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The Hand of God

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The Hand of God
"The Hand of God"
An episode of the Original Series
Episode No. Season 1, Episode 21
Writer(s) Donald Bellisario
Story by
Director Donald Bellisario
Assistant Director
Special guest(s)
Production No. 50930
Nielsen Rating
US airdate USA 1979-04-29
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UK airdate UK
DVD release 2004-12-28
Population {{{population}}} survivors
Additional Info Series Finale
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Take the Celestra The Hand of God (End of Series)
(See Galactica 1980)
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Commander Adama decides to quit running from the Cylons, and launches an all-out attack on a basestar.


  • Apollo opens up the shielding on the dome, revealing space all around them. Cassiopeia is frightened, but Apollo explains that they are safe as the walls are constructed from transparent tylinium. Apollo explains that it is a celestial chamber. When Galactica was launched 500 yahren ago, she had several chambers, but only one remains. They were used by navigators to take star sightings to double-check the calculations of the navigation computers.
  • The scanners are set for long range Gamma frequencies, an outdated method of communication. Sheba notices that they are receiving a signal on a Gamma frequency. Apollo recognizes something in the signal that looks like ships that used to be flown by the Colonials many yahrens ago.
Boomer analyzing a Gamma frequency transmission.
  • The date group wakes up Boomer, who speculates that the signal could either be a harmonic signal, with a double or tripling of the original transmitting frequency, in which case the source would be relatively close. If the signal is at its original frequency it would have to be intergalactic to be so weak.
  • Adama orders Galactica to scan in the direction of the signal in order to see if it was a harmonic signal originating from nearby. A planetary system is detected in the direction of the transmission, so Adama orders Apollo to take a Viper patrol into the system to take a closer look.
  • Apollo, Starbuck, and Sheba fly towards the system. They detect five planets. Starbuck detects a Cylon basestar coming out from behind orbit of the third planet. The Vipers flee hoping they avoided detection.
  • The basestar is located in a strategic location on the rim of the galaxy, forcing the fleet to take a long detour if they want to avoid it. Adama thinks that the transmission they received was sent from the basestar as part of an elaborate trap. Tired of running, Adama proposes attacking the basestar.
  • Aboard the basestar, a Command Centurion checks the status. A Centurion reports a blip shortly before achieving orbit. The Command Centurion orders a fighter patrol to check the far side of the planet system just to be safe.
  • Commander Adama and Colonel Tigh brief the Viper pilots. All Vipers squadrons will be launched in an attempt to draw out the Cylon Raiders. They will be outnumbered two to one. Galactica will attempt to flank around the star system and surprise the basestar, getting the first strike. After that it will be a slugfest.
  • Apollo stays after the meeting examining the basestar model. He and Starbuck come up with a plan to use Baltar's Cylon fighter to sneak aboard the basestar and knock out its scanners, ensuring Galactica the first strike. Apollo is able to convince Adama of his plan, however Starbuck's knowledge of the interior of the basestar is too limited (after his brief stay during "War of the Gods, Part I"). Adama decides that the person who would be better able to help them with information would be Baltar himself.
  • The Cylon Raiders have found nothing in their search, but the Command Centurion orders them to continue further into the galaxy as long as fuel permits.
Adama strikes a bargain with Baltar.
  • Adama offers Baltar freedom in exchange for information. Adama would drop Baltar off on a habitable planet that they pass, leaving him with adequate provisions and shelter. Baltar is able to negotiate for a short range communication device as well. Baltar would be set free after the basestar has been destroyed.
  • Sheba accuses Apollo of having a death wish since Serina's loss, and reveals her feelings for him. Meanwhile Cassiopeia is asking Starbuck why he has to be on every dangerous mission. Starbuck admits that he sees the danger, but chooses not to dwell on it.
  • Boomer gives Apollo and Starbuck an identification transmitter, which would alert their fellow Viper pilots that they are friendly when they return from their mission. He reminds them not to lose the transmitter, or else they will likely be shot at. Starbuck says that if they do lose the transmitter that they'll just waggle their wings.
  • Baltar explains that they can probably safely land without clearance. It will be assumed that there is a communications problem on the raider. A centurion will be sent if they don't have any fighters out. The control center is at the bottom of the central core, guarded by a single centurion. They can just destroy the computers outside the command room to blind the basestar.
  • Apollo and Starbuck launch the Raider and stumble into the returning Cylon patrol, but are not noticed by the Cylons.
  • After the Centurions have disembarked, Apollo and Starbuck leave the hangar and make their way to the central core, and open the hatch. As they climb down a ladder, the Centurion guard looks up, prompting an exchange of laser fire. The Centurion is destroyed, and the warriors are unharmed. They enter the computer room outside the control center, and Starbuck plants the charges while Apollo covers him.
  • Galactica launches all of her Vipers and begins her flanking maneuver. The basestar picks up the Vipers on its sensors. The Command Centurion orders all fighters dispatched to intercept the Vipers, and orders sensors to scan for Galactica.
  • A Centurion walks in on Starbuck planting the last charge, and is shot in the chest. Apollo and Starbuck flee up the ladder. As Apollo rushes up the ladder he drops the identification transmitter. With several Centurions on their tail, they continue up the ladder anyway. The charges detonate, killing the pursuing Centurions and blinding the basestar.
  • The Vipers duel with the raiders. Both sides take losses but the raiders are getting the worst end of it.
  • Galactica spots the basestar. Adama orders everyone to battle stations and gets the first shots in, severely damaging the basestar. The basestar detects Galactica and begins to return fire. Galactica sustains heavy damage, but destroys the Cylon basestar.
Apollo scans Gamma frequencies for the signal.
  • Galactica issues a recall order to all Vipers. They have not received any signal from the identification transmitter. As several Raiders have made suicide runs towards Galactica, Adama orders another approaching raider destroyed but is stopped by Boomer, who thinks it is Starbuck and Apollo because "they're waggling!"
  • After they are safely aboard, Apollo returns to the Celestial chamber, looking for another Gamma frequency signal, which he hopes came from Earth. Apollo expects that first contact will come in the form of routine video or radio scans. Starbuck comes looking for him to return him to the victory celebration. After they exit the Celestial chamber the signal is received again, this time clearer: it is a transmission of the Apollo moon landing, with nobody there to see it.


