 72kg, I’m struggling with figuring out what size board I need can anyone please help ?

  • Guest
    on Aug 31, 2020

    I am between 170 and 180lb . I started out on a 6ft 19 in 1.5- 1.75 in board. I never thought of it as a short board though, its more rounded at the top and the end tapers to a small flat bottom section. Reminded me of a fun board. I learned a few years ago, and had a few years I wasn't able to continue, now im getting back into it, but having some trouble catching waves, any advice or thoughts?

  • Max Weng
    Max Weng
    on Sep 7, 2020

    I am 16 years old, 5’6, and I weigh 115. I’ve been riding a 5’6 soft top for at least a year every week. I’m looking to get a hard top because I feel like my soft top is holding me back. What is a good length that I should look into getting for my hardtop?

  • Annie
    on Sep 22, 2020

    Ok im a beginner surfer and im 5'4 and a quarter and i weigh about 120 to 125 what size surf board would I need

  • Tom
    on Oct 5, 2020

    Hey, I'm 6'0, 60kg, 13 years old and was wondering if a 5'4 28-litre board is too small and will it hold my weight. I am a very experienced surfer, riding 4-6 times a week.

  • Guest
    on Oct 8, 2020

    Hi, I’ve started learning to surf on a foam board but now I’m looking for a fibreglass board but I don’t know what size to get. I’m 163cm tall and 59kg, I surf less than once a week. Would someone pls send me some dimensions?

  • Guest
    on Oct 27, 2020

    Hi I’m 11 year old. And weigh 78 pounds right now. And i surf at the very very minimum 1 time a week What size fiberglass short board do you think is the size for me?

  • Guest
    on Jan 6, 2021

    Everybody in the comments: it all depends on your surfing skills. Just ask your local Surfshop and tell them your experience. Or you just rent a board for one hour and see if that board fits you.

  • Guest
    on Jan 24, 2021

    would a 25 liter short board be good for a 45 kg beginner?

  • Gwen
    on Jan 27, 2021

    I want to buy a long board for my daughter as a surprise gift. She is 5’7 and 150 lbs and very athletic. She surfs most days In summer on the east coast so waves are mostly 1-4 foot and only a few seconds so much much fun on her short boards. What size do you recommend?

  • Guest
    on Mar 28, 2021

    hi i have a question would a 6'4" x 22" x 2 5/8" 42 Liter 33 degree Fish board be a good board to ride i'm 6'3 and 220 Lbs i normally ride a funboard / shortboard hybrid and its about 6'4/6'5 and its very wide and thick and i've been wanting to try a fish for the first time to see how it feels i'm really fascinated with the shape can any one help me out and give me any suggestions?

  • Guest
    on Apr 8, 2021

    Hello there, if i am 5ft7 and weigh 53kg what hight should the surf board i get be?

  • Guest
    on Apr 12, 2021

    hey im 130 pounds and am getting a 5 foot 5 shortbaord is that to small

  • Guest
    on Jul 7, 2022

    I am 5 foot 101 lbs and I have a 6foot board is that ok

  • Jessie Holloway
    Jessie Holloway
    on Jul 13, 2022

    Thanks so much for the breakdown on how each type of board is meant to be used. My partner and I are planning a trip to Hawaii and we want to try surfing. this guide will be super helpful in making sure we get the right-sized board for the most fun.

  • Shammy Peterson
    Shammy Peterson
    on Jul 13, 2022

    I liked that you said that it is better for beginners to use a bigger surfboard since it is easier to paddle. My sister and I are planning to rent surfboards since we want to try different water activities next month. We will take note of your tips since we want to rent the right board for our needs.

  • Rimac
    on Oct 6, 2022

    I’m 6’6” and between 190-200 lbs. I’m wanting a new short board. Is a 7’2” gonna work?

  • Zach
    on May 19, 2023

    I’m 5’10” 180lbs 23 years old want to start surfing I have no experience but I’m athletic and want to learn on the shortest board y’all would recommend a beginner what size should I get I’m in northeast Fl

  • @seagan47
    on Aug 28, 2023

    Good day, to those above im an average surfer from cape town, south africa. READ THIS
    if you need to find out which board is best for you go to a popular surf spot and rent a board the peeps at the shop will give you something based on knowledge they will ask and appearance. they will most likely start you on something you're comfortable with, if that doesn't work im sure they will allow you to choose something to aid you even better. BETS IS TO GET IN THE WATER AND FIND OUT :) peace, love and chicken grease. each surfer finds their own way, comfort and style- only way you'll find yours is to gain experience :) good luck! pop me a hello when in Cape Town.

  • Reptar
    on Aug 21, 2024

    I’m 350lbs and 5ft 9in. In decent shape haven’t surfed in over ten years. Looking to get back into it and as heavily as possible. What’s the best option for me

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