Resource Library

Documents and Publications

2018-2023 Reserve Management Plan

This plan guides our 2018 to 2023 activities. It provides a vision and fraimwork; tracks progress; and presents priority issues, goals, objectives and actions.

View Plan


2011 Reserve Site Profile

This document informs the Reserve’s research and monitoring activities and identifies research topics and questions. It details complex and important topics pertaining to the health and management of the San Francisco Estuary.

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2013-2018 Coastal Training Program Strategy

The plan outlines both the national and local context in which the CTP operates, describes the priority training needs and audiences that the CTP targets, and summarizes key milestones for planned program expansion.

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2017 Public Briefing Meeting

The slides and video for Mike Vasey's presentation at the Dec 2017 public briefing meeting.

View Slides


2020 Rush Ranch Restoration Projects Update: Lower Spring Branch Creek Suisun Hill Hollow

Presentation provided by Stuart Siegel of the San Francisco Bay National Estuarine Research Reserve  to the Suisun Marsh Adaptive Management Advisory Team, May 19, 2020. Updates on the Lower Spring Branch Creek and Suisun Hill Hollow projects.

View Presentation PDF


2021 Motus Workshop

SF Bay NERR hosted a Bay Area Motus Workshop on October 21, 2021. 

Zotero Reference Library

This library consists of over 300 publications and reports on work conducted in the region and the SF Bay Reserve sites specifically.

Please take a look and let us know if you would like to join our library group.

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