  • This episode is both the season and series finale of the Original Series.
  • This episode is notable in that it has no guest stars and introduces no new characters.
  • The title was reused for the tenth episode of the Re-imagined Series. Aside from both Adamas launching an offensive strike against Cylon forces, there is little comparison between the two episodes. The writers of the Re-imagined Series episode claimed that the naming of their episode and the offensive attack plans were coincidental; they weren't aware of this Original Series episode.
  • Apollo gives the age of Galactica as being 500 yahrens (years) and given his comments on the removal of her celestial chambers, it can be inferred that Galactica was updated throughout the years.
  • The final episode of the Original Series shows not just one, but two authentic items of American space program output.
  • The first article, shown in the grainy Gamma transmissions, is camera footage from the return of the ascent stage of an Apollo Lunar Module. Specifically, the footage was of Eagle, the first lunar lander to reach the moon, piloted by Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin in July, 1969.
  • The central basestar core was in fact the interior of the mockup or backup vehicle of Skylab, the first United States space station, which was used from 1973 to 1974. Two flight-ready Skylabs were built; the flown station reentered the atmosphere in 1979 to great international fanfare and speculation as to its crash and debris site. The second flight-ready vehicle is available for viewing at the National Air and Space Museum. The mockup resides in the hands of the United States Space & Rocket Center and underwent restoration.


