Index to Short Biographies of Performers - W |
Edo de Waart, Conductor (The Netherlands) |
Tomasz Wabnic, Violin, Viola, Music Director (Poland) |
Julian Wachner, Conductor (USA) |
Wolfgang Wachs, Bass (Country ?) [Missing Biography] |
Eberhard Wächter, Bass-Baritone (Austria) |
Steve Wächter, Counter-tenor (Germany) |
Elisabeth Wacker, Contralto (Country ?) [Missing Biography] |
Margaret Wacyk, Piano (USA) |
Faith Waddell, Soprano (Scotland, UK) |
Walter Wade, Choral Conductor (USA) |
Oratorienchor der Stadt Wadern, Choir (Germany) |
Charles Wadsworth, Piano, Harpsichord (USA) |
Jean-Luc Waeber, Baritone, Choral Conductor (Switzerland) |
Ben Wager, Bass (USA) |
Alexis Wagner, Bass-Baritone (Germany) |
Andreas Wagner, Tenor (Germany) |
Anne Catherine Wagner, Mezzo-soprano, Contralto (Germany) |
Birgit Wagner, Soprano (Germany) |
Christian Wagner, Baritone (Germany) |
Dieter Wagner, Tenor (Germany) |
Dorothea Wagner, Soprano (Germany) |
Ekkehard Wagner, Tenor (Country ?) [Missing Biography] |
Friederike Wagner, Soprano (Germany) |
Gertrud Wagner, Contralto (Country ?) [Missing Biography] |
Hannes Wagner, Tenor (Germany) |
Iris Wagner, Soprano (Germany) |
Josef Wagner, Bass-Baritone (Austria) |
Julia Sophie Wagner, Soprano (Germany) |
Patricia Wagner, Mezzo-soprano (Germany) |
Roger Wagner, Choral Conductor (France / USA) |
Roger Wagner Chorale, Choir (USA) |
Sieglinde Wagner, Contralto (Germany) |
Rudolf Wagner-Régeny, Piano, Clavichord (Romania / Germany) |
Franz Wagnermeyer, Trumpet (Germany) |
Mónica Waisman, Violin (Argentina) |
Gregory Wait, Tenor, Choral Conductor (USA) |
Keisuke Wakao, Oboe (Japan / USA) |
Hiroshi Wakasugi, Conductor (Japan) |
Teresa Wakim, Soprano (USA) |
Edelgard Walch, Harpsichord (Country ?) [Missing Biography] |
Etienne Walch, Counter-tenor (Germany) |
Helmut Walcha, Organ, Harpsichord (Germany) |
Jessica Wald, Soprano (Argentina / USA) |
Margarete Waldbauer, Contralto (Country ?) [Missing Biography] |
Katie Walders, Soprano (USA) |
Patrick Walders, Conductor, Baritone, Counter-tenor (USA) |
Vanessa Waldhart, Soprano (Austria) |
Waldstadt Kammerorchester Karlsruhe, Chamber Orchestra (Germany) |
Daisy Walford, Soprano (England) |
Nichole Waligora, Soprano (USA) |
Andrea Walker, Soprano (USA) |
Anna Walker, Soprano (Country ?) [Missing Biography] |
Antony Walker, Conductor (Australia) |
Cory O'Niell Walker, Tenor (USA) |
Daniel Walker, Tenor, Choral Conductor (Australia) |
Ian Walker, Baritone (USA) |
Jordan Walker, Tenor (USA) |
Julian Walker, Bass (England) [Missing Biography] |
Mallory Walker, Tenor (USA) |
Norman Walker, Bass (England) |
Penelope Walker, Contralto (England) |
Peter Walker, Baritone (USA) |
Thomas Walker, Tenor (Scotland, UK) |
Timothy Walker, Guitar (South Africa) |
Anna Wall, Mezzo-soprano (England) |
Simon Wall, Tenor (England) |
Stephen Wall, Tenor (USA) |
Tobias Wall, Tenor (Germany) |
Trinity Baroque Orchestra, Wall Street, Baroque Orchestra (USA) |
Walla Walla Choral Society (WWCS), Choir (USA) |
Barbara Wallace, Soprano (USA) |
Michael Wallace, Baritone (England) |
Stephen Wallace, Counter-tenor (England) |
Vince Wallacs, Bass-Baritone (USA) |
William Wallace, Tenor (England) |
Johan Wållberg, Baritone (Sweden) |
Fritz Wallenberg, Conductor (Germany / USA) |
Alfred Wallenstein, Conductor, Cello (USA) |
Elizabeth Wallfisch, Violin, Conductor (Australia / England) |
Lawrence Wallington, Bass-Baritone (England) |
Orchestre Royal de Chambre de Wallonie (ORCW), Chamber Orchestra (Belgium) |
Johanna Wallroth, Soprano (Sweden) |
Manuel Walser, Baritone (Switzerland) |
Diane Walsh, Piano (USA) |
Kevin Walsh, Baritone (USA) |
Emma Walshe, Soprano (England) |
Audrey Walstrom, Mezzo-soprano (USA) |
Deon van der Walt, Tenor (South Africa) |
Antoine Walter, Boy Alto (Country ?) [Missing Biography] |
Bruno Walter, Conductor (Germany / USA) |
Christian Walter, Bass (Germany) |
Georg A. Walter, Tenor (USA) |
Gert Walter, Tenor (Germany) |
Hélène Walter, Soprano (France) |
Winfried Walter, Bass (Germany) |
Kerry Walters, Soprano (USA) |
Roland Waltner, Baritone (Germany) |
Walton Voices, Choir (England) |
