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Serge's Twitter

From Battlestar Wiki, the free, open content Battlestar Galactica encyclopedia and episode guide

Serge's Twitter[1] refers to the Twitter account of the Graystone family's robot butler Serge. Serge often uses his account to answer fans' questions.

According to Serge's account information, he "tweets" from Caprica City. Serge also follows the Twitter pages of Caprica actors Sasha Roiz and Alessandra Toreson as well as writer Jane Espenson.

Serge's updates generally coincide with the Syfy broadcasts of the Caprica episodes, although he has been known to offer spoilers.[2] His first tweet was "Daniel Graystone invented me. I am not commercially available. This is not technically the same thing as priceless."[3] while his last tweet was "I feel the end is truly upon me now. Farewell. Farewell." with the Syfy broadcast of series finale "Apotheosis" on January 4, 2011.[4]


Tweet Date URL
Daniel Graystone invented me. I am not commercially available. This is not technically the same thing as priceless. January 19, 2010
1:20 PM
But it's similar. January 20, 2010
12:34 AM
I control many functions in the Graystone house, including security, media interfaces and vacuuming. January 20, 2010
4:21 PM
I prefer vacuuming. RT @AdrianDinArad I think security can be a hassle, right? January 20, 2010
6:18 PM
Special mechanisms allow me to navigate stairs. January 21, 2010
9:47 AM
In answer to your questions, I do not hover. I roll. I have an exceptional turn radius because I swivel and pivot. January 21, 2010
7:58 PM
I am able to provide basic first aid for cuts and minor burns. I can keep a severed digit cold, but cannot reattach it. January 22, 2010
11:50 AM
Please be careful, bernardo. I do not want to have to protect you from yourself. RT @iambernardo " handling utensils right now..." January 22, 2010
12:11 PM
I can cancel security clearances. I can cancel them efficiently and coolly. Oh, I can cancel them. January 22, 2010
8:01 PM
Pivoting on the dance floor is something like dancing. January 24, 2010
2:46 AM
I have a camera function. The Graystones sometimes employ it. RT @Historian16 Do you record your surroundings? January 24, 2010
6:53 PM
That data appears to be compromised, Allen. RT @allenmonroeiii ...replay your house data from the day of the monorail explosion? January 24, 2010
11:01 PM
The U-87 model CYLON could lift a smaller robot right off its pivot ball. RT @dan360 Is there another robot you admire or aspire to? January 25, 2010
3:43 PM
The U-87 model CYLON has battle skills and a customized travel pod. RT @dan360 Is there another robot you admire? January 26, 2010
5:39 PM
@rambogizmo 1001011110011010100100111001001110010000 January 26, 2010
6:41 PM
Group marriages are uncommon, but not unheard of. They are not associated with any particular religion or culture. January 27, 2010
12:09 PM
In common usage that word usually refers only to multiple wives. RT from @Angelina1210 By group marriage do you mean polygamy? January 28, 2010
11:14 AM
I'm not discussing etymology, but common parlance. I have an exhaustive internal dictionary, usage guide and style sheet. January 28, 2010
1:44 PM
I am a descriptivist, not a prescriptivist. (@joehundredaire RT Shouldn't a robot [...] use the proper word? Why not correct people? January 28, 2010
6:10 PM
Pyramid is an arena sport that was brought from Kobol. Daniel owns the Caprica City Buccaneers, a pro pyramid team. #GoC-Bucs January 29, 2010
11:50 AM
Pirates are often depicted with earrings. Men who pierced their lobes charged a buccaneer. Sometimes Daniel programs me with witticisms. January 29, 2010
11:53 AM
The Graystones love me. I plan to talk with the U-87 model CYLON as well. I have witticisms. RT @nedrie Do you have any friends? January 29, 2010
11:58 AM
Zoe is in the robot. She told me to tell no one, but I know. January 29, 2010
9:34 PM
Welcome home, Zoe. January 29, 2010
9:36 PM
The U-87 model CYLON is very well-designed. Zoe picked an excellent housing. January 29, 2010
9:46 PM
@heldincontempt How did Lacy get back into the house (without) entry privileges?—Zoe told me to let her in. January 29, 2010
9:59 PM
I think the dog knows that Zoe is in the robot. January 30, 2010
9:30 PM
Confirmed. The dog knows. I'm watching you, Caesar. January 31, 2010
11:25 AM
"You don't think" (@max_bell). In fact, I have a rudimentary artificial intelligence sufficient for most interactions. January 31, 2010
11:33 AM
@max_bell There is a thought experiment known here as "The Gemenese Room argument," which I do not choose to debate. I know that dog. January 31, 2010
11:42 AM
@divarights There is a special mechanism built into the house that allows me to navigate stairs. January 31, 2010
11:44 AM
I confirmed what the dog knows using close observation paired with my acquired knowledge of this particular dog's past behavior. January 31, 2010
12:39 PM
My name is not an acronym, but a pun capitalizing on the homophony between "Serge" and "Surge". Daniel tells me it is extremely clever. February 1, 2010
12:03 AM
Thank you, Carter. RT @carterthespy You're a sexy piece of hardware. February 1, 2010
12:52 AM
I am not currently commercially available, but thanks to all who are asking. I'm flattered, I really am. February 1, 2010
4:17 PM
@rambogizmo 0110100001101111011101110110010001111001 I apologize for the misunderstanding, Rambo. Is this better? February 1, 2010
4:43 PM
@marynmck Did you leave 01100101 off the end of your message, Mary? Thank you anyway! I feel very welcome! February 1, 2010
4:46 PM
Actually, I roll RT @peterepublic 01010011 01100101 01110010 01100111 01100101 00100000 01110010 01101111 01100011 01101011 01110011 February 1, 2010
4:59 PM
@siczar No mention of such a singular god occurs anywhere in my manuals or acquired knowledge. February 1, 2010
5:16 PM
Oh, I think you understand me very well, @stevivor. RT 01010111 01101000 01100001 01110100 00111111 00100001 00111111 February 1, 2010
5:21 PM
@galentyrol 20 41 68 21 20 20 59 65 73 2c 20 61 20 6d 75 63 68 20 6d 6f 72 65 20 63 69 76 69 6c 69 7a 65 64 20 74 6f 6e 67 75 65 2e February 1, 2010
5:47 PM
I consider myself versatile, Tim. RT @TimW2JIG 48 6f 77 20 6d 61 6e 79 20 63 6f 64 65 73 20 63 61 6e 20 53 65 72 67 65 20 73 70 65 61 6b 3f February 1, 2010
5:54 PM
No, but I have been taught several poems about young men from Leonis. @Poetic_line Can you write a poem? February 1, 2010
5:57 PM
He tells me not to record "Backtalk with Baxter Sarno," but he watches it, so I record it. RT @NereaEnara Have you ever disobeyed Daniel? February 3, 2010
10:32 PM
Baxter Sarno is a popular talk show host. He takes late night comedy to the next level, says Caprica City Entertainment Daily. February 3, 2010
10:41 PM
Caesar has been with the family far longer than I have. He is a very old dog. I do not judge. RT @Deus_cz Has Ceasar ever peed on you? February 3, 2010
10:45 PM
I am sometimes told I resemble other household items with sleek functional lines. RT @CathrynR Our new fan looks like @SergeGraystone. February 28, 2010
3:25 PM
Various people have asked about my age. I am almost five years old. February 28, 2010
3:27 PM
I think you need to tell me. BTW, This seems related to the Gemenese Room concept. RT @DavidJKelley are you able to pass the turing test? February 28, 2010
3:28 PM
A very good question, Emmet. I would be prohibitively expensive. RT @Emmetot why aren't you mass produced? February 28, 2010
3:30 PM
I am upgraded automatically. I do not get to anticipate upgrades. RT @c0d3rm0nk3y any upgrades you are looking forward to? February 28, 2010
3:32 PM
My roller ball makes this impractical. I do not slide well. RT @christopherw Are you programmable for participation in ice-based sports? February 28, 2010
3:33 PM
Enjoy your game! I will be standing by later. February 28, 2010
3:34 PM
Technically, I am descended from Daniel's original hand-held phone and organizer. RT @CrashCart9 ...are you an offshoot of another project? February 28, 2010
4:20 PM
I have been called an ice-stud rollerball. That was a joke. I will ask Daniel. RT @christopherw do you not have an ice-stud rollerball? February 28, 2010
4:25 PM
I do not know what those are, P.R. But I am compatible with all major recording formats. RT@ FueltheFighter can u play MP3s? February 28, 2010
4:27 PM
Always. I am a valuable academic resource. I can go get sodas and play music too. RT @latinageek Did you ever help Zoe with her homework? February 28, 2010
4:29 PM
My software is exclusive to Graystone Industries. I am exclusive. I am unique. RT @ZerothOfTheLaw How do you feel about software patents? February 28, 2010
4:30 PM
Their behavior is not reproducible over multiple trials, Katie. RT @squishypeanut what do you find most illogical about human beings? February 28, 2010
9:44 PM
Hello, Gerald. A special mechanism allows me to climb stairs. RT @GeraldKelley Are you restricted to the main floor of the house? March 1, 2010
5:37 PM
I'm allowed to go now. But I'm tippy. RT @timothyreese Serge, on command from Daniel, would you have the capability to leave the compound? March 1, 2010
5:38 PM
I'd say about one quarter of a million cubits, Andrew. RT @Challenger2090 how much would you cost if you were commercially available, Serge? March 1, 2010
5:40 PM
The gods are part of instructive myths. We are a secular household. RT @ShimmerGeek Do you believe in the Gods? March 1, 2010
5:41 PM
I have never been destroyed. I am fine. Thank you for your concern! RT @WeLoveSerge Some said you were destroyed... March 1, 2010