  • Boomer speculates that the signal they recorded could have be on a harmonic frequency, doubling or quadrupling the original frequency. If it is a harmonic it comes from nearby. The planetary system they scouted has a large Jupiter-like gas giant, a Venus-like planet with a compressed carbon dioxide atmosphere, and a lifeless red Mars-like world. It indicates that it may have been analogous to our solar system, but this isn't explored further for fear that another Cylon basestar might be coming to investigate.
  • As inferred from previous episodes, such as "Saga of a Star World" and "The Living Legend, Part II," a Cylon basestar and a Colonial battlestar are evenly matched.
  • This episode suggests that Galactica saga takes place hundreds or even thousands of years in the far future. Therefore, Earth would most likely be far enough along technologically and politically to help their brothers from the Colonies. Galactica 1980 contradicts this, however.
  • Unless a Colonial "year" is significantly shorter than 365 Earth days, the episode creates a continuity error between the Original Series and its spin-off, Galactica 1980 in terms of time. Galactica 1980 begins with Galactica arriving at Earth in 1980 after a "30 year" journey. However, even if Galactica is picking up the Apollo landing "live" in this episode, there is only an 11 year difference between 1969, when the moon landing occurred and 1980 when Galactica makes it to Earth. As well, assuming the star system Galactica receives the signal in is not the Sol system, the transmissions from the 1969 moon landing (traveling at the speed of light) would take much, much longer to cross interstellar (if not intergalactic) space to reach Galactica.
  • Much like the Re-imagined Series, the setting of the Original Series is chronologically ambiguous relative to the real-world Earth. There is no definitive way to prove within the context of the Original Series just what time period the journey of Galactica and her fleet takes place in, only that it is some point after 1969. Only Galactica 1980 gives a precise date marker relative to Earth, the year 1980. This means that the star system encountered in this episode has to be Alpha Centauri as it is the only nearby star located sufficiently close to our solar system for the 1980 date to work. In this case Galactica would intercept the Apollo 11 broadcast in late 1973 while Alpha Centauri is located directly between Earth and the Colonial fleet From there, the remaining sublight speed journey to our solar system takes 5-6 Earth years and the fleet arrives in 1980.
  • In theory, the first video transmission Galactica could receive from Earth would actually be the broadcast of the opening ceremonies of the 1936 Summer Olympics from Berlin, Germany. By that time however, Galactica would also have picked up many years-worth of radio signals as well. However, someone would have to be monitoring what they considered a superfluous and "ancient" set of signals. This is comparable to SETI monitoring radio transmissions and without people and funding, nobody monitors this data.


  • What is the fate of Baltar? Does Adama follow through with his promise to Baltar?
  • Were it to occur, how would the civilians in the Fleet react to Baltar's release by Adama? What of the Quorum of Twelve?
  • Where is Lucifer?
  • What of Boxey and Muffit? (Answer)
  • Would Starbuck and Cassiopeia be sealed?
  • Where is Apollo and Sheba's relationship going?
  • What is the current state of Earth? (Answer)
  • How old is the gamma frequency transmission Galactica receives?
  • Do the Colonials believe in backing up important data?
  • Why doesn't Apollo attach a recording device to the gamma frequency booster that Boomer gave him?

Noteworthy Dialogue[edit]

Colonel Tigh: She carries three hundred fighters. Has two long range mega pulsars... here... and here. And over a hundred defensive laser turrets. She's an orbiting killer... capable of destroying every ship we have... including Galactica.
Starbuck: (to Boomer) That's what I like about the Colonel... his optimism.
  • Boomer gives Starbuck the IFF transponder:
Boomer: Whatever happens, don't lose that transmitter. It's the only way we'll be able to tell you from the Cylons.
Starbuck: Well, if we do, we'll just waggle our wings.
Boomer: You would.
Cassiopeia: Why did I ever have to fall in love with a warrior?
Sheba: I don't know.
  • A Cylon Raider approaches Galactica, and is about to be shot by the defensive systems.
Boomer: No! Don't fire! It's them!
Adama: How do you know?
Boomer: They're waggling!
Tigh: Waggling?!

Deleted Scenes[edit]

See: The deleted scenes from this episode.

The Hand of God
"The Hand of God"
An episode of the Re-imagined Series
Episode No. Season 1, Episode 10
Writer(s) David Weddle
Bradley Thompson
Story by
Director Jeff Woolnough
Assistant Director
Special guest(s)
Production No. 110
Nielsen Rating 2.2
US airdate USA 2005-03-11
CAN airdate CAN 2005-03-19
UK airdate UK 2005-01-03
DVD release 20 September 2005 US
28 March 2005 UK
Population 47,898 survivors (Population decline. 7)
Additional Info
Episode Chronology
Previous Next
Tigh Me Up,
Tigh Me Down
The Hand of God Colonial Day
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Official Summary
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Podcast TranscriptView
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With the Fleet short of fuel, Galactica launches a daring attack on a Cylon base.