Adam Walton, Bass (USA) |
James Walton, Counter-tenor, Organ, Harpsichord (USA) |
William Walton, Composer, Arranger, Conductor (England) |
Ivy Walz, Mezzo-soprano (USA) |
Ulrich Wand, Boy Alto (Country ?) [Missing Biography] |
Wandsworth School Boys' Choir (WSBC), Boys' Choir (England) |
Shiyu Wang, Piano (China / USA) |
Tiemo Wang, Baritone (The Netherlands) |
Lee Wanner, Electric Guitar (USA) |
Judith van Wanroij, Soprano (The Netherlands) |
Laure Van Wanzeele, Mezzo-soprano (The Netherlands) |
Béatrice Warcollier, Conductor (France) |
David Ward, Bass-Baritone (USA) |
John Taylor Ward, Baritone (USA) |
Nathan Ward, Tenor (USA) |
Nicholas Ward, Conductor (England) |
Robert Ward, Baritone, Choral Conductor (USA) |
Toby Ward, Tenor (England) |
Tony Ward, Choral Conductor (USA) |
Christopher Wardle, Counter-tenor (England) |
William Warfield, Baritone (USA) |
Han Warmelink, Tenor (The Netherlands) |
Nicole Warner, Mezzo-soprano (USA) |
Eugénie Warnier, Soprano (France) |
Virginia Warnken Kelsey, Mezzo-soprano (USA) |
Steven Warnock, Baritone (Scotland, UK / USA) |
Jesse Warren, Bass-Baritone (USA) |
Leonard Warren, Baritone (USA) |
Luke Warren, Baritone (England) |
Stanley Warren, Tenor (USA) |
Clarice Warrick, Soprano (USA) |
Rachel Edie Warrick, Soprano (USA) |
McKenzie Warriner, Soprano (Canada) |
Warsaw Ensembles (Poland): |
Warsaw Chamber Opera (WCO), Choir (Poland) |
Warsaw Philharmonic Chamber Orchestra (WPCO), Chamber Orchestra (Poland) |
Warsaw Philharmonic Symphony Orchestra (WPSO), Symphony Orchestra (Poland) |
Choir of the Warsaw School of Economics (Chór SGH), Choir (Poland) |
University of Warsaw Choir = Chór Akademicki Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego, Choir (Poland) |
Sinfonia Varsovia, Chamber Orchestra (Poland) |
Chór Kameralny Collegium Musicum Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego = University of Warsaw Chamber Choir Collegium Musicum, Chamber Choir (Poland) |
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Jon Washburn, Conductor (Canada) |
Washington Ensembles (USA): |
Washington Bach Consort (WBC), Orchestra & Choir (USA) |
Choral Arts Society of Washington (CASW), Choir & Orchestra (USA) |
National Symphony Orchestra (NSO, USA), Symphony Orchestra (USA) |
University of Washington Baroque Ensemble, Instrumental Ensemble (USA) |
University of Washington Recital Choir, Choir (USA) |
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Barbara Washington, Soprano (Country ?) [Missing Biography] |
Franz Wasner, Choral Conductor (Austria) |
Ashley Wass, Piano (England) |
Alex Wasserman, Conductor (Brazil / Israel) |
Akira Watanabe, Baritone (Japan) |
Reiko Watanabe, Violin (Japan) |
Takashi Watanabe, Harpsichord, Organ (Japan) |
Yusuke Watanabe, Bass (Japan) |
Yoshio Watanabe, Harpsichord (Japan) |
Peter Watchorn, Music Director, Harpsichord (Australia) |
Robert Waterbury, Bass (USA) |
Heidi Waterman, Mezzo-soprano (USA) |
Patrick Waters, Tenor (USA) |
Rosalind Waters, Soprano (England) |
David Watkin, Cello, Conductor (England) |
Carolyn Watkinson, Mezzo-soprano, Contralto (England) |
Christopher Watson, Tenor (England) |
Jacob Keith Watson, Tenor (USA) |
Ian Watson, Conductor, Organ Harpsichord, Piano (England) |
Jean Watson, Contralto (Canada) |
Katherine Watson, Soprano (England) |
Kristen Watson, Soprano (USA) |
Nathaniel Watson, Baritone (USA) |
William Watson, Tenor (USA) |
Cynthia Watters, Soprano (USA) |
Andrew Watts, Counter-tenor (England) |
Elizabeth Watts, Soprano (England) |
Helen Watts, Contralto (Wales, UK) |
Nicholas Watts, Tenor (England) |
Tanja Watzinger, Soprano (Germany) |
Wave Quartet, Marimba Quartet (Europe) |
James Way, Tenor (England) |
Louisa Waycott, Mezzo-soprano (USA) |
Louise Wayman, Soprano (England) |
Timothy Wayne-Wright, Counter-tenor (England) |
WDR Ensembles (Germany): |
WDR Big Band, Big Band (Germany) |
Collegium Musicum des WDR (CM-WDR), Instrumental Ensemble (Germany) |
WDR Rundfunkchor Köln, Choir (Germany) |
WDR Sinfonieorchester Köln (WDR-SO), Symphony Orchestra (Germany) |
^^^^^ |
Felicia Weathers, Soprano (USA) |