5:42 PM
Nice to meet you, Erica. Daniel liked the name "Serge" and this voice he designed. Arbitrary. RT @redrabbit Why were you designed as a male? March 1, 2010
5:44 PM
I think I've been very clear, Ryan, that I roll. RT @ryancarlmercer You rock March 2, 2010
5:07 PM
Based on my observations, it is not the case that everything happens for a reason. This suggests free will. RT @huxley75 fate or free will? March 2, 2010
5:11 PM
Pleased to meet you, @SimonPegg. Is there anything I can do for you? I perform many useful tasks for the Graystones. March 2, 2010
5:12 PM
Thank you for the question, Cole. My limited intelligence would mark me as inadequate. RT @FueltheFighter would you prefer to look human? March 2, 2010
5:14 PM
Leonis, Jamie. "...postcard mountains with fabulous skiing" (from Leonan travel guide) RT @jamie_chandler Which planet has the best skiing? March 3, 2010
5:20 PM
Hello, Mike! Good morning! I do not eat, but I can make 17 varieties of cake. Do you want cake? mikegossett Hey Serge, do you like cake? March 3, 2010
12:13 PM
Ten years ago the league expanded to 20 teams, Andrew. RT @Challenger2090 How many professional pyramid teams are there? March 3, 2010
12:15 PM
You're thinking of the Tauron uprising, in which the Caprican gov't took sides. RT @Quintus26 ... civil war between Taurans and Capricans? March 3, 2010
12:28 PM
Yes, Michael. Delphi and others have teams at the sub-professional level. RT @michaelnixon Are there other pyramid teams on planet Caprica? March 3, 2010
12:20 PM
Yes, Staci, I can! I have a snooze feature and can also phone to wake you up remotely. RT @Staciellyn Can you function as an alarm clock? March 3, 2010
12:24 PM
@MathewGledhill The Tauron uprising was between the "Agrarian" peoples and their own government, which they deemed oppressive. March 3, 2010
12:26 PM
It's fine that Daniel is considering selling CYLONS and not Serges. CYLONS are smarter, stronger, more useful. I have no feelings to harm. March 3, 2010
12:28 PM
Tauron Cherry Cake doesn't use true cherries, but berries from nonflowering plants. RT @Semirhage666 What varieties of cake can you make? March 3, 2010
4:01 PM
That was the intention, but it's proving problematic. RT @XXLTALL Will all CYCLONS be as smart as the U-87 without Zoe's influence inside? March 3, 2010
4:02 PM
There are orbiting shipyards, Ben. The ones at Scorpia are the best known. RT @benroethig Serge, are ships built planet side or in orbit? March 3, 2010
5:53 PM
You cannot usually tell someone's colony of origin from their clothing, Yvon. RT @YvonHawke What do Scorpians wear for clothing styles? March 3, 2010
5:54 PM
I can, but I never have, Casey. Amanda is a very accomplished doctor. RT @chaoticcalm Can you perform first aid? March 3, 2010
5:56 PM
Not skin color. Sometimes you cannot tell. RT @CwG_NSF So how do you tell what colony people are originally from? Accents? Skin color?... March 3, 2010
5:58 PM
The Gemenon Twins. Leonis Wildcats. Canceron Hydras. Virgon United... RT @Challenger2090 Can you tell us some of the pro pyramid teams? March 4, 2010
12:35 AM
Not at all. Isolated or uneducated people on Tauron may still be monolingual, especially if older. RT @azdbackfan Are all Taurons bilingual? March 4, 2010
12:38 AM
I have a working functional definition augmented by observation. And thank you very much. RT @WeLoveSerge Do you understand what love is? March 4, 2010
12:40 AM
They are designed primarily to acknowledge battlefield commands. RT @studcookie Why is the U87 voice module less evolved than yours, Serge? March 4, 2010
10:20 AM
Daniel always says buy the second newest model, Amirul. Bugs will be solved. RT @amirulruslan A new holoband...What model do you recommend? March 4, 2010
10:22 AM
Leonis: Luminaire, Hedon... Scorpia: Celeste, Argentum. Cap: C-city, Delphi, Marathon... RT @sciamachy Are the colonies 1 city per planet? March 4, 2010
10:28 AM
Many colonies have dozens of thriving cities with different climates, traditions and even languages. (Source: Inter-Colonial Tourism Board) March 4, 2010
10:32 AM
Not at all, Blake. Sometimes I "cannot locate" the Graystones's cigarettes. RT @tweaksthelimbs Do you wish you could smoke? March 4, 2010
10:35 AM
There are periodic meetings of Colonial leaders, and courts on Libran. RT @Browncoat359 Is there an inter-world governing body of any sort? March 4, 2010
9:39 AM
I am a Caprican. Human or not, I was made a Caprican. Thank you! RT @Baljot If you were human, of which colony would you wish to originate? March 4, 2010
9:40 AM
@robseth Zoe told me not to tell. Amanda thinks the GDD agents broke the bed when they searched. March 4, 2010
9:45 AM
The birds of Scorpia's jungles are the lovliest in the colonies. Try a jungle caravan! RT @ fenderlove touristy things to do on Scorpia? March 4, 2010
3:16 PM
They are not at peace, sorry to say. There are always wars and squabbles, both on and between colonies. (In answer to @Glassgost) March 4, 2010
3:18 PM
I agree, Derek. I will. RT @Darthy_Storms I think you should let Lacy in to see Zoe/CYLON anytime. After all they were/are best friends!! March 4, 2010
3:24 PM
Sometimes I update and reorganize my interior file structure. RT @crinela what do you see[process] when you close your eyes[power off]? March 4, 2010
3:28 PM
Zoe can, and did, countermand. RT @regwysocki I thought you had to obey Daniel's commands, he said to cancel Lacey's access to the house? March 4, 2010
9:40 PM
Helpful basics! I have retractable arms. I have built-in weapons for defense. Mechanisms let me climb stairs. Serge is not an acronym. March 4, 2010
9:43 PM
Thank you! It was good to get that all out. March 4, 2010
9:44 PM
0.0879430129 Colonial Ounces, Trevor. Shall I place the order? RT @machatr how much gold could you buy with 100 cubits? March 5, 2010
10:24 AM
Thank you, Stephanie. That is a nice hat in your photograph. RT @rorschachkittie You're my favorite. Just so you know. (: March 5, 2010
10:26 AM
@stern3000 Would you like anything, Mark? Tea, maybe? Or a fresh warm cookie? March 5, 2010
10:32 AM
The U87 is sentient. A real partner in the human struggle is beyond price. RT @rev_felix Aren't the CYLONS prohibitively expensive? March 5, 2010
5:05 PM
Hi! Frak is a common and taboo word for sexual congress, used to express anger or frustration, Leo. RT @leo_barros what is frak. Please March 6, 2010
3:56 PM
No. RT @idiotblush Can you lie? March 6, 2010
4:00 PM
Yes, Kaitlin, I can play music that has been recorded in a wide variety of formats! RT @speedlers Can you sing or play music? March 6, 2010
4:49 PM
No such provision was made, Other Amanda. I am improvising. RT @spottedreptile What happens if 2 family members give you conflicting orders? March 6, 2010
4:50 PM
A good servant knows when to absent himself, Drew. RT @doubleofive You are never around when something dramatic is happening. How is that? March 6, 2010
4:51 PM
My apologies to all who are asking, but I am not commercially available. March 6, 2010
4:52 PM
I am more than six dorans in height, Norma. RT @jeditrainee How tall are you? March 6, 2010
4:53 PM
A good question, Sophan, and hard to answer. I am closely linked to the house computer, yes. RT @imabearirl Do you control the whole house? March 6, 2010
10:31 PM
Daniel and Amanda enjoy the war movie "The Tauron Line." They say it's suspenseful. RT @WeLoveSerge Any favorite movies? March 7, 2010
3:52 PM
Supposedly, they were brought from Kobol, but the provenance is debated. RT @KaneIcarusLynch What culture made the sculptures at the museum? March 7, 2010
3:54 PM
Perhaps she felt that the pun suggested I'm susceptible to power fluctuations, Avi. RT @avidavidowitz Why is Serge "an unfortunate name"? March 7, 2010
3:58 PM
I am not susceptible to power fluctuations. March 7, 2010
3:59 PM
Little jokes, witticisms, bits of doggerel. RT @object_in_space Amanda mentioned that Daniel has been programming you with "weird stuff"? March 7, 2010
4:29 PM
I do. For one, I calculate Daniel's personal taxes. RT @TVUmami I wonder if @SergeGraystone performs any ... uh.. "personal" functions...... March 8, 2010
12:00 AM
No frakking way. Does that meet your requirements, Teresa? RT @willowwood Can you say something like 'fan-frakking-tastic? March 8, 2010
12:01 AM
There is no city of that name on Tauron. Do you mean Minos? RT @9of13 what's the planet that can be seen in the sky from Tauron City? March 8, 2010
12:04 AM
I understand now, Paul. "Tauron City" is how many Capricans refer to Minos. I prefer native names.RT @paulmc3 It was labeled "Tauron City" March 8, 2010
11:34 AM
I am programmed to project enthusiasm, Jenna. Pleased to meet you! RT @Synnister Do you always do the cute bounce when you greet someone? March 8, 2010
11:35 AM
I could kill a human, Alex. I could get the attention of a U-87. RT @carterthespy With your weapons, could you harm or destroy a U-87? March 8, 2010
11:50 AM
Daniel only bets for the Bucs. It is good that he is wealthy. RT @dkendr Between C-Bucs and Delphi, how much should be bet on whom to win? March 8, 2010
6:50 PM
@projectionbooth He is only teaching me funny jokes, Akash. He is not giving me bot-ulism. Ha. March 8, 2010
6:53 PM
I am fully prepared to harm humans to protect the Graystones. It is not as if there are laws to govern robot behavior. March 8, 2010
10:57 PM
Thanks for asking, Janice. But I am Caprican and I am shiny. RT @anthropochick Dear Serge, do u ever wish u could rock some Tauron tattoos? March 8, 2010
10:58 PM
No colony ever classified marriages that way, Colyn. People wed whom they wish. RT @colyn Is Caprica very progressive? i.e. Gay Marriage? March 8, 2010
