Landscape Archaeology

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Landscape Archaeology is the study of the relationship between human activity and the physical environment over time. It examines how cultural practices shape and are shaped by landscapes, utilizing methods from archaeology, geography, and environmental science to analyze spatial patterns and historical land use.
Flint from Montmaneu's Limestones Formation of Rupelian age (Oligocene) is being here characterized. The analysis of the compositional texture, mineralogy and geochemical features has revealed this flint is highly pure and of... more
Airborne Laser Scanning (sometimes referred to as lidar) has been described as revolutionary for the understanding and management of cultural landscapes. The ability to create highly accurate three dimensional (3D) models and visualise... more
Available at: La Protohistoria en el territorio ártabro es un estudio diacrónico sobre las dinámicas sociales de la Edad del Hierro y época romana del territorio ártabro, región clave para la... more
Su desarrollo paralelo a los yacimientos con grabados al aire libre del Tajo Internacional dibuja un complejo entramado de símbolos con un importante papel en la definición de los territorios megalíticos. La identificación de figuras... more
Terry Manby was already an established member of the YAS when my late father, Peter Davidson, served as Hon. Sec. and he shared with me the high esteem in which he held Terry: an esteem repeated in my own case when I later became a member... more
‘As the sun sees everything, so should the eye’: this was the guiding principle expounded in the 1588 Statutes of the Order of St John concerning management and control over its extensive urban and rural properties. In a similar way, this... more
In southern Europe the link between agricultural activities and changes in the landscape is greatly evident. An investigation ofthe past landscape is necessary to understand why these changes occurred and what they mean. In Sardinia the... more
Using angle resolved photoemission spectroscopy, the ground state of perovskite iridate Sr 3 Ir 2 O 7 is found to be in close vicinity to a metal-to-insulator transition. Photoemission data reveal two bands extending up to surprisingly... more
Resumo: Pequena incursão em reflexões sobre várias disciplinas pelas quais o autor, como arqueólogo, e na tentativa de melhor o ser, tem passado e continuará a passar, procurando sugerir a necessidade de desmistificar alguns... more
A sud della Capitale, a ridosso del Raccordo Anulare, riemergono tracce dell'antica e leggendaria età di Romolo, primo Re di Roma secondo la tradizione AGI -L'antica e leggendaria età di Romolo, primo Re di Roma secondo la tradizione,... more
Del 10 al 12 de septiembre va a celebrar el XXIV Congreso Internacional sobre Territorio y Cultura. En el marco del Proyecto de Investigación AQVIVERGIA tendrá lugar la sesión 3 "La cuenca Fluvial como Unidad Geográfica para las... more
Airborne Laser Scanning (sometimes referred to as lidar) has been described as revolutionary for the understanding and management of cultural landscapes. The ability to create highly accurate three dimensional (3D) models and visualise... more
Anthropogenic Landscape Transformation in the Érmellék Region in the Second Half of the 19th Century In recent years, there has been a resurgence of scientific interest, both internationally and domestically, in the effects of human... more
Aus Gründen der besseren Lesbarkeit wird auf die gleichzeitige Verwendung der Sprachformen männlich, weiblich und divers (m/w/d) verzichtet. Sämtliche Personenbezeichnungen gelten gleichermaßen für alle Geschlechter. Sollte die... more
This research was conducted to reveal the effects of conflicts on employee performance at Universitas Terbuka (UT). The subjects of the research were 35 employees of the Multi Media Production Centre and Learning Materials Service Centre... more
A preliminary investigation of the lithology of the lithic materials from Burry Holms and comparison with the equivalent raw materials in the local drift deposits has demonstrated that the materials were available locally. The immediate... more
The ancient coastal quarries of Le Castella (Crotone) · This study aims to provide a focus on Le Castella, a site known in Roman times as Castra Hannibalis, along whose coast, located at the southern edge of the Crotone peninsula, several... more
Surveying through the ashes: a unique fieldwalking survey at Timpone delle Fave (Southern Italy) Since the year 2000, the proto-historic site of Timpone delle Fave (Calabria) has been investigated within the framework of the Groningen... more
Nel Mediterraneo tardoantico la classe ceramica romana più diffusa è certamente la Terra Sigillata Africana, 1 l'African Red Slip Ware di J.W. Hayes. 2 Si definisce in questo modo un gruppo di vasellame fine da mensa, rivestito con una... more
Hasta el momento, en su entorno, se han catalogado cinco nuevos abrigos con motivos esquemáticos. Salvo algunas excepciones, la tipología está compuesta por antropomorfos y zoomorfos adscribibles al ciclo esquemático de la Prehistoria... more
En las prácticas ganaderas de alta montaña, uno de los factores críticos es la disponibilidad de agua. En ocasiones las lagunas, manantiales y surgencias, pueden ser suficientes; sin embargo, es muy habitual que su escasez exija la... more
In two recent projects we focused on the possibilities of reconstruction of the ritual landscape and settlement areas in relation to Late Neolithic cemeteries and ancestral monuments, such as causewayed enclosures. Death as a social event... more
Ethnoarchaeological research on local modern shepherd’s transhumance compared with the archaeological proofs on the Georgian landscape.