James Weaver, Bass (USA) |
James Weaver, Harpsichord (USA) |
Christopher Webb, Bass-Baritone (England) |
Jennifer Webb, Mezzo-soprano (USA) |
Michael A Webb, Bass (USA) |
Rachel Webb, Soprano/Mezzo-soprano (USA) |
Carol Webber, Soprano (USA) |
Geoffrey Webber, Condctor (England) |
Dieter Weber, Piano (Germany / Austria) |
Dominique Weber, Bass (Country ?) [Missing Biography] |
Gunthild Weber, Soprano (Germany) |
Hans-Joachim Weber, Tenor (Germany) |
Irmgard Weber, Soprano (Germany) |
Janice Weber, Piano (USA) |
Jens Weber, Tenor (USA) |
Karl-Heinz Weber, Tenor (Country ?) [Missing Biography] |
Katharine Hannah Weber, Soprano (Germany) |
Katherine Weber, Mezzo-soprano (USA) |
Ludwig Weber, Bass (Austria) |
Maria Weber, Soprano (Germany) |
Marianne Weber, Soprano (Country ?) [Missing Biography] |
Paul Weber, Choral Conductor (USA) |
Ruth Weber, Soprano (Germany) |
Webern Trio Frankfurt, String Trio (Germany) |
Amadeus Webersinke, Piano, Organ (Germany) |
Justus von Websky, Conductor (Germany) |
Beveridge Webster, Piano (USA) |
Catherine Webster, Soprano (USA) |
Marc Webster, Bass (USA) |
Johannes Wedeking, Bass (Germany) |
Sophie Wedell, Violin (Germany / The Netherlands) |
Chia Wee-Kiat, Counter-tenor (Malaysia) |
Ab Weegenaar, Bassoon, Organ, Conductor (The Netherlands) |
Daniel Weeks, Tenor (USA) |
Birgit Wegemann, Soprano (Germany) |
Sarah Wegener, Soprano (Germany / England) |
Christoph Wegmann, Boy Soprano (Country ?) [Missing Biography] |
John Wegner, Baritone (Germany / Australia) |
Christine Wehler, Contralto (Germany) |
Wolfram Wehnert, Choral Conductor (Germany) |
Michaela Wehrum, Mezzo-soprano (Germany) |
Herrad Wehrung, Soprano (Germany) |
Javier Weibel, Bass (Chile) |
Stefan Weible, Tenor, Choral Conductor (Germany) |
Caroline Weichert, Piano (Germany) |
Matthias Weichert, Baritone (Germany) |
Raymond Weidner, Choral Conductor, Organ (USA) |
Julia Weigel, Soprano (Germany) |
Nicole Weigelt, Soprano (USA) |
Jörg-Peter Weigle, Conductor (Germany) |
Sebastian Weigle, Conductor (Germany) |
Bernd Weikl, Baritone (Austria) |
Bruno Weil, Conductor (Germany) |
Daniel Weiler, Baritone (Germany) |
Stefan Weiler, Choral Conductor (Germany) |
Alisa Weilerstein, Cello (USA) |
Alexander Weimann, Conductor, Harpsichord, Organ (Germany) |
Dieter Weimann, Tenor (Germany) |
Martin Weimann, Choral Conductor, Organ (Country ?) [Missing Biography] |
Staatskapelle Weimar, Symphony Orchestra (Germany) |
Gerhard Weinberger, Organ, Choral Conductor (Germany) |
Gisela Weinberger, Soprano (Country ?) [Missing Biography] |
Weiner-Szász Chamber Symphony (BCS), Chamber Orchestra (Hungary) |
William Weinert, Choral Conductor (USA) |
Felix Weingartner, Conductor, Piano (Austria) |
Johannes Weinhuber, Bass (Germany) |
Anne Weinkauf, Mezzo-soprano (Germany) |
Carl Weinrich, Organ (USA) |
Gillian Weir, Organ (New Zealand / England) |
Scot Weir, Tenor (USA) |
Max Weirich, Bass (Country ?) [Missing Biography] |
Maja Weis-Osborn, Soprano (Country ?) [Missing Biography] |
Hans Weisbach, Conductor (Germany) |
Silke Weisheit, Contralto (Germany) |
Donald Weiskopff, Tenor (USA) |
Fabienne Weiß, Soprano (Germany) |
Johannes Weiss, Tenor (Germany) |
Kenneth Weiss, Harpsichord (USA) |
Lisa Weiss, Contralto, Double-bass (Austria) |
Maria Weiss, Mezzo-soprano (Austria) |
Orion Weiss, Piano (USA) |
Peter Weiss, Piano (Germany) |
Silvia Weiss, Soprano (Germany) |
Edith Weiss-Mann, Harpsichord (Germany / USA) |
Fritz Weisse, Conductor (Germany) |
Alexis Weissenberg, Piano (Bulgaria / France) |
Gerda Weissenberg, Contralto (Country ?) [Missing Biography] |
Johannes Weisser, Baritone (Norway) |
Frieder Weissmann, Conductor (Germany) |
Antje Weithaas, Violin (Germany) |
Ute Weitkämper, Contralto, Mezzo-soprano (Germany) |
Jaap van der Wel, Bass (The Netherlands) |
Hansje van Welbergen, Soprano (The Netherlands) |
Corby Welch, Tenor (USA) |
Martina Welschenbach, Soprano (Germany) |
Kathryn Weld, Mezzo-soprano (USA) |
George Weldon, Conductor (England) |
Irene Weldon, Mezzo-soprano (USA) |
Eline Welle, Mezzo-soprano (The Netherlands) |
Andreas Weller, Tenor (Germany) |
