Monday, December 31, 2012

Duluth Harbor Boat Traffic for Sunday 12/30/2012

John G. Munson arrived Duluth at 02:50
Mesabi Miner departed Duluth at 10:35
John G. Munson departed 17:30

Sunday, December 30, 2012

Duluth Harbor Boat Traffic for Saturday 12/29/2012

John D. Leitch departed at 10:05
CSL Niagara arrived at 15:40
CSL Niagara departed at 20:15
Mesabi Miner arrived at 22:30

Saturday, December 29, 2012

Duluth Harbor Boat Traffic for Friday 12/28/2012

St. Clair departed at 05:10 American Century departed at 06:20 John D. Leitch arrived at 20:30

Friday, December 28, 2012

Duluth Harbor Boat Traffic for Thursday 12/27/2012

Mesabi Miner departed at 05:36
Great Republic departed at 08:45
American Century arrived at 14:10
St Claire Arrived at 16:00
Edgar Speer arrived at 18:00
Edgar Speer departed at 22:00

Thursday, December 27, 2012

Farewell to Bentleyville for 2012

The last evening for the Bentleyville "Tour of Lights" display at Bayfront Park was celebrated last evening with a fireworks display as temperatures hovered around 10F. Bentleyville ended its third year in Duluth and is quickly becoming a wonderful Holiday tradition for many families.
Mesabi Miner Arrival

Duluth Harbor Boat Traffic for Wednesday 12/26/2012

James R. Barker arrived at 00:35
Paul R. Tregurtha departed at 09:40
Great Republic arrived at 16:00
Mesabi Miner arrived at 17:15
James R. Barker departed at 18:30

Monday, December 24, 2012

" Hard Water" Ice Boat Commander

CAP T TOM MACKAY a long time resident of Park Point sent in this picture of him out for a sail on the Duluth Harbor " Hard Water".

Ahoy Denny. As you stated I have lived on the Point for a long time, 1944, with the first two days of my life spent up-town at St. Lukes. This is a photo of my Mom on my Dads Iceboat around 1939, just so you can see how this sport got in my blood. The other photo is of my first Iceboat the "Sputnic" named after a current event back a few years ago. A misspell of Spitnik.

Captain Tom Mackay (Ret.) Park Point's Affluent Poor

Duluth Harbor Boat Traffic for Sunday 12/23/2012

Richelieu arrival

American Integrity arrived at 07:00
Atlantic Erie departed at 08:00
Richelieu arrived at 08:30
American Integrity departed at 19:30

Sunday, December 23, 2012

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Duluth Harbor Boat Traffic for Saturday 12/22/2012

Algoway arrived at 01:30
Atlantic Huron departed at 06:55
Atlantic Erie arrived at 07:10
Algoway departed at 11:10
Baie St. Paul departed at 19:20

Saturday, December 22, 2012

Frontenac Arrival
St. Clair departed at 05:30
Atlantic Huron arrived at 07:45
Frontenac arrived at 08:30
American Century departed at 10:15
Frontenac departed at 12:05
Kaye E. Barker departed at 19:20
Baie St. Paul arrived at 20:30

Friday, December 21, 2012

Duluth Harbor Boat Traffic for Thursday 12/20/2012

Burns Harbor arrived at 00:50
Burns Harbor departed at 04:55
St. Clair arrived at 06:40
Kaye E. Barker arrived at 06:55
Philip R. Clarke departed at 07:50
Mesabi Miner departed at 08:20
American Century arrived at 21:30

Thursday, December 20, 2012

Federal Sakura Departure
Rt. Hon. Paul J. Martin arrived at 00:27
Paul R. Tregurtha departed at 01:25
Rt. Hon. Paul J. Martin departed at 07:37
Great Republic arrived at 07:49
John J. Boland departed at 08:00
Federal Sakura (Pan) departed at 16:35
Philip R. Clarke arrived at 17:30
Great Republic departed at 19:30
Mesabi Miner arrived at 20:30

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

The Last Saltie!

The Federal Sakura arrived at 20:45 last evening and is the last saltie (ocean going vessel) of the season.
When a cold tear drop rolled down my face, I could tell if it was because of the cold breeze blowing off Lake Superior or the nostalgia of seeing the last ocean freighter of the year.
Two tugs waited in the inky black water to assist the boat to Peavey Elevator for a load of grain.

