- The Billiard Congress of America (BCA) is the governing body for cue sports in the United States and Canada, and the regional member organization of the World Pool-Billiard Association (WPA). It was established under this name in 1948 as a non-profit trade organization in order to promote the sport and organize its players via tournaments at various levels. The BCA is headquartered in Broomfield, Colorado. The voting members of the organization are mostly equipment manufacturers. The BCA publishes an annual rule and record book that incorporates the WPA world standardized rules for games such as nine-ball, eight-ball, ten-ball and straight pool, as well as rules for other games that are not presently the subject of international competition, such as one pocket, bank pool, cowboy pool, rotation, American snooker, and Chicago among many others. The BCA holds an annual trade show, the International Billiards & Home Recreation Expo. Also annually, it inducts great players, and those who have made great contributions to the sport, into the BCA Hall of Fame. (en)
- Der Billiard Congress of America (kurz BCA) ist der nordamerikanische Dachverband für alle Bereiche des Poolbillards. Der 1948 gegründete Verband untersteht der World Pool-Billiard Association (WPA), dem Weltverband für Poolbillard. (de)
- BCA (Billiard Congress of America) é uma organização sem fins lucrativos, sediada nos Estados Unidos da América e que promove e organiza eventos de Pool. Foi constituída em 1948 com a finalidade de promover o desporto e organizar os jogadores de Pool segundo o seu nível de jogo. Neste momento está sediada em Broomfield, Colorado. É responsável pela publicação e divulgação das regras de Pool elaboradas em consenso com a WPA (World Pool-Billiard Association). O maior evento organizacional é realizado anualmente no Hotel Riviera, em Las Vegas durante o mês de Maio e reúne jogadores de todo o mundo numa competição amadora, sendo que em paralelo se realiza o Campeonato do Mundo de Pool profissional. (pt)