Two years ago, Polish studio Forever Entertainment released an HD remake of Sega Saturn classic Panzer Dragoon. Our review at the time stated that the remake was interesting but flawed, but ultimately concluded that even though it wasn’t perfect, we were glad it at least existed so that more people could at least get a chance to play it in some form.
Fast forward to the present day and Forever Entertainment is back with another remake of a classic Sega IP, and this time it’s the legendary arcade light gun shooter The House of the Dead. As fate would have it, it turns out our opinion of it is much the same as Forever's take on Panzer Dragoon: it’s welcome, but it’s not perfect.

For those who’ve been unfortunate enough to not have The House of the Dead in their lives up to this point, the game takes place in and around the Curien Mansion, as players try to put a stop to the evil Dr Curien and his laboratory. Curien has been performing some fairly grim experiments which have resulted in his mansion being overrun with a horde of zombies and other mutants, so it’s up to you to clear the house (of the dead), slap a few bullets into Curien’s rump on the way out, and also rescue your girlfriend who was at the house because reasons.
As wonderfully versatile as the Switch is, light gun games can prove a little tricky for it because there’s no truly perfect way to replicate the experience. The Wii provided one of the best and most accurate home light gun experiences because its sensor bar provided constant tracking of the Remote’s pointer, but without a sensor bar the Switch has to rely purely on gyro controls and that isn’t ideal.
Whether you’re playing with the Joy-Con separately in either hand, using the Pro Controller or in handheld mode, there’s an option to play with gyro controls. On paper that’s the best way to do it, and keeping it calibrated isn’t even a massive problem — pushing the cursor to the edge of the screen and bringing it back to the centre generally gets the job done.
The main problem we have with the gyro controls is that every time we fire (either with the 'A' button or particularly with the 'ZR' trigger), the cursor twitches and throws off our aim. We aren’t sure if this is down to over-sensitivity on the controller’s part, but it can make things really frustrating when you’re trying to hit targets at a distance or even at mid-range.

It’s also a mess for boss fights, where you ideally want to keep your cursor focused on a weak spot but it’s jumping all over the place. We should note that we’re not exactly John Woo stuntmen when playing light gun games: we consciously tried to keep our hands and trigger fingers as steady as possible while playing and the cursor still kept jumping.
We found that playing with a Pro Controller remedied the situation a little. Not entirely, mind you, but enough that things weren’t so frustrating. Let’s face it, though, when you’re playing a light gun game you want to feel like you’re holding a gun, and the Joy-Con is more gun-like than a Pro Controller (even if it’s a tiny gun like the one in Men in Black).
There’s also the option to use the Control Stick to move the cursor instead, which is obviously far less intuitive but is at least more accurate. The default settings for this do the job for the most part (though it’s hard to react and aim quickly) but there are a bunch of sensitivity settings you can mess around with until you get something you’re happy enough with. Obviously though, it’s still not an ideal situation: one of the main benefits of this genre is that anyone, regardless of gaming ability, is supposed to be able to just pick up a ‘gun’ and immediately know what they’re doing. That level of intuitive control is certainly not present here.

(Incidentally, while we’re at it, we’d love it if Forever Entertainment could patch in the ability to use the touch screen to just tap where we want to shoot. It would obviously make the game a lot easier, but at least it would be perfectly accurate, and it would be a great help in the Horde mode, which we’ll address in a second.)
Assuming you can find a control method that you’re happy enough with, the game itself is as entertaining as House of the Dead has ever been. Blowing away zombie heads is still brilliantly satisfying, as is saving the helpless scientists from being attacked, all while relishing in the beautifully awful voice acting. There's also the option to blast through it with a pal with local multiplayer.
Being an arcade game, though, it’s still very brief. There are a few different endings to provide at least some replay value, but the control issues mean trying to get some of them (which requires a high degree of accuracy and skill) could have you tearing your own face off, ironically.