Duluth Harbor Boat Traffic for Monday 12/17/2012

American Integrity departed at 02:46
Indiana Harbor departed at 15:00
Federal Sakura (Pan) arrived at 19:45

Monday, December 17, 2012

Duluth Harbor Boat Traffic for Sunday 12/16/2012

American Integrity arrived at 02:35
Michipicoten arrived at 05:25
Michipicoten departed at 12:25
Indiana Harbor arrive at 21:20

Sunday, December 16, 2012

Duluth Harbor Boat Traffic for Saturday 12/15/2012

Algowood departed at 06:00
Algowood arrived at 08:55
American Century departed at 09:30
Algowood departed at 15:35

Saturday, December 15, 2012

Duluth Harbor Boat Traffic for Friday 12/14/2012

Algowood Arrival
Philip R. Clarke departed at 01:25
Mesabi Miner departed at 02:05
James R. Barker arrived at 12:40
American Century arrived at 19:50
Algowood arrived at 21:00
Hermann Schoening departed at 22:15
James R. Barker departed at 23:55

Friday, December 14, 2012

Duluth Harbor Boat Traffic for Thursday 12/13/2012

Buffalo departed at 01:20
Mesabi Miner arrived at 01:40
Biscayne Bay departed at 13:00
Hermann Schoening arrived at 18:15
Cornelia departed at 21:00

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Duluth Harbor Boat Traffic for Wednesday 12/12/12

Biscayne Bay 12/12/12

James R. Barker arrived at 02:30
James R. Barker departed at 12:20
Calumet departed at 13:50
American Mariner departed at 14:35
Buffalo arrived at 16:35

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Duluth Harbor Boat Traffic for Tuesday 12/11/12

Paul R. Tregurtha arrived at 07:32
Indiana Harbor arrived at 01:32
American Mariner arrived at 05:32
Paul R. Tregurtha arrived at 07:32
Calumet arrived at 09:30
Indiana Harbor departed at 16:20

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Duluth Harbor Boat Traffic for Monday 12/10/2012

Biscayne Bay

Lee A. Tregurtha departed at 03:10
Alpena arrived at 04:37
Sam Laud arrived at 10:00
Biscayne Bay arrived at 14:55
Sam Laud departed at 18:40

Monday, December 10, 2012

Duluth Harbor Boat Traffic for Sunday 12/9/2012

The snowstorm blinded many of the cameras from seeing yesterday. The video shows what was available.

James R. Barker departed at 02:50
Walter J. McCarthy Jr. arrived at 05:55
Frontenac (CA ) departed at 12:50
Lee A. Tregurtha departed at 18:40

Sunday, December 9, 2012

Duluth Harbor Boat Traffic for Saturday 12/8/2012

American Integrity arrived at 00:50
CSL Assiniboine departed at 07:20
Victoriaborg (Dutch) departed at 13:00
Lee A. Tregurtha arrived at 15:30
James R. Barker arrived at 15:40
Alpena arrived at 23:05

Saturday, December 8, 2012

December 8, 1961: The Duluth-Superior Bridge Opens to Traffic

The Blatnik Bridge side-by-side with the remains of the Interstate Bridge.
By: Tony Dierckins Zenith City Online - On this day in Duluth and Superior in 1961, the Duluth-Superior Bridge opened to automobile traffic, the first modern bridge to span the St. Louis Bay between the neighboring cities, known since the 1890s as the Twin Ports. The new span replaced the Interstate Bridge, a swinging toll bridge that stretched from Rice’s Point in Duluth to Connor’s Point in Superior from 1897 until 1961. (It was partially dismantled in 1971, and a remaining portion of the bridge still stretches from Rice’s Point and is used as a fishing dock.) To allow shipping traffic to pass beneath the structure, the 7,975-foot bridge rose 120 feet above the water. It quickly became known as the High Bridge. In order to build the 2,800-foot approach to the new bridge, nearly the entire Garfield Avenue Residential District was razed. In 1971 the bridge was renamed the John A. Blatnik Bridge in honor of the DFL congressman from Chisholm who played a major role in making the bridge a reality. When the bridge was rededicated in Blatnik’s name in 1971, Secretary of Transportation John Volpe said that Blatnik “played a key role in establishing and fostering the foundation for this magnificent [Interstate Highway] program back during the Eisenhower Administration.” John Blatnik was a big supporter of the St. Lawrence Seaway, helped pass the 1972 Clean Water Act—and voted against the Civil Rights Act of 1964. When he retired after 28 years in office (1947–1975), Jim Oberstar—Blatnik’s administrative assistant—took his place in Congress. Oberstar served until January, 2011.

Duluth Harbor Boat Traffic for Friday 12/7/2012

Great Republic arrived at 04:05
Philip R. Clarke arrived at 04:20
Birchglen arrived at 05:05
Mesabi Miner departed at 06:15
Victoriaborg (Dutch) arrived at 10:30
Philip R. Clarke departed at 15:05
Great Republic departed at 15:45
Birchglen (CA) departed at 16:05
CSL Assiniboine arrived at 22:30

Friday, December 7, 2012

December 7, 1940: Duluth’s USS Paducah Arrives in Brooklyn

By Tony Dierkins: Zenith City Online
On this day in 1940, the USS Paducah—training vessel of the Duluth Naval Militia—and her crew of naval reservists from Duluth arrived in Brooklyn, New York, where it would spend the next few years training sailors for battle during the Second World War. Launched in 1904, the Paducah was a Dubuque-class gunboat that joined the U.S. Navy’s Caribbean Squadron in 1906. During World War I the Paducah operated out of Gibraltor, escorting convoys on the way to North Africa, Italy, the Azores, and Medeira. She returned to duty in the Caribbean before arriving in Duluth in June of 1921, replacing the USS Essex. From 1940 to 1945 the Paduch was a common site on Chesapeake Bay, where she trained Naval Armed Guard Gunners. The gunners were sailors and officers who served on armed merchant vessels because the navy itself did not have enough ships to protect the merchant fleet. After the war the Paducah was sold to an individual in Florida, who then sold her to the Israeli group Haganah and renamed her Geula or “Redemption.” She was eventually turned into a merchant ship before being sold for scrap in 1951. Read the Veteran Memorial Hall’s entry on the Paducah here, and the personal story of Paducah sailor Steve Blach here.

