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This page is an archive of previous editions of the Wikidata newsletter.

Wikidata weekly summary #18

Here's your quick overview of what has been happening around Wikidata over the last week.
  • Development
    • Updated demo system
    • Reset, undo, reverts and other cool things are working now (not on demo yet unfortunately)
    • Edit is now disabled if item should not be editable (e.g. in diff view)
    • Decided on how to solve messed up DOM structure of items around the page header
    • Decided on how to proceed with JS-API
    • All of the test coverage for Diff extension
    • Extended test setup on local test machine
  • Discussions/Press
  • Events
    • upcoming: Campus Party (If you want a ticket let Lydia know. She might be able to get you one.)
    • Lydia will give a keynote at FrOSCon
    • Denny will give a keynote at SMWCon
  • Open Tasks for You
Read the full report · Unsubscribe · Global message delivery 15:17, 10 August 2012 (UTC)

Wikidata weekly summary #19

Here's your quick overview of what has been happening around Wikidata over the last week.
  • Development
    • Installed a lot of extensions on the demo system. Let us know if any important ones are missing.
    • Going to old versions and undoing changes works as expected
    • The history and recent changes show useable comments now
    • The Universal Language Selector is installed on the demo and replaces the Stick to that Language extension
    • Updated Wikibase client code for fetching and displaying links from a shared (with the repo) database table, and optionally overriding them with interwiki links from local wikitext.
    • Improved internationalization messages
    • Added selenium tests for undo, rollback, restore, diffs, old revisions, history and a few more
    • Setup MAC to be part of our selenium grid testing environment
    • Fixed many little bugs in the UI, including cross browser issues
    • Improved modularity of client side caching and generalized it to work with any type of entity rather than just items.
    • Wrote up interfaces for snaks, statements and related stuff for the second phase of Wikidata
  • Discussions/Press
    • Internationalization, localization and co in preparation for deployment discussions on a rtl-language Wikipedia
    • Some mentions of Wikidata in relation to a re-design proposal that became pretty popular. Like this one
  • Events
    • upcoming: Campus Party
    • upcoming: FrOSCon
    • We submitted a SxSW proposal. It’d be awesome if you’d vote for us.
  • Other Noteworthy Stuff
    • Logo is settled and all good now after some modifications: with and without text Stickers and stuff are next.
  • Open Tasks for You
    • If you want to code, check this
    • Help spread the word about Wikidata in your Wikipedia if it’s not being talked about there yet.
    • Help translate the most important pages on meta and the software on translatewiki.net
Read the full report · Unsubscribe · Global message delivery 13:57, 17 August 2012 (UTC)

Wikidata weekly summary #20

Here's your quick overview of what has been happening around Wikidata over the last week.
  • Development
    • Pywikidata, developed by Joan Creus, was released \o/
    • Updated demo system
    • The repository part of the demo system had — believe it or not — too many entries from user and bot activity, apparently making it difficult to find a page to create. We truncated and filled it with about 100 chemical elements again
    • Started to implement new layout: this includes restructuring DOM and introducing an action column
    • Started refactoring of selenium tests layout
    • Finished most of the core of the phase 2 data model implementation
    • Created abstract storage interface for the repository
    • Started generalizing the secondary storage to work for all types of entities
    • Picked up work on the ContentHandler again, addressing concerns voiced by WMF staff and tying up loose ends
    • Started work on edit collision detection, will be changed as we observed unexpected side effects
    • The new API module for linking titles is live
    • Launched a demo client site in Hebrew
    • Various internationalization improvements and fixes
    • Revising the Special:ItemByTitle page on the repository
    • Special:ItemByLabel will become Special:ItemDisambiguation
  • Discussions/Press
  • Events
    • Campus Party
    • upcoming: FrOSCon
    • upcoming: WikiCon
    • announced next office hours (5th and 6th of Sept.)
    • still looking for support for our SxSW panel
  • Open Tasks for You
    • for possible coding tasks check this
    • check the needs-input box here and see where you can give feedback
Read the full report · Unsubscribe · Global message delivery 21:26, 24 August 2012 (UTC)

Wikidata weekly summary #21

Here's your quick overview of what has been happening around Wikidata over the last week.
  • Development
    • Worked on version 2 of generic site handling in MediaWiki incorporating feedback from wikitech and mediawiki.org, as well as updating the WIkibase code to match
    • Rewrote SQLStore to accommodate phase 2 and phase 3 of Wikidata
    • Added maintenance script for rebuilding the store data
    • Implemented action column in user interface. All buttons for user-interaction are now aligned on the right side (for ltr-languages).
    • The language-code is now shown in a separate column in the site-links table
    • Started implementing sorting for site-link table columns
    • Lots of cleanup in JavaScript code
    • Edit conflict detection in a simple form is in place
    • Some minor changes to the API to support conflict detection, mostly “lastrevid” and “baserevid”
    • The configurable URL argument “usekeys” was removed. (Please check if your bots are still working.)
    • The special page “ItemByLabel” is about to be revitalized as a full “ItemDisambiguation” page
  • Discussions/Press
  • Events
    • Campus Party (video)
    • FrOSCon
    • right now: WikiCon
    • upcoming: State of the Map
    • upcoming: office hours on IRC
  • Other Noteworthy Stuff
    • Please vote for our SXSW panel. Voting ends today.
  • Open Tasks for You
    • for possible coding tasks check this
    • check the needs-input box here and see where you can give feedback
Read the full report · Unsubscribe · Global message delivery 21:47, 31 August 2012 (UTC)