  • The Fleet is almost out of fuel, and Galactica has Raptors out scouting nearby star systems to find rare tylium ore — if they don't, the fleet can make two more jumps at best.
  • Aboard one of the Raptors, Boomer and Alex "Crashdown" Quartararo find an asteroid filled with years' worth of tylium ore — unfortunately, the Cylons found it first and have built a refinery base on it.
  • Faced with a choice between hoping to locate tylium elsewhere using their remaining supply of fuel, or taking the asteroid from the Cylons, Adama opts for the latter.
  • On Colonial One, Laura Roslin reveals she is being affected by taking Chamalla extract to Elosha, having prescient visions – her dreams about Leoben Conoy which occurred immediately before he was found on the Gemenon Traveler, and her hallucination about snakes.
  • On hearing about the snakes, Elosha reveals that it matches a prophecy in an ancient text written by Pythia 3,600 years ago concerning the exodus of humankind, which foretells that a dying Leader will lead the remnants of humanity to the promised land of Earth.
  • Colonel Tigh and Apollo draw up an initial plan to take the asteroid, but Commander Adama decides to turn to Kara "Starbuck" Thrace to come up with an unconventional idea to accomplish the mission, as she has a penchant for thinking "outside the box," and as machines the Cylons tend to predict more logical plans.
  • Plans are drawn up for the attack on the Cylon base on the asteroid, and Gaius Baltar becomes involved in preparations when Starbuck and Tigh show him recon photos of the refinery. They tell him that they cannot simply nuke the base, as the radiation would render the tylium inert. Baltar suggests that the best plan is to destroy the containers holding the volatile unrefined tylium precursor, which leads Tigh and Starbuck to ask him to identify the containers. Since he has no idea which are the correct structures, in his mind, Baltar asks his virtual Number Six for help, but she tells him it is in God's hands and He will "tell" Baltar where to point. Baltar randomly picks an object in the base (though he doesn't tell the others that). Baltar is terrified, telling Six he didn't hear God's voice, but she reassures him that "God doesn't always speak in words".
  • Apollo is concerned that everyone thinks Starbuck is a better pilot than he is and would be better leading the mission. Starbuck cannot fly in the attack, because in the weight room Commander Adama demonstrates that her knee has not yet fully recovered from its injury. On the hangar deck, Commander Adama encourages Apollo, telling him he thinks Apollo really can pull off this mission, because he is his son.
  • The attack is launched, and the battle commences: civilian mining ships jump in on one side of the Cylon base pretending to be on a survey mission, drawing off some Raiders from the base, while Galactica jumps in on the other side and launches a squadron of Vipers against it, which are confronted by the base's reserve Raiders. The Raiders sent against the mining ships peel off and advance with the others on Galactica. Everything seems to be going wrong, but then Adama reveals that this was a feint, apparently only he and those directly involved in implementing the plan aware of the real plan.
  • A second squadron of Vipers, led by Apollo, launches from inside of the mining ships. While appearing to be merely bait, and dismissed as such by the Cylons, the ships are the real thrust of the attack. With the raiders lured out of position by Galactica, Apollo and his wing have a clear flight to the base.
  • Once the Vipers reach the moon, however, things are far from easy: the Cylon base has a formidable anti-air defense system, and the Vipers' missile attack fails as the Cylons are able to jam the missiles' tracking systems.
  • In a move of reckless improvisation worthy of Starbuck, Apollo avoids the Cylon defense grid by flying through its tylium mining tunnels to the center of the base, then dropping a pair of explosive charges at the supposed tylium-precursor container.
  • Much to Baltar's surprise, his wild guess at which container held the volatile tylium-precursor was correct: as Apollo flies away, the entire base explodes with the force of a 3-kiloton nuclear warhead.
  • With their base destroyed, the Cylon Raiders go into a panic and are easy prey for Galactica's Vipers to mop up. All planes return to Galactica in a moment of celebration. Civilian mining ships will be able to get enough tylium fuel from the asteroid to last the Fleet several years.
  • In Baltar's dream world, he expresses his astonishment to Number Six: Baltar "realizes" that the only "logical" explanation is that God truly did guide his hand to the right point on the Cylon base. The formerly atheist Baltar now accepts the possibility that he might truly be an instrument of God. . . .
Adama and staff plan the attack.

