- أمريكيون اسكتلنديون (بالإنجليزية: Scottish Americans، بالاسكتلندية: Scots-American، بالغيلية الاسكتلندية: Ameireaganaich Albannach) هم مواطنو الولايات المتحدة من أصل اسكتلندي وتعود أصولهم إلى اسكتلندا أو مملكة اسكتلندا ويشكلون حوالي 8% من الشعب الأمريكي بعد الأمريكيون الإنجليز ويليهم الأمريكيون الإيطاليون وقُدِر عددهم بحوالي 23,456,607 نسمة في عام 2015. وصلت أولى الدفعات الكبيرة من المهاجرين الاسكتلنديين إلى الولايات المتحدة بدءاً من مستهل القرن الثامن عشر وتسارعت عقب اندلاع وهو ما أدى إلى تفكك وانحلال التظيم العشائري في اسكتلندا. ونظراً لهذا فقد ذهب الاسكتلنديين الذين تعرضوا للتهجير بحثاً عن حياةٍ أفضل في المستعمرات الثلاثة عشر كانت قابعة تحت الحكم البريطاني، واستقروا في بادئ الأمر في كارولاينا الجنوبية وفرجينيا وما حولها وانتشروا في الأجيال التالية لغيرها من ولايات ومناطق البلاد. (ar)
- Los estadounidenses escoceses son los estadounidenses cuya ascendencia se origina total o parcialmente en Escocia. Los emigrantes escoceses hacia Estados Unidos están estrechamente relacionados con los estadounidenses de origen escocés o irlandés, descendientes de los escoceses del Úlster, y las comunidades enfatizan y celebran una herencia común. La mayoría de los estadounidenses escoceses-irlandeses procedían originalmente de las tierras bajas de Escocia y el norte de Inglaterra antes de emigrar a la provincia de Úlster en Irlanda y de allí, comenzando unas cinco generaciones después, a América del Norte en grandes cantidades durante el siglo XVIII. (es)
- Scottish Americans or Scots Americans (Scottish Gaelic: Ameireaganaich Albannach; Scots: Scots-American) are Americans whose ancestry originates wholly or partly in Scotland. Scottish Americans are closely related to Scotch-Irish Americans, descendants of Ulster Scots, and communities emphasize and celebrate a common heritage. The majority of Scotch-Irish Americans originally came from Lowland Scotland and Northern England before migrating to the province of Ulster in Ireland (see Plantation of Ulster) and thence, beginning about five generations later, to North America in large numbers during the eighteenth century. Today, the number of Scottish Americans is believed to be around 25 million, and celebrations of ‘Scottishness’ can be seen through major Tartan Day parades and Burns Night celebrations. Significant emigration from Scotland to America began in the 1700s, accelerating after the Jacobite rising of 1745, the steady degradation of clan structures, and the Highland Clearances. Even higher rates of emigration occurred after these times of social upheaval. In the 1920s, Scotland experienced a reduction in total population of 0.8%, totally absorbing the natural population increase of 7.2%: the USA and Canada were the most common destinations of these emigrants. A common misconception is that most Scottish Americans are descended from Highlanders fleeing persecution or clearance. Instead, by far the commonest Scottish immigrant was an economic migrant from the Lowlands, attracted by the opportunities in North America. (en)