Wikidata weekly summary #22

Here's your quick overview of what has been happening around Wikidata over the last week.
  • Development
    • Anja Jentzsch joins the team
    • Worked on sorting for site-links table on item pages; enhanced some code in MediaWiki core for that
    • Fixed issue with aliases breaking grid layout of item pages
    • Worked on fixing issues for right-to-left languages in site-links user interface
    • Worked on new SpecialPage to create new items
    • Two new fancy Special pages appeared: ItemDisambiguation (lets you search for all items that have a given label or alias) and ItemByTitle (gives you the ID of the item that is connected to a given Wikipedia page)
    • Gave an introduction on Selenium testing to the team
    • Added Selenium tests for undelete & conflicts on undeletion
    • Added Selenium HowTo to meta wiki
    • Part of the team participated in the bug-triage on Wednesday
    • Final preparations to move site code into MediaWiki core
    • Preliminary work on data value implementations
    • Additional work on edit conflicts and permissions
    • Updates to the input json form to wbsetitem
    • Fixing some issues with failing site-links
    • More than 50 aliases in one language for an item should now work (previously more than 50 failed in an ugly way due to an API limit)
    • Updated demo repo and client
  • Discussions/Press
    • Wikidata and ISO standards
  • Events
    • WikiCon
    • office hours (de en)
    • ongoing: State of the Map
    • upcoming: Health 2.0 Berlin meetup
    • upcoming: Software Freedom Day Hamburg
  • Other Noteworthy Stuff
  • Open Tasks for You
Read the full report · Unsubscribe · Global message delivery 15:17, 7 September 2012 (UTC)

Wikidata weekly summary #23

Here's your quick overview of what has been happening around Wikidata over the last week.
  • Development
    • Made new CreateItem special-page (also working JavaScript-less)
    • Special:ItemDisambiguation got lots of love and awesome autocompletion
    • Special:ItemByTitle also got lots of love and awesome autocompletion
    • The client-wiki now gets notified if a connecting Sitelink gets removed
    • Wrote Selenium tests for client-code
    • Editing/adding site-links will display a proper link to the page again
    • Removed auto-expansion for description/label input fields
    • Tested setting Mediawiki to use HTML5 to make sure it works as it should
    • Finished up work on new sites functionality in Wikibase and moved it as a patch to core (which is still awaiting review)
    • Worked on ValueHandler extension which will be used for our data values
    • Added “Type” entity type, plus skeletons for its associated Content, ContentHandler, ViewAction, EditAction and UndoAction
    • Implemented safeguards against text-level editing of data pages
    • Allow Sitelinks to Wikipedia only (fixed regression)
    • Wrote permission checks and edit conflict detection for ApiSetItem, undo/restore, etc.
    • Fixed display of deleted revisions of data items
    • Added --verbose option to pollForChanges maintenance script to show change summary
    • Bug fixes and improvements for right-to-left languages
    • Updated demo system
    • The long format (more like the json output format) for wbsetitem API module is now alive
  • Discussions/Press
    • Sent note about Wikidata to all Wikimedia projects via Global Message Delivery - generated quite some feedback on Meta
    • Started page to coordinate discussions about bots around Wikidata
  • Events
    • State of the Map
    • Health 2.0 Berlin meetup
    • upcoming: Software Freedom Day
  • Open Tasks for You
Read the full report · Unsubscribe · Global message delivery 15:32, 14 September 2012 (UTC)

Wikidata weekly summary #24

Here's your quick overview of what has been happening around Wikidata over the last week.
  • Development
    • Met with a group of database experts from different projects to get input for phase 2 of Wikidata
    • Updated demo system (the corresponding git tag is c2425396f765ee77c990fd4b235c3d8d9f569018)
    • Selenium Tests for Edit Conflicts
    • Bugfix for weird behaviour of NOEXTERNALINTERLANG magic word
    • Bugfix for updating language links on client (they were not updated when the connecting link got removed or changed)
    • Windows support for pollForChanges-Script
    • New special page Special:CreateProperty for creating property entities
    • Property entities can be displayed now, editing them does not yet work
    • The API is generalized to handle additional entities
    • Created initial DataType implementation
    • Created store for the client
    • Improved and extended store for the repository
    • Started on initial DataValue implementation
    • Wrote tests for client
    • Fixed localization bugs
    • Special:ItemDisambiguation page now automatically populates the language field
    • Created a central place for associating entity content models with namespaces
    • Created functions for checking whether a given namespace is an entity namespace and whether a given content model is an entity model
    • Worked to make Items work in the main namespace, removed assumptions about the content model of the main namespace in several places
  • Discussions/Press
  • Events
    • Software Freedom Day
    • upcoming: Leipziger Semantic Web Tag / MLODE
    • upcoming: Datengarten
  • Open Tasks for You
Read the full report · Unsubscribe · Global message delivery 13:22, 21 September 2012 (UTC)

Wikidata weekly summary #25

Here's your quick overview of what has been happening around Wikidata over the last week.
  • Development
    • Updated demo system
    • Added per-language uniqueness restriction for property labels (You can only have one property with a given name in a language. For items this applies for the combination of label and description.)
    • Tests for noexternallanglinks, CreateProperty, PropertyView
    • Finished base of DataTypes and DataValues extensions
    • Added resource module for loading site information
    • Improved change handling on the client, including when items are deleted and inserting changes that affect the client wiki in the client’s recent changes (still rough)
    • New "List all datatypes" Special page
    • Finished property view. Property entities can be edited now
    • Changes to some of the containing structures in the API, items to entities and item to entity
    • Change to token handling (gettoken has died in flames, use edit token from action=tokens instead)
    • Some cleanup for the security audit
    • Worked on encapsulating auto completion widget from EditableValue.autocompleteInterface
    • Started work on supporting access to remote wikis via the ORMTable class
    • Discussion and fixes regarding transaction logic in core
    • Made a git branch for the first deployment that is currently being reviewed by WMF (current review status)
    • Test coverage for Wikibase and its extensions is now recorded and visible online
  • Discussions/Press
  • Events
    • Leipziger Semantic Web Tage/MLODE
    • Datengarten
    • upcoming: Wikipedia Stammtisch Berlin
    • upcoming: Berlin Open Source Meetup
    • upcoming: Data Days
  • Other Noteworthy Stuff
    • If you are doing a Wikidata intro or something like that at an event we can send you some swag like stickers and flyers. Let me know well in advance please so it reaches you in time.
    • We have a shiny new contribute page
  • Open Tasks for You
Read the full report · Unsubscribe · Global message delivery 08:43, 29 September 2012 (UTC)

