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This user is a WikiWizard.
This user is a WikiElf
Aoz0ra's page on GitHub
Trout this user
This user is a WikiFairy.
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

&This user is plural. Do not confuse them for multiple people, as they are technically a single person.

This is a plural system with over a hundred headmates inside a single person and not multiple fully separate people behind this account.

Sorry if this causes any confusion.

This user is Autistic.

That's not the only neurodivergence, of course — we're also on the high-functioning end of the autism spectrum and have shown some ADHD-like tendencies.

  • Aoz0ra: Core of the system if that applies. Fronted the most before the ‘moment of truth’.
  • Penelope: Competitive gamer with a passion for ambigrams.
  • Tiffany: Keeps everyone calm and takes care of those in need, inside and out.
  • Kaiden: Bulletproof, truth-seeking mathematician and objective writer.
  • Blaze: Firebending princess from Sonic's world.
  • Shadow: A hard shell containing a soft heart. From Sonic's world.
  • Sonica: Sonic, but as a girl.
  • Cream: Simple English user and checker of clarity. From Sonic's world.

Additional information will be added whenever we feel like it.

Version: 3.12
GIT/M/O !a C++ UL P L+++ E? W++ N? o-- K? !w
!O M !V PS PE? Y PGP? t 5? X? R tv b+ DI? D-
G e* h- r- z? y++**

We're also on CodePen, Minecraft, and even Uncyclopedia.

This user is a proud contributor to Uncyclopedia.

We're a bit more open there, letting out our full typing styles. We're User:HooPammI there.

We use the new version of the Vector skin that already made le Wikipedia en français and the Hebrew Wikipedia look very nice.

This user has been vaccinated against COVID-19.

Got Pfizier.

And even so:

This user wears their mask.

As companies rely on trust, we have chosen to continue wearing face masks.

In addition, we have chosen bowing in replacement of handshakes.


The color code for this user's favorite color is #FFCDED.

Other headmates have their own favourite colours. Penelope's, for example, is #00BBFF Sky Blue. Aoz0ra even has a secondary favourite of light yellow!

Our favourite colour palette for programming is Ethan Schnoover's Solarised.

This user thinks in RGB-additive color.

Since we grew up with computers always by our side, we tend to think in RGBA and HSL simultaneously, or at least RGB.

This means that to us, black is the absence of colour.


This user believes in freedom of all types of information for all.

Part of what makes us the Free Spirits.

Just don't go spreading lies (especially about us), okay?

This user believes copyright laws are harmful and that RE, sharing and modifying are inalienable rights.

While copyright laws may have their pros, a different system could potentially work better.

Requiring donations is where we draw the line. Winamp 5.666 is at least okay by reducing some features in capability.

This user prefers and supports Copyleft licensing.

This means that anything we make, you can freely distribute and modify as you wish.

Just don't turn it into malware, of course.

Comic SansThis user refuses to take seriously anything written in the Comic Sans font.

Aoz0ra is known for hating Comic Sans being used wherever it shouldn't. It does have its benefits for dyslexic users, though.

(Kaiden: And Silver is a fan of the font.)

KDEThis user contributes with the KDE desktop environment.

KDE Plasma has been Aoz0ra's favourite for a while now, with LXQt + Openbox coming in at a close second. We eventually aim to make our own ‘Quintessence’ desktop based on Plasma 5 that brings back lost features from versions 3 and 4 of KDE's desktop environment.

Free software logosThis user uses free software wherever and whenever possible.

If we can use Linux, we will.

Windows is a compatibility nightmare and macOS only runs on — get this — Macs.

This user uses GIMP.

It's a nice, free and open source alternative to Adobe Photoshop.

And Photoshop isn't normally even available on Linux!

This user records with Audacity.

We made our Dreams of an Absolution X4 COMBO with it!

I gotta say, hearing Bentley Jones and Bentley Jones and Bentley Jones and Bentley Jones with four instrumentals active can be quite nice.

And then we added on the 2019 version.

This user contributes while using Audacious.

I can make it look exactly like Winamp 5.

This user contributes using Kate.

Typically, you'll see that Linux text editors are also IDEs or nearly so.

Windows and macOS only provide a basic text editor by default, whereas Ubuntu's default comes with syntax highlighting!

This user contributes with a computer manufactured by ASUS.

In Search Of Awesome!