Once you’ve had your fill of the main arcade mode there’s also a new mode called Horde, which is essentially the same thing but gives you a load of zombies to deal with in each area instead of just a couple at a time. In a sense it’s a more fun, action-packed version of the game, but in practice it also exposes the control issues even more when you have more targets to quickly deal with.
Visually, it’s… fine. As it’s a remake this isn’t just the original arcade game with an HD upscale and hi-res textures applied: all the game’s characters, locations and enemies have been rebuilt from scratch. When you look at them in these static screenshots they may look a bit rubbish, but it’s also important to note that they usually appear and attack so quickly that you don’t have time to sit there and study the quality of their character models. They’re detailed enough, and the improved lighting is nice and moody, if a tad basic.

Where the game does suffer a little is in performance. On its default setting the frame rate can judder frequently, which isn’t ideal for a game that requires quick reactions like this. There’s an option to turn on a ‘Performance’ mode which brings everything far closer to a stable frame rate, but while this essentially solves the problem without too many compromises while docked, it can make things look blurrier when playing in handheld mode.
Ultimately, The House of the Dead: Remake has clearly been made with love for the source material and fans of the original will still likely enjoy seeing how Forever Entertainment has given it a new lick of paint. How much fun you’ll have with it, however, will depend on how willing you are to tinker with its settings until you’re happy enough with its controls. It’s infuriating every time you fail to save a scientist because you’re blasting away at a zombie and don’t hit it through no fault of your own, and you shouldn’t have to spend time twiddling with sensitivity and dead zone options to alleviate something that should just ‘work’.
When it all works like it should, The House of the Dead: Remake is a fun update of a Sega arcade classic. The performance can be janky and the controls clunky on its default settings, but if you’re willing to put the time in to tweak them you should get something you’re happier with. You shouldn’t have to do that with a light gun shooter, though, and the fact you do has to go down as a failing on the game’s part.
Comments 101
fantastic tagline on this one
Really wish you could get a light gun for this
"It's still a very short game"
This is a complaint I see from people who don't understand that arcade games are played for 1ccs and high score runs. If you just credit feed every time you die then yeah, sure, it's "short" but you're not really playing the intended way and you're getting low scores...
Between this, Panzer Dragoon, and Sonic Colors, Sega isn't really doing a very good job of their remakes.
Really needs a gun peripheral. It's stupid of Sega not to include one with the physical release. No fun in shooting zombies with just a joycon. Luckily there are 3rd party gun peripherals.
Sega Lord X did recommend it despite the flaws
Is the part that the Studio is Polish really important to mention? That's like mentioning Warforward is a American Studio.
Nick picking aside, it sounds like holding the Joycon like a gun isn't great. Oh well, might as well stick with the Wii version.
The issues at least did get fixed with Sonic Colors Ultimate, and I feel people were blowing them out of purportion.
When I played with the latest patches, the one issue I encountered with the Switch version was Sonic fell through the floor and got stuck in the area where you were meant to be drilling. Only happened once, and restarting the level fixed the problem.
Ignore that score. Initially I had trouble with controls but dial the sensetivity right down, add left contol stick for fine tuning (click right to re centre) and it's surprisingly easy. It looks great, a perfect update to the series and a must for fans. I'd give it an 8 all night long.
Still very tempted despite the gyro aiming issues. Also the fact it's a classic arcade game. Thanks for the review.
In before people ask for the original arcade game. The original source code is lost, full stop.
As for jumping cursors, at least for pro controllers (EDIT: haven’t tried Joycon gyro yet), you can increase the dead zone until it stops jumping. Be careful, increase too much and people will call you an aimbot, Lol. I’ve also found that lowering the X and Y sensitivity will wrangle in wild crosshairs. My X and Y are set to 1, so it’s pretty stable. And my deadzone is at 2, smooth enough for my heavy trigger finger and jumpy enough to still be called a human.