Wikidata weekly summary #26

Here's your quick overview of what has been happening around Wikidata over the last week.
  • Development
    • Added various new DataValue classes
    • Worked on ‘edit’ buttons for non-JavaScript version of entity views
    • Worked on resourceloader module for sites
    • Tests for PropertyView and CreateProperty
    • Tests for Uniqueness of Properties & Items
    • Tests for propagation of Item deletion/undeletion to client wiki
    • Tests for change propagation to Watchlists on client wiki
    • HTML validation results for Wikibase are now online
    • Special:CreateProperty is renamed to Special:NewProperty, to avoid naming conflicts in translatewiki with other extensions
    • Work on scripts for rebuilding and resetting data stores in the client
    • The client now handles when an item gets deleted on the repository
    • Wrote fixes for security concerns raised during review by WMF
    • Working on Wikidata branch in preparation of merging it into core/master soon.
  • Discussions/Press
  • Events
    • Wikipedia Stammtisch Berlin
    • Open Source Meetup Berlin
    • Data Days
    • upcoming: KESW (keynote by Markus Krötzsch)
    • upcoming: Wikimedia CEE meeting
  • Other Noteworthy Stuff
  • Open Tasks for You
    • Hack on one of these
    • Test some of the less common things you do on Wikipedia on the test repository and report bugs if you find anything that’s not working as it should
Read the full report · Unsubscribe · Global message delivery 14:38, 5 October 2012 (UTC)

Wikidata weekly summary #27

Here's your quick overview of what has been happening around Wikidata over the last week.
  • Development
    • Wikidata branch was merged \o/ (about 10.000 lines of code) This also means that MediaWiki now has shiny new ContentHandler features to enable storing data and other content types
    • Updated demo system
    • Fixed MediaWiki core bugs and responded to feedback about the ContentHandler
    • Looked into Solr
    • Added statement interface for items
    • Added claim interface for entities
    • Added IRIValue and GeoCoordinateValue
    • Added GeoCoordinate parser
    • Added base for the ValueFormatters extension
    • Initial work on create claim API module
    • Initial work on better API transformation handling of the data model components
    • Made the API aware that entities, not items are the thingies we really want to get
    • Finished implementation of non-JavaScript edit buttons
    • Switched local integration server to use core master branch
    • Improved how recent changes from the repository are displayed in the client
    • Worked on tests for recent changes on the client
    • Added Wikipedia-compatible URL rewrites for subdomains en, de, hu and he (en.wikidata-test-repo.wikimedia.de/wiki/Helium leads to the item)
  • Discussions/Press
  • Events
    • KESW
    • upcoming: Wikimedia CEE meeting
  • Other Noteworthy Stuff
  • Open Tasks for You
Read the full report · Unsubscribe · Global message delivery 13:33, 12 October 2012 (UTC)

Wikidata weekly summary #28

Here's your quick overview of what has been happening around Wikidata over the last week.
Read the full report · Unsubscribe · Global message delivery 22:03, 22 October 2012 (UTC)

Wikidata weekly summary #29

Here's your quick overview of what has been happening around Wikidata over the last week.
  • Development
    • Content Handler is now live on Wikipedia and sister sites
    • Prefix term search for entities
    • Fixed bugs that popped up after Content Handler merge
    • API function wbsearchentities
    • Discussed JavaScript refactoring
    • Refactored some JavaScript stuff (like options handling)
    • Worked on JavaScript refactoring regarding the API
    • Implemented entity selector jQuery widget
    • Continued deployment work with WMF
    • Poked at Vagrant
    • Create puppet scripts for setting up Wikibase instances
    • New release of Pywikidata
  • Discussions/Press
    • Discussions around bots on the mailing list
  • Events
    • Bootstrapping Awesome
    • SMWCon
  • Other Noteworthy Stuff
  • Open Tasks for You
Read the full report · Unsubscribe · Global message delivery 13:54, 26 October 2012 (UTC)

Wikidata weekly summary #30

Here's your quick overview of what has been happening around Wikidata over the last week.
Read the full report · Unsubscribe · Global message delivery 12:30, 2 November 2012 (UTC)

Wikidata weekly summary #31

Here's your quick overview of what has been happening around Wikidata over the last week.
  • Development
    • Tpt wrote an awesome SpecialPage (Special:EntitiesWithoutLabel) that lists all items without a label in a given language (merged; will be in next deployment)
    • Tpt changed the page to create new items to allow you to enter links as well
    • Created patch for review for next deployment on wikidata.org
    • Updated demo system
    • Worked on and discussed editing widgets for data values
    • Some cleanup and further refactoring in JS of EditableValue
    • Added a message on the client’s Special:MovePage to invite users to update the associated page on the repository
    • Reviewed a whole pile of changesets
    • Helped with testing of deployment branch
    • Fixed Selenium search test & sitelink tests
    • Added Selenium tests for checking for security issues (JS injections)
    • Worked on Api.js refactoring
    • Worked on and fixed bugs in wbsearchentities
    • Couple of minor fixes in the front end
    • Introduced siteselector jQuery widget untangling functionality of SiteIdInterface
  • Events
    • office hours (logs here and here)
    • WMF metrics and activities meeting
    • right now: Wikimedia Conferentie + hackathon
    • upcoming: ISWC
    • upcoming: talk at Berkman Center
    • upcoming: intro and Q&A in Vienna
  • Open Tasks for You
    • Hack on one of these
    • Continue rocking!
Read the full report · Unsubscribe · Global message delivery 22:35, 9 November 2012 (UTC)

Wikidata weekly summary #32

Here's your quick overview of what has been happening around Wikidata over the last week.
  • Development
    • Implemented patching and automatic resolution of edit conflicts so you wont get as many edit conflicts anymore
    • Worked on $.valueview system for DataValues editing in the user interface
    • Started implementing DataType constructor in JavaScript
    • Added ValueValidator and ValueFormatter factory
    • Improvements to Diff extension
    • Construct PropertyValueSnak objects in the create claim API when needed
    • Improved Entity serialization (is now more concise and better encapsulated)
    • Added newFromArray to all DataValue objects and created DataValue factory using this
    • Worked on development environment distribution with Vagrant
    • Improved code that handles changes from the repository and reporting them in the client’s RecentChanges
    • Fought with broken selenium tests & refactored/fixed them
    • Reviewed tons of JS code
    • Set up QUnit test coverage report (will be online soon)
    • Updated demo system
  • Discussions/Press
  • Events
    • Wikimedia Conferentie and hackathon
    • ISWC
    • Wikidata intro and Q&A in Cambridge, MA
    • Wikidata intro and Q&A in Vienna
  • Other Noteworthy Stuff
  • Open Tasks for You
  • Hack on one of these
Read the full report · Unsubscribe · Global message delivery 15:40, 16 November 2012 (UTC)

