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Rhythmic Cognition
The Editors at Communications Psychology, Nature Communications, and Scientific Reports invite submissions on the topic of Rhythmic Cognition.
Image: © SEAN GLADWELL/Moment/GettyimagesOpen for submissions -
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Fluids in seismicity
This collection highlights articles that use a range of approaches to examine the role of fluids in triggering and influencing both seismic and aseismic slip.
Image: © Lloyd Cluff/Corbis Documentary/GettyimagesOpen for submissions -
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Health outcomes of adversity in early life
This cross-journal collection welcomes submissions investigating any health outcome resulting from adversity experienced in early life, including studies focused on prevention, epidemiological factors, pathophysiological mechanisms, the impact of socioeconomic factors, or advances in treatment options.
Image: © [M] Siam / stock.adobe.comOpen for submissions -
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Archaeology & Environment
In this cross-journal Collection, we invite research that provides insight into the interactions between humans and our environment throughout our evolutionary history.
Image: © SadekurRahman / stock.adobe.comOpen for submissions -
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Cancer epigenetics and epitranscriptomics
With this cross-journal Collection, the editors at Nature Communications, Communications Biology, Communications Medicine and Scientific Reports invite submissions covering the breadth of research carried out in the field of cancer epigenetics and epitranscriptomics.
Image: © da-kuk/E+/GettyImagesOpen for submissions -
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In this cross-journal Collection between Communications Earth and Environment, Nature Geoscience, Nature Communications, npj Natural Hazards, and Scientific Reports, we highlight studies that investigate the underlying causes and consequences of drought.
Image: © [M] Viktoriya / Stock.adobe.comOpen for submissions -
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Past sea level and ice sheet change
This collection will include papers involving modeling and the paleoclimate record that pertain to the magnitude, rate, and drivers of sea level and ice sheet change in the past that can be used to inform how sea level could change in the future.
Image: © James Warwick/The Image Bank/GettyimagesOpen for submissions -
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Integrated Photonics for High-Speed Wireless Communication
Integrated Photonics for High-Speed Wireless Communication
Image: ©Eoneren/E+/GettyimagesOpen for submissions -
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The Clinical Microbiome
This joint Collection invites submissions of cutting-edge translational and clinical research, including microbiome-based diagnostics, therapeutics, interventions, and clinical trials.
Image: © DrAfter123/DigitalVision Vectors/GettyimagesOpen for submissions -
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Ultrafast chemistry
This cross-journal collection highlights the latest advances in ultrafast chemistry, including proton and charge transfer reactions, recombination reactions, transient intermediates, ultrafast isomerization, photo-initiated chemical processes and relaxation dynamics in the gas-, liquid- and solid-phase and at interfaces.
Image: © [M] frentusha / Getty Images / iStockOpen for submissions -
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Ultrafast carrier and energy dynamics in 2D materials
This cross-journal Collection between Nature Communications and Communications Physics brings together the latest advances in the characterization of the temporal evolution of the transient photo-induced dynamics in 2D materials and their interfaces.
Image: © Rost-9D/iStock/Getty Images Plus/GettyimagesOpen for submissions