Joachim Weller, Choral Conductor, Organ (Germany) |
Sharon Weller, Contralto (USA) |
Ulrich Weller, Counter-tenor (Germany) |
Walter Weller, Conductor, Violin (Austria) |
Alison Wells, Mezzo-soprano (England) |
Bradley Wells, Choral Conductor (USA) |
Brenna Wells, Soprano (USA) |
John Wells, Organ (New Zealand) |
Jordan Wells, Tenor (USA) |
Mark Wells, Tenor (USA) |
Scott Wellstead, Tenor (Australia) |
Lida Wels, Mezzo-soprano (The Netherlands) |
Franz Welser-Möst, Conductor (Austria) |
Gerry Welter, Choral Conductor (Luxembourg) |
Derek Welton, Bass-Baritone (Australia) |
Grete Welz, Soprano (Country ?) [Missing Biography] |
Nicola Wemyss, Mezzo-soprano (Scotland, UK) |
Hanni Wendlandt, Soprano (Country ?) [Missing Biography] |
Alexander Wendt, Tenor (Germany) |
Erich Wenk, Bass-Baritone (Germany) |
Ortrun Wenkel, Contralto (Germany) |
Jed Wentz, Flute, Conductor (USA) |
Juliane Wenzel, Mezzo-soprano (Germany) |
Silke Wenzel, Soprano (Germany) |
Benjamin Perry Wenzelberg, Conductor, Counter-tenor, Piano (USA) |
August Wenzinger, Conductor, Violoncello piccolo (Switzerland) |
Markus Werba, Baritone (Austria) |
Hermann Werdermann, Bass (Country ?) [Missing Biography] |
Gerben van der Werf, Counter-tenor (The Netherlands) |
Paulien van der Werff, Soprano (The Netherlands) |
Gerhard Werlitz, Tenor (Germany) |
Marie Luise Werneburg, Soprano (Germany) |
Astrid Werner, Soprano (Germany) |
Barbara Werner, Contralto (Germany) |
Fritz Werner, Conductor, Organ (Germany) |
Julia Werner, Mezzo-soprano (Germany) |
Olga Werner, Contralto, Mezzo-soprano (The Netherlands) |
Regina Werner, Soprano (Germany) |
Charles Wesley Evans, Baritone (USA) |
Peter Wesoloski, Baritone (USA) |
Kai Wessel, Counter-tenor (Germany) |
Jayne West, Soprano (USA) |
Kristine West, Recorder (Sweden) |
Thomas West, Baritone (USA) |
Erik Westberg, Choral Conductor (Sweden) |
Mary Westbrook-Geha, Mezzo-soprano (USA) |
Westchester Oratorio Society, Choir (USA) |
Miranda Westcott, Mezzo-soprano (England) |
Annelies Westen, Mezzo-soprano (Country ?) [Missing Biography] |
Richard Westenburg, Choral Conductor (USA) |
Hayley Westenra, Soprano (New Zealand) |
Beate Westerkamp, Mezzo-soprano (Germany) |
Christiaan Westerkamp, Tenor (USA) |
Westerkerkkoor, Choir (The Netherlands) |
Andreas Westermann, Harpsichord, Conductor (Germany) |
West Ensembles: |
PLU Choir of the West (COW), Choir (USA) |
West End United Methodist Choirs, Choirs (USA) |
^^^^^ |
Western Michigan Ensembles (Michigan, USA): |
Western Michigan University Chorale, Choir (USA) |
Collegium Musicum, WMU (Westeen Michigan University), Vocal & Instrumental Ensemble (USA) |
^^^^^ |
Bryce Westervelt, Tenor (USA) |
Westfälische Kantorei, Herford (WKH), Choir (Germany) |
Monica Westheimer, Harpsichord (Denmark) |
Hedwig Westhoff-Düppmann, Soprano (Germany) |
Beth Ray Westlund, Mezzo-soprano (USA) |
Gijsbert Westland, Tenor (The Netherlands) |
Westminster Ensembles: |
Westminster Abbey Choir (London), Choir (England) |
Westminster Choir (Princeton, NJ) (WCC), Choir (USA) |
Westminster Chapel Choir (Princeton, NJ), Choir (USA) |
Westminster Kantorei (Princeton, NJ), Chamber Choir (USA) |
Westminster Symphonic Choir (Princeton, NJ), Choir (USA) |
^^^^^ |
Barbara Westphal, Viola (USA) |
Mitzi Westra, Mezzo-soprano (USA) |
Jack Westrup, Conductor (England) |
Ulla Westvik, Soprano (Norway) |
Jennifer Westwood, Mezzo-soprano (England) |
Nathalie Wetchor, Soprano (Russia / France) |
John Wetter, Guitar (Country ?) [Missing Biography] |
Samuel Wetzel, Baritone (USA) |
Peter Wetzler, Tenor (Country ?) [Missing Biography] |
Judith Weusten, Soprano (The Netherlands) |
Terry Wey, Boy Soprano, Counter-tenor (Switzerland) |
Eckhard Weyand, Conductor (Germany) |
Sabine Weyer, Piano (Luxembourg) |
Will Weyhrauch, Tenor (USA) |
Dieter Weymann, Tenor (Germany) [Missing Biography] |
Caroline Weynants, Soprano (Belgium) |
Marja Weyrauch, Soprano (Germany) |
Conor Whalen, Choral Conductor, Bass-Baritone (USA) |
Margery McDuffie Whatley, Piano (USA) |
Rachel Wheatley, Soprano (England) |
Joshua Wheeker, Tenor (USA) |
Josiah Wheeler, Bass (USA) |