Wikidata weekly summary #33

Here's your quick overview of what has been happening around Wikidata over the last week.
  • Development
    • Updated demo system
    • Refactored and improved change propagation code
    • Add option for client and change propagations to work with job queue
    • Added filter and preference for recent changes on the client, to show/hide Wikidata edits
    • Pruning of changes table
    • Fixed some issues in the Wikidata Vagrant
    • Added puppet recipe for Wikidata on WMF labs
    • Worked on making statements editable in the frontend
    • JSON of entities is sent to the frontend now
    • Finalized DataTypes extension’s $.valueview system
    • Improved entity selector widget
    • Added Selenium tests for special pages
    • Tracking separate revision ids in Javascript to fix the edit conflict handling
    • Fixed fatal PHP error in Special:SetLabel
    • Entities with just whitespaces as label/description are not allowed anymore
  • Discussions/Press
  • Events
    • upcoming: Offener Sonntag at WMDE’s membership assembly
    • upcoming: SWIB
    • foss.in
    • local meetup in Bangalore
  • Other Noteworthy Stuff
  • Open Tasks for You
Read the full report · Unsubscribe · Global message delivery 09:05, 24 November 2012 (UTC)

Wikidata weekly summary #34

Here's your quick overview of what has been happening around Wikidata over the last week.
  • Development
    • Added DirectSqlStore to client so that it can directly access the repository database, and not require creating any tables on the client
    • Bug fixing on the client extension, and preparing it for first deployment
    • Less edit conflicts due to a smarter conflict detection
    • Better recent changes comments on the client
    • Clean up on the backend for entity artefacts
    • The statement UI enables to create statements and displays them, but has still a few glitches
    • The client now accesses the data on the server directly, and the data is not replicated anymore
    • Added a number of profiler calls
    • Special:Contributions displays labels now
    • User preference on the client to hide Wikidata edits
    • Statements can be created and saved now
    • Statements are properly styled in JavaScript and non-JavaScript version
    • Improved JavaScript part of the templating engine
    • Improved entity selector widget
    • Client:Watchlist Selenium Tests
    • Client: RecentChanges Selenium tests
    • Added DataValues, DataTypes, jQuery.ui QUnit tests to Selenium
    • Some PHPUnit test fixes
  • Discussions/Press
  • Events
    • Linuxday
    • Open Sunday after Wikimedia Deutschland’s membership assembly
    • SWIB
    • foss.in
    • upcoming: intro and Q&A in Bangalore
  • Other Noteworthy Stuff
  • Open Tasks for You
Read the full report · Unsubscribe · Global message delivery 08:26, 1 December 2012 (UTC)

Wikidata weekly summary #35

Here's your quick overview of what has been happening around Wikidata over the last week.
Read the full report · Unsubscribe · Global message delivery 13:26, 7 December 2012 (UTC)

Wikidata weekly summary #36

Here's your quick overview of what has been happening around Wikidata over the last week.
  • Development
    • Deployed new code on wikidata.org. All changes can be found here
    • Updated demo system
    • http://test2.wikipedia.org now uses http://wikidata.org for getting language links and wikidata.org edits affecting the existing articles on test2 show up in RecentChanges (if they are not hidden)
    • Statements (think of “population: 2.000.000” and similar things) are taking shape in the interface. They are still pretty buggy though at this point.
    • It is now possible to link to images on Wikimedia Commons in a statement (think of “image: sundown_at_the_beach.png” for example)
    • Links are now protocol-relative (bugzilla:42534)
    • No longer possible to create new items and set labels when database is set to read-only
    • Added more tests to the GeoCoordinate parser
    • Make use of EditEntity in removeclaims API
    • Removed many singletons to reduce global state
    • Made SpecialSetLabel work with non-item entities
    • Improved settings system
    • Improved options of ValueFormatters
    • Improved options of ValueParsers
    • Moved label+description uniqueness check out of transaction to avoid deadlocks and changed it to only be enforced for edits changing any violating values
    • Fixed serialization of SiteArray
    • ~=[,,_,,]:3
    • Had to fix reporting of aliases in wbsearchentities again
    • Implemented integration of baserevids for statements UI API calls for editconflict detection for statements/claims/snaks
    • Universal Language Selector fallback fix for Selenium tests
    • Report URL to entity in wbsearchentites API module
    • Moved the demo system to a larger server
    • Fixed several bugs in Statements user interface, most notably, adding Statements to existing sections and layout fixes
    • Added wikibase API module on the client to provide information about the associated repo (e.g. url, script path, article path)
    • A bunch of messages for autocomments were fixed (they are automatically added as an edit summary for edits on items and co in Wikidata - for example: “‎Changed [en] description: Finnish rock band”)
  • Discussions/Press
  • Events
    • WhereCamp
    • Wikidata talk as part of a lecture on knowledge management in Karlsruhe
    • upcoming: 29C3
    • upcoming: Office hours
  • Other Noteworthy Stuff
  • Open Tasks for You
    • Want to help Lydia write the next weekly summary? Let her know.
    • Hack on one of these
Read the full report · Unsubscribe · Global message delivery 14:51, 14 December 2012 (UTC)

Wikidata weekly summary #37

Here's your quick overview of what has been happening around Wikidata over the last week.

Have a great holiday season!