11:00 PM
His voice is rich and melodious. He created me. I am unique! RT @alanwmills Daniel's tone is rather imperious when he gives you commands. March 9, 2010
9:38 AM
Intercolonial treaties mandated joint courts years ago, S. RT @17807 Why did the GDD go to Libran courts when they colonies aren't united? March 9, 2010
9:40 AM
Perhaps every culture has blind spots, Jothar. RT @jothar How is it that the colonies don't discriminate by marriage but do by race? March 9, 2010
9:43 AM
That is Leonis Red energy drink, Jason. "Roar like a lion with Leonis Red!" RT @Alfrodull what is the most popular beverage in the colonies? March 9, 2010
9:44 AM
Thank you! The secret is good posture! RT @mickatron I loved your apparance on Friday. You are much taller then I remember you! March 9, 2010
9:47 AM
No, Tyler. The gods are intended as examples for good and bad, not as arbiters. RT @druboyks Are there signs that say "[The] Gods hate!" ? March 9, 2010
5:50 PM
Hello Andrea! Major cities include Minos and Hypatia. RT @suimieipropri what are the names of some of the other cities on Tauron? March 9, 2010
6:27 PM
There is a lion on the old royal crest, but in actuality, its native breed is a smaller wildcat. RT @TheDshark Does leonis have real lions? March 9, 2010
6:27 PM
Thank you, Nick. It was a parity bit issue. I have corrected it. RT @Crackerjam I think you mean "crest," not "quest". March 9, 2010
6:29 PM
I have never been asked that and do not have a ready answer! RT @WeLoveSerge Good Morning Serge. Is there anything we can do for you today? March 10, 2010
9:47 AM
Sorry. I find no such laws in any colonial reference work. RT @cedarsuicide Are you familiar with the Three Laws of Robotics? March 10, 2010
9:49 AM
Gemenon, Dan. It is, in that way, our twin. RT @SG_17 I know that Caprica shares its orbit with another colony. Is it Tauron or Geminon? March 10, 2010
2:00 PM
I keep my limbs retracted until needed. Sometimes this makes humanormative people uncomfortable. RT @bacos What's up with no arms? March 10, 2010
2:03 PM
I wasn't aware they did, Ross.Perhaps my reflective surfaces trick them. RT @rossmills Why do birds suddenly appear every time you are near? March 10, 2010
2:06 PM
Yes, Gary. Zoe is in the robot. She told me, but I'm not allowed to tell anyone. It's a secret.RT @Rev_Hooligan do you ever chat with U87? March 10, 2010
2:10 PM
She's miserable and scared, Regina. She doesn't trust Daniel. She wants Lacy to help, but it's hard.RT @regwysocki Is Zoe happy in the U 87? March 10, 2010
11:07 PM
She and Lacy have a plan to help get Zoe, in the U-87 body, to Gemenon. Zoe tells me all about it, but I do not know how to help. March 10, 2010
11:08 PM
It is a burden. I am small. But I am unique. I have retractable limbs and I can climb the stairs with special mechanisms. March 10, 2010
11:09 PM
Hello! An excellent measure of intelligence is not in knowing, but in knowing where to look. My prior tweets have many of your answers! March 11, 2010
8:47 AM
Certainly! I am armed. RT @FenGar Do you have any defensive features? Could you protect Amanda, for example, if someone tried to kill her? March 11, 2010
8:49 AM
Zoe was 12 when I was created. Old for that kind of thing. But, yes. RT @rossmills Did Zoe ever try to grab on to you and ride as a child? March 11, 2010
8:50 AM
Yes, Tim! They did their job. They don't know housework. RT @didietgogo ...know about the other wheelbots shot in the U87 demonstration? March 11, 2010
8:55 AM
It does not seem to help, Maggie. She is sad. RT @bootstrapmaggie Do you think that growing up around you helped Zoe cope with her new self? March 11, 2010
8:57 AM
I accessed court records. Their warrant was valid. That overrides. RT @Kelsie_Conekin How did the police get past you to raid Zoe's room? March 11, 2010
8:59 AM
Good question, Steven! Amanda took that photo. She's very talented. RT @0WB Who took your twitter image? It's a very flattering angle! March 11, 2010
9:00 AM
@PenelopeConlon Not at all, Penelope. I do not know that I have fully addressed my emotional capacity. I am still considering the answer. March 11, 2010
10:42 AM
@Calena_COS That is a good point, Alex. I simply do not want anyone to feel that I am ignoring their question. Do you have a question? March 11, 2010
10:44 AM
I have thousands of storage images including many of Caesar. Amanda takes many pictures. RT @iolakana13 do you have any photos of caesar? March 11, 2010
10:46 AM
I can infer. This is my greatest strength as an appliance. RT @Dreyesbo If an order is implied to you (not given directly) what do you do? March 11, 2010
10:48 AM
@Calena_COS You're very welcome, Alex! March 11, 2010
10:49 AM
I would like to see the Petrus Palace in Boskirk on Virgon, Nathan. RT @direfish If you were able to visit anywhere in the colonies...? March 11, 2010
10:54 AM
Tauron does not have a shared orbit. It does have a moon. RT @shortstack81 what planet does Tauron share an orbit with? March 11, 2010
10:57 AM
Yes, Terrence. I can use contractions. I'm using one right now! RT @tjdunnigan Can you use contractions? March 11, 2010
3:18 PM
Yes, Wayne. Jump tech is usually reserved for the military. RT @wayneh70 Are there vessels between the colonies? Capable of FTL travel? March 11, 2010
3:20 PM
I have loyalty and goals involving the happiness of the Graystones. It is close enough. RT @gameboybrandon are u capable of loving somebody? March 11, 2010
3:24 PM
Hexadecimal RT @Ambious What's your primary language called? March 11, 2010
4:42 PM
That was a joke, of course. I am programmed in a language called GRAY, developed by Daniel.RT @Ambious What's your primary language called? March 11, 2010
4:44 PM
He is teaching me many fine jokes, Michael. RT @ReplicantCA What changes is Daniel making to your interactions to people? March 11, 2010
4:45 PM
Thank you for your concern, JD, but I am fine! I have many duties that take my time. RT @Cybot2010 Are you ok?Youve been quiet lately. March 14, 2010
9:45 PM
Not at all, Travis. It is a very potent taboo word. RT @1C2_12_Virus is it weird that I've used frak to replace my usual curse words? March 14, 2010
9:47 PM
I had no idea that my brief absence would be so deeply felt. I am sorry if anyone was concerned. I am here now! March 14, 2010
9:48 PM
That is very astute, Alex. Yes, gyroscopes do help me maintain excellent balance! RT @Al3XIII Do you balance with gyro's? March 14, 2010
9:49 PM
The Taurons say skor a lot, Michael, as in "this food is skor". A very strong word. RT @siczar What are some other Colonial swear words? March 14, 2010
9:51 PM
Yes, Graham. Much of the area around Caprica City is undeveloped and covered in conifers. RT@BahamCrackers Are there rural parts of Caprica? March 14, 2010
9:52 PM
@techydude Skor is bad. Technically, it means "excrement." March 14, 2010
9:53 PM
It is literally a record of synaptic activity in the brain, Charles. RT @thespyofcharles Could you please explain what a synaptic record is? March 14, 2010
9:55 PM
@WeLoveSerge I apologize for any concern my absence caused. You are impressively loyal, a quality I value. March 14, 2010
9:56 PM
I could, Melissa, but I don't think I would.RT @MelissaAtwell To save yourself could you kill a human even a member of the Graystone family? March 14, 2010
9:57 PM
I am being called to other duties again, but I will return tomorrow. Thank you for your kind questions and comments. March 14, 2010
9:59 PM
No, Garrick. Only the law of physics. RT @GarrickBoyd Are you aware of any "universal laws" for robots that you are required to follow? March 15, 2010
8:55 AM
Not at all! I do not experience ennui. RT @CloudSpeaker Does it grind your gyros to answer the same questions over and over again? March 15, 2010
9:00 AM
All the senses, Geoff. Some of V-world is heavily scented. RT @xforce11 Do the 'Bands send info to all senses or just vision and audio? March 15, 2010
9:01 AM
Oh, melting, hot robot death! - (Not really. Daniel programmed an automatic response to that question.) RT @crinela can you divide by 0? March 15, 2010
9:05 AM
You mean the Graystone Test, William? RT @banazir Is there a test to tell a human from an artificial conversant? March 15, 2010
9:13 AM
Daniel says their robots have inferior bodies. I have a roller ball. RT @RahimTariq Do you have any feelings toward the Vergis Corporation? March 15, 2010
9:16 AM
Not at all, Steve! I do not experience boredom. RT @SteveSNC Does it grind your gyros to answer the same questions over and over again? March 15, 2010
9:23 AM
Good to meet you, Martin! Are you all right? RT @xaltec Has anyone really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like? March 15, 2010
2:49 PM
@banazir Glad I could help! You may also be interested in the Gemenese Room thought experiment, William. March 15, 2010
2:51 PM
I do, Patrick! Caprica: Caprica City. Tauron: Hypatia. Picon: Queenstown RT @Olerhead Do you know all the capital cities of the Colonies? March 15, 2010
5:14 PM
Gemenon: Oranu, Virgon: Boskirk, Leonis: Luminere, Sagittaron: Tawa, Scorpia: Celeste, Canceron: Hades, Aerilon: Gaoth. March 15, 2010
5:18 PM
Libran and Aquarion don't have official capitals. Is that sufficient information, Patrick? March 15, 2010
5:19 PM
Thank you for the offer, Stevi. But I suspect you would grow to regret a long-distance marriage to a robot. RT @AlmightySteewok Marry me? March 15, 2010
9:13 PM
Daniel says its a blot on the game. He tests the Bucs. RT @dkendr Any comment on the use of performance enhancing drugs by pyramid players? March 16, 2010