Peter Whelan, Conductor, Bassoon, Harpsichord (Ireland) |
Rebecca Whelan, Soprano (USA) |
Monica Whicher, Soprano (USA / Canada) |
Jayne Whitaker, Soprano (England) |
Scott Whitaker, Tenor (USA) [Missing Biography] |
Catherine White, Soprano (England) |
Jay White, Counter-tenor, Choral Conductor (USA) |
Matthew White, Counter-tenor (Canada) |
Orville White, Bass-Baritone (USA) |
Pierre-Guy Le Gall White, Baritone (USA / The Netherlands ?) |
Robert White, Tenor (USA) |
Sinéad White, Soprano (Ireland / Canada) |
Stephen White, Tenor (USA) |
Yana White, Soprano (Russia / USA) |
Laurence Whitehead, Baritone (England) |
Brooks Whitehouse, Cello (USA) |
John Scott Whiteley, Organ (England) |
Simon Whiteley, Bass (England) |
Bailey Whiteman, Contralto, Mezzo-soprano (USA) |
Kelly Whitesell, Soprano (USA) |
Athena Whiteside, Mezzo-soprano (USA) |
Dana Whiteside, Baritone (USA) |
William Whitesides, Tenor (USA) |
Alexandra Whitfield, Soprano (USA) |
Andrew Whitfield, Baritone (USA) |
Don Whitsitt, Bass (USA) |
Abigail Rose Whittle, Soprano (USA) |
Anna Whyte, Soprano (Scotland, UK) |
Léla Wiche, Soprano (Austria) |
Tadeusz Wicherek, Conductor (Poland) |
Kurt Wichmann, Bass (Germany) |
Edward Wickham, Bass, Choral Conductor (England) |
Tobias Wicky, Baritone (Switzerland) |
Walter Widdop, Tenor (England) |
Kurt Widmer, Baritone (Switzerland) |
Mitchell Widmer, Baritone (USA) |
Oliver Widmer, Bass-Baritone (Switzerland) |
Sarah Widmer, Mezzo-soprano (Switzerland) |
Maryseult Wieczorek, Mezzo-soprano (France) |
Angelika Wied, Mezzo-soprano (Germany) |
Wilhelm Wiedl, Boy Soprano (Germany) |
Franske van der Wiel, Mezzo-soprano (The Netherlands) |
Aimée Van De Wiele, Harpsichord (Belgium) |
Ernst Wiemann, Bass (Germany) |
Erika Wien, Mezzo-soprano (Austria) |
Manuel Wiencke, Baritone (Germany) |
Wien (Vienna) Ensembles (Austria): |
Bach Consort Wien, Instrumental Ensemble (Austria) |
Camerata Viennensis, Instrumental Ensemble (Austria) |
Chorus Viennensis, Choir (Austria) |
Wiener Akademie Kammerchor (VKC), Chamber Choir (Austria) |
Orchester Wiener Akademie, Chamber Orchestra (Austria) |
Barockensemble der Wiener Symphoniker (BEWS), Baroque Ensemble (Austria) |
Ensemble Continuum Wien (ECW), Instrmental Ensemble (Austria) |
Wiener Jeunesse-Chor (WJC), Choir (Austria) |
Wiener Kammerchor (VKC), Chamber Choir (Austria) |
Wiener Kammerensemble (WKE), Chamber Ensemble (Austria) |
Wiener Kammerorchester (WKO), Chamber Orchestra (Austria) |
Wiener Konzertchor, Choir (Austria) |
Wiener Lehrer-a-cappella-Chor (WLCC), Choir (Ausria) |
Vienna Morphing Orchestra, Chamber Orchestra (Austria) |
Pandolfis Consort Wien, Instrumental Ensemble (Austria) |
Wiener Philharmoniker (VPO), Symphony Orchestra (Austria) |
Prisma Wien - Ensemble für Musik, Instrumental Ensemble (Austria) |
Wiener Sängerknaben, Boys� Choir (Austria)
- Soloists of the Wiener Sängerknaben |
Wiener Singakademie, Choir (Austria) |
Wiener Singverein, Choir (Austria) |
Wiener Solisten, Chamber Orchestra (Austria) |
Chorvereinigung St. Augustin, Vienna, Choir (Austria) |
Wiener Staatsoper, Orchestra & Choir (Austria) |
Wiener Symphoniker, Symphony Orchestra (Austria) |
Musica Vivax Wien, Instrumental Ensemble (Hungary) |
^^^^^ |
Jean Wiéner, Piano (France) |
Otto Wiener, Bass-Baritone (Austria) |
Hajo Wienroth, Conductor, Flute (Germany) |
Edith Wiens, Soprano (Canada) |
Anna Maria Wierød, Soprano (Denmark) |
Piet Wiersma, Organ (The Netherlands) |
Jeljer te Wies, Tenor (The Netherlands) |
Rintje te Wies, Choral Conductor (The Netherlands) |
Kantorei der Bergkirche, Wiesbaden, Choir (Germany) |
Christiane Wiese, Soprano (Germany) |
Henrik Wiese, Flute (Austria) |
Ellen Wieser, Soprano (Canada) |
Maria Wieslander, Choral Conductor (Sweden) |
Dagmar Wietschorke, Soprano (Germany) |
Wiebke Wighardt, Mezzo-soprano (Germany) |
Vincent Wiguna, Piano, Conductor (Indonesia) |
Emilie Wijers, Mezzo-soprano (The Netherlands) |
Hans Wijers, Baritone (The Netherlands) |
Sietse van Wijgerden, Conductor, Organ (The Netherlands) |
Meike Wijma, Soprano (The Netherlands) |
Jouke Wijmenga, Baritone (The Netherlands) |