Read the full report · Unsubscribe · Global message delivery 13:55, 21 December 2012 (UTC)

Wikidata weekly summary #38

Here's your quick overview of what has been happening around Wikidata over the last week. It's rather short this time because pretty much everyone enjoys some well-deserved vacation.
  • Development
    • Some of us unwrapped gifts (-:
    • Started working on supporting different kinds of Snaks in the user interface
    • Fixing support for PostgreSQL in core, which was broken with introduction of the sites stuff
    • Code reviewing of changes in MediaWiki core
    • Adding watchlist filter in client for Wikidata changes
  • Discussions/Press
  • Events
    • right now: 29C3
  • Open Tasks for You
Read the full report · Unsubscribe · Global message delivery 19:51, 28 December 2012 (UTC)

Wikidata weekly summary #39

Here's your quick overview of what has been happening around Wikidata over the last week.
Read the full report · Unsubscribe · Global message delivery 21:41, 4 January 2013 (UTC)

Wikidata weekly summary #40

Here's your quick overview of what has been happening around Wikidata over the last week.
Read the full report · Unsubscribe · Global message delivery 16:27, 11 January 2013 (UTC)

Wikidata weekly summary #41

Here's your quick overview of what has been happening around Wikidata over the last week.
Read the full report · Unsubscribe · Global message delivery 15:57, 18 January 2013 (UTC)

Wikidata weekly summary #42

Here's your quick overview of what has been happening around Wikidata over the last week.
  • Development
    • Updated demo system
    • Improved design of sites code in core
    • Fixed SQLite compatibility
    • Worked on implementing references handling in statements user interface
    • Useful error messages will be shown in statements user interface in case of data value mismatches
    • Switched the demo system to Labs’ puppet
    • Selenium tests for length constraint, claim edit-conflicts
    • Setting up dispatcher script on internal test machine
    • More work on wikibase.getEntities() function for Scribunto/Lua-Templates
    • AbuseFilter is now working with Wikibase
    • The change dispatcher script is now ready for use on the WMF cluster
    • Initial implementation of {{#property}} parser function for the client
    • Created a widget for the client to connect a page to a Wikidata item and add interwiki language links to a page
    • Preparing a page to list unconnected pages on the clients
  • Discussions/Press
  • Events
  • Other Noteworthy Stuff
  • Open Tasks for You
Read the full report · Unsubscribe · Global message delivery 14:59, 25 January 2013 (UTC)

Wikidata weekly summary #43

Here's your quick overview of what has been happening around Wikidata over the last week.
  • Development
    • Deployment on the Hebrew and Italian Wikipedia ([1] [2] [3])
    • Switched the Wikipedias over to a new, more scalable dispatching changes script for propagating changes from the repository to the clients
    • Fixing various deeply buried bugs and a few minor bugs reported after deployment
    • Preparations for next deployment on wikidata.org
    • Working on property parser function for the client
    • Implemented robust serialization of changes for dispatching
    • Resumed work on linked data interface
    • References can now be created, edited and removed on existing statements
    • Several minor user interface fixes
    • Styling of the user interface for statements
    • Selenium tests for references
    • Selenium tests for non-JS SpecialPages
    • Worked on puppet
  • Discussions/Press
  • Events
  • Other Noteworthy Stuff
  • Open Tasks for You
    • Test statements on the [demo system before the roll-out to wikidata.org on February 4
    • Hack on one of these
Read the full report · Unsubscribe · Global message delivery 13:29, 1 February 2013 (UTC)

Wikidata weekly summary #44

Here's your quick overview of what has been happening around Wikidata over the last week.
  • Development
    • Deployment of the first parts of phase 2 (infoboxes/statements) on wikidata.org done - see it live for example here, here and here
    • Diffs for statement edits can now be shown
    • Started work on query definitions
    • Edit links are now disabled in the interface when the user does not have the rights to edit
    • Edit links are now hidden when viewing old revision
    • Worked on search field for WikibaseSolr
    • More work on Lua templates for Wikibase entities
    • Worked on bugfixes in the statement user interface
    • New features in the statement user interface (references counter/heading)
    • JavaScript editing for table showing labels and description of the same item in different languages
    • Repaired and updated the demo system
    • Resumed work on Linked Data interface
    • Support for enhanced recent changes format in client
    • There are automatic comments for statement edits as well in the history now
    • Special page for unconnected pages, that is pages on the client that are not connected to items on the repository
    • Added permission checks for statements, so a user that can not edit will not be able to edit or that only a group can be allowed to do some changes like creating statements
  • Discussions/Press
  • Events
    • FOSDEM
    • upcoming: office hour (English; German later)
  • Other Noteworthy Stuff
  • Open Tasks for You
Read the full report · Unsubscribe · Global message delivery 16:13, 8 February 2013 (UTC)

Wikidata weekly summary #45

Here's your quick overview of what has been happening around Wikidata over the last week.
  • Development
    • Deployment to English Wikipedia
    • Fix various minor bugs in client, including watchlist toggle with preference to default to always show Wikidata edits
    • Added the new Baso Minangkabau Wikipedia (min)
    • Fixed wrong revision of statements being shown in diff and old revision view
    • Diff visualization for claims (simple version for main snak)
    • Diff visualization for claims (extended version for references, qualifiers, ranks)
    • Tooltip that notifies about the license your contributions will be covered by while editing (can be disabled by each user)
    • Started with valueview refactoring
    • Started with user interface handling of deleted properties
    • Started with refactoring of local partial entity lookup
    • Started with refactoring of toolbar usage in jQuery.wikibase view widgets
    • Finished improvement on jQuery.wikibase.claimview’s edit mode handling
    • Improved search by using entity selector in search field instead of normal MediaWiki search field
    • More work on Lua-based templates for entities
    • Specified the capabilities of the query language we need
    • Created query object
    • Proper bot-flagging of edits (bugzilla:44857)
    • Use of ID to directly address an item or property
    • Search should give more of the complete matches now
    • Special:ItemByTitle should work for canonical namespaces and later on for local namespaces
    • More robust format for notifications of changes on the repository to the client
    • Started work on refactoring API and autocomments code
    • Started to maintain documentation of configuration options in git
  • Discussions/Press
  • Events
    • Upcoming: Wikipedia Day NYC
    • Upcoming: office hour in English tomorrow
    • Note: changed day of next German office hour to March 8
  • Other Noteworthy Stuff
    • We have a time scheduled when Wikidata will be read-only for a database migration. The window for that is Feb 20 19:00 to Feb 21 2:00 UTC.
    • New features and bugfixes on Wikidata are planned to be deployed on Monday (Feb 18). This should among other things include:
      • Showing useful diffs for edits of claims (they’re currently empty)
      • Automatic comments for editing of claims (there are currently none)
      • Ability to add items to claims by their ID
      • Better handling of deleted properties
      • More results in the entity selector (that’s the thing that lets you select properties, items and so on) so you can add everything and not just the first few matches that are shown
    • We’re still working on the issue that sometimes editing of certain parts of items or properties isn’t possible. If you’re running into it try to reload the page and/or change the URL to the www. version or the non-www. version respectively.
    • Deployment on all other Wikipedias is currently planned for March 6 (a note to the Village Pumps of all affected projects will follow soon)
    • Check out a well-done item
  • Open Tasks for You
Read the full report · Unsubscribe · Global message delivery 21:33, 15 February 2013 (UTC)