- Les Scotto-Américains (en anglais : Scottish Americans) sont les Américains ayant partiellement ou en totalité des origines écossaises. Ils sont étroitement liés aux Scotto-Irlando-Américains, descendants des Scots d'Ulster. Les Scots d'Ulster venaient originellement des Lowlands et de la frontière de l'Écosse avant de migrer dans la province d'Ulster, en Irlande. De là, ils auraient émigré en grand nombre cinq générations plus tard vers l'Amérique du Nord, durant le XVIIIe siècle. (fr)
- 蘇格蘭裔美國人(Scottish Americans、Scots Americans) 是具有蘇格蘭血統的美國人。蘇格蘭-愛爾蘭裔美國人跟他們類似,但其祖先在抵達美國之前還在愛爾蘭停留了幾代。 18世紀蘇格蘭人開始大量向美國移民,1745年詹姆斯黨叛亂以及高地清洗之後速度加快。大規模的遷徙使得蘇格蘭部分地區人口為之一空,引發了高地清洗。這些移民一開始主要定居在南卡羅來納州和弗吉尼亞州,後來散佈到其他各州。 (zh)
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- 20 (xsd:nonNegativeInteger)
- 27 (xsd:nonNegativeInteger)
- 2937156 (xsd:nonNegativeInteger)
- 5298861 (xsd:nonNegativeInteger)
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- 96842 (xsd:nonNegativeInteger)
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- dbr:California
- dbr:Cambridge,_Wisconsin
- dbr:Canada
- dbr:Cape_Fear_River
- dbr:Carolinas
- dbr:Carrickfergus
- dbr:President_of_the_United_States
- dbr:Project_Gemini
- dbr:Project_Mercury
- dbr:Protestantism
- dbr:Quebec
- dbr:Roman_Catholicism
- dbr:Romanticism
- dbr:Ronald_Reagan
- dbr:Ross-shire
- dbr:Ross_Perot
- dbr:Roxboro,_North_Carolina
- dbr:Roxburgh
- dbr:Roxburghshire
- dbr:Sam_Houston
- dbr:Samuel_Pierpont_Langley
- dbr:Samuel_Wilson
- dbr:San_Antonio,_Texas
- dbr:Scotch-Irish_Americans
- dbr:Scotch-Irish_Canadians
- dbr:Scotch_(adjective)
- dbr:Scotch_Plains,_New_Jersey
- dbr:Scotland
- dbr:Scotland,_Connecticut
- dbr:Scotland,_Texas
- dbr:Scots-Quebecer
- dbr:Scots_language
- dbr:Scottish_Australians
- dbr:Scottish_Borders
- dbr:Scottish_Canadians
- dbr:Scottish_Gaelic
- dbr:Scottish_Gaelic_language
- dbr:Scottish_Highlands
- dbr:Scottish_clan
- dbr:Scottish_culture
- dbr:Scottish_diaspora
- dbr:Scottish_people
- dbc:British-American_history
- dbr:Moffat_County,_Colorado
- dbr:Motor_racing
- dbr:Metropolitan_statistical_area
- dbr:Privy_Council_of_Scotland
- dbr:Maritime_Provinces
- dbr:Battle_of_Bannockburn
- dbr:Battle_of_Culloden
- dbr:Battle_of_Kings_Mountain
- dbr:Battle_of_Moore's_Creek_Bridge
- dbr:Ben_Lomond,_California
- dbr:Ben_Lomond_Mountain_(Utah)
- dbr:Benjamin_Harrison
- dbr:Bill_Clinton
- dbr:Bill_Gates
- dbr:Bjarni_Herjolfsson
- dbr:Bluegrass_music
- dbr:Bonner_County,_ID
- dbr:Bonny_Doon,_California
- dbr:David_Dunbar_Buick
- dbr:David_Hume
- dbr:David_Scott
- dbr:Deism
- dbr:Democracy
- dbr:Demography_of_Scotland
- dbr:Arch_West
- dbr:Hot_dogs
- dbr:Hugh_Mercer
- dbr:Human_spaceflight
- dbr:John_Muir
- dbr:John_Paul_Jones
- dbr:John_Witherspoon
- dbr:Joseph_A._Campbell
- dbr:Joseph_E._Johnston
- dbr:Pennsylvania
- dbr:Pentecostalism
- dbr:Perth,_Delaware
- dbr:Perth,_Indiana
- dbr:Perth,_New_York
- dbr:Perth,_North_Dakota
- dbr:Perth_Amboy,_New_Jersey
- dbr:Richard_M._Nixon
- dbr:Richard_Nixon
- dbr:Robert_Burns
- dbr:Burns_Supper
