(Redirected from Council of Twelve (TOS-DE alternate))
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- For this entity in canon, see: Quorum of Twelve (TOS).
The Quorum of Twelve, also known as "The Council of Twelve" or "The Council," consists of politicians who gather together to make up the laws and practices of the Twelve Colonies of Man.
The Quorum consists of one representative from each colony and is presided over by a president.
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During the last decades of the Twelve Colonies, President Adar oversaw the Quorum.
In 7346, Councilor Osiris represents Aeries, and is later replaced by Baltar (Battlestar Galactica: Starbuck #4).
In the aftermath of the exodus from the Colonies, the Council's newest members include Sires Anton and Geller, and Siress Tinia, who are enthralled with Parrin's proposal to conjoin the Okaati's Harvesters as booster engines to all civilian ships within the Fleet (Battlestar Galactica Classic #3). After Parrin unveils her deception, the Council finds itself at the mercy of Cylons after the Okaati deposit the Fleet's ships upon Gehenna Prime, but are saved by the Comitat during the Battle at Gehenna Prime (Battlestar Galactica Classic #5).

The Quorum of Twelve assembles for one final time aboard President Adar's battlestar, Atlantia, to celebrate the forthcoming armistice. In attendance are Baltar, liaison between the Cylons and the Quorum, and Commander Adama and his aide de camp, Athena (Annihilation!).
Following the Battle of Cimtar, the Quorum is reconstituted with Adama as president, and Sire Uri as a representative (Exodus!).