Specifically, we primarily use an ASUS X555QA with:

This user uses Ubuntu and doesn't need any antivirus software!

20.04 LTS.

Ubuntu is very popular as a Linux distro.

This user contributes at
1366 x 768 resolution.

It's common for laptops like the ones we mainly use.

Fun fact: 1366x768 is slightly off from a true 16:9 aspect ratio.

This user contributes with a computer that runs on a battery.

All of our computers do,

including the mobile devices.

QWThis user contributes using a QWERTY keyboard.

QWERTY is very popular, even being used for languages it definitely isn't optimised for. There are a few variants, but one small change will throw us for a loop.

This user does not contribute by using a web browser. Rather, they upload material directly to the internet by using the awesome power of their mind.

And in the cases where we can't,

we fall back to a web browser.


This user contributes using Vivaldi.

Customisation is definitely one of our favourite things to see in software.

Language skills



en-5This user can contribute with a professional level of English.

There are only a few things that we mess up on — one of those being always spelling ‘separate’ with an E for the second A until somewhat recently... that one even made it into shadowOS. Aoz0ra still has trouble with ‘possessive’ and ‘tomorrow’.

William ShakespeareThis user is interested in
English grammar.

We also used to always use ‘it's’ even for the possessive. Thank goodness we no longer do that ^.^

Things are not ‘able to be done’... and we have no idea why that restriction exists.

couldn't'veThis user believes that couldn't've would make a perfectly fine word.

And even...


less & fewerThis user understands the difference between less & fewer.

‘Fewer’ is for discrete amounts

‘Less’ is for continuous values

This user refuses to use the verb "decimate" as a synonym for "obliterate"!

The word sounds powerful...

...But when you really think about it...

This user thinks that the phrase
"completely decimated"
is "completely improper"!

Deci- is ‘one tenth’

-mate is ‘destroy or remove’

Unlike other Germanic languages, English gets a good amount of its vocabulary from Latin and Greek. Anglish is whag would happen if it ‘looked the other way’ and took no words from other languages at all.

This user refuses to use the adjective "less" with
plural nouns!

Publix used to do this if we remember right.

Now they say ‘10 items or fewer’.

...though perhaps such a difference is just a hypercorrection.

English Singulars: "The data is..." This user recognizes that "data", "media", and "agenda" have become incorporated into English as singular nouns.

Even though they weren't originally.

In technical writing, we revert this change.

We were initially taught that ‘data’ was singular only for some reason. MathsIsFun later corrected us.

Latin Plurals: "Data is are..." This user uses "data", "media", "memoranda", "criteria", and "agenda" as the plurals of "datum", "medium", "memorandum", "criterion", and "agendum".

And then there's ‘fora’,

the more originally Latin plural form of ‘forum’.

English is littered with irregularities!

…in.Ending a sentence with a preposition is something that this user is okay with.

In moderation, especially in formal writing.

Doing so too much is something up with which we will not put.

This editor writes carefully to avoid gender neutrality issues completely.

It used to be that male-only was the default (or indeed the only option) in English.

Now we even use male forms of words like ‘actor’ for females!

theyThis user considers singular they standard English usage.

And neopronouns don't really work out for us.

Just stick to the standards.

TheySome people are 'they'. Get over it!

Tails in the system goes under both ‘he’ and ‘she’,

and N is ‘he’, ‘she’, and ‘they’.

’sThis user understands that apostrophe's apostrophes are for possession and contraction, not pluralization.

Again, this affected our usage of ‘it's’ vs ‘its’.

There was even a voice within that told us to always spell it with an apostrophe.

its & it'sThis user understands the difference between its and it's. So should you.

‘It's’ is short for ‘it is’, while ‘its’ is a possessive.

Weird Al even commented on this in his ‘Word Crimes’!

,This user fixes comma-splices; they are annoying.

Comma splices are when a comma is used where a full stop should be, an example is in this very sentence. They can be fixed by either using a full stop and a capital letter or a semicolon.

(It pained Aoz0ra and N to write that comma splice)

A, B, and
A and B
This user uses the serial comma unless its inclusion is confusing.

‘The team, Sonic and Tails’ and ‘The team, Sonic, and Tails’ are different!

And while ‘Sonic, Tails and Knuckles’ is fine, it somewhat irks Aoz0ra and N. (Even Cream of the system uses the serial comma!)