I've been having fun with the solo runs for the most part but the gyro is pretty whacky (though fine-tuning it via Settings does help a bit). I swear on one segment the reticle just froze for awhile, but that was only once out of like 3 playthroughs.
an old lightgun game without lightgun... what a waste of time... with thousand of sega masterpiece they remaked one that need a dedicated hardware...
Also remember the much much better sequel...
What we need is for Nintendo itself to try and bring back light gun games. A new Duck Hunt with a sensor bar and gun grip for the joy con would be amazing.
Everyone is talking about bad controls. Players might be able to deal with some of the issues, but bad controls will ruin gameplay, unfortunately...
That first screenshot looks laughably bad.
Oh, well. I wish we could get Resident Evil: The Umbrella/Darkside Chronicles on a single cart. That would be mighty sweet. With touch controls in handheld mode and pointer controls in docked mode, perhaps? (and either option in tabletop mode) They could even pay homage to the original Wii release and add a gun-shaped shell for the Joy-Con with the physical release (though they would have to sell them separately so we can have another for player two)
Both games, if ported, could easily fit on a 8GB cart, or if Capcom were to add a few bells and whistles, could give us a 16GB cart with improved textures and the like.
I’d have bought it day one if it were £10-15, control issues et al. £20-£22.50 is a bit too much, will wait for a sale
Ah the choice of an avid collector.
I'll buy it at a deep sale.
Guns are not just about shooting, it's about reloading.
I want HotD Overkill Extended with a proper lightgun on Switch.
What you need that for? Go hunting an eleplant?
Is that all, stranger?
Heh heh heh, thank you.
Come back anytime.
One of the lines doesn't belong in the list.
@NinChocolate along with Switchup they’re the only 2 reviewers I really trust.
Yeah the devs were sloppy like they were with panzer dragoon, hope they patch it up.
The control issues, combined with the fact that HotD2 is better anyway, make this a pass for me.
@gojiguy Still doesn't change that it is very short for its asking price, for the average gamer, no matter if some people will no doubt get hundreds of hours out of it.
I know I played Overkill for hundreds of hours total, but with the Wii pointer and AMS gun peripheral and a Walter P99 replica Wii remote, it was perfect, and a much longer game still. Perfect for playing with both newcomers and diehard lightgun shooter fans or alone, at home.
@ShadowofTwilight22 Well that just makes it worse.
The only disappointing aspect is no actual gyro light gun for this otherwise it would had been an 8/10 to me. Still the game is fun with gyro aiming with a friend so if you just want this to play for one night of zombie shooting fun this is the game for that.
@CharlieGirl What was so bad about the Panzer Dragoon remake?
And this game looks bad(blurry) in portable mode too as well... Well, even if the game is temporary Nintendo Switch exclusive, it is still SHOULD and MUST to look and work good(or better) in BOTH MODES! Nintendo Switch is HYBRID console, after all! Developers should be obliged to optimize their games for both undocked and docked modes!
Waiting until the physical release happens before I buy it 😁
I used to play this at the Arcade so often, I was addicted to it but as much as I enjoyed it back then I have no need for it now and I still have House of the Dead 2 and 3 Return along with House of the Dead Overkill for the Wii too. All of this being said I hope those that haven't experienced House of the Dead before enjoy it as much as I did.
Bring back the lightgun.
We need one company to take a risk and release a new game or collection of remasters and bundle it with a proper modern lightgun. Once we have one available, other games will follow. It's an expensive risk for any company to take but these games used to be hugely popular and so much time has passed since that era, surely there will be enough demand to justify it. Nintendo themselves are probably best placed to make it a lightgun comeback a success.
@bransby Definitely agree there. I used to play House of the Dead 2 on Dreamcast and it was just fantastic, that voice acting though 🤣
@CharlieGirl Panzer Dragoon Remake on PC was lovely. No idea what it was like on Switch though as I never played that version.
@gojiguy yeah but considering that this is selling at retail for £35 and has no replay value other than literally replaying the exact same set of sequences again and again, I’d say that citing its length as a negative is more than justified.