Wikidata weekly summary #46

Here's your quick overview of what has been happening around Wikidata over the last week.
Read the full report · Unsubscribe · Global message delivery 17:25, 22 February 2013 (UTC)

Wikidata weekly summary #47

Here's your quick overview of what has been happening around Wikidata over the last week.
  • Development
    • Extended diff view to include references now
    • Fixed bug where incorrect statements revision was shown in diff view
    • Added first version of Linked Data interface (RDF/XML); will be accessible from Special:EntityData
    • Updated the demo system
    • More work towards using Solr for our search
    • More investigation and fixes of search issues
    • Fixed several bugs in the entity selector and improved its behavior
    • Worked on refactoring of how our widgets use the toolbar
    • Worked on implementation of missing data model components in JavaScript
    • A lot of bug fixing
  • Events
  • Other Noteworthy Stuff
    • Rollout of phase 1 (language links) on all remaining Wikipedias is still planned for March 6
    • Next update on wikidata.org is also planned for March 6. This will have bugfixes and if all goes well string as a new available data type.
    • Proposal was made to the Hungarian, Hebrew and Italian Wikipedias to be the first batch to use phase 2 of Wikidata (infoboxes). Scheduled timeframe for this is end of March
    • d:Wikidata:Database reports has some useful reports like the list of most used properties
    • The interwiki shortcut :d was changed to always use www in the resulting link (to prevent editing issues on other URLs).
    • The list of available properties is growing and a whole bunch of new ones are being discussed
    • Reasonator gives you a nice adapted view of an item about a person
    • Items by cat helps you find missing items in a certain Wikipedia category
    • A few more additions to d:Wikidata:Tools that you should have a look at if you’re editing statements
    • We now have more than 2600 active users on Wikidata. Thanks for being awesome. <3
  • Open Tasks for You

Wikidata weekly summary #48

Here's your quick overview of what has been happening around Wikidata over the last week.

Wikidata weekly summary #49

Here's your quick overview of what has been happening around Wikidata over the last week.
    • Development
    • Design improvements to the SetClaim API module
    • More work on implementing the simple inclusion syntax that will be 1 way to access Wikidata data on Wikipedia
    • More work on Lua (the second way to access Wikidata data on Wikipedia)
    • Added parser page property to hold entity id in client. This fixes:
      • bugzilla:45037 - don’t show edit link if noexternallanglinks has suppressed all Wikidata links
      • bugzilla:44536 - have the edit link go directly to the Q### pages, instead of Special:ItemByTitle which shall make the link be more reliable and work for all namespaces
    • Selenium tests for deleted-property-handling
    • Selenium tests for multiline references
    • Selenium tests for add-sitelinks-from-client
    • Selenium tests for Entity-Selector-as-Searchbox
    • Selenium tests for language-table
    • Implemented in-process caching for entities
    • Lua support to access the repo data and implement getEntity (so you can use stuff like entity = mw.wikibase.getEntity("Q1459") in Lua modules)
    • rebuildTermSearchKey is now ready for production (this still needs to be run but once done it will make search case-insensitive)
    • Improved error reports from the API
    • Ground work for better edit summaries from the API
    • Added a table of content to item pages
    • Added debug functionality to be able to investigate why it takes longer than it should for Wikidata changes to show up on recent changes and watchlists on Wikipedia
    • Finished implementation of References-UI
    • Implemented GUID generator in JavaScript
    • Worked on fixing a bug related to deleted properties where the UI would display wrong information
    • Minor fixes/additions to the JS datamodel implementation
    • Minor bugfixes in Statements-UI
    • More work on RDF export
  • Discussions/Press
  • Events
  • Other Noteworthy Stuff
  • Did you know?
    • If you add a Babel box to your user page Wikidata will show you items and descriptions in other languages you speak as well without you having to switch the language
    • Want to know which items use a certain property? Try the “what links here” link on a property page
  • Open Tasks for You
Read the full report · Unsubscribe · Global message delivery 18:45, 15 March 2013 (UTC)

Wikidata weekly summary #50

Here's your quick overview of what has been happening around Wikidata over the last week.
  • Development
    • Rolled out new code on wikidata.org. The new stuff you probably care about is:
      • Improved references. They can now have multiple lines. This should make references much more useful. You can now have one reference with for example values for each of the properties "book", "author", "page" to describe one source.
      • Fixed the prev/next links in diff view (bugzilla:45821)
      • d:Special:EntitiesWithoutLabel now lets you filter by language and entity type
    • Widget to add language links on the Wikipedias directly: added setting to enable/disable it per wiki and made it available for logged-in users only
    • Widget to add language links on the Wikipedias directly: improved layout / size
    • Made it so that the “edit links” link on Wikipedia is also shown when the corresponding item only has a link to this one language and no other languages
    • Submitted improved Apache config patch to make wikidata.org always redirect to www.wikidata.org, which is awaiting code review and deployment.
    • Improved the script that is responsible for taking Wikidata changes to the Wikipedias
    • Added a few ways to better debug the script responsible for taking Wikidata changes to the Wikipedias. This should help with investigating why some changes take way too long to show up on the Wikipedias.
    • Started work on automatically adding edited items to the user’s watchlist (according to preferences)
    • Finished script for rebuilding search keys, so we can finally get case insensitive matches in a lot of places
    • Support for multi-line references in diff view
    • Selenium tests for inclusion syntax
    • Improved parser function (that will be used to access Wikidata data on the Wikipedias) to accept property ID or label
    • Increased isolation of data model component to increase clarity and visibility of bad dependencies
    • Worked on schema access in the SQLStore (of the query component)
  • Discussions/Press
  • Events
    • 3rd Media Web Symposium 2013
    • Wikidata trifft Archäologie
    • SMWCon Spring NYC
  • Other Noteworthy Stuff
  • Did you know?
    • When you edit a statement there is a little wheel in front of the text field. This lets you choose between “custom value”, “unknown value” and “no value”. “No value” means that we know that the given property has no value, e.g. Elizabeth I of England had no spouse. “Unknown value” means that the property has a value, but it is unknown which one -- e.g. Pope Linus most certainly had a year of birth, but it is unknown to us.
  • Open Tasks for You
Read the full report · Unsubscribe · Global message delivery 00:28, 23 March 2013 (UTC)