.  TheThis user puts two spaces after a period.

We were taught otherwise, but we feel it increases readability — especially for fonts that don't distinguish the comma that much from the period.

US vs. UK
This user uses logical quotation marks. Internal punctuation leads to factual errors. It's not a style issue!

America says otherwise.

Even some of our friends prefer logical quotation marks with American English!

Tails: I think it's always been our preference.

;This user knows how to use a semicolon correctly.

To connect two related sentences, and to separate items in a list when at least one has a comma.

This is, of course, a troubling punctuation mark. Even Tom Scott is only mostly confident in his usage.

to¦goThis user chooses to sometimes use split infinitives.

To boldly go where no man has gone before’...

To heatedly debate about splitting infinitives! (...to deliberately add them in writing!)

"There's" with a plural subjectThis user knows that "there's" with a plural subject is a pervasive grammatical error. There's There are too many people making this mistake. Don't be one of them.

It's fine in very informal English,

though we still correct such usage right now.

byThe passive voice may be used by this user.

It is used only in moderation by us.

Too much, and they will be changed to active voice.

snkThis user says he/she/it sneaked and they snuck.

We're not sure about other languages.

But then again, English is basically littered with irregularities like this.

This user understands the difference between using "than" and "then."

‘Than’ is for comparison,

while ‘then’ is for time.

This user thinks that there are too many people who don’t know that they're worse than their own children at spelling!

‘Their’ is possessive,

‘there’ is for location,

and ‘they're’ is ‘they are’.

This user thinks that too many people have no idea how to use words that they should have learned in grade two.

Larry from VeggieTales even had a section in his ‘Homophones’ about this.


Other languages suffer from this too, besides Ithkuil of course.

This user thinks that if your grammar is incorrect, then you're in need of help.

‘Your’ is possessive,

and ‘you're‘ is ‘you are’.

Variations and dialects

This user has an advanced understanding of American English.

Not our preference —

we switched during Trump's presidency.

This user has an intermediate understanding of British English.

And even when we write in American English,

we still use the IUPAC spellings of element names.

This user uses Commonwealth spelling.

Colour, localise, favourite, neighbour,

labour, armour, etc. We also default to British quotes.

UK/USThis user writes British English but speaks American English.

And then Aoz0ra also uses Australian English, and N has her own dialect,

but we still use British terminology even when speaking!

ʍThis user pronounces "wh" as a voiceless labial–velar fricative

Added it as an option the moment we saw this very userbox.

Conservative Received Pronunciation users can now stop whining.

you oneThis user knows that one should not use "you" in encyclopedia articles or other formal works.

Use ‘one’ instead.

Unless you're formally giving directions.

AU-1This user is a meagre speaker of Australian English.

We're getting most of it from Marine.

That there's how good we're at. Nonetheless, Aoz0ra really likes the sound of it for some reason, alongside Scottish and Cockney

Other variants

en-sg-0This user does not understand Singlish (or understands it with difficulties, otherwise does not want to hear or speak it).

We accept all Englishes,

no matter how far removed from British English.

This user can write very clearly in Simple English.

Cream of the system mainly writes in Simple English!

We also have a userpage on the Simple English Wikipedia.

fgn-1This user can scrape by in at least one dialect of foreign.

Russian, specifically.

Complete with the rrrrrrrrolled R.

sar-3This user is an advanced speaker of sarcasm.

Silver (even in the system) often doesn't ‘get’ jokes or other wordplay.

It's okay.

Other languages

es-1Este usuario puede contribuir con un nivel básico de español.

Knowledge is fading.


We're still capable of reading it well enough, though.

ith-0Uxhalár abvileqtúkt eluirtkʰuikt, axhalûmfíňň qei ‾mröruiwa.

Now that's quite the experiment!

Ithkuil is so specific it's very hard to make jokes.

Tails: Someone should translate that very userbox into Ithkuil


We're certainly interested in this level 5 language, though!

Three scripts, very different grammar, some context, etc. At least it gets points for being easier to pronounce with just 5 vowels and 14 or 15 consonants, and a simple (C)V syllable structure for the most part.

We know a few basic phrases — 「私の名前は[name here]です」, for example, and we're learning it with both Tofugu and Duolingo.

This user has an intermediate understanding of the Katakana or Hiragana.

