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-- Definitions for units known to val (short scale; see below for long scale).
-- There must be two or more spaces (not tab characters) after the first column,
-- and two spaces (or one or more tab characters) between columns.
-- Lines which do not have two spaces are ignored.
-- There must be a blank line before the first unit and after the last.
-- Unit code       Symbol                                Link                                   Flags/Scale
local builtin_units = [=[

== Angles ==
%                  %                                     Percent                                ANGLE   0.01
percent            %                                     Percent                                ANGLE   0.01
per cent           %                                     Percent                                ANGLE   0.01
‰                  ‰                                     Per mil                                ANGLE   1e-3
per mil            ‰                                     Per mil                                ANGLE   1e-3
per mill           ‰                                     Per mil                                ANGLE   1e-3
per mille          ‰                                     Per mil                                ANGLE   1e-3
permil             ‰                                     Per mil                                ANGLE   1e-3
permill            ‰                                     Per mil                                ANGLE   1e-3
permille           ‰                                     Per mil                                ANGLE   1e-3
°                  °                                     Degree (angle)                         ANGLE   pi/180
deg                °                                     Degree (angle)                         ANGLE   pi/180
'                  ′                                     Minute of arc                          ANGLE   pi/10800
′                  ′                                     Minute of arc                          ANGLE   pi/10800
arcmin             ′                                     Minute of arc                          ANGLE   pi/10800
arcminute          ′                                     Minute of arc                          ANGLE   pi/10800
"                  ″                                     Second of arc                          ANGLE   pi/648000
″                  ″                                     Second of arc                          ANGLE   pi/648000
arcsec             ″                                     Second of arc                          ANGLE   pi/648000
arcsecond          ″                                     Second of arc                          ANGLE   pi/648000

== Unsorted units ==
lbf                <span title="pound-force">lb<sub>F</sub></span>   Pound (force)
Foo                Foo                                   Foo
C/mol              C/mol                                 Faraday constant
C.mol-1            C&sdot;mol<sup>−1</sup>               Faraday constant
C/kg               C/kg                                  Roentgen (unit)
C.kg-1             C&sdot;kg<sup>−1</sup>                Roentgen (unit)
F.m-1              F&sdot;m<sup>−1</sup>                 vacuum permittivity
F/m                F/m                                   vacuum permittivity
e                  ''e''                                 Elementary charge

== Time and frequency ==
byte               byte                                  Byte                                   8
byte/s             byte/s                                Bytes per second                       8
kB/s               kB/s                                  Bytes per second                       8e3
MB/s               MB/s                                  Bytes per second                       8e6
GB/s               GB/s                                  Bytes per second                       8e9
TB/s               TB/s                                  Bytes per second                       8e12
bit/s              bit/s                                 Bit per second                         1
bps                bit/s                                 Bit per second                         1
kbit/s             kbit/s                                Kilobit per second                     1e3
Mbit/s             Mbit/s                                Megabit per second                     1e6
Gbit/s             Gbit/s                                Gigabit per second                     1e9
Tbit/s             Tbit/s                                Terabit per second                     1e12
year               year                                  Year                                   31557600
years              years                                 Year                                   31557600
yr                 yr                                    Year#Symbols y and yr                  31557600
y                  y                                     Year                                   31557600
a                  a                                     Annum                                  31557600
Ga                 Ga                                    Gigaannum                              31557600000000000
Ma                 Ma                                    Megaannum                              31557600000000
ka                 ka                                    Kiloannum                              31557600000
kyr                kyr                                   kyr                                    31557600000
kya                kya                                   kyr                                    31557600000
myr                myr                                   myr                                    31557600000000
mya                mya                                   Mya (unit)                             31557600000000
byr                byr                                   Billion years                          31557600000000000
bya                bya                                   Billion years ago                      31557600000000000
Gyr                Ga                                    Year#SI prefix multipliers             31557600000000000
BP                 BP                                    Before present
uBP                <sup>14</sup>C yr BP                  Radiocarbon dating#Calibration
BC                 BC                                    Before Christ                          -1
AD                 AD                                    Anno Domini                            1
BCE                BCE                                   Before the Common Era                  -1
CE                 CE                                    Common Era                             1

s-1                s<sup>−1</sup>                        Second
s-2                s<sup>−2</sup>                        Second
s2                 s<sup>2</sup>                         Second