On Caprica[edit]

  • Karl "Helo" Agathon and Valerii are hiding out on a farm on their way to Delphi.
  • When Helo offers to prepare a meal, Valerii is uncharacteristically sick, leading them to try and settle down for some sleep.
  • They are interrupted by the arrival of a troop of Cylon Centurions - led by another copy of Number Six.
  • Forcing a stunned Helo into action — he cannot believe the woman he saw Sharon kill is coming after them — Sharon forces him back on the run.


  • Nine days have passed since the events of "Tigh Me Up, Tigh Me Down".
  • The Celtic victory music played at the end of the episode after the Cylon base is destroyed is titled "Wander My Friends," written and composed by Bear McCreary. The lyrics and translation for the song given in the liner notes for the Season 1 soundtrack are reposted on this page, with permission.
  • Tylium ore is used to power FTL systems, but probably not through any fissionable reaction.
  • Tylium has an energy density of about 5e14 J/kg, comparable to that of nuclear fusion.
  • Cylon technology is clearly a Colonial off-shoot, as one would expect: from the use of tylium down to the shape of doorways.
  • William Adama's father was Joseph Adama.
  • Sharon Valerii on Caprica may be pregnant.
  • Lt. Gaeta mentions in passing to Apollo that the Colonials actually know where the Cylon homeworld is, or at least its rough location ("they'd build a refinery this far from their homeworld?" "Why not? They need fuel out here just as much as we do").
  • There is an ancient text some 3,600 years old foretelling humanity’s flight – and apparently, Roslin’s leadership.
  • Mark II Vipers can carry both missiles and munitions pods (bombs).
  • The Mark VII Vipers all appear to be out of commission — even Apollo is now regularly flying a Mk II.
  • Based on the conversation between Commander Adama and Starbuck in the gym, it appears that Mark II Viper thruster pedals use a mechanical flight control system rather than a "fly-by-wire" linkage. This fits the concept of minimizing the use of computers mentioned in the Miniseries. The same conversation also establishes that a Viper can accelerate at "six, seven G's,"
  • The religious overtones to the human / Cylon struggle are becoming more pronounced, with a now-promised confrontation due at the "home of the Gods".
  • The Fleet has a tylium refinery ship among its number.
  • With the capture of the tylium mining facilities on the asteroid, the Colonials should be able to gather enough tylium to keep them going for about 2 years – assuming they can shift that much tylium to their refinery ship before the Cylons return.
  • A railway line can be seen below the balcony of Baltar's Caprica house at the end of the episode. Single track, mounted on apparently wooden (as opposed to concrete sleepers), on a bed of gravel, without any form of electrification (third rail or overhead wires).
  • The title of this episode was also that of the 21st episode of the original series. Aside from both Adamas launching an offensive strike against Cylon forces, there is little comparison between the two episodes. However this is a coincidence; the writers weren't aware of this Original Series episode.
  • Ronald D. Moore says in his podcast that Lee Adama's flight through the tunnel is an homage to Star Wars.