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Duluth Harbor Boat Traffic for Tuesday 12/5/2012

Indiana Harbor departed at 07:16
Paul R. Tregurtha departed at 17:00
Federal Yukina departed at 18:20
Erieborg depart departed at 20:50

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Duluth Harbor Boat Traffic for Monday 12/3/2012

Federal Yukina (HK) arrived at 03:29
Walter J. McCarthy Jr. departed at 07:31
CSL Niagara departed at 07:48
Erieborg (Dutch) arrived at 08:03
James R. Barker arrived at 08:32
James R. Barker departed at 17:10
Indiana Harbor arrived at 17:40
Paul R. Tregurtha arrive at 22:50

Monday, December 3, 2012

Harbor History: Leif Erickson Replica Viking Boat

By: Tony Dierkins, Zenith City Online

Duluth’s Leif Erickson replica Viking ship was built in Norway in 1926 for Captain Gerhard Folgero. According to historian Pat Labadie—whose father and grandfather built the boat—the Leif Erikson was a 42-foot wooden “femboring” craft “patterned after the traditional Norwegian working craft that served coastal shippers and fisherfolk for centuries [and was] used by medieval Norse adventurers and explorers.” So the Leif Erikson is not a precise replica of a Viking craft but a representation of the same class and style of boat likely used by Leif Erikson himself.

Captain Folgero and his crew outfitted their vessel with carved head and tail pieces and wooden shields bearing Viking devices and sailed the dressed-up fishing boat from Bergen, Norway, to the coast of Labrador and beyond, supposedly following much of Leif Erikson’s original 1002 route.

It wasn’t easy. They faced hurricane-like winds, icebergs, and weeks of fog. But they made it to Labrador and on to Boston, covering 6,700 miles in 50 days. From Boston they sailed on to Duluth to take part in a national convention of Norwegian emigrants. By the time they arrived here they had covered roughly 10,000 miles. That they accomplished this in a 42-foot boat outfitted with only oars and a square sail is nothing short of remarkable.

That’s when congressman William Carss suggested Duluthians raise funds to purchase the ship and move it to Lakeshore Park, then rename the park in the boat’s honor. But it was Bert Enger and Emil Olson, West End furniture dealers and Norwegian immigrants, who purchased the boat and gave it to Duluth for all to enjoy, and indeed Lakeshore Park was rechristened Leif Erikson Park. The boat was once considered Duluth’s second-largest tourist attraction, just behind the Aerial Lift Bridge.

In 1984 Neill Atkins and Will Borg, Emil Olson’s grandson, established Save Our Ship (S.O.S.) to renovate, preserve, and protect the vessel. They have struggled to raise fund to properly protect the boat, displaying a mixed record of stewardship. S.O.S.’s ironic initial idea was to not save the boat at all but to scrap it (the News-Tribune suggested she be burned in Lake Superior, like a Viking funeral). S.O.S. would then build a longboat-style warship to replace it, even though the boat was modeled after Viking merchant vessels built before the Norsemen became marauders.

Due to budget concerns, the replacement plan itself was scrapped and a renovation plan put into place. It took years to raise the funds, but a major overhaul was accomplished in 1996. The boat was then freed from a chicken-wire enclosure that had protected it for years and then moored in a more elegant berth within the park. Fear of vandals, however, has left it covered in shrink wrap waiting for a proper home.

S.O.S. has struggled since to raise money for an appropriate shelter. The will has always been there, but the funds have not always materialized. In the late 1990s Save Our Ship considered moving it to the Great Lakes Aquarium. The idea couldn’t have sat well with Borg, as he was once quoted as saying, “Leif Erikson Park without a ship is like Canal park without a lift bridge.”

In 2012 another group of developers proposed moving the boat to a retail development to be constructed at the “Lafarge” site, just west of Bayfront Park. That project has not materialized.

From Zenith City Press’s forthcoming “Pearls on a String: History of Duluth’s Parks.”

Duluth Harbor Boat Traffic for Sunday 12/3/2012

Lee A. Tregurtha departed at 02:05
American Century departed at 07:45
Walter J. McCarthy Jr. arrived at 15:35
CSL Niagara arrived at 21:30

Sunday, December 2, 2012

Saturday, December 1, 2012

Duluth Harbor Boat Traffic for Friday 11/30/2012

Great Lakes Trader arrived at 07:20
American Century departed at 7:40
Mesabi Miner arrived at 12:00
Great Lakes Trader departed at 19:30
Arthur Anderson departed at 20:10
Mesabi Miner departed at 23:10
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