- dbr:Ulster
- dbr:Ulster_Scots_people
- dbr:Ulysses_S._Grant
- dbr:United_States
- dbr:United_States_Secretary_of_War
- dbr:United_States_Secretary_of_the_Treasury
- dbr:Utah
- dbr:Ventura,_California
- dbr:Vermont
- dbr:Viking
- dbr:Virginia
- dbr:Declaration_of_Arbroath
- dbr:Deep_South
- dbr:Canned_soup
- dbr:Dergenagh
- dbr:James_Smith_McDonnell
- dbr:Motorcycle
- dbr:Pedro_de_Heredia
- dbr:Precenting_the_line
- dbr:Italian_American
- dbr:1790_United_States_census
- dbr:Colombia
- dbr:Confederate_States_of_America
- dbr:Contiguous_United_States
- dbr:County_Antrim
- dbr:County_Kildare
- dbr:County_Tyrone
- dbr:Cranium_(board_game)
- dbr:Maryland
- dbr:McDonald,_Oregon
- dbr:McDonnell_Douglas
- dbr:McDowell,_Virginia
- dbr:McDowell_County,_NC
- dbr:McEwen,_Oregon
- dbr:Melrose,_Massachusetts
- dbr:Melrose,_Oregon
- dbr:Rutherford_B._Hayes
- dbr:Rutherford_Hayes
- dbr:Generation
- dbr:New_World
- dbr:Nibley,_Oregon
- dbr:Old_Stock_Americans
- dbr:Navigation_Acts
- dbr:Plantation_economy
- dbr:Christianity
- dbr:Clyde,_North_Carolina
- dbc:Scottish-American_history
- dbr:Electronic_Data_Systems
- dbr:Elgin,_Illinois
- dbr:Elgin,_Kershaw_County,_South_Carolina
- dbr:Elgin,_Oregon
- dbr:Encarta
- dbr:England
- dbr:English_Americans
- dbr:English_language
- dbr:English_people
- dbr:Franklin_D._Roosevelt
- dbr:French_and_Indian_War
- dbr:George_B._McClellan
- dbr:George_H._W._Bush
- dbr:George_M._Dallas
- dbr:George_Marshall
- dbr:George_W._Bush
- dbr:Georgia_(U.S._state)
- dbr:Gerald_Ford
- dbr:German_American
- dbr:Glasgow
- dbr:Glasgow,_Delaware
- dbr:Glasgow,_Kentucky
- dbr:Glasgow,_Montana
- dbr:Glasgow,_Virginia
- dbr:Glen_Bell
- dbr:Glencoe,_Illinois
- dbr:Glencoe,_Maryland
- dbr:Glencoe,_North_Carolina
- dbr:Glencoe,_Oklahoma
- dbr:Glencoe,_Oregon
- dbr:Glenelg,_Maryland
- dbr:Gone_with_the_Wind_(novel)
- dbr:Grandfather_Mountain
- dbr:Grapes
- dbr:Missile
- dbr:Montrose,_Colorado
- dbr:Moore_County,_NC
- dbr:Morristown,_TN
- dbr:Muirkirk,_Maryland
- dbr:Theodore_Roosevelt
- dbr:Thirteen_Colonies
- dbr:Thirteen_colonies
- dbr:Thomas_Carlyle
- dbr:Thomas_Reid
- dbr:Thorfinn_Karlsefni
- dbr:File:Alan_Bean_NASA_portrait_(S69-38859).jpg
- dbr:St._Andrew's_Day
- dbr:Andrew_Jackson
- dbr:Andrew_Johnson
- dbr:Angus,_Scotland
- dbr:Appalachia
- dbr:Lining_out
- dbr:Lochearn,_Maryland
- dbr:Lockheed_Corporation
- dbr:Logan,_Utah
- dbr:Lothian,_Maryland
- dbr:Lyndon_B._Johnson
- dbr:Maine
- dbr:Board_game
- dbr:Stirlingshire
- dbr:Stonewall_Jackson
- dbr:Computer_language
- dbr:Computer_scientist
- dbr:Computing
- dbr:Zeno_brothers
- dbr:Haggis
- dbr:Patriot_(American_Revolution)
- dbr:Perth_Township,_Walsh_County,_North_Dakota
- dbr:Macleay,_Oregon
- dbr:Stone_Mountain_Park
- dbr:Houston,_Texas
- dbr:Automobiles
- dbr:Bannockburn,_Illinois
- dbr:Baptist
- dbr:Barack_Obama
- dbc:American_people_of_Scottish_descent
- dbr:British_American
- dbr:British_Americans
- dbr:Bruce_McCandless_II
- dbr:Buick
- dbr:Burns,_Oregon
- dbr:Buzz_Aldrin
- dbr:COBOL
- dbr:Caterpillar_Inc.
