Cuba’s one-party communist state outlaws political pluralism, bans independent media, suppresses dissent, and severely restricts basic civil liberties. The government continues to dominate the economy despite recent reforms that permit some private-sector activity.
Research & Recommendations
PR Political Rights | 1 40 |
CL Civil Liberties | 9 60 |
In countries where democratic forces have come to power after periods of antidemocratic rule, the new governments should pursue an agenda that protects and expands freedoms even as it delivers tangible economic and social benefits to citizens.
These countries must act swiftly to release all political prisoners, build or revitalize democratic institutions, reform police and other security forces, organize and hold competitive multiparty elections, and ensure accountability for past human rights violations.
In countries where there has been significant erosion of political rights and civil liberties, policymakers, legislators, jurists, civic activists, and donor communities should work to strengthen institutional guardrails and norms that serve to constrain elected leaders with antidemocratic or illiberal aims.
A Obstacles to Access | 5 25 |
B Limits on Content | 9 35 |
C Violations of User Rights | 6 40 |
Political Overview
Cuba’s one-party communist state outlaws political pluralism, bans independent media, suppresses dissent, and severely restricts basic civil liberties. The government continues to dominate the economy despite recent reforms that permit some private-sector activity. The regime’s undemocratic character has not changed despite the generational transition in political leadership that started in 2018 and included the introduction of a new constitution and the gradual passage of complementary new legislation.
Freedom of expression online is increasingly under attack as governments shut off internet connectivity, block social media platforms, or restrict access to websites that host political, social, and religious speech. Protecting freedom of expression will require strong legal and regulatory safeguards for digital communications and access to information.
The potential consequences of false, misleading, and incendiary content are especially grave during election periods, underscoring the need to protect information integrity. Efforts to address the problem should start well before campaigning begins and continue long after the last vote is cast.
Governments worldwide have passed disproportionate surveillance laws and can access a booming commercial market for surveillance tools, giving them the capacity to monitor the private communications of individuals inside and beyond their borders in violation of international human rights standards.