s                  s                                     Second                                 SI
as                 s                                     Attosecond                             SI
cs                 s                                     Second                                 SI
das                s                                     Second                                 SI
ds                 s                                     Second                                 SI
Es                 s                                     Second                                 SI
fs                 s                                     Femtosecond                            SI
Gs                 s                                     Second                                 SI
hs                 s                                     Second                                 SI
ks                 s                                     Second                                 SI
ms                 s                                     Millisecond                            SI
µs                 s                                     Microsecond                            SI
mus                s                                     Microsecond                            SI
Ms                 s                                     Second                                 SI
ns                 s                                     Nanosecond                             SI
ps                 s                                     Picosecond                             SI
Ps                 s                                     Second                                 SI
Ts                 s                                     Second                                 SI
Ys                 s                                     Second                                 SI
ys                 s                                     Yoctosecond                            SI
Zs                 s                                     Second                                 SI
zs                 s                                     Zeptosecond                            SI

Hz                 Hz                                    Hertz                                  SI
aHz                Hz                                    Hertz                                  SI
cHz                Hz                                    Hertz                                  SI
daHz               Hz                                    Hertz                                  SI
dHz                Hz                                    Hertz                                  SI
EHz                Hz                                    Hertz                                  SI
fHz                Hz                                    Hertz                                  SI
hHz                Hz                                    Hertz                                  SI
GHz                Hz                                    Gigahertz                              SI
kHz                Hz                                    Kilohertz                              SI
MHz                Hz                                    Megahertz                              SI
mHz                Hz                                    Hertz                                  SI
muHz               Hz                                    Hertz                                  SI
µHz                Hz                                    Hertz                                  SI
nHz                Hz                                    Hertz                                  SI
pHz                Hz                                    Hertz                                  SI
PHz                Hz                                    Hertz                                  SI
THz                Hz                                    Hertz                                  SI
yHz                Hz                                    Hertz                                  SI
YHz                Hz                                    Hertz                                  SI
zHz                Hz                                    Hertz                                  SI
ZHz                Hz                                    Hertz                                  SI

== Length, area, volume ==
fb-1               fb<sup>−1</sup>                       Barn (unit)
mas                mas                                   Milliarcsecond                         pi/648000000
m-1                m<sup>−1</sup>                        Metre
m-2                m<sup>−2</sup>                        Square metre
m-3                m<sup>−3</sup>                        Cubic metre
km2                km<sup>2</sup>                        Square kilometre
km3                km<sup>3</sup>                        Cubic kilometre
m                  m                                     Metre
meter              m                                     Metre
metre              m                                     Metre
am                 am                                    Metre
cm                 cm                                    Centimetre
dam                dam                                   Decametre
dm                 dm                                    Decimetre
Em                 Em                                    Metre
fm                 fm                                    Metre
Gm                 Gm                                    Metre
hm                 hm                                    Hectometre
km                 km                                    Kilometre
Mm                 Mm                                    Megametre
mm                 mm                                    Millimetre
mum                µm                                    Micrometre
µm                 µm                                    Micrometre
nm                 nm                                    Nanometre
Pm                 Pm                                    Metre
pm                 pm                                    Picometre
Tm                 Tm                                    Metre
Ym                 Ym                                    Metre
ym                 ym                                    Metre
Zm                 Zm                                    Metre
zm                 zm                                    Metre
µm2                µm<sup>2</sup>                        Square metre
am2                am<sup>2</sup>                        Square metre
cm2                cm<sup>2</sup>                        Square centimetre
dam2               dam<sup>2</sup>                       Square metre
dm2                dm<sup>2</sup>                        Square metre
Em2                Em<sup>2</sup>                        Square metre
fm2                fm<sup>2</sup>                        Square metre
Gm2                Gm<sup>2</sup>                        Square metre
hm2                hm<sup>2</sup>                        Square metre
mm2                mm<sup>2</sup>                        Square metre
Mm2                Mm<sup>2</sup>                        Square metre
nm2                nm<sup>2</sup>                        Square metre
pm2                pm<sup>2</sup>                        Square metre
Pm2                Pm<sup>2</sup>                        Square metre
Tm2                Tm<sup>2</sup>                        Square metre
ym2                ym<sup>2</sup>                        Square metre
Ym2                Ym<sup>2</sup>                        Square metre
zm2                zm<sup>2</sup>                        Square metre
Zm2                Zm<sup>2</sup>                        Square metre
gal                gal                                   Gallon
Gal                Gal                                   Gal (unit)
muGal              µGal                                  Gal (unit)
µGal               µGal                                  Gal (unit)
mGal               mGal                                  Gal (unit)

