- The Child Ballads is the colloquial name given to a collection of 305 ballads collected in the 19th century by Francis James Child and originally published in ten volumes between 1882 and 1898 under the title The English and Scottish Popular Ballads. (en)
- Detta är en Lista över Child Ballads, d. v. s. över alla 305 balladtyper i Francis James Childs samling The English and Scottish Popular Ballads; se denna artikel för ytterligare information. För mer information om enskilda balladtyper (inklusive deras motsvarigheter på andra språk), följ länkarna nedan, eller gå till den engelska motsvarande sidan och följ länkarna därifrån. 1.
* 2.
* The Elfin Knight 3.
* 4.
* 5.
* 6.
* 7.
* 8.
* 9.
* 10.
* The Twa Sisters [även Minnorie eller Binnorie] 11.
* 12.
* 13.
* 14.
* Babylon; eller, 15.
* 16.
* 17.
* 18.
* 19.
* 20.
* 21.
* (The Samaritan Woman) 22.
* St. Stephen and Herod 23.
* 24.
* 25.
* 26.
* The Three Ravens [eller Twa Corbies] 27.
* 28.
* 29.
* 30.
* 31.
* 32.
* 33.
* 34.
* 35.
* 36.
* 37.
* 38.
* 39.
* 40.
* 41.
* 42.
* 43.
* 44.
* 45.
* 46.
* 47.
* 48.
* 49.
* 50.
* 51.
* 52.
* 53.
* [eller Young Bekie] 54.
* 55.
* 56.
* 57.
* 58.
* 59.
* 60.
* 61.
* 62.
* 63.
* 64.
* 65.
* 66.
* 67.
* 68.
* 69.
* 70.
* 71.
* 72.
* 73.
* 74.
* 75.
* 76.
* 77.
* 78.
* 79.
* 80.
* 81.
* 82.
* 83.
* 84.
* 85.
* 86.
* 87.
* 88.
* 89.
* 90.
* 91.
* 92.
* 93.
* 94.
* 95.
* 96.
* 97.
* 98.
* 99.
* 100.
* 101.
* 102.
* 103.
* 104.
* 105.
* 106.
* 107.
* 108.
* 109.
* 110.
* 111.
* 112.
* 113.
* 114.
* [eller Johnnie O'Breadesley] 115.
* 116.
* , Clim of the Clough, and William of Cloudesly 117.
* 118.
* Robin Hood and 119.
* 120.
* 121.
* 122.
* 123.
* 124.
* 125.
* Robin Hood and 126.
* 127.
* 128.
* 129.
* 130.
* 131.
* Robin Hood and the Ranger 132.
* 133.
* 134.
* 135.
* 136.
* 137.
* 138.
* Robin Hood and 139.
* 140.
* 141.
* 142.
* 143.
* 144.
* 145.
* 146.
* 147.
* Robin Hood's Golden Prize 148.
* , or, Robin Hood's Preferment 149.
* 150.
* Robin Hood and 151.
* 152.
* 153.
* 154.
* A True Tale of Robin Hood 155.
* , or, The Jew's Daughter 156.
* 157.
* 158.
* 159.
* 160.
* 161.
* 162.
* The Hunting of Cheviot 163.
* 164.
* 165.
* 166.
* 167.
* Sir 168.
* 169.
* 170.
* 171.
* 172.
* 173.
* Mary Hamilton 174.
* 175.
* 176.
* 177.
* 178.
* , eller, Edom O Gordon 179.
* 180.
* 181.
* 182.
* 183.
* 184.
* 185.
* 186.
* 187.
* 188.
* 189.
* 190.
* 191.
* 192.
* 193.
* 194.
* 195.
* 196.
* 197.
* 198.
* 199.
* 200.
* 201.
* 202.
* 203.
* 204.
* 205.
* , eller, Drumclog 206.
* 207.
* 208.
* 209.
* 210.
* 211.
* 212.
* 213.
* 214.
* 215.
* , eller, the Water o Gamrie 216.
* , eller, Clyde's Water 217.
* 218.
* 219.
* 220.
* 221.
* 222.
* 223.
* 224.
* 225.
* Rob Roy 226.
* 227.
* 228.
* 229.
* 230.
* 231.
* 232.
* 233.
* 234.
* 235.
* 236.
* 237.
* 238.
* , or, Jean o 239.
* 240.
* 241.
* 242.
* 243.
* James Harris 244.
* 245.
* 246.
* 247.
* 248.
* , eller, Saw You My Father? 249.
* 250.
* 251.
* 252.
* 253.
* 254.
* , eller, Lord Lundy 255.
* 256.
* Alison and Willie 257.
* 258.
* 259.
* 260.
* 261.
* 262.
* 263.
* 264.
* 265.
* 266.
* 267.
* 268.
* 269.
* 270.
* 271.
* 272.
* 273.
* 274.
* 275.
* 276.
* 277.
* 278.
* 279.
* 280.
* 281.
* 282.
* 283.
* 284.
* 285.
* 286.
* (The Golden Vanity) 287.
* 288.
* 289.
* 290.
* 291.
* 292.
* 293.
* 294.
* 295.
* 296.
* 297.
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* 304.
* 305.
* (sv)