- dbr:Cavalier
- dbr:Ceilidh
- dbr:Tobacco
- dbr:Tong,_Lewis
- dbr:Troy,_New_York
- dbr:Tulsa,_Oklahoma
- dbr:U.S._Senate
- dbr:Walter_Mondale
- dbr:Walter_Scott
- dbr:War_of_1812
- dbr:Warren_G._Harding
- dbr:Wars_of_the_Three_Kingdoms
- dbr:Washington_(state)
- dbr:Washington_Irving
- dbr:Wedderburn,_Oregon
- dbr:West_Virginia
- dbr:Wheat
- dbr:Will_Keith_Kellogg
- dbr:William_Faulkner
- dbr:William_Howard_Taft
- dbr:William_McKinley
- dbr:Willie_Ruff
- dbr:Winfield_Scott
- dbr:Dissenter
- dbr:James_Macpherson
- dbr:Jet_aircraft
- dbr:Aberdeen,_Maryland
- dbr:Aberdeen,_Mississippi
- dbr:Aberdeen,_North_Carolina
- dbr:Aberdeen,_Washington
- dbr:Acts_of_Union_1707
- dbr:Adam_Smith
- dbr:Adlai_Stevenson_I
- dbr:African_American
- dbr:Al_Gore
- dbr:Alabama
- dbr:Alan_Bean
- dbr:Alan_Shepard
- dbr:Albany,_New_York
- dbr:Albany,_Oregon
- dbr:Albion,_California
- dbr:Alexander_Graham_Bell
- dbr:Alexander_Hamilton
- dbr:Alexander_Winton
- dbr:American_Civil_War
- dbr:American_Declaration_of_Independence
- dbr:American_English
- dbr:American_Revolution
- dbr:Americans
- dbr:Aircraft_industry
- dbr:Cumnock,_North_Carolina
- dbr:Dallas,_Texas
- dbr:Dumfries,_Virginia
- dbr:Dumfriesshire
- dbr:Dunbar,_Wisconsin
- dbr:Dundarrach,_North_Carolina
- dbr:Dundee,_Florida
- dbr:Dundee,_New_York
- dbr:Dundee,_Oregon
- dbr:Dunedin,_Florida
- dbr:Dutch_people
- dbr:Edgar_Allan_Poe
- dbr:Edinburg,_Texas
- dbr:Edinburgh
- dbr:Edinburgh,_Indiana
- dbr:Estes_Park,_Colorado
- dbr:Fife,_Washington
- dbr:Florida
- dbr:Francis_Hutcheson_(philosopher)
- dbr:Francisco_Vázquez_de_Coronado
- dbr:Bard
- dbr:Breakfast_cereal
- dbr:British_America
- dbr:North_America
- dbr:North_Carolina
- dbr:Northwest_Territory
- dbr:Nova_Scotia
- dbr:Outsourcing
- dbr:Paisley,_Florida
- dbr:Paisley,_Oregon
- dbr:Paisley,_Renfrewshire
- dbr:Cape_Fear_(region)
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- Dunedin, Florida (en)
- Edinburgh, Scotland (en)
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- Dunedin, Florida was founded in 1882 by two Scottish merchants, J.O. Douglas and James Somerville and is named after Dùn Èideann, Scottish Gaelic for "Edinburgh" . (en)
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- DunedinWelcomeSign.jpg (en)
- Edinburgh. View from Calton Hill.jpg (en)
- English
Scottish Gaelic and Scots speaking minorities (en)
- Scotland's Mark on America, by George Fraser Black, Ph.D. (en)
- Ameireaganaich Albannach (en)
- Scots-American (en)
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- 20 (xsd:integer)
- 27 (xsd:integer)
- 2937156 (xsd:integer)
- 5298861 (xsd:integer)
- Scottish Americans (en)
- Scotch-Irish Americans (en)
- (Up to 10% of the U.S. population) (en)
- (Up to 8.3% of the U.S. population) (en)
- Self-reported: (en)
- Predominantly in New England, Appalachia and the Deep South
Plurality in New York, West Virginia, Idaho, North Carolina, Florida, California and Pennsylvania (en)
- Scotch-Irish Americans, English Americans, Irish Americans, Welsh Americans, Manx Americans, British Americans, Scottish Canadians, Scotch-Irish Canadians, Scottish Australians, and other Scots (en)
- Christianity , other religions (en)