== Velocity and acceleration ==
m/s2               m/s<sup>2</sup>                       Metre per second squared
m.s-2              m&sdot;s<sup>−2</sup>                 Metre per second squared
m/s                m/s                                   Metre per second
m.s-1              m&sdot;s<sup>−1</sup>                 Metre per second

== Mass and energy ==
lbm                <span title="pound-mass">lb<sub>m</sub></span>   Pound (mass)
muJ                µJ                                    Joule
J.s                J&sdot;s                              Joule-second
kWh                kWh                                   Kilowatt hour
kW.h               kW&sdot;h                             Kilowatt hour
kW·h               kW&sdot;h                             Kilowatt hour
J/C                J/C                                   Volt
J/kg               J/kg                                  Joule

g                  g                                     Gram                               SI
ag                 g                                     Attogram                           SI
cg                 g                                     Centigram                          SI
dag                g                                     Gram                               SI
dg                 g                                     Decigram                           SI
Eg                 g                                     Exagram                            SI
fg                 g                                     Femtogram                          SI
Gg                 g                                     Gigagram                           SI
hg                 g                                     Hectogram                          SI
kg                 g                                     Kilogram                           SI
mcg                g                                     Microgram                          SI
Mg                 g                                     Megagram                           SI
mg                 g                                     Milligram                          SI
mug                g                                     Microgram                          SI
µg                 g                                     Microgram                          SI
ng                 g                                     Nanogram                           SI
Pg                 g                                     Petagram                           SI
pg                 g                                     Picogram                           SI
Tg                 g                                     Tonne                              SI
yg                 g                                     Yoctogram                          SI
Yg                 g                                     Yottagram                          SI
zg                 g                                     Zeptogram                          SI
Zg                 g                                     Zettagram                          SI

== Pressure and density ==
psi                psi                                   Pounds per square inch
g/cm3              g/cm<sup>3</sup>                      Gram per cubic centimetre
kg/m3              kg/m<sup>3</sup>                      Kilogram per cubic metre
kg/cm3             kg/cm<sup>3</sup>                     Density#Formula and common units
g/L                g/L                                   Gram per litre
g/l                g/L                                   Gram per litre
mcg/dL             µg/dL                                 Gram per litre
mcg/dl             µg/dL                                 Gram per litre
mg/mL              mg/mL                                 Gram per litre
mg/ml              mg/mL                                 Gram per litre
mug/dL             µg/dL                                 Gram per litre
mug/dl             µg/dL                                 Gram per litre
μg/dL              μg/dL                                 Gram per litre
μg/dl              μg/dL                                 Gram per litre

== Temperature ==
degC               °C                                                                       ALIAS
degF               °F                                                                       ALIAS
degR               °R                                                                       ALIAS

K                  K                                     Kelvin                             SI
YK                 K                                     Yottakelvin                        SI
ZK                 K                                     Zettakelvin                        SI
EK                 K                                     Etakelvin                          SI
PK                 K                                     Petakelvin                         SI
TK                 K                                     Terakelvin                         SI
GK                 K                                     Gigakelvin                         SI
MK                 K                                     Megakelvin                         SI
kK                 K                                     Kilokelvin                         SI
hK                 K                                     Hectokelvin                        SI
daK                K                                     Decakelvin                         SI
dK                 K                                     Decikelvin                         SI
cK                 K                                     Centikelvin                        SI
mK                 K                                     Millikelvin                        SI
µK                 K                                     Microkelvin                        SI
uK                 K                                     Microkelvin                        SI
nK                 K                                     Nanokelvin                         SI
pK                 K                                     Picokelvin                         SI
fK                 K                                     Femtokelvin                        SI
aK                 K                                     Attokelvin                         SI
zK                 K                                     Zeptokelvin                        SI
yK                 K                                     Yoctokelvin                        SI