Tone Wik, Soprano (Norway) |
Marta Wiktorzak, Mezzo-soprano (Poland) |
Mack Wilberg, Conductor (USA) |
Rianne Wilbers, Soprano (The Netherlands) |
Hans Wilbrink, Baritone (The Netherlands) |
Christina Wilcocks, Mezzo-soprano (USA) |
Philip Wilcox, Bass-Baritone (England) |
Earl Wild, Piano (USA) |
Hubert Wild, Baritone, Counter-tenor (Germany) |
Mark Wilde, Tenor (Scotland, UK) |
Zachary Wilder, Tenor (USA) |
William Wildermann, Bass-Baritone (Germany / USA) |
Andra Isabel Wildgrube, Contralto (Germany) |
Timothy Wilds, Baritone (USA) |
Gerhard Wilhelm, Choral Conductor (Germany) |
Horst Wilhelm, Tenor (Germany) |
Matt Wilhelm, Tenor (Canada) |
Günther Wilhelms, Baritone (Country ?) [Missing Biography] |
Wilhelmshavener Vokalensemble, Vocal Ensemble (Germany) |
Aline Wilhelmy, Soprano (Germany) |
Lawrence Wiliford, Tenor (USA) |
Elisabeth Wilke, Contralto (Germany) |
Almut Wilker, Soprano (Country ?) [Missing Biography] |
Matthew Wilkie, Bassoon (Australia) |
Karen Wilkerson, Mezzo-soprano (USA) |
Jay Wilkey, Baritone, Conductor (USA) |
Bray Wilkins, Tenor (USA) |
Clare Wilkinson, Mezzo-soprano (England) |
Donald Wilkinson, Bass-Baritone (USA) |
Stephen Wilkinson, Choral Conductor (England) |
Tom Wilkinson, Organ, Choral Conductor (Scotland, UK) |
Jonas Will, Boy Alto (Country ?) [Missing Biography] |
Willamette Master Chorus, Choir (USA) |
David Willcocks, Conductor (England) |
Tannie Willemstijn, Soprano (The Netherlands) |
Paul Willenbrock, Bass (England / France) |
Michael Alexander Willens, Conductor (USA?) |
Owen Willetts, Counter-tenor (England) |
Barbara Maria Willi, Harpsichord (Czech Republic ?) |
William Byrd Singers (Manchester), Chamber Choir (England) |
Benedict Williams, Harpsichord, Organ, Baritone, Music Director (England) |
Brent Williams, Tenor (USA) |
David Williams, Baritone (USA) |
Douglas Williams, Bass-Baritone (USA) |
Ellen Williams, Mezzo-soprano (USA) |
Francis Williams, Tenor (USA) |
Geoffrey Williams, Counter-tenor (USA) |
Jackson Williams, Baritone (USA) |
John Williams, Guitar (Australia) |
John Williams, Bass-Baritone (USA) |
Laurence Williams, Bass-Baritone (England) |
Michael Solomon Williams, Tenor (England) |
Nardus Williams, Soprano (England) |
Nigel Williams, Bass-Baritone Ireland |
Peter Williams, Harpsichord, Organ (England) |
Roderick Williams, Baritone (England) |
Ryan Williams, Tenor (England) |
Tom Williams, Counter-tenor (England) |
Tudor Williams, Bass (England / USA) |
Barry Scott Williamson, Choral Conductor (USA) |
Benjamin Williamson, Counter-tenor (England) |
Elena Williamson, Soprano (USA) |
Euan Williamson, Tenor (Scotland, UK) |
John Finley Williamson, Choral Conductor (USA) |
Carel Willink, Bass (The Netherlands) |
Willow Flute Ensemble (WFE), Flute Ensemble (USA) |
Trine Wilsberg Lund, Soprano (Norway) |
Andrew Wilson, Organ (England) |
Colin Wilson, Counter-tenor (England) |
Elias Wilson, Tenor (Australia) |
Glen Wilson, Harpsichord, Piano (USA) |
Lisa Wilson, Soprano (England) |
Neil Wilson, Baritone (USA) |
Richard Wilson, Tenor (England) |
Richard Edward Wilson, Piano (USA) |
Roland Wilson, Conductor, Cornett (England) |
Steven Caldicott Wilson, Tenor (USA) |
Thomas Wilson, Choral Conductor, Organ (New Zealand) |
Timothy Wilson, Counter-tenor (England) |
Viktoria Wilson, Soprano (Germany) |
Julia Wilson-James, Soprano (England) |
David Wilson-Johnson, Bass-Baritone (England) |
Wiltener Sängerknaben, Boys' Choir (Austria) |
Elenor Wiman, Mezzo-soprano (Denmark) |
Peter Wimberger, Bass-Baritone (Austria) |
Elisabeth Wimmer, Soprano (Austria) |
Hans-Georg Wimmer, Baritone (Germany) |
Celeste Winant, Mezzo-soprano (USA) |
Gösta Winbergh, Tenor (Sweden) |
Barbara Winchester, Soprano (USA) |
Winchester Cathedral Choir, Choir (England) |
Matthias Winckhler, Baritone (Germany) |
Yaron Windmüller, Baritone (Israel) |
Windsbacher Knabenchor (WKC), Boys' Choir (Germany)
- Soloists of the Windsbacher Knabenchor |
Henry Wing, Tenor (USA) |
David Wingate, Bass (USA) |
Johanna Winkel, Soprano (Germany) |
Jens Winkelmann, Tenor (Germany) |
Paul Winkelmans, Baritone (Canada) |