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- Los estadounidenses escoceses son los estadounidenses cuya ascendencia se origina total o parcialmente en Escocia. Los emigrantes escoceses hacia Estados Unidos están estrechamente relacionados con los estadounidenses de origen escocés o irlandés, descendientes de los escoceses del Úlster, y las comunidades enfatizan y celebran una herencia común. La mayoría de los estadounidenses escoceses-irlandeses procedían originalmente de las tierras bajas de Escocia y el norte de Inglaterra antes de emigrar a la provincia de Úlster en Irlanda y de allí, comenzando unas cinco generaciones después, a América del Norte en grandes cantidades durante el siglo XVIII. (es)
- Les Scotto-Américains (en anglais : Scottish Americans) sont les Américains ayant partiellement ou en totalité des origines écossaises. Ils sont étroitement liés aux Scotto-Irlando-Américains, descendants des Scots d'Ulster. Les Scots d'Ulster venaient originellement des Lowlands et de la frontière de l'Écosse avant de migrer dans la province d'Ulster, en Irlande. De là, ils auraient émigré en grand nombre cinq générations plus tard vers l'Amérique du Nord, durant le XVIIIe siècle. (fr)
- 蘇格蘭裔美國人(Scottish Americans、Scots Americans) 是具有蘇格蘭血統的美國人。蘇格蘭-愛爾蘭裔美國人跟他們類似,但其祖先在抵達美國之前還在愛爾蘭停留了幾代。 18世紀蘇格蘭人開始大量向美國移民,1745年詹姆斯黨叛亂以及高地清洗之後速度加快。大規模的遷徙使得蘇格蘭部分地區人口為之一空,引發了高地清洗。這些移民一開始主要定居在南卡羅來納州和弗吉尼亞州,後來散佈到其他各州。 (zh)
- أمريكيون اسكتلنديون (بالإنجليزية: Scottish Americans، بالاسكتلندية: Scots-American، بالغيلية الاسكتلندية: Ameireaganaich Albannach) هم مواطنو الولايات المتحدة من أصل اسكتلندي وتعود أصولهم إلى اسكتلندا أو مملكة اسكتلندا ويشكلون حوالي 8% من الشعب الأمريكي بعد الأمريكيون الإنجليز ويليهم الأمريكيون الإيطاليون وقُدِر عددهم بحوالي 23,456,607 نسمة في عام 2015. (ar)
- Scottish Americans or Scots Americans (Scottish Gaelic: Ameireaganaich Albannach; Scots: Scots-American) are Americans whose ancestry originates wholly or partly in Scotland. Scottish Americans are closely related to Scotch-Irish Americans, descendants of Ulster Scots, and communities emphasize and celebrate a common heritage. The majority of Scotch-Irish Americans originally came from Lowland Scotland and Northern England before migrating to the province of Ulster in Ireland (see Plantation of Ulster) and thence, beginning about five generations later, to North America in large numbers during the eighteenth century. Today, the number of Scottish Americans is believed to be around 25 million, and celebrations of ‘Scottishness’ can be seen through major Tartan Day parades and Burns Night ce (en)
- Scottish Americans (en)
- أمريكيون اسكتلنديون (ar)
- Estadounidenses escoceses (es)
- Scotto-Américains (fr)
- 蘇格蘭裔美國人 (zh)
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is dbo:related
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is dbo:wikiPageRedirects
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is dbo:wikiPageWikiLink
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- dbr:Carroll_County,_Maryland
- dbr:Bay_Village,_Boston
- dbr:Robert_Macauley_(Wisconsin_politician)
- dbr:Ross,_California
- dbr:Santa_Clara_County,_California
- dbr:Scotch-Irish_Americans
- dbr:Scott_Galloway_(professor)
- dbr:Scottish_Argentine
- dbr:Scottish_Canadians
- dbr:Scottish_National_Party
- dbr:Scottish_people