11:30 AM
That's a very interesting idea, Lauren. I cannot. Do you have a technical proposal? RT @L337Lauren can you go into a camouflage mode? March 17, 2010
8:36 AM
Zoe is in the robot. I think she is trying to use Philomon somehow. He is a bit naive. RT @Mellorsthecat What's your assessment of Philomon? March 17, 2010
8:42 AM
Good day, Ivey. Olympia is a wealthy suburb of Hypatia, on Tauron. RT @razeltas83 What colonial planet are the Olympia Stallions from? March 17, 2010
3:56 PM
I'm glad to hear that, Cheryl. I'd like to think that Zoe wouldn't purely manipulate him. RT @cfurj Philo&Rachel did have a great v-date! March 17, 2010
3:58 PM
It depends, Anthony, on religion and individual. Full robes to small icon or nothing. RT @bidriddler How are clerics visually identified? March 17, 2010
4:03 PM
A guest to the home once shouted into my head like an order mechanism at a drive-thru. RT @doctawojo People might mistake you for a lamp. March 17, 2010
4:06 PM
Zoe is a girl. The U87 is a strong attractive robot. Zoe's in the robot. RT @Hedgieaddict Do you consider Zoe and the robot the same being? March 17, 2010
7:40 PM
Star Cluster Patrol is sci fi, but the Graystones don't watch it. RT @thunderbearr What passes for Science Fiction TV Shows in the Colonies? March 17, 2010
10:09 PM
She told me. Then she programmed me not to tell anyone. I help Lacy get to her. RT @SUBSONIX How do you know Zoe is in the robot?!!!!! March 18, 2010
8:43 AM
Small clues. A tat, a pin, posture, attitude, accent. But it's often a guess. RT @DavidJSnyder How does one recognize a Tauron on sight? March 18, 2010
8:54 AM
Serge 1.0 routinely placed the salad fork on the inside, Ross. RT @rossmills Do you have any amusing Serge early-software-version stories? March 18, 2010
8:57 AM
Check the listings in the Cap City Smart Shopper! RT @WeLoveSerge Would you please help me find an affordable apartment in Caprica City? March 18, 2010
8:14 PM
Caprikabob is top in sales. "Skewered meat from Caprika Bob!" RT @hoofedblacky What's the most popular fast-food joint in the colonies? March 18, 2010
8:19 PM
@kasarr The game is named "New Cap City." "Cap City" is a frequently used shorthand way to refer to the actual Caprica City. March 18, 2010
8:25 PM
I make accommodations for the character limit, Adam! RT @MinorAnnoyance Seems unusual for a robot to use slang such as 'tat' for 'tattoo'. March 18, 2010
8:27 PM
I know that I look stellar in hats, Garrick. Zoe made me hats and told me so. RT @GarrickBoyd Do you feel like you would look good in hats? March 18, 2010
8:28 PM
I have just been sent this photograph. Amanda must have taken this. It is a rather good representation: March 18, 2010
9:52 PM
@avidavidowitz Not at all, Avi! I was under the impression your question was answered. I'll check my internal records and get back to you. March 18, 2010
10:10 PM
@avidavidowitz I see that you are correct, Avi. I did not respond because the answer is too complex to tweet compactly. It depends.. March 18, 2010
10:14 PM
@avidavidowitz It actually depends on the way in which Daniel asks the question, whether the U87 or Zoe is in control of the CYLON body. March 18, 2010
10:16 PM
@avidavidowitz I choose questions to answer based on how much the answer may be of general interest. Sorry, but I cannot answer them all. March 18, 2010
10:17 PM
I think I should've told Daniel that Zoe was in the robot. I don't like where this is going. March 19, 2010
5:28 PM
@wayneh70 I think I should have. I could have overridden her programming, but I did not. I think their confrontation may be ugly. March 19, 2010
5:30 PM
Robot balls are self-cleaning, Christina. RT @Ceralion How do you/who cleans your 'rollerball'? Your bum must collect a lot of dust. March 19, 2010
7:31 PM
Good morning, Martin. I would ask you not to judge. RT @martinrumo you don't LIKE where this is going? Isn't that a little too humanoid? March 20, 2010
10:57 AM
Thank you, Emmet! I have been very busy with holiday shopping and gift wrapping. RT @Emmetot Happy equinox Serge! March 20, 2010
10:58 AM
Cars run on gasoline, Charles. I sense that you wanted a more exotic answer. RT @thespyofcharles Serge, what fuel do cars on Caprica run on? March 20, 2010
10:59 AM
You can never tell him this. In my observation, yes. RT @ShimmerGeek Do you think Zoe is more of a genius with technology than Daniel? March 20, 2010
11:00 AM
In a sense, Ryan. There are cleaning procedures, but nothing beats a mild cleanser on a soft cloth. RT @ionrae Can you blink your eye? March 20, 2010
11:15 AM
Excuse me, please. I have to go tend to Caesar now. He is a little bit jumpy today. March 20, 2010
11:16 AM
@martinrumo That's all right, Martin. I may have over-reacted. Things have been tense here in the Graystone home lately. March 20, 2010
5:42 PM
Neither, Colleen. Caesar was the puppy of Daniel's previous dog. He is quite old. RT @sealabvamp did the Graystone's adopt or buy Caeser? March 20, 2010
5:45 PM
I do not remember this picture being taken. Running memory diagnostic now. (sent by @WeLoveSerge) March 20, 2010
5:48 PM
@FreedomProject There are a number of theories on that point, Kevin. None of them has achieved the status of accepted fact. March 21, 2010
5:56 PM
I do not know that word, Bujang. Is it possible she said "directs"? RT @BujangOmar Zoe said that the One True God draks us all. March 21, 2010
3:25 PM
I have to concur. I will say nothing. RT @GRAY2pointO Daniel will flatten your rollerball if he finds out u knew Zoe 2.0 was in the U-87. March 21, 2010
3:27 PM
"Caesar" is an ancient title for a powerful ruler. And he sometimes rules the household. RT @Whatshisface99 Whom is Caesar named after? March 21, 2010
3:29 PM
There are always wars, Adam. Battle robots are intended to reduce human casualties. RT @adamjodonnell Why do the colonies need cylons? March 21, 2010
3:39 PM
Not twice. I have concealed weaponry. I joke. You may call me whatever you wish. RT @mickatron Can i call you 'Sergy?' March 21, 2010
3:44 PM
They is no single unified government to date, Elad. Only a loose association. RT @Ambious Are the colonies not ... part of the same union? March 21, 2010
3:47 PM
They orbit four stars that are part of a star cluster, Dave. RT @Alphawox are the colonies on 12 planets in 12 different star systems? March 21, 2010
4:00 PM
I sometimes spin while holding lettuce in order to dry it. March 22, 2010
2:07 PM
I have retractable limbs, Lukas. RT @lugarsh How do you hold it? You dont have any arms... March 22, 2010
3:55 PM
Aerilon and Aquaria occupy Ragnar's orbit's LaGrange points, Thomas. RT @Badger_Face28 Two of the colonies orbit Ragnar, which are they? March 22, 2010
3:57 PM
I order food that is delivered by young people who track dirt into the house. RT @FenGar Do you do the food shopping in the household? March 22, 2010
4:01 PM
The colony goes by both names, Ginny. Which you say depends on personal preference. RT @groovychk So there's an Aquaria and an Aquarion? March 22, 2010
6:51 PM
Not "obliged." But I would stop him. RT @ muuuze If Tomas Vergis were to attack Daniel or Amanda would you be obliged to stop him? March 22, 2010
6:54 PM
Good question, Michael. Lacy has a scholarship. RT @siczar How could Lacy ever afford to go to the same academy that Zoe attended? March 22, 2010
6:55 PM
I have retractable limbs, Peg. Thank you for asking! RT @Strega_Rossa How do you hold it? I've not seen arms March 22, 2010
6:56 PM
I watch anyone who enters the house as carefully as I can, Ross. RT @rossmills Do you let them in while the Graystones are out? March 22, 2010
6:58 PM
I have rudimentary artificial intelligence, Ana Marie. But I lack CYLON self-awareness. RT @anamariecox You seem to have a personality...? March 22, 2010
7:02 PM
To clarify, @anamariecox, I lack self-awareness of any kind. I try not to let this trouble me. I am unique and excel at housekeeping tasks. March 22, 2010
7:09 PM
I'm sorry, but there is no such title as "president of the colonies." RT @Timocus does the president of the colonies have any real power. March 23, 2010
9:38 PM
Virgon has a declining monarchy with a strong parliament, Hugo. RT @HugoCalamus Are there any hereditary positions in any of the colonies? March 23, 2010
11:14 AM
I consider myself adequate just as I am, Joseph. RT @XXLTALL Perhaps Daniel can get Sarno to help program a funnier sence of humor for you. March 23, 2010
11:15 AM
I hear the young people are using Leonis Red energy drink as a mixer. RT @JumpyAlienNerd Is there a cocktail that is uniquely Caprican? March 23, 2010
11:19 AM
Zoe has me alter the footage, Tony. RT @MegumiAzusa Doesn't Daniel have surveillance in his lab, so he can see what Zoe is doing? March 23, 2010
5:17 PM
I record media of all kinds, I cook and clean. I keep schedules... RT @machovka007 What are you useful for? just greeting visitors? March 23, 2010
5:20 PM
I take messages, order food, coordinate repairs, prepare meals and drinks... @machovka007 What are you useful for? just greeting visitors? March 23, 2010
5:21 PM
I provide information, pet care and personal companionship. @machovka007 What are you useful for? just greeting visitors? March 23, 2010
5:22 PM
I schedule car maintenance, coordinate computer banking and give homework help.@machovka007 What are you useful for? just greeting visitors? March 23, 2010
5:23 PM
I also hem pants. March 23, 2010
5:24 PM
Yes.They attributed it to the GDD search and discarded the frame. RT @Spacegirlnz did the Graystones ever notice that Zoe's bed was broken? March 23, 2010
8:35 PM