Sometimes we forget the kana corresponding to a rōmaji representation, but almost always we can go the other way around. We know what the dakuten 濁点 and handakuten 半濁点 do and how to modify sounds with small kana (as seen in Wikipedia's Japanese name, 「ウィキペディア」).

漢字-1This user has a basic understanding of the Kanji script.

We also know when to use on'yomi 音読み vs kun'yomi 訓読み, when to use hiragana ひらがな vs katakana カタカナ vs kanji 漢字, and how to type Japanese 日本語. We use a rōmaji layout by default as it's relatively easy to switch to from the layouts of European languages.


1337-27h15 u53r 15 48l3 70 (0n7r18u+3
\/\/i7h 4|\| 1|\|73rm3d14+3 l3\/3l 0f 1337.

Tails: I will agree, 1337 can be hard to read.

But that's what you get when you try to avoid chat filtres whilst staying within ASCII.

AIM-AbleThis user understands AIM talk perfectly well, but does not seriously use it. Ever.

Tails: It's like a lighter version of 1337 with overly casual speech (and some exaggeration).

If I remember correctly, AIM has died off quite a bit.

LE-1This user's been known to screw up the occasional sentence and make the occasional typo, but is otherwise pretty accurate with regards to English.

Usually we correct them right away, but sometimes we don't. And then Penelope of the system tends to skip apostrophes.

fr-0Cet utilisateur ne comprend pas le français ou seulement avec des difficultés notables.

English has a good amount of vocabulary from French. ‘Façade’, for example... and then Spanish, as a Romance language, has even more similarities. (Those silent letters in French, though...) Kaiden of the system might also prefer this one, though we're not entirely sure yet.

it-0Quest'utente non capisce l'italiano (o lo capisce con notevoli difficoltà).

(Aoz0ra: Ironically, I understand this userbox.) It does seem like they have some fun with the vowels (Kaiden: and the timing!), though! Italian and Spanish are somewhat similar, enough that we might get some words, and then Spanish and Portuguese are even more similar.

pt-0Este usuário/utilizador não entende português.

We're particularly drawn towards this language's Let It Go for some reason. Not sure why... perhaps it's just the sound?

de-0Dieser Benutzer hat keine Deutschkenntnisse.

English also has a good amount of words from German — so many, in fact, that we can get some understanding of the German Wikipedia.


Speakers of non-tonal languages are known to trip up with the Chinese tones. And then there are multiple Chineses, some with their own hànzì.

This user has full understanding of the Latin script.

It's the most used script out there. Kazakh is even switching. This also has the most characters across all of Unicode, enough to constitute at least 10 blocks!

This user has a basic understanding of the Cyrillic script.

There were some influences from Greek and Latin.

Cyrillic is almost entirely small-caps as well.

αβγThis user can read the Greek script.

It's the first true alphabet.

ギリシャ語、ありがとう。 [Thanks, Greek!]

한글디스 유저 캔 리드 한글.

Hangul is one of the easiest systems to learn — it's a combination of a featural alphabet and a syllabary.

And that's just what we're interested in for the most part.


bash-1This user is a beginner Bash programmer.

aoz0ra@wikipedia:/user/Aoz0ra$ su t-tails

t-tails@wikipedia:/user/Aoz0ra$ _

HTML-3This user is an advanced HTML user.

<p>Writing the pages

with HTML tags</p>

css-3This user is an advanced Cascading Style Sheets user.

div.css-showcase:before {

content: "Styling the pages"; }

js-3This user is an advanced JavaScript programmer.

console.log(String.raw`Writing useful tools

in JavaScript`)

{{Wiki}}This user is an intermediate writer in the MediaWiki language.

Sometimes we switch to the visual editor

''which notifies on attempts to type wikitext''

{{t|2}}This user understands what templates do, and how to write them.

We made 3 of them so far, both of them userboxes. Templates are pretty cool — they're like JavaScript functions, but for wikitext.

py-2This user is an intermediate Python programmer.

>>> print usage

"Not used for much"

/(regular expressions?|regex(p|es)?/

They seem daunting, I know. ~Tails

This user can code in Scratch.

We still occasionally pop over there. It's a nice introduction to programming for the kids! There are some well-known older users as well.

This user loves Recursion!
This user loves Recursion!
This user loves Recursion!
This user loves Recursion!
This user loves Recursion!

Did you mean: User:Aoz0ra?

Google also has the same easter egg.


