John Coughlin (September 3, 1925 – February 17, 2001) was a longtime meteorologist for WBBM-TV in Chicago, during the station's No. 1 position in the television news market in Chicago in the 1970s.
جون كوغلين (بالإنجليزية: John Coughlin) هو صحفي أمريكي، ولد في 3 سبتمبر 1925، وتوفي في 17 فبراير 2001. (ar)
John Coughlin (September 3, 1925 – February 17, 2001) was a longtime meteorologist for WBBM-TV in Chicago, during the station's No. 1 position in the television news market in Chicago in the 1970s. (en)
جون كوغلين (بالإنجليزية: John Coughlin) هو صحفي أمريكي، ولد في 3 سبتمبر 1925، وتوفي في 17 فبراير 2001. (ar)
John Coughlin (September 3, 1925 – February 17, 2001) was a longtime meteorologist for WBBM-TV in Chicago, during the station's No. 1 position in the television news market in Chicago in the 1970s. (en)