When Joseph Ferriola was buried a week ago, all the cronies of the former Chicago underworld boss were conspicuous by their absence from his funeral.
Yet last Thursday, just a day later, some of Ferriola`s closest associates managed to turn out in Ft. Lauderdale for the last rites of Joseph Laratro, 73, identified by police as a New Jersey-Florida mobster.
Chicago mobsters were already in Florida, ostensibly enjoying the weather, but also, law enforcement officials have now determined, to meet and talk with their New York counterparts.
Police and federal agents believe top members of the Chicago organized crime family shunned Ferriola`s funeral to attend the meetings in Florida.
Intelligence agents of Florida`s Broward County sheriff`s department first sighted Chicago mobsters in the Ft. Lauderdale area weeks ago.
”Chicago`s group has been very active down here,” Steve Bertucelli, director of Broward County`s organized crime division, said Tuesday. ”Their members are doing business, even in a social or a relaxed setting. They are here to make money.”
Cmdr. Ronnie Watson, of the Chicago Police Department`s organized crime intelligence division, agreed. Watson said he received information that New York as well as New Jersey crime families have met with Chicago bosses in Bertucelli`s area.
One law enforcement theory holds that a combination of Ferriola`s death, hoodlum defections to the FBI and anticipated indictments of Chicago`s shrinking cadre of mob bosses threatens to undermine the mob here.
Some officials speculate that-unlikely as it seems, because of the long-standing rivalries between big city mob groups-New York crime bosses might try to shore up or exert influence over the Chicago mob in its period of distress following Ferriola`s death.
Watson said he believes that the Chicago mob bosses arranged months ago for an orderly transition of power. ”After all, for two years, it was certainly no secret that Ferriola was dying,” Watson said.
Another likely subject of discussion, say federal sources, is the far-flung consequences of federal attempts to reform the Teamsters Union, long a bastion of mob influence and corruption. Under terms of a recent court settlement of a government suit against the teamsters, union officials agreed to open all union offices to election and to accept a court-appointed trustee. Another theory for the topic of the winter meetings was to reach an accord for the division of spoils among mob factions.
Northern mob figures have enjoyed wintering in Florida for years. But this year, according to police, it was apparent that serious business was afoot. The Chicago and New York groups seemed as interested in talking as playing golf or going deep-sea fishing.
Laratro`s funeral last Thursday provided additional cover for a get-together. Laratro, known as ”Joey Narrows” and identified by federal authorities as a captain in the Thomas Luchese crime family, died March 11, the same day Ferriola died in Houston of heart and kidney failure.
Among the Chicago mob figures seen in Florida were such Ferriola pals as gambling overseer Ernest Rocco Infelice, 68; Dominic Cortina, 64; and Salvatore Delaurentis, 50.
Also present were Sam Carlisi, 68, and James Marcello, Carlisi`s confidante and driver.
Infelice has been seen with Americo DePietto, a former Chicago mobster now living in Florida. Both men are convicted drug traffickers, and police speculate that their association may prompt the Chicago mob to step up activity in the cocaine business, a Ferriola legacy.
Carlisi and another Chicago rackets figure, John DiFronzo, 60, are regarded as potential Ferriola successors, although the latest thinking among federal mob experts is that the two will rule in tandem until a strongman emerges.
DiFronzo is known to have told associates that he`s ”the boss,” and has told others to ”read the papers” if they don`t believe him, according to sources familiar with the results of federal monitoring techniques.