This user is interested in linguistics.

Some of us may be linguists at heart.

N in particular is a grammar nerd.

In linguistics, this user prefers descriptivism over prescriptivism.

At least mostly — we use slightly different definitions for some words or, as in the case of ‘biannular’ and ‘biweekly’, say they only mean once every two years or weeks respectively. (Same with ‘bimonthly’!) And so we suggest ‘semiweekly’ snd ‘semimonthly’.


ax2+bx+c=0This user likes algebra.

Especially Kaiden of the system!

She helps the others with their maths work.

This user knows how to travel 1 mile due south, due east, then due north and end up where they started.



10This user realizes that there are 10 types of people in this world: those who understand binary and those who do not.


And those who weren't expecting this to be in ternary!

This user knows 31 digits of pi.

3.14159 26535 89793 23846 26433 83279 5...

The farthest calculation so far has been into the billions

This user knows the Ultimate Answer.

Twilight approves of this.

As always.

This user is pretty sure that they are an outlier compared to everybody else.

Autistic, affected by ADHD, colour deficient, furry, pitch perfect, simultaneously in to Sonic and MLP, plural with many fictives, typeface and graphic designer in spare time, artist, pixel artist, in to Japan and Japanese culture, Linux user, Minecraft player, Crüxshadows and Birthday Massacre fan, writer, etc.

We collectively are quite gifted!


This user enjoys listening to music.

As always.

We even make our own!

of course.

We even start off with our own theme songs!

This user enjoys karaoke.

Libérée, délivrée

Crush 40Let this user show you what they're made of!

♪Simple curiosity tries to take a bite of me / Let me show you just What I'm Made Of now!♪ Sonic Heroes was pretty good, even for its time.

This user is a fan of
The Birthday Massacre.

They're Luna's favourite,

enough so that Shallow Grave is her theme.

Her style is even inspired by them!

CX̶SThis user is dancing in your nightmare.

They aren't nearly as popular as they should be. We were surprised to see that they also sing in German!

(Tails: Rogue has actually used the A-word in a live performance?! Damn.)

DragonForceThrough the fire and flames, this user carries on.

That's a particularly hard song for just about every instrument, besides the vocals. Even The8BitDrummer had some trouble with this one at times.

Panic! At The Disco's lead sounds similar, especially in the lower registers. (Oh wait, their lead is actually their only consistent member.) ♪Into the unknown!

RIP Chester Bennington 1976 ~ 2017 - He couldn't reach out after battling with depression (complete with his final album having an appropriate tone)

Bohemian Rhapsody is notorious for using a lot of styles.


tøpThis user is a fan of twenty øne piløts.

/Wish we could turn back time / To the good old days/ - They're pretty good at coming up with (at least given our knowledge) unexplored topics.

This user is a Swiftie

And that's just our main interests.

We also enjoy Touhou's music and just about everything from the Sonic games.

This user enjoys Vaporwave

and in this case, no matter the language, this always feels like it's from another world entirely... which is pretty cool

This user knows that Christian rock doesn't make Christianity any better, but makes rock and roll worse.

TheOdd1sOut says the same. We're fine with the occasional motif, but we believe that swears are totally fine in rock.

ColdplayThis user used to rule the world.

/Chunks would load when we gave the word / Now every night we go stow away / Hide from the mobs we used to slay/ - oh wait, that's Fallen Kingdom.

Let It GoThis user thinks you should Let it Go.

We know the English, Latin-American Spanish, French, and Japanese lyrics to this and have probably heard it about a hundred times now. (And now I can't let go of Let It Go... ~Tails)

This user likes to "Swing
from the Chandelier"

/I'm gonna swiiiiiiiing from the chandelier~, from the chandelIER/ - Sia is a vocal POWERHOUSE. And we mean it.


This user is a MIDI collector.

MIDIs of Sonic, Undertale, My Little Pony, Deltarune, Ace Attorney, Frozen, Frozen II, etc. We even have the MIDIs from Windows 3.1!

This user is a MIDI author.

We primarily make edits of others' MIDIs, but we have one of The CrüXshadows in development. Edits are mostly to add extra style.

We're also doing one of Dreams of an Absolution.

Franchises and favourite characters


We initially seemed to dislike it, but deep down...

...we knew otherwise.