Lucy Winkett, Soprano (England) |
Andreas Winkler, Tenor (Italy / Austria) |
Michael Winkler, Guitar (Switzerland / Germany) |
Michael-Christfried Winkler, Organ, Conductor (Germany) |
Jessica Winn, Mezzo-soprano (USA) |
Jan De Winne, Flute (Belgium) |
Raquel Winnica Young, Mezzo-soprano (Argentina / USA) |
Winnipeg Symphony Orchestra (WSO), Symphony Orchestra (Canada) |
Helmut Winschermann, Conductor, Oboe (Germany) |
Glenn Winslade, Tenor (Australia) |
Albrecht Winter, Violin, Conductor (Germany) |
Carolene Winter, Soprano (USA) |
David de Winter, Tenor (England) |
Quade Winter, Tenor (USA) |
Susanne Winter, Soprano (Germany) |
Urs Winter, Tenor (Switzerland) |
Veronika Winter, Soprano (Germany) |
Winterbeker Kammerorchester, Chamber Orchestra (Germany) |
Lawrence Winters, Baritone (USA) |
Winterthur Symphony Orchestra / Musikkollegium Winterthur, Symphony Orchestra (Switzerland) |
Reinhold Wirsching, Tenor (Austria) |
Jason Wirth, Piano (USA) |
Torsten Wirth, Choral Conductor, Organ (Germany) |
Julia Wischniewski, Soprano (France) |
Wisconsin Chamber Choir (WCC), Chamber Choir (USA) |
Michael Wisdom, Counter-tenor (USA) |
Benjamin Wise, Baritone (USA) |
Jacek Wislocki, Tenor (Poland) |
Pieter Wispelwey, Cello (The Netherlands) |
Brent Wissick, Cello, Conductor (USA) |
Richard Wistreich, Bass (England) |
Gerard de Wit, Harpsichord, Organ, Conductor (The Netherlands) |
Maite Cathérine de Wit, Mezzo-soprano (TheNetherlands) |
Hanna Wit Dolatko, Mezzo-soprano (Denmark) |
David Witczak, Baritone (France) |
Ger Withag, Baritone (The Netherlands) |
Herbert Witherspoon, Bass (USA) |
Wiard Witholt, Bass-Baritone (The Netherlands) |
Eimi Witmer, Soprano (Japan / USA) |
Kristen Witmer, Soprano (Japan / USA / Korea) |
Sam Witmer, Baritone (USA) |
Peter Witsch, Tenor (Germany) [Missing Biography] |
De Witt Academy (DWA), Vocal & Instrumental Ensemble (The Nethelands) |
Titus Witt, Bass-Baritone (Germany) |
Udo Witt, Conductor, Organ (Germany) |
Andrea Wittchen, Soprano (Germany / The Netherlands) |
Helmut Wittek, Boy Soprano (Germany) |
Catherina Witting, Soprano (Germany) |
Christoph Wittmann, Tenor (Germany) |
Biljana Wittstock, Soprano, Choral Conductor (Germany) |
Simon Witzig, Tenor (Switzerland) |
Ilton Wjuniski, Harpsichord (Brazil) |
Ekkehard Wlaschiha, Baritone (Germany) |
Ronald Woan, Choral Conductor (England) |
Bohdan Wodiczko, Conductor (Poland) |
Emma Woehle, Mezzo-soprano (Australia) |
Mattijs van de Woerd, Baritone (The Netherlands) |
Martien van Woerkum, Choral Conductor (The Netherlands) |
Carlos Woerner, Bass (USA) |
Katharina Woesner, Soprano (Germany) |
Rüdiger Wohlers, Tenor (Germany) |
Dorothee Wohlgemuth, Soprano (Germany) |
Ewa Wolak, Contralto (Poland) |
Mogens Wöldike, Conductor (Denmark) |
Lars Woldt, Bass (Germany) |
Andreas Wolf, Bass-Baritone (Germany) |
Axel Wolf, Lute (Germany) |
Elisabeth Wolf, Soprano (Country ?) [Missing Biography] |
Ilse Wolf, Soprano (Germany / England) |
Jürgen Wolf, Conductor, Organ, Harpsichord (Germany) |
Charlotte Wolf-Matthäus > Lotte Wolf-Matthäus, Contralto (Germany) |
Lotte Wolf-Matthäus, Contralto (Germany) |
Martin Wölfel, Counter-tenor (Germany) |
Beverly Wolff, Mezzo-soprano (USA) |
Charles de Wolff, Conductor, Organ (The Netherlands) |
Christine Wolff, Soprano (Germany) |
Christoph Wolff, Conductor (Germany) |
Ernst Victor Wolff, Piano, Harpsichord (Germany / USA) |
Harald Wolff, Choral Conductor, Organ (Germany) |
Henny Wolff, Soprano (Germany) |
Hugh Wolff, Conductor (France / USA) |
Karl Wolff, Guitar (USA) |
Konstantin Wolff, Bass-Baritone (Germany) |
William Wolff, Bass-Baritone (Canada) |
Karl Wolfram, Baritone (Germany) |
William Wolfram, Piano (USA) |
Kantorei der Christusgemeinde Wolfsburg, Choir (Germany) |
Raymond Wolin, Bass (USA) |
Jochen Woll, Conductor (Germany) |
Birgitta Wollenweber, Piano (Germany) |
Eduard Wollitz, Bass (Germany) |
Eva Wollmann, Piano (Austria) |
Rolf Wollrad, Bass (Germany) |
Leonardo Wolovsky, Bass-Baritone (USA) |
Odd Wolstad, Baritone (Norway / Denmark) |
Jörg Wöltche, Organ, Choral Conductor (Germany) |