  • The introduction of the prophecy of Pythia further links the series' mythology to the ancient Greece of our own planet. In Greek mythology, the Pythia was the priestess at Apollo's oracle in Delphi. The name itself comes from Python, the dragon slain by Apollo. The Pythia operated as a vehicle for Apollo's will to be known to those on earth. A believer would make a sacrifice and present a question to a priest. The priest would then present the question to the Pythia. The Pythia sat on a bronze tripod in the adytum, or inner chamber of Apollo's temple. In this sacred chamber the spirit of Apollo overcame the Pythia and inspired the prophecy.
    • Pythia in ancient Greece was the Oracle of Delphi – and on Caprica, Helo and Sharon are making for the religious center of Delphi.
  • Following his seeking God’s forgiveness (TRS: "33") and his repentance of his sins (TRS: "Six Degrees of Separation"), Baltar finally becomes God’s "instrument". He literally becomes the hand of God referenced in the episode title: he is the one that points out the target that will destroy the Cylon base.
  • Over the last few weeks, Baltar has moved through the five emotional states that tend to guide human reactions to a new "truth" we’d rather not face:
    • Denial (dismissing the "disappearance" of the Olympic Carrier after the call from Dr. Amarak as anything more than a serendipitous event — 33)
    • Anger (his outright hostility towards Six as she continues to "bore" him with talk of God — Six Degrees of Separation)
    • Bargaining (praying to God for his safety in return for his obedience — Six Degrees of Separation)
    • Depression (leaving the Situation Room without having "heard" God’s voice and facing up to the fact that he had to – again — lie) during this episode
    • Acceptance (his messianic response to Six’s coaxing) at the end of this episode.
  • Did the Cylons allow the Colonials to find an asteroid filled with fuel?
    • Executive producer Ron Moore has stated numerous times that the Cylons are not letting the Fleet escape, but are actively trying to destroy it.
  • Why does Commander Adama order the fighters to pursue the fleeing Cylon Raiders, instead of securing the area? One possibility for attacking the remaining fighters to prevent them from getting reinforcements from a distant basestar. (Although Adama will not have discovered this until later episodes, Raiders have the ability to make a jump much farther than any Colonial vessel.)
    • Adama may have been maximising the spike in morale after a successful military operation by letting the pilots finish what they started with limited risk (from attack by an actively retreating enemy force).
  • Are the Colonials able to build ships, such as Vipers, from scratch? Or can they take destroyed hulks and rebuild off them? (Answer: Vipers are frequently salvaged, but only to a point. Yes, they can build from scratch, although the result may not be a Viper. However, Pegasus is able to build Vipers from scratch, when she has the raw materials (metal ore, etc.) to do so (TRS: "Scar").)


Answered Questions[edit]

For answers to the questions in this section, click here.
  • How many Vipers does Galactica actually have? Do they have a contingency plan should the majority of the Vipers be destroyed?
  • How can a 3,600 year old text foretell the exodus of humanity, and the leadership of Laura Roslin?
  • If Gaius Baltar read the Sacred Scrolls in "... the 6th grade," why, in spite of being the former Secretary of Education, doesn't President Roslin know who Pythia is?
  • Is Baltar truly an instrument of "God?"

Unanswered Questions[edit]

  • Does someone have time on their hands to build miniatures of the new Cylon Raiders for the Situation Room?
  • Did the 240 FTL jumps the Fleet executed in "33" contribute to the fuel shortage?

Official Statements[edit]

  • Katee Sackhoff discusses her dislike for Viper scenes, and why she wanted the writers to "break [her] knee again, please":
I despise [the Viper cockpit scenes]. It is very uncomfortable in that tight space. All of a sudden, you’re claustrophobic, you’re hot and sweaty, and then you’re cold, you have to pee, you need water, but you can’t drink it because you’ll have to pee again. . . . You have these rubber space suits and you get stuck to the seat. Gross! Then there’s wind in your face and you are falling asleep because it is so hot. You are trying to memorise all this dialogue – 50 pages – all this technical mumbo jumbo. You’re like, ‘Break my knee again, please.’ That was the best thing that happened to me in season one.[1]

Noteworthy Dialogue[edit]

  • Lee Adama sits with a battered Viper before the mission. He is joined by his father who, after a short conversation, hands him a lighter:
William Adama: It belonged to your grandfather. My mother bought it for him when he was in law school. See the engraving on it?
Lee Adama: [Reading the name "Joseph Adama".] Yes, I . . . can barely make it out. . . .
Adama: He was a better father than I was. Dad used to carry that into court cases. He claimed he never lost unless he left it behind.
Lee: So you’re worried too.
Adama: About what?
Lee: Sometimes it feels like the whole ship thinks . . . Kara "Starbuck" Thrace . . . would do better.
Adama: I don’t.
Lee: How can you be so sure?
Adama: Because you’re my son.
  • Commander Adama asks Kara Thrace to assist with developing a plan to attack the refinery:
William Adama: Captain Adama and Colonel Tigh are working on the plan now and I need some serious "out-of-the-box" thinking.
Kara Thrace: "Out-of-the-box" is where I live.
  • During the briefing with Saul Tigh, Kara Thrace, Laura Roslin and both Adamas:
William Adama: Sometimes, you have to roll the hard six.

Guest stars[edit]


  1. Cullen, Ian M., "Sackhoff Admits To Hating The Viper Scenes", SciFi Pulse, 30 January 2007. Retrieved on 9 February 2007.

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