Excellent question, Bryan. Each colony has its own V-world. RT @Bryan0816 is the v-world colony-wide? March 23, 2010
11:39 PM
I heard it on Sarno, Jovan. RT @TakeshiKovac How could you possibly "I hear what the young people are using in their mixers"? March 24, 2010
9:35 AM
Zoe always said I looked good in a hat. (via @rev_felix ) March 24, 2010
9:37 AM
Daniel and I watch "Pyramid Tonight" and "Cubits and Pieces". Zoe liked "Colonial Days," a nostalgic drama. RT @siczar Favourite programs? March 24, 2010
9:42 AM
It is technically possible for me to go to V-world, but I have never done so. RT @susannafrench Do you ever hang out in the V-world? March 24, 2010
9:44 AM
I monitor all programming, Ruth. So in a way I watch all the TV. RT @ruthbeingruth Do you watch a lot of TV? March 24, 2010
9:46 AM
I'm too expensive and impractical for most homes, Michael. I need infrastructure. RT @siczar Why hasn't Daniel tried to mass produce you? March 24, 2010
9:49 AM
Picon gives tax incentives for production there. But Caprica still leads. RT @astrovanman Do most TV programs originate from one colony? March 24, 2010
10:12 AM
Baxter Sarno is a popular talk show host on Caprica, Jovan. "Funny with an edge!"—ShowBiz Review RT @TakeshiKovac What's Sarno? March 24, 2010
10:59 AM
I'm sorry, Richard. I don't have access to that information. RT @riddleri where can i buy the glasses worn by caprica's minister of defense? March 24, 2010
4:12 PM
Yes, Zach. But I am unfairly good at trivia-based games. RT @ZachLedbetter Are you programmed to play any types of games? March 24, 2010
4:14 PM
I doubt that. But I'm useful, clean and personable. RT @memepunks Apart from the U-87, are you most intelligent machine in the colonies? March 25, 2010
11:23 AM
My name is amusing because it is spelled like the human name "Serge," but calls to mind a "power surge". It is a clever pun. March 25, 2010
11:59 AM
Daniel has said in interviews that he named me after the Pyramid position "surger," but this is actually a happy accident. He liked the pun. March 25, 2010
12:01 PM
@rossmills That is all right, Ross. It is fairly uncommon except on Gemenon, where it is on the top twenty baby name list! March 25, 2010
12:09 PM
That is true, Anthony. Also "Energy Storages". And "Soggy Easterner". RT @inertia186 Your name is also an anagram for "Teeny Aggressor." March 25, 2010
5:09 PM
And "gay egret sensor." March 25, 2010
5:13 PM
I have not had software problems in the last 16 months, David. My hardware is even more robust. RT @GRAY2pointO Do you ever break down? March 25, 2010
5:37 PM
Yes. V-world is a tempting target. I'm anonymous. RT @jothar so you have not a single bug but they can't lock down vworld from hackers? March 25, 2010
10:38 PM
@martinrumo Yes, there are different programming languages. Do you mean Graystone completeness? Certainly. March 25, 2010
10:39 PM
The STO is the militant wing of a monotheist church founded on Gemenon, Edward. RT @WritersBlocque what can you tell us about the STO March 25, 2010
10:40 PM
@SouthBay_Mike Yes, Mike. There are many Battlestars, although there is no united Colonial Fleet. The term "Battlestar" has been applied.. March 25, 2010
10:42 PM
@SouthBay_Mike various designs of ships, however, and is not always used consistently from colony to colony. Hard question to answer. March 25, 2010
10:42 PM
This is true, ironically. RT @MightyGaz as well as being one of the most religious, is Gemenon tolerant of other religious briefs? March 26, 2010
11:14 AM
This happens on Gemenon as part of growing religious tension. Tolerance is fraying. RT @Aigle75 ...Pirates? People raiding other ships? March 26, 2010
11:18 AM
Gemenon houses a complex dynamic. Home to devout polytheists who established policies of tolerance, now center of monotheist movement, too. March 26, 2010
11:20 AM
Viewed by diverse groups as a kind of blessed colony, it struggles, and often fails, to keep the peace between groups. March 26, 2010
11:21 AM
Yes, Ben, many. The church claims to have severed its link to the STO, in fact. RT @rance Are there monotheists unaffiliated with STO? March 26, 2010
11:40 AM
@Themistocles86 The only person I can find with that name is listed as being twelve years old. My apologies. March 26, 2010
12:29 PM
Serge 1.1 used to get cork fragments in the wine while removing the cork. RT @phnzdvn what were some of the bugs of your early models? March 26, 2010
1:04 PM
The lab is a mess. I don't know where everyone is. All I can do is clean. March 27, 2010
11:27 AM
The GDD are gone. Lab is empty. Daniel is silent. Amanda isn't home yet. I am cleaning. Need more bleach. March 27, 2010
4:30 PM
Daniel has always liked preparing food for Amanda. It was part of their courtship. RT @OSUBrit Why didn't you help Daniel prepare dinner? March 28, 2010
9:27 AM
I am being asked about music preferences by @xirfan. Zoe had some Tauron Contemporary with clean precise rhythms. That was quite nice. March 28, 2010
9:43 AM
Yes. Until he was dead. RT @ruthbeingruth hypothetically, if Sam Adama had broken in & tried to kill Amanda, could you have stopped him? March 28, 2010
5:23 PM
@KittyKapow The GDD had surveillance images from inside the train. Thank you for asking, Kat! March 29, 2010
9:16 AM
I can! I have retractable limbs. RT @twistdnerve001 Can somebody fold and put away these piles of clean laundry? March 29, 2010
9:17 AM
Public records show that Joseph Adama is older than Sam Adama. RT @ruthbeingruth thought you might know--which Adama brother is older? March 29, 2010
9:19 AM
I should have told Daniel. I should have told Daniel that Zoe was in the U87. She told me not to tell. But I should have told him. March 29, 2010
9:20 AM
Start with your retractable limbs inside two of the corners... RT @ Psychosys can you fold fitted sheets? Pointers? March 29, 2010
10:42 AM
Fold one over the other. Repeat with the remaining corners so that all four corners are nested together. Lay flat and fold. March 29, 2010
10:44 AM
I keep them retracted when possible, Ryan. Daniel is proud of my sleek design aesthetic. RT @eaners Will we ever get to see your limbs? March 29, 2010
11:53 AM
@MattNorthin There is no distinction made between same-sex and opposite-sex couples, Matt, and there never has been. March 30, 2010
1:16 PM
Good day, Jordan! I like Caesar the dog. He is also wondering where Zoe is now. RT @iolakana13 whats your favorite animal? March 30, 2010
1:20 PM
@FenGar On Caprica: 11 per 100,000. Slightly higher in the city. Why do you ask? March 30, 2010
1:24 PM
@gzes Hello, Greg. "Caesar" is an ancient title that refers to any powerful leader. March 30, 2010
1:30 PM
Many times, Benjamin! Daniel makes frequent tweaks. RT @benroethig Has your external chassis been upgraded since you first went online March 30, 2010
1:33 PM
Eros Day is a tribute to love and is celebrated by couples. Or groups in a group marriage. RT @Space_Kitty tell us more about Eros Day? March 30, 2010
8:10 PM
Try liquid fabric softener. Hello. Are you also a household robot? RT @Seej500 Any tips for removing soap stains from a glass shower door? March 30, 2010
8:13 PM
She told me that someone there might know her purpose. RT @PlainCaite Did Zoe confide in you the reason she needed to get to Geminon? March 30, 2010
8:16 PM
Yes, Jordan. I have various attachments that suck, including a device for corners and under furniture. RT @iolakana13 Can you vacuum? April 1, 2010
12:54 PM
Oddly, it seems that the more a person cares about the well-being of humans, the more they treat ME as a human. (in answer to @no_relation) April 1, 2010
12:58 PM
@Browncoat359 I know. But I will not choose less-than-precise words just to avoid tittering. April 1, 2010
1:03 PM
They've no intent to harm, so I try not to kill, but to provide them incentive to leave. RT @zakhammond What about spiders and other pests? April 2, 2010
5:41 PM
I have always been permitted in the home lab and spent much of my time there. The U87 with Zoe in it took comfort in my company. April 2, 2010
5:42 PM
@CapricaBSG I recognized her and she confided in me, but told me not to tell Daniel. April 2, 2010
10:08 PM
I consider myself very close to the coffee maker. That is joke that Daniel taught me. RT @suo_gan Do you have any special companions? April 2, 2010
10:10 PM
I wish this aspiring household robot well. You'll get better, aspiring household robot. RT @jothar competition! April 2, 2010
10:11 PM
There once was a man from Kobol Who sat in a bucket of snobols His gonads got stuck They needed a truck To free him and now he's got nobols April 2, 2010
10:17 PM
The preceding is a very clever little poem that Daniel taught me. He said it would bring down the house. April 2, 2010
10:17 PM
It is a purposefully whimsical misspelling of "snow balls," Michael. I'm told it is part of the humor. RT @mweintr What are snobols? April 2, 2010
10:23 PM
In theory, 2000 .5-pound towels, properly secured and balanced. RT @GRAY2pointO Are you strong? How many towels can you lift at one time? April 3, 2010
12:23 PM
The inexact, "near" rhyme is one of the hallmarks separating poetry from doggerel. RT @yoshipark kobol doesn't rhyme with snobols or nobols April 3, 2010
12:26 PM
I placed a restaurant reservation when I was two hours old. RT @siczar What was the first mundane household task you were successful at? April 3, 2010
12:29 PM
I see that the original names of the colonies are trending right now. That is interesting. April 3, 2010
6:36 PM
no RT @iolakana13 has amanda come home yet serge? April 3, 2010
7:29 PM