== Electromagnetism ==
Wb                 Wb                                    Weber (unit)
N.A-2              N&sdot;A<sup>−2</sup>                 Permeability (electromagnetism)
H.m-1              H·m<sup>−1</sup>                      Permeability (electromagnetism)
V/m                V/m                                   Electric field
V.m-1              V&sdot;m<sup>−1</sup>                 Electric field

C                  C                                     Coulomb                            SI
YC                 C                                     Coulomb                            SI
ZC                 C                                     Coulomb                            SI
EC                 C                                     Coulomb                            SI
PC                 C                                     Coulomb                            SI
TC                 C                                     Coulomb                            SI
GC                 C                                     Coulomb                            SI
MC                 C                                     Coulomb                            SI
kC                 C                                     Coulomb                            SI
hC                 C                                     Coulomb                            SI
daC                C                                     Coulomb                            SI
dC                 C                                     Coulomb                            SI
cC                 C                                     Coulomb                            SI
mC                 C                                     Coulomb                            SI
µC                 C                                     Coulomb                            SI
uC                 C                                     Coulomb                            SI
nC                 C                                     Coulomb                            SI
pC                 C                                     Coulomb                            SI
fC                 C                                     Coulomb                            SI
aC                 C                                     Coulomb                            SI
zC                 C                                     Coulomb                            SI
yC                 C                                     Coulomb                            SI

F                  F                                     Farad                              SI
YF                 F                                     Farad                              SI
ZF                 F                                     Farad                              SI
EF                 F                                     Farad                              SI
PF                 F                                     Farad                              SI
TF                 F                                     Farad                              SI
GF                 F                                     Farad                              SI
MF                 F                                     Farad                              SI
kF                 F                                     Farad                              SI
hF                 F                                     Farad                              SI
daF                F                                     Farad                              SI
dF                 F                                     Farad                              SI
cF                 F                                     Farad                              SI
mF                 F                                     Farad                              SI
µF                 F                                     Farad                              SI
uF                 F                                     Farad                              SI
nF                 F                                     Farad                              SI
pF                 F                                     Farad                              SI
fF                 F                                     Farad                              SI
aF                 F                                     Farad                              SI
zF                 F                                     Farad                              SI
yF                 F                                     Farad                              SI

H                  H                                     Henry (unit)                       SI
YH                 H                                     Henry (unit)                       SI
ZH                 H                                     Henry (unit)                       SI
EH                 H                                     Henry (unit)                       SI
PH                 H                                     Henry (unit)                       SI
TH                 H                                     Henry (unit)                       SI
GH                 H                                     Henry (unit)                       SI
MH                 H                                     Henry (unit)                       SI
kH                 H                                     Henry (unit)                       SI
hH                 H                                     Henry (unit)                       SI
daH                H                                     Henry (unit)                       SI
dH                 H                                     Henry (unit)                       SI
cH                 H                                     Henry (unit)                       SI
mH                 H                                     Henry (unit)                       SI
µH                 H                                     Henry (unit)                       SI
uH                 H                                     Henry (unit)                       SI
nH                 H                                     Henry (unit)                       SI
pH                 H                                     Henry (unit)                       SI
fH                 H                                     Henry (unit)                       SI
aH                 H                                     Henry (unit)                       SI
zH                 H                                     Henry (unit)                       SI
yH                 H                                     Henry (unit)                       SI

A                  A                                     Ampere                             SI
YA                 A                                     Ampere                             SI
ZA                 A                                     Ampere                             SI
EA                 A                                     Ampere                             SI
PA                 A                                     Ampere                             SI
TA                 A                                     Ampere                             SI
GA                 A                                     Ampere                             SI
MA                 A                                     Ampere                             SI
kA                 A                                     Ampere                             SI
hA                 A                                     Ampere                             SI
daA                A                                     Ampere                             SI
dA                 A                                     Ampere                             SI
cA                 A                                     Ampere                             SI
mA                 A                                     Ampere                             SI
µA                 A                                     Ampere                             SI
uA                 A                                     Ampere                             SI
nA                 A                                     Ampere                             SI
pA                 A                                     Ampere                             SI
fA                 A                                     Ampere                             SI
aA                 A                                     Ampere                             SI
zA                 A                                     Ampere                             SI
yA                 A                                     Ampere                             SI