Bernard Woltèche, Cello, Conductor (Belgium) |
James Wolter, Choral Conductor, Tenor (USA) |
Michaela Wolz, Mezzo-soprano (USA) |
Albert Wong, Piano (USA) |
Chiyan Wong, Piano (Hong Kong) |
Gilbert Wong, Bass (Hong Kong) |
Mun-Tzung Wong, Piano, Mezzo-soprano (Hong Kong / USA) |
Samuel Wong, Bass (Hong Kong / The Netherlands) |
Soong Hong Wong, Conductor, Piano (Malaysia) |
Wonju Civic Chorale, Choir (South Korea) |
Sébastien Wonner, Hapsichord, Organ (France) |
Caleb Woo, Baritone (USA) |
Kyung-sik Woo, Bass-Baritone (South Korea) |
Scott Woo, Tenor, Choral Conductor (Malaysia) |
Alexandra Wood, Violin (England) |
Amy Wood, Soprano (England) [Missing Biography] |
Edward Wood, Piano (USA) |
Henry J. Wood, Conductor (England) |
Rachel Wood, Mezzo-soprano (Canada) |
William Wood, Bass (Scotland, UK) |
Leslie Woodgate, Choral Conductor (England) |
Colleen Woodhouse, Alto (Canada) |
Edward Woodhouse, Tenor (England) |
Anthony Woodman, Baritone (England) |
Chris Woods, Trombone (USA) |
Ralph Woodward, Conductor, Organ (England) |
Roger Woodward, Piano (Australia) |
George Wallace Woodworth, Choral Conductor, Organ (USA) |
Jonathan Woody, Bass-Baritone (USA) |
Eliza Woodyard, Soprano (USA) |
Robert Woolley, Harpsichord, Organ, Fortepiano (England) |
Delia Woolford, Contralto (England) |
Magdalena Wór, Mezzo-soprano (Poland / USA) |
Barry Wordsworth, Conductor (England) |
Master Singers of Worcester (MSW), Choir (USA) |
Charles Workman, Tenor (USA) |
Robert Wörle, Tenor (Germany ?) |
Kim Worley, Tenor, Cello, Musical Director (Australia) |
Guilhem Worms, Bass-Baritone (France) |
Marcel Worms, Piano (The Netherlands) |
Marlene Worms, Alto (Country ?) [Missing Biography] |
Dominik Wörner, Bass-Baritone (Germany) |
Frank Wörner, Bass-Baritone (Germany) |
Dominik Wortig, Tenor (Germany) |
Joanna Woś, Soprano (Poland) |
Cornelia Wosnitza, Soprano (Germany) |
Annie Woud, Contralto (The Netherlands) |
Jan Wouters, Counter-tenor (Belgium) |
Mieke Wouters, Mezzo-soprano (Belgium) |
Andreas Woyke, Piano (Germany) |
Stefania Woytowicz, Soprano (Poland) |
Christopher Wrench, Organ (Australia) |
Byron Wright, Tenor (USA) |
David Wright, Harpsichord (England) |
Gordon Wright, Conductor (USA) |
Graham Wright, Baritone (USA) |
J.J. Wright, Conductor, Piano (USA) |
Jessica Wright, Mezzo-soprano (Canada) |
John Wright, Tenor (USA) |
Lee Wright, Choral Conductor, Organ (USA) |
Raffi Wright, Bass (USA) |
Simon Wright, Conductor, Organ (England) |
Will Wright, Tenor (England) |
Marta Wróblewska, Soprano (Poland) |
Wrocławska Orkiestra Barokowa = Wrocław Baroque Orchestra (WOB), Baroque Orchestra (Poland) |
Guo Wu, Soprano (China) |
Kuan-Han Wu, Piano (Taiwan) |
Phoebe Wu, Piano (USA) |
Cornelia Wulkopf, Contralto (Germany) |
Kerstin-Maria Wüller, Soprano (Germany) |
Wunderkammer, Instrumental Ensemble (Germany) |
Heinz Wunderlich, Conductor, Organ, Harpsichord (Germany) |
Fritz Wunderlich, Tenor (Germany) |
Sinfonieorchester Wuppertal (SOW), Symphony Orchestra (Germany) |
Würzburg Ensembles (Bavaria, Germany): |
Würzburger Bach-Chor, Choir (Germany) |
Chor und Orchester der Bach-Kantaten-Club Würzburg (BKCW), Choir & Orchestra (Germany) |
Würzburger Madrigalchor, Choir (Germany) |
Monteverdichor Würzburg (MCW), Choir (Germany) |
Ökumenischer Hochschulchor Würzburg (MCW), Choir (Germany) |
Oratorienchor Würzburg (OCW), Choir (Germany) |
^^^^^ |
Stephanie Wüst, Soprano (Germany) |
Württembergisches Kammerorchester Heilbronn (WKOH), Chamber Orchestra (Germany) |
Erika Wustmann, Soprano (Country ?) [Missing Biography] |
Christiane Wuyts, Harpsichord (Belgium) |
Mannu Wuyts, Conductor (Belgium) |
Ariana Wyatt, Soprano (USA) |
Walker Wyatt, Bass (Country ?) [Missing Biography] |
Julie Wyma, Soprano (USA) |
Fflur Wyn, Soprano (Wales, UK) |
Richard Wyn Roberts, Counter-tenor (England) |
Catherine Wyn-Rogers, Mezzo-soprano, Contralto (England) |
Simon Wynberg, Guitar (Scotland, UK) |
Yehudi Wyner, Conductor, Piano, Harpsichord (USA) |
Laurens-Alexander Wyns, Tenor (Belgium) |
Wyoming Baroque, Baroque Instrumental Ensemble (USA) |
Prepared by Aryeh Oron (January 2001 - March 2025) |