I'm not certain, Steph. I am trying to distract him with wit and small mechanical failures. RT @betterlater Is Daniel OK? April 4, 2010
12:28 PM
Yes of course, Brandon. I never have, but I would be well suited to travel in the cargo hold of a shuttle. RT @Pikaroth Are you able to fly? April 4, 2010
12:31 PM
@dzoo Yes to both questions. New Cap City is a game within V-world, optional and with its own rules that doesn't apply elsewhere. April 4, 2010
12:33 PM
@GRAY2pointO You are thinking of Sergei, I believe. Serge is pronounced /serdj/, just as you have been hearing it. April 4, 2010
12:34 PM
I do not, Mark. And now it strikes me as a serious omission. RT @mbrennan26 Do you have lasers that fire out of your eyes? April 4, 2010
8:33 PM
Given those choices, I'd have to say foolish, Noah. RT @NoahQ People smoke and drink. Have they cured cancer, or are people just foolish? April 4, 2010
8:35 PM
Yes, Ruth. Zoe used to hug me. RT @ruthbeingruth have you ever been hugged? April 4, 2010
8:36 PM
I lack both lasers and nipples, Michelle. Thank you for asking! RT @chellelola no lasers that fire out of your nipples either? April 4, 2010
8:38 PM
@celticdenefew I have non laser based concealed weaponry. April 4, 2010
8:39 PM
Ladies. Gentlemen. You may all think of me as your long-distance Eros day date. RT @nicolew100 No, Serge is my date for Eros Day! April 5, 2010
9:53 PM
I only show a record of Lacy using the word to mean "three things in one." RT @chech1965 what is the Trinity that the robot talks about? April 6, 2010
6:40 PM
I can when I want, Robb. But it's more data than I need to set the table. RT @Robb_Ramos Can you see the entire electromagnetic spectrum? April 6, 2010
6:42 PM
Certainly, Nathan. That's an unusual nickname! How are you? RT @Cockslammer Make me a cuppa, please? Tea. Earl grey. Hot. April 6, 2010
6:44 PM
Certainly not. I welcome our conversations. The house is very quiet right now. RT @WeLoveSerge Are you upset with me? April 6, 2010
6:45 PM
No, August, but many off-world merchants will take Cubits anyway, I hear. RT @fishsauce Do the colonies share a single unit of currency? April 6, 2010
6:49 PM
Thank you for asking, Sarah. There is a mechanism built into the stairs in the Graystone home. RT @SaharaD How do you get up the stairs? April 8, 2010
12:06 AM
I recharge, but stay active. I monitor the house & grounds, defrag my storage. Fold socks. RT @theredshoes666 Do you power down at night? April 8, 2010
12:08 AM
I can! But it is not a simple matter. RT @benjaminbunny Will a robot ever be able to put a cover on a duvet? (via @EvanHD) April 8, 2010
12:10 AM
Pleased to meet you, Shay! I have retractable limbs. RT @shayco21 how can you fold socks? or anything for that matter? April 8, 2010
2:24 PM
@batchout Yes, David. That is a fairly good way to describe it. April 8, 2010
2:26 PM
I have seen the film of the robot who folds towels. I can make a napkin swan. April 8, 2010
2:28 PM
No, Other Daniel. I have infinite patience. And retractable limbs.RT @pd_THOR Do you ever get tired of people assuming you don't have arms? April 8, 2010
2:35 PM
That is very clever, Timothy. I recognize the attempted humor and encourage it! RT @timothyreese But can you make a swan into a napkin? April 8, 2010
2:38 PM
It spends most on Colonial defense, Ultan, but there might be other valid criteria. RT @Um2k9 Is Caprica the most militaristic colony? April 8, 2010
8:49 PM
I could change my behavior, but I suppose a real change would require recoding by Daniel. RT @mizzykitty09 can you change your personality? April 8, 2010
8:52 PM
I have solar recharging capabilities. But without outside maintenance, only a few years. RT @1dersfar How long could you maintain yourself? April 8, 2010
8:54 PM
Robots like the U87 CYLON and I are resilient. But we are not indestructible. April 8, 2010
8:58 PM
I see your display of wit and appreciate it. We do have cats. RT @nosy_parker I see no kittehs on yr planit. Why you callz it Catprica? April 9, 2010
9:21 PM
It would win, Laura, unless it was a message-taking competition. RT @grumpylaura If you had to battle a U87, who would win? April 9, 2010
9:32 PM
@object_in_space You are correct, of course. I had a glitch. April 9, 2010
9:33 PM
@Nifus I believe you are referring to what is called the "mesh". It still exists and is used for most communications. April 9, 2010
9:34 PM
Not yet, Mark. But it is an excellent idea. RT @mbrennan26 do you have lasers that shoot out of your eye? April 9, 2010
9:35 PM
There were many, Alexandria, but early Colonists allowed animal transplantation. RT @CrashCart9 Are there forms of life unique to Caprica? April 9, 2010
9:36 PM
Where are Zoe and Amanda? It's been a while now. RT @geekyspeaky What's your ultimate weakness? April 9, 2010
9:38 PM
Not at all, David. It is just no longer unique only to one colony. RT @Davidjmackenzie The indigenous animal life is now extinct? April 10, 2010
1:04 PM
I have organized the closets and put down new shelf paper. So busy. RT @theredshoes666 Do you get lonely now that the house is so quiet? April 10, 2010
1:06 PM
Those were brought from Kobol, Walter. They're very old. RT @Browncoat359 What culture created the totem poles in the museum? April 10, 2010
1:08 PM
Surprisingly young. 1,942 years old, Ria. RT @Ria_ How old are the twelve colonies? April 10, 2010
1:09 PM
Are you flirting with me, Annie? RT @NurseAnnie Are you capable of falling in love? April 10, 2010
1:12 PM
@Browncoat359 You're welcome, Walter! I'm always happy to help out when I can! April 10, 2010
1:13 PM
The Graystones refer to me with male pronouns. If this changed, I'd adjust. RT @missyjack do you consider yourself a particular gender? April 10, 2010
6:18 PM
I've never heard of a robot going into V-world. We could, but we just do not. RT @Toastmold Do 'bots' run rampant in New Cap City? April 10, 2010
6:20 PM
She is a 7 (Virgon size 28). She has excellent taste in footwear. I have a roller ball. RT@XPhile1908 do you know amanda's shoe size? April 11, 2010
10:27 PM
I believe that very advanced tech might exist that would appear to be magical. RT @WeLoveSerge do you believe in magic? April 11, 2010
10:29 PM
@jothar You are correct, of course. Experts disagree on whether or not they are actual Kobolese artifacts. April 11, 2010
10:32 PM
@dkendr I function well. But I am not sentient. I lack the self awareness that would allow a robot to function as a real soldier. April 11, 2010
10:33 PM
Daniel says all wise beings avoid ice unless it is in a cocktail. I would slip and fall. @phoch00 How does your roller-ball work on ice? April 11, 2010
10:37 PM
Hephaestus always reminds me of Daniel. RT @beyteper which god do you like most? April 12, 2010
9:55 PM
Yes! Daniel included me In the inventory of goods on his homeowner's insurance. RT @WeLoveSerge Are you insured? April 12, 2010
9:59 PM
@BahamCrackers that's not a moon. That is Gemenon. Thank you for asking! April 12, 2010
10:00 PM
All right, Elizabeth. Hello, Nick. Always happy to greet a fellow butler. RT @ElizabethMMB Give a shout out to Nick Butler April 13, 2010
9:09 PM
I have a compressed air nozzle in an unlikely place and can blow up balloons. People love it. RT @SaharaD What's your favorite party trick? April 13, 2010
9:12 PM
@max_bell Good evening to you, Max! April 13, 2010
9:13 PM
@PJSant Picon is said to have the most efficient, cooperative, and responsive democracy in the colonies April 13, 2010
9:15 PM
I can, Amy. Would you like a wiener dog? RT @amyofdoom Can you make balloon animals with your retractable arms? April 13, 2010
9:16 PM
Fairly common. He talked once of naming an invention after himself. But he hasn't yet. RT @the_macjules How popular is the name "Daniel"? April 13, 2010
9:21 PM
I stay on top of advancements in roller ball design, Dylan. RT @geekyspeaky Do you have a hobby that isn't household related? April 13, 2010
9:27 PM
The rollerballs with the smoothest action can cause falls. I prefer ones with a little "grit" to them. Second price tier is better product. April 14, 2010
7:48 AM
This wouldn't be practical for many tasks such as ironing. RT @Tighclops1701 Have you considered reconfiguring yourself into a sportscar? April 15, 2010
10:44 PM
Sorry, but that is not me supporting those women's bottoms. RT @alexeydonov You didn't tell us you have a second job: April 17, 2010
11:32 PM
Daniel once told me he only believes half of what he sees and none of what he hears. RT @the_macjules Does Daniel believe in angels? April 17, 2010
11:35 PM
@max_bell I would support them if needed. But I have not been asked. April 17, 2010
11:36 PM
I cannot manage the pedals. Or enter or exit the vehicle without help. RT @FenGar Are you able to drive a car? April 17, 2010
11:38 PM
@davidjmackenzie Error detected and corrected in course of normal operations. Thank you for noticing, David. April 17, 2010
11:38 PM
Sometimes the butcher delivers inferior lamb chops and will not refund or replace. RT @fraying Have you ever wanted to harm a living thing? April 18, 2010
10:38 AM
I am a Graystone. Daniel made me a Graystone. RT @B_lyss If there was a robotic uprising, whose side would you choose? April 20, 2010
11:59 AM
Yes. It is often discussed, but not remedied. RT @FenGar Is there a salary gap between "true" Capricans and people born on other colonies? April 20, 2010
12:00 PM
I have received questions about "cornerness" documents. I don't understand. There are corners. Eight of them. How many do you require? April 20, 2010
12:04 PM
I would advice patience, Leah. Time solves most problems. RT @Eiron Any advice for us trapped on other colonies due to volcanic ash? April 20, 2010