I watched a Twitch streamer play through this entire game like 6 times, using multiple control inputs. It all looked great. Just sayin'.
Good review, the biggest issue with this game is Nintendo's gyros constantly going out of sync. Still I've enjoyed playing it and I'm looking forward to Panzer Dragoon Zwei and House of The Dead 2 from them
@PessitheMystic there are some variations in routes and whilst not for everyone I've been replaying the original versions of these and Virtua Cop for about 25 years. Oh and its about £20 on the eshop
Joy cons are just…the worst. Good luck to any game that requires them.
Am I the only one who liked playing the House o' the Dead and Virtua Cop games with a controller more than with the light gun? Yeah, the light gun is fun, but it's tiring. Besides, the main draw of these games is the hilariously bad dialog and the chance to rapidly press the fire and reload buttons and turn any weapon into a laser. Especially with House of the Dead 2--I didn't care if I was essentially cheating, I was just happy to make it to the final Goldman scenes as many times as possible. To protect the LOIF cycle!
Would love to see Virtua Cop come to Switch. Was hoping for better from this. Will still give it a try if and when it comes down to a reasonable price. Like say a tenner.
The Wii is still the best console when it comes to light-gun shooters. Playing House of the Dead 2, 3, and Ghost Squad on there is a lot of fun-in short bursts, of course.
@RadioShadow There is no Wii version. The House of the Dead has only ever had a Saturn home port. You're thinking of The House of the Dead 2 and 3.
Totally turned away when the review pointed out the controls can be annoyingly inaccurate. No thank you! I'll keep the great memories of playing this in the arcade and at home on the Dreamcast untouched.
@scully1888 I figured you'd be the one to enjoy killing zombies
@WaveBoy So... the game has no gyro aiming option? It's all joystick aiming? If so I wont even bother and just pass all together. This is why Sega is where they are today, one stupid decision after another... what a waste of a good idea and a once great game.
Also i'd like to add that im well aware sega outsourced it to forever entertainment but they were still supervising, still gave the ok on the controls. They didn't just hand it over and said "do what you want"
Might pick up in a few months when the inevitable sale price hits and a few patches are released.
@Emceehamster Can you use gyro and analogue stick at the same time? The review seems to imply you can’t but from what you’ve said you can. If it’s possible, I’ll definitely be getting this as playing with analogue stick and gyro in tandem works really well for me. 👍
@gojiguy ...Were you alive when this game came out? No, the goal in the 80s and 90s wasn't 1 credit runs or high scores, that's the goal YOU'RE setting, the goal set by the creators of the game was to get your money, that's why arcade games were the way they were until they died out, credit feeding was to their benefit.
If you like to play arcade games that way, go for it, just don't assume that was the norm then or now. That said, complaints about the length ARE silly since it's a port of a 1996 game, come on, most anyone looking into this knows what they're in for.
Yet another Sega IP outsourced to other developers, and typically with mixed results. If you want to know why I have come to despise Sonic, look no further than how Sega has treated almost all of their other beloved IPs.
So it's kinda like real gun recoil?
I don’t understand why we can’t get a “light bar” accessory that plugs in by USB and can read input from light guns just like Wii did.
I know it would need some sort of driver install but let’s make it happen folks! There are what, 2 USB ports on the Switch dock? Let me plug the accessory in there and off I go!
House of the dead 2 light gun set, Dreamcast, best version:)
@RubyCarbuncle I have the Japanese version for Dreamcast, plus the light gun.
I'm still sad the Dreamcast didn't take off. It probably would have done better if Sega hadn't botched the Japanese release.
i think it was better on my PS3 with PS Move
@bransby Agreed.
@RubyCarbuncle It didn't review great on this, or any other website.
loved this on my dreamcast with the lightgun.
but will be steering clear of this pale imitation.
we're going backwards, haha!!
Light gun games, without light guns, are just games.