Wikidata weekly summary #51

Here's your quick overview of what has been happening around Wikidata over the last week.
  • Development
    • The first 11 Wikipedias can now include data from Wikidata in their articles (If you want to see it in action see the infobox at it:Torino)
    • Worked on automatic summaries for statements
    • Worked on making properties accessible from the client using their label so you can use {{#property:executive director}} instead of {{#property:p169}} for example
    • Made qualifiers ready for the next deployment (Please test. See details further down.)
    • Selenium tests for qualifiers
    • Fixed some issues related to QUnit testing
    • Worked on improved handling and code design of multiple snak lists in the UI (qualifiers, references)
  • Discussions/Press
  • Events
    • Newline 2013
  • Other Noteworthy Stuff
    • We’re currently carefully monitoring performance after the deployment of phase 2 on the first 11 Wikipedias. There seem to be a few small issues. As soon as they are resolved we'll deploy on English Wikipedia. All other Wikipedias are planned to follow very soon after that.
    • Bye and a big thank you to Anja, Silke, Jens and John who are leaving the development team at the end of the month and will work on other cool things. You’ll be missed!
    • Ever had any doubt about the possibilities of Wikidata? Talk to Wiri!
    • We worked on reducing the time it takes for Wikidata edits to show up in the Wikipedias and made some progress. Daniel posted an analysis
    • We started running a script on the database in order to make search on Wikidata case-insensitive. This should be finished in a few days and then search should be more useful.
    • In addition to the above we have rolled out a new search box that suggests items. This should also make finding things on Wikidata a lot easier for you.
    • We’re making some progress with Internet Explorer 8 support but there are a lot of issues with it (some outside our control). It’s unclear at the moment how much we can improve it still without spending an unjustified amount of time on it. You can follow the progress at bugzilla:44228
    • Edits are now auto-confirmed for users with more than 50 edits and account age 4 days: bugzilla:46461
    • Do you need old-style interwiki links for a sister project for example? This is for you
    • The Wikimedia Foundation applied as a mentoring organisation for Google Summer of Code again. We have proposed some Wikidata projects for students to take up if the Foundation is accepted again. At least 2 other organisations that applied also propose Wikidata ideas. More details on that once we know which organisations are accepted.
    • Denny hacked together a tree of life based on data from Wikidata
    • Wikidata was added to wikipulse
    • A template to retrieve data from Wikidata if no local value is set
  • Did you know?
  • Open Tasks for You
    • See note at the end of this weekly summary
    • Help test qualifiers (m:Wikidata/Notes/Data model primer#Qualifiers - see also example statements there) on the test wiki so we can roll it out with the next release
    • Did you file a bug report for Wikidata or did someone else do it for you? Please take a minute to check if it is still valid. (Thanks for filing it btw!)
    • Add some missing descriptions to those items with the same label?
    • Hack on one of these

Could I have 2 mins of your time? As I’ll be working on some other projects for Wikimedia Germany as well from now on the time I can spend on Wikidata will be reduced. This means I’ll have to figure out what is useful to spend time on. If you’re reading this could you let me know for example on this discussion page? Also if you have ideas how to improve the weekly summaries please post them. --Lydia Pintscher (WMDE) (talk)

Read the full report · Unsubscribe · Global message delivery 20:45, 29 March 2013 (UTC)

Wikidata weekly summary #52

Here's your quick overview of what has been happening around Wikidata over the last week.
  • Development
    • The first year is over. Thank you everyone for being amazing and helping to build Wikidata and making it more than we could possibly have hoped for already. <3
    • Put a lot of work into improved support for Internet Explorer 8
    • Worked on improving recent changes code in client
    • Finished valueview refactoring. Created new extension “ValueView”
    • Implemented string formatter
  • Discussions/Press
  • Events
    • upcoming: GLAM-Wiki 2013
  • Other Noteworthy Stuff
    • Deployment of phase 2 on English Wikipedia is currently planned for April 8. The remaining Wikipedias are scheduled for April 10. As usual this might change if we run into problems along the way.
    • There is now a page showing the current lag for changes propagating to the Wikipedias so they can show up in watchlists and recent changes for example. This should ideally be in the range of a few minutes. Right now it is higher because of some abnormally high bot activity but decreasing. Should be down to a few minutes soon.
    • There’s now a badge you can add to Wikipedia articles to indicate there is data about it on Wikidata
    • We hit Q10000000
    • A Wikidata item in the wild ;-)
  • Did you know?
  • Open Tasks for You

Based on feedback for last week’s call for comments we will continue this newsletter. However more community help will be needed. From now on they’ll be drafted at d:Wikidata:Status updates/Next and your help is very welcome.