Within this paper, glocalization is presented to explain the heterogeneity of the Uruk Expansion/Phenomenon, a process which saw extensive interactions and cultural integration across Mesopotamia during the fourth millennium BCE,... more
I testi pubblicati sono liberamente disponibili su: Chiabà, Monica Roma e le priscae Latinae coloniae : ricerche sulla colonizzazione del Lazio dalla costituzione della repubblica alla guerra latina / Monica
Prague, with its historical significance dating back over a millennium, has evolved into the focal point of the Czech state. The city's intricate development has not only resulted in the presence of distinctive archaeological remains, but... more
Recent research shows that the Neolithization of the South Caucasus occurred in stages. While domesticated plants and animals were introduced rapidly around 6000 BCE, certain cultural elements typical of the Neolithic might have become... more
An article by the author from 2011 suggests that the view from the tombs of the North-East Necropolis of Hierapolis may have been a primary reason for choosing burial on this remote and little-visited slope instead of in the city's main... more
Negli ultimi decenni, lo studio della ceramica, soprattutto per le fasi medievali in Albania è diventato un ambito privilegiato 1 , che favorisce la comprensione delle complesse dinamiche e delle mutevoli relazioni tra i diversi periodi.... more
This report introduces the background and methods of the survey part of the Kulal Tepa Archaeological Project of the Czech-Uzbekistani Archaeological Expedition,lley was used during the Hellenistic and Transitional/Early Kushan period... more
Bangladesh, a nation-state emerged in 1971 has a long history of fighting against natural forces since the remote antiquities. During 18th-20th centuries the area was part of Bengal, a toponym used by the British. Due to its location,... more
Earlier objects are frequently identified in later contexts, though rarely form the focus of discussion. This paper presents 34 sites where earlier Bronze Age metalwork has been found in later Bronze Age contexts in southern Britain,... more
Η αρχαία Τροιζήνα εκτεινόταν ανάμεσα σε δύο ποταμούς, τον Υλλικό στα ανατολικά και τον Χρυσορρόα στα δυτικά. Αρχαίες κατασκευές για τη διαχείρηση υδάτων έχουν αποκαλυφθεί σε αρχαιολογικές έρευνες ή μνημονεύονται σε γραπτές πηγές στην... more
Nel 2024 è stato pubblicato per i tipi della Padova University Press un volume intitolato "Le fonti nella fonte. L'Italia fisica nella descrizione della Tabula Peutingeriana", che raccoglie alcuni contributi di Guido Rosada apparsi negli... more
The establishment, location, and physical growth of human settlements are heavily influenced by both natural and anthropogenic factors. Essentially, these settlements represent the initial spatial configurations of human interaction with... more
Seeberger Cave was excavated in 1926 by Beloit College. Although documentation is sparse, notable finds included disarticulated adult and fetal or newborn human remains, fetal or newborn bison remains, evidence for Nebo Hill phase (Late... more
Aspecte ale eneoliticului târziu. Ceramica culturilor Sălcuța şi Gumelnița (I) Aspects of the Late Eneolithic. Pottery of the Sălcuța and Gumelnița Cultures (I) Cătălin Nicolae Pătroi Noi incinte circulare din judeţul Dolj identificate pe... more
A dolgozat a Szeged-Nagyszéksóson talált hun áldozati leletegyüttes három azonos stílusú és technológiájú, kantárveretként meghatározott darabjával, valamint ezek néhány formai és technológiai párhuzamával foglalkozik. A dolgozatban... more
The purpose of this list is to identify the monuments/structures/sites/paths/roads, according to the following cultural heritage themes, that best represent one or more of the respective themes, and that has the best potential to be... more
in M. Botto, S. Finocchi, G. Garbati, I. Oggiano (a cura di), “Lo mio maestro e ‘l mio autore”. Studi in onore di Sandro Filippo Bondì, Rivista di Studi Fenici 44 (2016), pp. 21-29.
This paper presents the preliminary results of the first geophysical campaign carried out in 2023 at Chiusi (central Italy, Siena), one of the most important Etruscan city-states of the Northern internal Etruria. The research was... more
We give a preliminary overview of a survey’s results in Albegna Valley, near Marsilana, done in owing to fortuitous discoveries and to a small settlement test pit. Materials (metal, stone, ceramic, silver), coming from three necropolis,... more
Tijekom dugog vremenskog razdoblja (od 1953. do 1999. god.) Matko Peić pisao je eseje i feljtone o svojim zavičajnicima. Njegovi tekstovi objavljivani su u Vjesniku u srijedu, Vjesniku, Narodnom listu, Globusu, Kulturnom radniku,... more
Centuries of natural phenomena and human activity have deeply altered many aspects of the landscape, especially in coastal areas. The territory once controlled by the Etruscan city of Caere (Cerveteri, RM) exemplifies the extent of these... more
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