- dbr:Eliot_Pattison
- dbr:List_of_contemporary_ethnic_groups
- dbr:List_of_ethnic_groups_in_the_United_States_by_household_income
- dbr:William_Murdock
- dbr:1917_American_Cup
- dbr:Battle_of_Surabaya
- dbr:Bay_Mills_Township,_Michigan
- dbr:Beacon_Hill,_Boston
- dbr:Beaverhead_County,_Montana
- dbr:Benjamin_Allen_(Wisconsin_politician)
- dbr:Benjamin_Ferguson_(politician)
- dbr:Berkshire_County,_Massachusetts
- dbr:Bill_Monroe
- dbr:Bluegrass_music
- dbr:Bo'ness_Town_Hall
- dbr:Bobby_Thomson
- dbr:Boston
- dbr:Boyds,_Maryland
- dbr:Breton_Americans
- dbr:David_Stephens_(Wisconsin_politician)
- dbr:Delaware_Valley
- dbr:Demographics_of_Texas
- dbr:Allston
- dbr:Andrew_Carnegie_Birthplace_Museum
- dbr:Andrew_McAnsh
- dbr:Archie_E._Baxter
- dbr:Holyoke,_Massachusetts
- dbr:Howard_Baskerville
- dbr:John_Muir
- dbr:John_Munro_Longyear
- dbr:John_Wayne
- dbr:John_Witherspoon
- dbr:List_of_Scottish_Canadians
- dbr:Paul_Giamatti
- dbr:Penrith_Town_Hall
- dbr:Peter_Johnston_(Wisconsin_politician)
- dbr:Robert_Galbraith_(Medal_of_Honor)
- dbr:Robert_Lees_(politician)
- dbr:Ulster_Scots_people
- dbr:Utah
- dbr:Vernal_Presbyterian_Church
- dbr:Eastern_United_States
- dbr:William_M._Nicoll
- dbr:Scottish-American
- dbr:1917–18_National_Challenge_Cup
- dbr:National_Association_Football_League
- dbr:Old_Stock_Americans
- dbr:Race_and_ethnicity_in_the_NHL
- dbr:Chris_Kirkpatrick
- dbr:Citigroup
- dbr:Clark_and_McCormack_Quarry_and_House
- dbr:Cleveland
- dbr:Clifton,_Virginia
- dbr:Coconino_County,_Arizona
- dbr:Colesville,_Maryland
- dbr:Alexander_Gardner_(soldier)
- dbr:Edward_L._Bader
- dbr:Eldersburg,_Maryland
- dbr:Elodie_Keene
- dbr:English_Americans
- dbr:Franklin_County,_Massachusetts
- dbr:Fremont_County,_Idaho
- dbr:Garfield_County,_Montana
- dbr:Gene_Hackman
- dbr:George_Crawford_Britton
- dbr:George_S._Patton
- dbr:George_W._Bush
- dbr:Gorham's_Rangers
- dbr:Grangemouth_Town_Hall
- dbr:Mississippi
- dbr:Mount_Airy,_Maryland
- dbr:Multiracial_Americans
- dbr:Métis
- dbr:Cornish_Americans
- dbr:The_Life_and_Times_of_Juniper_Lee
- dbr:The_Weekenders
- dbr:Thirteen_Colonies
- dbr:Thomas_H._Barland
- dbr:1910_American_Cup
- dbr:1911_American_Cup
- dbr:1914_American_Cup
- dbr:Andrew_Arbuckle_(actor)
- dbr:Andrew_Carnegie
- dbr:Andrew_M._Blair
- dbr:Andrew_Patterson_(Wisconsin_politician)
- dbr:Angus_Cameron_(American_politician)
- dbr:AnnaSophia_Robb
- dbr:Annandale,_Virginia
- dbr:Len_Oliver_(soccer)
- dbr:Leonidas_Polk
- dbr:Levi_Grant
- dbr:Louisiana
- dbr:Lyme,_Connecticut
- dbr:Madison_County,_Montana
- dbr:Stannard_Township,_Michigan
- dbr:Statue_of_Robert_Burns_(Albany,_New_York)
- dbr:Stone_Phillips
- dbr:Stoya
- dbr:Suffolk_County,_Massachusetts
- dbr:Demographics_of_Alaska
- dbr:Demographics_of_Cleveland
- dbr:Demographics_of_Louisiana
- dbr:Demographics_of_Massachusetts
- dbr:Demographics_of_New_England
- dbr:Harrison_County,_Texas
- dbr:Australian_Americans
- dbr:Back_Bay,_Boston
- dbr:Brit_Hume
- dbr:British_Americans
- dbr:Timberville,_Virginia
- dbr:Tony_Ferguson
- dbr:Walter_D._McIndoe
- dbr:White_Americans_in_Maryland
- dbr:White_Anglo-Saxon_Protestants
- dbr:William_Bean
- dbr:William_Beanes
- dbr:William_Harding_(Virginia_witch_trials)
- dbr:William_Jefferson_Blythe_Jr.