@DestructoDisk Quite simple to solve, you toggle it on or off in the options. Games that don't allow that are simply short sighted. And the amount of credits allowed in nineties home ports was usually utter nonsense and not indicative of the challenge whatsoever.
Just a couple days after receiving my drunken ebay purchase of JP Virtua Cop 1&2 with two extremely real-looking black guns.
It's crazy how gun games kind of peaked with CRTs. Even the Wii couldn't match the old ways.
@WaveBoy yep, indeed, i meant HOTD2. still have it but no CRT to play it on...
I've been replaying thotd games through ps now & it's still alot of fun even without motion controls so I know it won't be an issue for me
@dimi the 1st game isn't on PS3 just 3 , 4 & overkill
I’m finding the musical score a tad out of place?
And come on 3D print me a joycon gun attachment….please someone!
(Sorry about the wall o’ text)
@Zebetite Relax, the high scorers/1cc’ers and casual credit feeders are both valid from an operator and game dev standpoint. The operator doesn’t care where the money comes from, and the players don’t mind spending the money. In fact, the high scorers/1cc’ers can be even more valuable than the casuals as they’ll spend more money to just to get better. And when the earnings on a particular game plateaus and dives, it’s time to change it for a new one, rinse and repeat. It’s harder to gauge casual plays because it’s all dependent on total foot traffic and external factors like the immediate surrounding attractions. But those dedicated gamers, those are your real cash cows.
Other people have their own reasons dropping coins besides just playing a couple credits before moving on with their friends to the next place. Maybe they’re all-rounders, maybe a handful of competitive office friends that play after work, maybe they’re single genre specialists (like fighting game players), maybe it’s that one dude who comes in at lunch every day and only plays one game to 1cc leaves and comes back later to 1cc again before going home, maybe it’s that one huge group that only comes by on major holidays but they’re there for hours, or maybe they just like playing games? I’ve seen all these specific types while I worked at an arcade. They’re all guaranteed money.
Even me back in the day in grade school, I’d usually drop around $0.50 a day to play 2 games then go home. Obviously I didn’t want to go home right away. So I usually waited and watched people play to gain info. Then I played to get better so my credits lasted longer, and eventually start 1cc-ing. And over the course of a school year, about 200 days to keep it simple, the various newsstands, pizzerias, and bodegas that had the arcade games I wanted to play would a earn a cool (shared) $100/year out of a 10-13 year old at the end of the 80’s.
A city kid sacrificing snack money, suffering if you will, for his hobby. Video games, it’s like an addiction that gripped the nation back then, even post-crash. “Gee, won’t they think of the children?” Did I care that I kept wasting 3 minutes to upwards of a half hour on a single game, a quarter at a time at $.050/day? Hell no! I didn’t have a lot of money, and I had to get better out of ‘necessity’ (possibly also, escapism). And I loved every minute of it.
@Broosh While modern scoring was turned on, I had the Hermit boss (stage 3) glitch and take forever for its life to deplete. And right before Curien’s room the doors wouldn’t open and I was stuck. Lots of weirdness going on with this game.
@BulkSlash Yes, you can have both left stick and gyro to aim.
@YANDMAN @DestructoDisk There are limited credits (max 10, I believe). But for no good reason other than for people to ‘git gud’, there’s a steep 5,000 point penalty for using a continue. Basically locking you out of the best ending requirements (62,000 and higher) if you continue too many times. And it slopes you down out of the normal ending (62,000 or higher some continues) into the bad ending (62,000 or below with 10 or more continues). To add insult to injury, you can still continue beyond 10 credits (which you don’t originally start your save file with, you earn them by playing). It just costs 5,000 points as long as you still have points available. So what’s even the point of credits?! That makes no sense! I mean, you get deducted 100 points every time you get hit anyway, this is…overkill (sorry, had to). Even the original arcade version wasn’t this harsh with the continue penalty. It’s supposed to be only 2,000 or 2,500 points penalty per continue from what i remember, which they took out of all the sequels, thhankfully.