V                  V                                     Volt                               SI
YV                 V                                     Volt                               SI
ZV                 V                                     Volt                               SI
EV                 V                                     Volt                               SI
PV                 V                                     Volt                               SI
TV                 V                                     Volt                               SI
GV                 V                                     Volt                               SI
MV                 V                                     Volt                               SI
kV                 V                                     Volt                               SI
hV                 V                                     Volt                               SI
daV                V                                     Volt                               SI
dV                 V                                     Volt                               SI
cV                 V                                     Volt                               SI
mV                 V                                     Volt                               SI
µV                 V                                     Volt                               SI
uV                 V                                     Volt                               SI
nV                 V                                     Volt                               SI
pV                 V                                     Volt                               SI
fV                 V                                     Volt                               SI
aV                 V                                     Volt                               SI
zV                 V                                     Volt                               SI
yV                 V                                     Volt                               SI

R                  R                                     Rayleigh (unit)                    SI

G                  G                                     Gauss (unit)                       SI
aG                 G                                     Attogauss                          SI
cG                 G                                     Centigauss                         SI
daG                G                                     Decagauss                          SI
dG                 G                                     Decigauss                          SI
EG                 G                                     Exagauss                           SI
fG                 G                                     Femtogauss                         SI
GG                 G                                     Gigagauss                          SI
hG                 G                                     Hectogauss                         SI
kG                 G                                     Kilogauss                          SI
MG                 G                                     Megagauss                          SI
mG                 G                                     Milligauss                         SI
muG                G                                     Microgauss                         SI
µG                 G                                     Microgauss                         SI
nG                 G                                     Nanogauss                          SI
PG                 G                                     Petagauss                          SI
pG                 G                                     Picogauss                          SI
TG                 G                                     Teragauss                          SI
yG                 G                                     Yoctogauss                         SI
YG                 G                                     Yottagauss                         SI
zG                 G                                     Zeptogauss                         SI
ZG                 G                                     Zettagauss                         SI

T                  T                                     Tesla (unit)                       SI
aT                 T                                     Attotesla                          SI
cT                 T                                     Centitesla                         SI
daT                T                                     Decatesla                          SI
dT                 T                                     Decitesla                          SI
ET                 T                                     Exatesla                           SI
fT                 T                                     Femtotesla                         SI
GT                 T                                     Gigatesla                          SI
hT                 T                                     Hectotesla                         SI
kT                 T                                     Kilotesla                          SI
MT                 T                                     Megatesla                          SI
mT                 T                                     Millitesla                         SI
muT                T                                     Microtesla                         SI
µT                 T                                     Microtesla                         SI
nT                 T                                     Nanotesla                          SI
PT                 T                                     Petatesla                          SI
pT                 T                                     Picotesla                          SI
TT                 T                                     Teratesla                          SI
yT                 T                                     Yoctotesla                         SI
YT                 T                                     Yottatesla                         SI
zT                 T                                     Zeptotesla                         SI
ZT                 T                                     Zettatesla                         SI

== Astrophysics ==
au                 au                                    Astronomical unit
c                  ''c''                                 Speed of light
ly                 ly                                    Light-year
Earth mass         ''M''<sub>⊕</sub>                     Earth mass
Earth radius       ''R''<sub>⊕</sub>                     Earth radius
M_Earth            ''M''<sub>⊕</sub>                     Earth mass
R_Earth            ''R''<sub>⊕</sub>                     Earth radius
Jupiter mass       ''M''<sub>J</sub>                     Jupiter mass
Jupiter radius     ''R''<sub>J</sub>                     Jupiter radius
M_Jupiter          ''M''<sub>J</sub>                     Jupiter mass
R_Jupiter          ''R''<sub>J</sub>                     Jupiter radius
Solar mass         ''M''<sub>&#x2609;</sub>              Solar mass
solar mass         ''M''<sub>&#x2609;</sub>              Solar mass
M_Solar            ''M''<sub>&#x2609;</sub>              Solar mass
M_solar            ''M''<sub>&#x2609;</sub>              Solar mass
R_Solar            ''R''<sub>&#x2609;</sub>              Solar radius
R_solar            ''R''<sub>&#x2609;</sub>              Solar radius
Solar radius       ''R''<sub>&#x2609;</sub>              Solar radius
solar radius       ''R''<sub>&#x2609;</sub>              Solar radius
Solar luminosity   ''L''<sub>&#x2609;</sub>              Solar luminosity
solar luminosity   ''L''<sub>&#x2609;</sub>              Solar luminosity
L_solar            ''L''<sub>&#x2609;</sub>              Solar luminosity
L_Solar            ''L''<sub>&#x2609;</sub>              Solar luminosity
pc2                pc<sup>2</sup>                        Parsec
pc3                pc<sup>3</sup>                        Parsec
kpc2               kpc<sup>2</sup>                       Parsec#Parsecs and kiloparsecs
kpc3               kpc<sup>3</sup>                       Parsec#Parsecs and kiloparsecs
kpc                kpc                                   Parsec#Parsecs and kiloparsecs
Mpc2               Mpc<sup>2</sup>                       Parsec#Megaparsecs and gigaparsecs
Mpc3               Mpc<sup>3</sup>                       Parsec#Megaparsecs and gigaparsecs
Mpc                Mpc                                   Parsec#Megaparsecs and gigaparsecs
Gpc2               Gpc<sup>2</sup>                       Parsec#Megaparsecs and gigaparsecs
Gpc3               Gpc<sup>3</sup>                       Parsec#Megaparsecs and gigaparsecs
Gpc                Gpc                                   Parsec#Megaparsecs and gigaparsecs