Wikidata weekly summary #53

Here's your quick overview of what has been happening around Wikidata over the last week.
  • Development
    • Got some external professional review of our code and architecture and started working on their feedback
    • Worked on reducing the dispatch lag (the time it takes for changes on Wikidata to be sent to the Wikipedias for display in watchlist, recent changes and to purge affected pages)
    • Worked on using Redis for job queue to improve the lag situation even further
    • Created new Wikibase Query extension for phase 3 functionality
    • Autocomments & Autosummaries for SetClaim module
    • Worked on the GeoCoordinate parser
  • Events/Press
    • right now: GLAM-WIKI 2013
  • Discussions
  • Other Noteworthy Stuff
    • Deployment of phase 2 on the remaining Wikipedias was delayed because of a high lag of changes being propagated to the Wikipedias. The lag has been reduced considerably now and is going down even more. The new date for deployment will not be next week because there are other large changes on Wikimedia infrastructure scheduled that we do not want to interfere with. It will hopefully happen very soon after that though.
    • Next code update on wikidata.org is planned for Wednesday. This should include qualifiers and bugfixes.
    • There will probably be a short outage/read-only for wikidata.org on Tuesday (database is being switched to MariaDB)
    • If you're a student and interested in coding on Wikidata consider applying for Google Summer of Code.
    • There is a new user right: property creators
    • There is now a page to request deletion of a property
    • We now have Bureaucrats
    • Reasonator was improved and extended (1 2)
  • Open Tasks for You

Based on feedback for last week’s call for comments we will continue this newsletter. However more community help will be needed. From now on they’ll be drafted at d:Wikidata:Status updates/Next and your help is very welcome.

Read the full report · Unsubscribe · Global message delivery 23:35, 12 April 2013 (UTC)

Wikidata weekly summary #54

Here's your quick overview of what has been happening around Wikidata over the last week.
  • Development
    • Dispatch lag is now down to 0 so changes should show up very quickly on the Wikipedias in watchlists and recent changes
    • wikidata.org now always redirects to www.wikidata.org. This should among other things solve the issue where people were not able to edit when on wikidata.org (bugzilla:45005)
    • Fixed weird blocked-user/protected-page handling in UI (bugzilla:45140)
    • Final meetings for the external professional review of our code and architecture. They were quite happy with the quality of the codebase and gave useful tips for improvements
    • Worked on automatic summaries for editing claims
    • Investigation of different JavaScript frameworks dealing with date and time
    • Worked on using Redis and the job queue for change notifications to clients
    • Work on the storage code for answering queries
  • Events/Press
    • GLAM-WIKI 2013
    • upcoming: office hour on IRC about sources
    • upcoming: Opensource Treffen
    • upcoming: intro to Wikidata at the British Library
  • Discussions
  • Other Noteworthy Stuff
  • Open Tasks for You
Read the full report · Unsubscribe · Global message delivery 22:59, 19 April 2013 (UTC)

Wikidata weekly summary #55

Here's your quick overview of what has been happening around Wikidata over the last week.
Read the full report · Unsubscribe · Global message delivery 22:01, 26 April 2013 (UTC)

Wikidata weekly summary #56

Here's your quick overview of what has been happening around Wikidata over the last week.

Wikidata weekly summary #57

Here's your quick overview of what has been happening around Wikidata over the last week.

Wikidata weekly summary #58

Here's your quick overview of what has been happening around Wikidata over the last week.

Wikidata weekly summary #59

Here's your quick overview of what has been happening around Wikidata over the last week.
  • Events/Press
    • Linked Data in Business
    • currently: Hackathon in Amsterdam
  • Other Noteworthy Stuff
  • Did you know?
    • Newest properties: catalog code (P528), runway (P529), diplomatic relation (P530), diplomatic mission sent (P531), port of registry (P532), target (P533), streak color (P534), Find a Grave (P535), ATP id (P536), twinning (P537), fracturing (P538), Museofile (P539)
    • Newest task forces: Ship task force
    • d:Template:Constraint:Item allows to check if items using a given property also have other properties. To find items to fix, it links to one of Magnus' tools and to a daily report. Sample: items with property mother should also have main type (GND) with value person.
  • Development
    • A lot of discussions and hacking at the MediaWiki hackathon on Amsterdam
    • Worked on content negotiation for the RDF export
    • Bugfixing for editing of time datatype
    • Added validation in the api for claim guids. This also resolves bug 48473 (an exception being thrown in production, whenever a bot or api user requested a claim with an invalid claim guid)
    • Improved error message popup bubbles to show HTML and parse the links correctly
    • Fixed bug 48679, to hide the view source tab for item and property pages
    • Testing on Diff extension and SQLstore
  • Open Tasks for You

Wikidata weekly summary #60

Here's your quick overview of what has been happening around Wikidata over the last week.

Wikidata weekly summary #61

Here's your quick overview of what has been happening around Wikidata over the last week.

Wikidata weekly summary #62

Here's your quick overview of what has been happening around Wikidata over the last week.

Wikidata weekly summary #63

Here's your quick overview of what has been happening around Wikidata over the last week.
  • Discussions
  • Events/Press
  • Did you know?
    • Newest properties: E number (P628), edition of (P629), Paris city digital code (P630), structural engineer (P631), cultural properties of Belarus reference number (P632), Répertoire du patrimoine culturel du Québec identifier (P633), captain (P634), ISTAT ID (P635), route of administration (P636), Protein ID (P637), PDB ID (P638), RNA ID (P639), Léonore ID (P640), sport (P641), of (P642), Genloc Chr (P643), Genloc Start (P644), Genloc End (P645), Freebase identifier (P646), drafted by (P647), Open Library identifier (P648), NRHP (P649), RKDartists (P650), BPN (P651), UNII (P652), PubMed Health (P653), direction relative to location (P654)
  • Development
    • Worked on site-link group editing to make it possible to link to sisterprojects
    • Further work on input validation
    • Further work on handling invalid data gracefully
    • Use Serializers for generating API results
    • Finished selenium tests for TimeUI and CoordinateUI
    • Changed globe coordinate value input to use backend coordinate parser
    • Fixed issues with data type definitions not being available in the frontend
    • Wrote a little hack so that on statements with a long list of values you will always be able to see the name of the property of the current section you are in (since the label moves when scrolling the page)
  • Open Tasks for You

Wikidata weekly summary #64

Here's your quick overview of what has been happening around Wikidata over the last week.

Wikidata weekly summary #65

Here's your quick overview of what has been happening around Wikidata over the last week.

Wikidata weekly summary #66

Here's your quick overview of what has been happening around Wikidata over the last week.

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Here's your quick overview of what has been happening around Wikidata over the last week.

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Wikidata weekly summary #287 Global message delivery/Targets/Wikidata

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