'Too short.' It's a freaking arcade, light-gun game.
@ShadowofTwilight22 Oh, it's you again. What can I say; the validation for my post is literally everywhere: this article, the few Sega IPs that get remakes/remasters being outsourced to third parties or Kickstarters, Sonic movies, Sonic fuzzy controllers, new Sonic games, a Sonic article seemingly every other day here on NL...I could go on, but surely you get my point, whether you agree with or like it or not.
I'm not going away until Sega gets back on the beam and starts becoming a multifaceted, AAA developer/publisher again. And I won't stop "crapping on" Sonic until I see them give me reason to believe their myopic focus on him isn't in the way of that. So you may as well accept it; your responses won't stop me from posting. Have a nice day.
@BulkSlash Yes, I use gyro and the left stick to centre or adjust
That tagine is amazing!!
House of the dead remake developer diary: "One day we had the great idea of remaking a popular light gun game. Our unique twist on the concept was to remove the light gun. It was an exciting and radical departure for the series. A concern from day one was that the game would have terrible controls; worse than the original. We didn't consider resolving this. Instead we decided it was an original idea for a next gen remake to have last gen graphics. As soon as the game was announced, most people wanted to know how we managed to get light gun controls working on Switch. It was clearly an important issue for the fans, so we thought the best thing to do was...nothing. We just made a game nobody wants to play instead."
@CharlieGirl yes sega should sell their license to better developers, or sell their company to another company. They are not capable of making great games anymore.
I’d like to point out that a 6/10 is “Not Bad”
Which in internet speak is “drop dead awful”
Not Bad. NOT bad!
Which means bad, for some reason.
Like with Panzer Dragoon remake, I’ll wait until it’s 6 bucks and the issues are fixed before buying.
@ChromaticDracula Nintendo can make the Switch detect Wiimotes and the sensor bar literally needs power, so an adapter for wired bars from USB or a new wireless bar wouldn't actually be too crazy. With all the Wiimotes floating about, it would help the second hand market.It might help Nintendo too, as they could make designer Wiimotes in limited runs, for the people that like to spend money.
An on-rails shooter that manages to be uglier than the original from 26 years ago, runs poorly, and controls badly. Good job MegaPixel Studio, let's see what other classic game you screw.
@Would_you_kindly right, forgot the version i was playing
This looks out of place on Switch with it being a family system should have released this on PS5 instead. But saying that I didn't think a remake of House of the Dead was necessary anyway.
@ChromaticDracula It wouldn't even need that. Hell, you wouldn't even need electricity to operate it--how much more "green" could modern 3D tracking/light gun gaming get?!? Try it yourself... set two candles down, spaced about a foot or so apart around the middle of your TV, light them up and and fire up your Wii with... I dunno... say, The House of the Dead 2 & 3 Return. All the Wiimote is looking for is two IR lights.
There's no reason why something similar can't be done today with Switch... other than the fact that Nintendo seems to prefer the inferior (in many ways) gyroscope, probably because it's cheaper for them and more convenient to the average consumer to use (no need to set up a separate wired light bar). I never did care much for Switch's motion controls... they're a joke, the gyroscope needs constant babysitting and that takes all the fun out of the games you're using motion control with.
@CharlieGirl Panzer Dragoon Remake was garbage on the Switch, but that's typical of the weak hardware. Play it on PC master race, it's loads better. Looks gorgeous and plays like a dream.
@CharlieGirl what's wrong with this game and Panzer Dragoon??
@Moistnado it's more than likely coming to ps4 once the Nintendo exclusivity deals over hopefully it gets a vr mode & you can use the move or aim controller
@WaveBoy Fully agreed on all counts!
THOD1 is a very special game for me, I would pump £1 after £1 into the arcade cabinet and even begged my dad for a Sega Saturn when I heard it was coming to the system. Maybe I was a weird kid but shooting a plastic gun and seeing zombie blood, guts, and limbs flying everywhere with a backdrop of an old spooky mansion was the greatest thing ever to my 12 year old brain and I kid you not, when I was walking to work a almost a year ago and the remake trailer dropped I was 12 years old again and I was very excited yet at the same time knew that joycons with gyro wouldn't be the best fit.