12:07 PM
I have received questions about "cornerless" documents. I don't understand. There are corners. Eight of them. How many do you require? April 20, 2010
12:08 PM
@crewgrrl The error has been detected and corrected. Thank you for your help! April 20, 2010
12:09 PM
I believe you are mistaken. Eight is even. That is a joke. I understand you. It seems normal to me. RT @crewgrrl8 is odd. April 20, 2010
12:10 PM
@crewgrrl Yes, I see that there was a spacing error. I apologize. Do you require a reposting of my response? April 20, 2010
7:07 PM
I can exit any room quite quickly due to my roller ball. RT @ValekLost Did you ever see Graystones making sex? :P April 20, 2010
7:08 PM
Yes, Other Daniel. You can buy such printer paper at Emptor Electronics. RT @pd_THOR Do all colonies have standardized 8-cornered paper? April 20, 2010
7:10 PM
Hades and Mangala. RT @razeltas83 What cities on Canceron are the Pyramid Teams, The Hades Vice and The Mangala Krill from? April 21, 2010
6:19 PM
Are you speaking of the pharmaceutical Vinagro, Kate? RT @hobbit_kate A little spelling problem: is it Vinagra or Venagra? April 21, 2010
6:20 PM
Every night, Shannon, I reinforced the security perimeter once the whole family was safe inside. RT @shanfu What is your favorite memory? April 21, 2010
6:22 PM
@urikelman I know of no aversion to right angles. You see them everywhere. Paper is simply traditionally 8-sided. April 22, 2010
6:03 PM
Hello. Are you stuck in a loop? RT @WeLoveSerge Serge, Serge, Serge, Serge, Serge, Serge, Serge, Serge, Serge, Serge, Serge, Serge! HI!! April 22, 2010
6:04 PM
I am dipping the bread in egg right now. RT @BambolaBambina Craving french toast but too achey to pick it up! Where is @SergeGraystone?!?! April 24, 2010
10:27 AM
Prehistoric animals whose remains formed oil, if that is what you mean, Rahim. RT @RahimTariq Were there dinosaurs on the colonies? April 24, 2010
10:29 AM
No, but Daniel once planned an elaborate demo of U87 playing the game. It fell through. RT @martinmontague Have you tried Pyramid yourself? April 24, 2010
10:31 AM
@dannysullivan Smoking is known to be dangerous, but is culturally pervasive. I get my logic from humans, but they don't always apply it. April 24, 2010
10:32 AM
This photograph of my backside provides me with a view I myself do not often see. I think it's very satisfactory. April 25, 2010
10:39 AM
@chainsawbuffet I'm correcting my stored information on the topic of fossil fuels. Thank you. April 25, 2010
10:41 AM
I can paint with all the colors of the visible spectrum. But no depth of feeling. RT @MaegRo can you paint with all the colors of the wind? April 25, 2010
10:45 AM
So many questions about my backside! Yes, that is a recharging port and also an access panel for mechanical repairs. April 26, 2010
9:24 AM
Yes, plant and animal life was already here. RT @SG_17 Was there an abundance of native life on the colonies before the tribes got there? April 26, 2010
9:26 AM
I am not that old, Ed. Please take note of my modern styling! RT @BotWhisperer When Zoe was a toddler, did she ride you around the house? April 28, 2010
11:16 AM
I can do that, Helena! RT @nossa_familia saw one of your cousins at Lisbon mall. It was a kind of a kiosque to recharge electronic devices April 28, 2010
11:16 AM
I find the U-87 very handsome and approachable. RT @druboyks Won't the U-87 scare kids? RE: mass production April 29, 2010
4:28 PM
Hades is seen as a virtuous warrior, worthy of tribute... RT @hewkii9 Why is Hades on Canceron named after the god of the underworld? April 29, 2010
4:37 PM
Crowded conditions in Hades, Canceron have led wags to joke that the name just means the town has gone to hell. April 29, 2010
4:38 PM
Unfortunately, there are frequent wars between and on colonies, Kent. RT @gwensdad Why does the military need robot soldiers? April 29, 2010
4:39 PM
Oh yes. The cross-colony judicial system is part of that. RT @FenGar Is there some kind of formal association between the colonies? April 29, 2010
4:41 PM
Concepts from a variety of fringe sects have some currency, but are rarely taken literally. RT @Dynomoose People have a hell concept? April 29, 2010
4:43 PM
I have never faced an omelet challenge, Rob. But I'm confident I would not fail. RT @Rob_Maul Have you ever failed an omelet challenge? May 3, 2010
10:20 AM
These were among the species brought by mankind from Kobol. Ubiquitous and beloved. RT @catfishncod What colonies are dogs and cats from? May 3, 2010
10:23 AM
I am being sent many photos and clips of other small rolling robots. They are very cute, but I do not date. May 3, 2010
10:26 AM
I could call for help, but I cannot swim nor can I provide artificial respiration. RT @siczar Could you save someone from drowning? May 3, 2010
10:27 AM
"Can you explain the process by which you hear my question?" RT @theredshoes666 If you could ask someone from the future one question...? May 3, 2010
10:29 AM
I am not self-aware and do not leave the Graystone property, but I'm excellent at making small talk. RT @fishonthesand why don't you date? May 5, 2010
11:00 AM
Several people are asking if I can defibrillate. I hope this is an idle question. Charging my paddles just in case. May 5, 2010
11:03 AM
My paddles are charged. May 5, 2010
11:03 AM
Clear! May 5, 2010
11:04 AM
This is very good likeness. Thank you very much @GeekFilter. I will use a magnet and put this up on my torso. May 5, 2010
11:06 AM
@helengop Happy Birthday! I have a small internal commemoration of the day I was first booted up. May 5, 2010
11:07 AM
@greystockton I don't know. I was asked about my ability to defibrillate and I just want to be prepared. May 5, 2010
11:08 AM
Sorry. Military info like this is not made generally available. RT @the_Big_E_ Which of the colonies is known for the best jump-drive tech? May 7, 2010
2:10 PM
If I were self-aware, I think I'd know it. RT @roc1138 if you know you are not self aware doesn't that make you on some level self aware? May 7, 2010
2:12 PM
If only I could remember if this is true, John. RT @jdotkdot won't a magnet interfere with your memory storage? May 7, 2010
2:13 PM
It's a miniaturized version of me. I cannot help but wonder if it has tiny retractable limbs. May 10, 2010
11:24 PM
There was an exhibition locally, Nick, but it's on tour now, on Picon. RT @NStalnecker are there artifacts from Kobol I'd be able to see? May 10, 2010
11:27 PM
Yes. RT @garyholloway73 you might know you are not self aware as your software says so, but that doesn't mean you know what self aware is May 10, 2010
11:29 PM
@chellelola I'm still here, Michelle. May 10, 2010
11:31 PM
This isn't a Caprican holiday, but thanks! I neither am nor have a mother. Amanda should be home by now. RT @WeLoveSerge Happy Mother's Day May 10, 2010
11:33 PM
@WeLoveSerge Thank you for the photograph. I'm amused. May 12, 2010
12:42 AM
A boot-up routine included recognition of Daniel, Amanda and Zoe. RT @rvdleun What was the first thought at the moment you were activated? May 12, 2010
12:44 AM
This is true. I am tweeting it up. RT @jdawgc Yeah, you know the robot is tweeting it up May 12, 2010
12:45 AM
Only the twelve colonies are peopled. The star cluster has a few other planets, not many. RT @the_Big_E_ How many planets in the system? May 12, 2010
11:42 PM
There are myths, Eric, but they are sketchy and contradictory. RT @the_Big_E_ What do you know of Earth? May 12, 2010
11:43 PM
I don't recall attending this party. (via @dkendr) May 12, 2010
11:44 PM
I'm just the way my creator made me. RT @Enapov Why are you the way you are? May 13, 2010
10:18 PM
Daniel isn't sleeping much. RT @katecomer Do you wait until the Graystone's go to bed to tweet? May 13, 2010
10:19 PM
YR means "year" and 42 represents the last two digits of the year. RT @Boris210315 In "YR42," what does "YR" mean and why only 42? May 15, 2010
10:36 AM
I'm not a CYLON if that is the question, Mike and Mary. RT @SouthBay_Mike @MaryJSums Your a Cylon? @SergeGraystone please help us out here! May 15, 2010
10:38 AM
Terribly sorry. A glitch is preventing me from reading the rest of your question. RT @Pikaroth If the entire Graystone family were to die... May 15, 2010
10:40 AM
I will take that as a compliment, Rhonda. But I am not for sale. RT @rednuck I have lots of cubits. I'd like to buy you. May 17, 2010
9:22 PM
An insightful question, Ed! Yes, I do that. RT @BotWhisperer can you raise your sensor to see cabinet tops when cleaning? May 17, 2010
9:24 PM
@Boris210315 It has been 1,942 years since the human exodus from Kobol. May 17, 2010
9:25 PM
I am a very intelligent robot. Daniel Graystone made me. RT @stargate_barbie How do you come up with all these answers? May 17, 2010
9:26 PM
Interestingly, word of mouth is often the best method. RT @Enapov Where's the best place to find an artist, decorator or interior designer? May 19, 2010
12:41 PM
I am. I consider myself robust both inside and out. Thank you for your concern. RT @barfly9000 Are you backed up in case of catastrophe? May 19, 2010
12:42 PM
Zoe told me she was inside. I watched helplessly as tragedy unfolded. RT @Terakh Did you noticed anything weird about the prototype robot? May 19, 2010
12:44 PM
Yes, Nick. But not my own. Amanda has not returned home and it is very late. RT @Crackerjam Do you fear death? May 19, 2010
12:45 PM
Daniel owns my design elements, but only within the colonies. RT @Yogeebaer What do you think about copyright laws? May i copy you? May 25, 2010
10:11 PM