- dbr:William_McAndrew
- dbr:William_Nelson_(Wisconsin_politician)
- dbr:Williamstown,_Massachusetts
- dbr:Livingston_family
- dbr:Aberdeen,_North_Carolina
- dbr:Aberystwyth_Town_Hall
- dbr:Acadia_Parish,_Louisiana
- dbr:Adrian_Sebastian_Fleming
- dbr:Alexander_McMillan_(Wisconsin_pioneer)
- dbr:Alexander_Patch
- dbr:Alexandria,_Virginia
- dbr:Americans
- dbr:Culture_of_North_Carolina
- dbr:Danks'_Rangers
- dbr:Dunbar_Town_House
- dbr:East_North_Central_states
- dbr:Euan_Holden
- dbr:European_Americans
- dbr:Fenway–Kenmore
- dbr:Ballad_for_Americans
- dbr:Brighton,_Boston
- dbr:Christopher_Keene
- dbr:Grady_McWhiney
- dbr:History_of_agriculture_in_the_United_States
- dbr:History_of_immigration_to_the_United_States
- dbr:History_of_the_Appalachian_people_in_Baltimore
- dbr:John_R._Lawson
- dbr:List_of_Scotch-Irish_Americans
- dbr:List_of_Scots
- dbr:Hampden_County,_Massachusetts
- dbr:Hampshire_County,_Massachusetts
- dbr:Hampstead,_Maryland
- dbr:Harney_County,_Oregon
- dbr:Haydentown,_Pennsylvania
- dbr:Highland_Clearances
- dbr:Irish_Americans
- dbr:Jack_Black
- dbr:Jared_Padalecki
- dbr:Archie_Andrews
- dbr:Armenian_Americans
- dbr:Arthur_MacArthur_Jr.
- dbr:Arthur_MacArthur_Sr.
- dbr:Aspen_Hill,_Maryland
- dbr:Astoria,_Oregon
- dbr:Chambers_Institution
- dbr:Charlestown,_Boston
- dbr:Chinatown,_Boston
- dbr:Jim_Rosborough
- dbr:John_Gillespie_(legislator)
- dbr:John_Green_(Wisconsin_politician)
- dbr:John_Harvie
- dbr:John_L._Mitchell
- dbr:John_Monteith_(Wisconsin_politician)
- dbr:Kennedy_(commentator)
- dbr:Lana_Del_Rey
- dbr:Languages_of_the_United_States
- dbr:Swan_Hill
- dbr:Sweet_Grass_County,_Montana
- dbr:Sykesville,_Maryland
- dbr:Economic_history_of_South_Africa
- dbr:Non-Hispanic_whites
- dbr:White_Americans
- dbr:Don_Henley
- dbr:Douglas_Fraser
- dbr:Manx_Americans
- dbr:Marcus_Fulton
- dbr:Maricopa_County,_Arizona
- dbr:Pittsfield,_Massachusetts
- dbr:Southeastern_United_States
- dbr:Southern_United_States
- dbr:Spanish_Fork,_Utah
- dbr:St._Vincent_de_Paul_Catholic_Church_(Bayonne,_New_Jersey)
- dbr:Scots_Americans
- dbr:Scottish-Americans
- dbr:Scottish_immigrant_to_the_United_States
- dbr:Idaho
- dbr:Immigration_to_the_United_States
- dbr:Kirsten_Gillibrand
- dbr:Michael_A._Goorjian
- dbr:Middlesex_County,_Massachusetts
- dbr:National_Origins_Formula
- dbr:Native_Americans_in_German_popular_culture
- dbr:New_England
- dbr:Newburgh,_New_York_(town)
- dbr:Newell_B._McClaskey_House
- dbr:Newt_Gingrich
- dbr:Oakland,_Maryland
- dbr:Oklahoma
- dbr:Old_Town_Alexandria
- dbr:R._C._Chambers
- dbr:Race_and_ethnicity_in_the_United_States
- dbr:Ralph_Early_Grim
- dbr:Rayne,_Louisiana
- dbr:Chandler_Bing
- dbr:Woodrow_Wilson
- dbr:Yavapai_County,_Arizona
- dbr:Scrooge_McDuck
- dbr:Upland_South
- dbr:Ethnic_groups_in_Baltimore
- dbr:Loyalist_(American_Revolution)
- dbr:Welsh_Americans
- dbr:Thomas_K._Fraser
- dbr:Thornton_M._Niven
- dbr:Shinty_in_the_United_States
- dbr:Vocal_music
- dbr:United_Kingdom–United_States_relations
- dbr:Owen_J._Dever
- dbr:United_States_presidential_visits_to_the_United_Kingdom_and_Ireland
- dbr:Tejanos
- dbr:Thomas_F._Denney
- dbr:Scottish_American
- dbr:Ameireaganaich_Albannach
- dbr:American-Scottish
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