So here we are 24 years after I got the Saturn version on good Friday 1998 (yes, I remember the day) I've played the heck out of the remake and cannot believe what a amazing job forever entertainment has done, they really haved smashed it out the park in my opinion. Everything just looks so good and is EXACTLY how I would imagine a modern remake of HOD1 to look, even the new soundtrack is great, everything is just dripping with atmosphere and it all feels so new yet so familiar, it's simply perfect 👌
But..............the gyro controls, they ain't great, they do the job and I would choose them any day over sticks but as guy that cut his teeth on PROPER light guns back in the day, it hurts me to see it come to this in 2022 but there is a flip side and the flip side is that the game is so fun and well made that you'll probably be having too much fun to really notice and shooting, reloading, and tapping the re-center button will all become second nature and you'll be popping headshots before you know it. A lot of people have also complained about performance issues, I personally have not experienced anything I would even call distracting let alone game breaking, I'm not saying they don't exist I'm just saying they are very minor.
So to wrap up this long and boring post I'd give this a solid 7/10, if this game had a true light gun option then this would be a light gun masterpiece and I would easily give it a 10 and that's without going into all the unlockables, medals, high scores, multiple endings, and the horde mode! which is fantastic by the way. This is definitely a good game and a solid recommendation to old timers like me that were fans of the first 2 games and as long as your willing to adapt you'll have a great time.
I'm enjoying it for what it is. I loved playing this in the arcades back in the dark ages, had fun then, having fun now. And the price is fair.
@WaveBoy Ah, so many good memories of the arcade. Great game to play in between DDR sets. Glad it’s getting some love, albeit with strange design choices.
This remake is off my radar until a light gun patch is announced.
I'd love to see HOTD overkill on switch...but only with proper light gun controls.
I'd like to see HOTD 4 or scarlet on switch...but only with proper light gun controls.
@WaveBoy not sure how any light gun game could work on Xbox as that controller doesn't even have gyro let alone a light gun. I've played all the HOD games including Scarlett dawn and I can say right now that HOD:remake is much better than 4 and probably as good as Scarlett dawn
@wizzgamer That was so stupid. A "family" system? What does that even mean? The Switch has plenty of violent horror games and M rated games in general. Doom, Resident Evil, Zombie Army, Mortal Kombat 11, Friday the 13th, Dead by Daylight. Just to name a few. Should the GTA Trilogy not be on the Switch since it's a "family" system? SMH. BTW, most of Nintendo's marketing of the Switch has been targeted at teens and young adults, not little children and families.
I played House of the Dead today in my living room with my five-year-old son.
So for me, this is Game of the Year.
Gyro controls work better than I thought they would too.
The precision shooting that makes you an expert are just not possible with these controls.
A lightgun game without an accurate lightgun is just nonsense. The regular Controller isn't a good alternative like in a racing or fighting game.
@masterLEON Sounds like utter garbage and really disappointing. I'll stick with Overkill on the Wii, that is an incredible game.
@LordVal 100000000000000% agree. This is a waste of a franchise licence.
@WaveBoy I'll just play the original in V.R, that's the way to go.
@WaveBoy For me the lack of blood and gore just feels wrong. The blood and gore was one of HOD's selling points and taking that away is like mortal Kombat without fatalities, so to see all the violence back in remake made it even better. In terms of graphics the yeah, Scarlett dawn is better but remake definitely looks nice and I would say looks better than overkill and even 4
I miss the wii shooters.
@WaveBoy Yes, that's true.
@WaveBoy No. I have mame running on my quest and can play most light gun games within it.
Bought this game yesterday as it was in the sale. It keeps crashing and won’t let me play 😫
My vote for worst game of the year.
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