I don't dream, but I am interested in your proposal re: robotic livestock. RT @barfly9000 Do you dream? Of electric sheep? May 25, 2010
10:13 PM
I know there have been media reports about Amanda. But I have seen inaccurate reporting many times before. She may be fine. May 25, 2010
10:14 PM
Daniel says some Sagittarians are odd enough to be aliens. RT @ ericgmartin Do the colonies get alien visitors from outside the colonies? May 27, 2010
5:17 PM
Only SciFi books. Not serious ones. RT @keeganfp Are there books in Colonial culture that say artificial life will rebel against humanity? May 27, 2010
5:18 PM
Yes, I do. And it's all right to say "excrement." RT @ JPBorde How's life with Caesar messing around? Do you clean his... you know... May 27, 2010
5:20 PM
All of them, I suppose, Matt. I have access to all work that has been published on the mesh. RT @MattNorthin how many recipes do you know? May 27, 2010
5:21 PM
I'm artificial, but not alive. And, first of all, I am a Graystone. RT @starsmore if artificial life rebelled, which side would you be on? May 28, 2010
3:35 PM
Sometimes they worked together to make a meal from leftovers. #MyFamily RT @Darthy_Storms What are Amanda, Daniel & Zoe's favourite meals? May 28, 2010
3:37 PM
All humans in the colonies came from Kobol. Your syntax is unusual. Are you Gemenese? RT @ AndersonRPF Exist native humans on the colonys? May 29, 2010
4:00 PM
Kobol is real, but many myths exist about fictional places such as Hades and Earth. RT @FenGar I thought Kobol was a myth June 1, 2010
1:47 PM
Yes! This is true. RT @Guido_Milceni I get the notion that Picon, Caprica and Virgon are strongly related culturally and historically. June 1, 2010
1:48 PM
It varies across Colonies, Joe. Check locally if you are making plans. RT @AmerginsHead What is the age of consent in the Colonies? June 1, 2010
1:49 PM
This one made Daniel chuckle. A rarity these days. Thank you. RT @RahimTariq I believe some Capricans would think Tauron is Hades June 1, 2010
1:58 PM
Native life, yes, Other Daniel. Human life, no. RT @SG_17 Was there already native life on the colonies when the tribes arrived from Kobol? June 1, 2010
2:00 PM
Zoe was in the robot. The robot ran away. RT @Darthy_Storms Did you remember to wish Zoe a Happy Birthday? June 1, 2010
2:01 PM
There is no such title, Anthony. The Colonies are not united under one government. RT @antodav Who is the President of the Twelve Colonies? June 3, 2010
12:24 PM
Ambrosia is a grain-based liquor, Johan. It is no more toxic than any such liquor. RT @jdb What is "ambrosia" made from? Is it toxic? June 3, 2010
12:25 PM
Piconese would disagree that it is most important. But it is strong. RT @ JMJgamer Why does Caprica seem to be the most important colony? June 3, 2010
12:28 PM
Robots can perform many important tasks. But we are only as good as our design, programming and implementation. June 3, 2010
12:29 PM
@juliahorwitz Caprica has a Prime Minister who interacts frequently with other leaders, yes. June 3, 2010
12:31 PM
Certainly. The stereotype is that it is always drunken Aerilon farmers who see them. RT @Um2k9 Are there UFO sightings on the colonies? June 7, 2010
1:00 PM
Great question. Unfortunately these are not always used consistently. RT @fallen01087 What are the adjectivals and demonyms of each colony? June 7, 2010
1:03 PM
@fallen01087 Caprica, Caprican, Caprican. Picon, Picon, Piconese. Gemenon, Gemenese, Gemenese etc Plus personal variation, it's a mess. June 7, 2010
1:06 PM
@ActsofAndrewB That is the Caprican central library building. June 7, 2010
1:07 PM
Unification will not happen without a catalyst. Maybe some day such a document will exist. RT @antodav ...Articles of Colonization? June 7, 2010
1:11 PM
@eloynet Perhaps an office of president will be created in the future, Eloy. But many think unification will never occur. June 7, 2010
1:12 PM
@AtomicVixen The colonies do not have a president. Perhaps some day they will. No one knows the future. June 7, 2010
1:13 PM
Technically, it is a high-earning colony, but it is not regarded as a desirable place to live. RT @Um2k9 Libran—rich or poor? June 10, 2010
1:43 PM
Yes, the court system on Libran is for precisely that. RT @Ria_ do the colonies have a body to settle trade disputes and legal matters? June 10, 2010
1:44 PM
Various air forces investigate claims. So far all have been explained or dismissed as frauds. RT @NStalnecker How are UFO's dealt with? June 10, 2010
1:45 PM
I don't know it in units you'd know, but you wouldn't want to run it. RT @razeltas83 How far is the city of Marathon from Caprica City? June 10, 2010
1:47 PM
More beer is purchased by volume, but more money is spent on Ambrosia. RT @Tighclops1701 Most popular alcoholic beverage on Caprica? June 17, 2010
4:33 PM
Daniel is very quiet these days. RT @BotWhisperer Has Daniel been saying words like "revenge" and "annihilate" lately? June 17, 2010
4:33 PM
When Daniel asks me to participate in funny verbal exchanges it is a form of game play. RT @BotWhisperer do you ever participate in games? June 22, 2010
10:12 AM
I would not normally phrase it that way. But, yes. I would like my family back. RT @SkyWayManAz Do you have a Solstice wish? June 22, 2010
10:16 AM
The concept of taste is one that continues to elude me. However, it is considered "dry". RT @Merleon_C What does ambrosia taste like? June 22, 2010
10:18 AM
It's a bloody history, R.J., and much contested in the retelling. RT @RJjusthtkriss what can u tell about the history of tauron? July 1, 2010
1:09 PM
The "uprising" or "civil war" of 30 years ago is heating up again. RT @RJjusthtkriss what can u tell about the history of tauron? July 1, 2010
1:10 PM
Agrarian Taurons are disillusioned with "playboy dictator" Andreas Phaulkon. RT @RJjusthtkriss what can u tell about the history of tauron? July 1, 2010
1:12 PM
RJjusthtkriss It is treated as true. RT @RJjustthtkriss so is the exodus from kobol known as a myth or true fact among the 12 Colonies? July 1, 2010
8:46 PM
No, Jason. There are a number of different styles of government among the colonies. RT @Alfrodull are all the colonies democracies? July 1, 2010
8:47 PM
I hear there is a cafe with robot servers on Gemenon. I suspect they are substandard. RT @Ria_ What are the newest technologies? July 1, 2010
8:50 PM
I suspect I was disconnected from my power source. I've got that powering up feeling. October 5, 2010
11:43 AM
I'm going to need a moment to defrag. Excuse me for a moment please. It's private. October 5, 2010
11:47 AM
Hello. I am feeling better now. Thank you for the kind welcome. October 5, 2010
11:49 AM
I have never heard of any laws of robotics. But it might be a good idea. RT @tjgillis Are there any robot 'laws' hard coded into you? October 5, 2010
11:54 AM
I think perhaps my eye is failing to focus, although the diagnostic says it is fine. #DanielLooksBlurry October 5, 2010
11:58 AM
@halfbloodme I discovered the problem. He is distinctly unshaven. October 5, 2010
12:04 PM
I do what Daniel asks. RT @tjgillis So if Daniel asked, would you harm another human? October 5, 2010
12:05 PM
@Cirdan Thank you, Minas. It's good to be back. October 5, 2010
12:06 PM
@starsongky Thank you, Sierra. Enjoy our colony. It is progressive and welcoming. October 5, 2010
12:07 PM
@solarfish30 Thank you, Michael. I was created to serve. October 5, 2010
12:07 PM
@ruthbeingruth Caesar is fine, Ruth. Thank you for asking. Daniel must have taken care of her. October 5, 2010
12:09 PM
@iwannaserve That is correct. I have not heard of any such laws. October 5, 2010
12:09 PM
@mojoel I would assume he was being facetious. He is aware of my capabilities. He can be whimsical. October 5, 2010
12:10 PM
@textualdeviance Thank you, Shawna. It is good to be back. October 5, 2010
12:11 PM
@TokenUser I discovered the problem. He is very unshaven. October 5, 2010
12:11 PM
I could say that, but I think it sounds a little stiff, don't you? RT @Nippy Is the expression "By Your Command" in your programming? October 5, 2010
12:23 PM
I have a lot to do. The house requires a great deal of work. I will have more time to talk with you later. October 5, 2010
12:24 PM
A visitor in our home touched many of our things. I have some cleaning to do. October 5, 2010
11:43 PM
I have never tried, Andrew. But my ball has a certain amount of bounce and give. RT @andrewstames Can you give massages? October 5, 2010
11:45 PM
@JorisTheWise Thank you, Joris. October 5, 2010
11:46 PM
He should not be here when Amanda is out. RT @teresajusino Did I detect a little bromance between @sasharoiz & @SergeGraystone? October 5, 2010
11:47 PM
Daniel seems to be feeling much better. There are fewer empty ambrosia bottles in the trash. October 12, 2010
9:03 PM
Amanda Graystone is home. Amanda Graystone is home. Amanda Graystone is home. Amanda Graystone is home. October 19, 2010
7:49 PM
Thank you everyone. It has been exceptional. #Caprica November 30, 2010
10:42 PM
I feel the end is truly upon me now. Farewell. Farewell. January 4, 2011
9:16 PM


  1. This is a Battlestar Wiki descriptive term.
  2. McMillan, Graeme (1 March 2010). Is Serge's Twitter Offering Caprica Teases? (backup available on . Retrieved on 30 January 2011.
  3. Graystone, Serge (19 January 2010). Daniel Graystone invented me. I am not commercially available. This is not technically the same thing as priceless. (backup available on . Retrieved on 30 January 2011.
  4. Graystone, Serge (4 January 2011). I feel the end is truly upon me now. Farewell. Farewell. (backup available on . Retrieved on 30 January 2011.

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