FShyThis user’s favorite pony is Fluttershy. [WIP]

Aoz0ra: I think it's impossible not to like Fluttershy.

She's so cute!!!

CreamThis user's favorite character from the Sonic the Hedgehog series is Cream the Rabbit.

And the same here!

Even Cream X Shadow content is nice, and we're also fine with Sonadow.

Sonario is where we draw the line, though.

♪流れてく 時の中ででも/気だるさが ほらグルグル廻って/私から 離れる心も/見えないわ そうしらない?♪

Anime and manga アニメと漫画

This user loves Wikipe-tan, the cutest personification of Wikipedia.

Aoz0ra's also in to other OS-tans.

95-tan is one of her favourites.

This user is an anime and manga fan.

No favourites yet aside from the Frozen II / アナと雪女の王2 manga (even before reading it!)

We even make our own sometimes.

This user prefers to watch
their anime subbed.

We even go with the original Japanese audio for Sonic games whenever possible and, when we can read it, also use the Japanese text option.

(Then again, we're learning Japanese.)

ジブリThis user is a Studio Ghibli fan.

We've watched only Ponyo ポニョ so far.

Also the Lo-Fi Girl says hi

This user is a fan of Sword Art Online.

We even themed our Minecraft マインクラフト around it for some time!

(When you want to make Minecraft look like a different game...)

4KIDSThis user knows that if anyone dies, 4kids censors it.


オマエ ワ モウ シンデイル。


MThis user likes Markiplier.

He's played probably the widest variety of games out of any YouTubers we know — even The Henry Stickmin Collection!

There's even a game centred around him.

This user watches

...or do we?

cue the Vsauce music

This user can make The Spinning Dancer turn both ways.

It's somewhat up to chance, but often we move our finger in the direction we want it to start spinning in and eventually it switches. Kaiden seems to have it down pretty well.

Tails: Closing our eyes or looking away works even better!

Aoz0ra: Indeed it does.

This user is interested in spirituality.

Astral projections, lucid dreaming, tulpas, other forms of plurality, etc.

We want to master the first two in particular.

This user loathes, but is forced to observe, daylight saving time.

Like, since when should the time be shifted by an hour for part of the year? We prefer if daylight saving wasn't really used.

This user dreams in color.

Since the earliest dreams we can remember!

And that's from when we were very young up to now.

This Wikipedian knows
how to use a slide rule

Knowledge has faded, of course, but we still know how to multiply on the very predecessor to calculators.

Normally, of course, we use calculators on computers.

User:Aoz0ra writes YOU!

Wikipedia reads YOU!

This user clicks the "Show preview" button to avoid making useless mistakes...

And we also use the visual editor.

PAGEIDThe ID of this page is 59439914.

Y'know, going into the backend can also feel like magic.

It can be pretty cool to see what's actually going on behind the scenes!

User:UBX/Huge mistake

Trump was basically doomed from the start. If we did choose to vote, we would've chosen Hilary.

This user is a child at heart. They might have grown older, but they'll never grow up.

And to that end, we have several young ones in the system! We can still be seen watching kids' shows at times. (No wonder the Protegent Antivirus ad reminded Aoz0ra of SuperWhy...)

This person avoids using
ableist terms and disability-related slurs.

And as such, we prefer ‘disorder’. Why should the disabled and disordered be considered lesser?


This user likes or is interested in userboxes and loves to collect them.

We got over a hundred in days. 面白い……

There are definitely a lot.

(This userbox intentionally
left blank)

(This line intentionally left blank)

(This line intentionally left blank)

Creation is goodThis user creates their own userboxes.

Mostly for us, but you can request one and we'll make it! ...just nothing too sensitive.

If this is your first time receiving this message, please restart your computer.

Error 404: Userbox Description Not Found — this is probably the error you've seen the most.

This userbox was put here by mistake.

Indeed, we have made some misktaes before.

(Like right there and then!)

This user has created 3 userboxes.

Favourite pony is Fluttershy, User is plural, Cream Again, request away if you want!

This user believes userboxes are a form of expression.

And perfectly valid as any, and as such an inalienable right in our eyes. Part of what makes us the Free Spirits.

This user loves userboxes!

Is it not obvious already?

'Tis, probably.

IDThis is a blank Userbox, please tell the user if you see it, because it doesn't exist.

This is a blank description; please tell us if you see it because it doesn't exist.

(Also, comma splice!)

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