== Nuclear Physics and Chemistry ==
cm-1               cm<sup>−1</sup>                       Wavenumber
u                  u                                     Atomic mass unit
osmol              osmol                                 Osmole (unit)
Osm                Osm                                   Osmole (unit)
kg/mol             kg/mol                                Molar mass
kg.mol-1           kg&sdot;mol<sup>−1</sup>              Molar mass
g/mol              g/mol                                 Molar mass
g.mol-1            g&sdot;mol<sup>−1</sup>               Molar mass
eV/c2              eV/''c''<sup>2</sup>                  Electronvolt#Mass
keV/c2             keV/''c''<sup>2</sup>                 Electronvolt#Mass
MeV/c2             MeV/''c''<sup>2</sup>                 Electronvolt#Mass
GeV/c2             GeV/''c''<sup>2</sup>                 Electronvolt#Mass
TeV/c2             TeV/''c''<sup>2</sup>                 Electronvolt#Mass
µN                 µ<span style="display:inline-block;margin-bottom:-0.3em;vertical-align:-0.4em;line-height:1.2em;font-size:85%;text-align:left"><br />N</span>     Nuclear magneton
µB                 µ<span style="display:inline-block;margin-bottom:-0.3em;vertical-align:-0.4em;line-height:1.2em;font-size:85%;text-align:left"><br />B</span>     Bohr magneton
eV                 eV                                    Electronvolt
mev                meV                                   Electronvolt
keV                keV                                   Electronvolt
MeV                MeV                                   Electronvolt
GeV                GeV                                   Electronvolt
TeV                TeV                                   Electronvolt
J/mol              J/mol                                 Joule per mole
J.mol-1            J&sdot;mol<sup>−1</sup>               Joule per mole
kJ.mol-1           kJ&sdot;mol<sup>−1</sup>              Joule per mole
kJ/mol             kJ/mol                                Joule per mole
MJ.mol-1           MJ&sdot;mol<sup>−1</sup>              Joule per mole
MJ/mol             MJ/mol                                Joule per mole
GJ/mol             GJ/mol                                Joule per mole
GJ.mol-1           GJ&sdot;mol<sup>−1</sup>              Joule per mole
TJ.mol-1           TJ&sdot;mol<sup>−1</sup>              Joule per mole
TJ/mol             TJ/mol                                Joule per mole

== Numbers and phrases ==
pp                 pp                                    Page (paper)
ppb                ppb                                   Parts per billion                      1e-9
ppm                ppm                                   Parts per million                      1e-6
billiard           billiard                              Orders of magnitude (numbers)#1015     1e15
billion            billion                               1,000,000,000                          1e9
billionth          billionth                             1,000,000,000                          1e-9
billionths         billionths                            1,000,000,000                          1e-9
decilliard         decilliard                            Orders of magnitude (numbers)#1063     1e63
decillion          decillion                             Orders of magnitude (numbers)#1033     1e33
decillionth        decillionth                           Orders of magnitude (numbers)#1033     1e-33
decillionths       decillionths                          Orders of magnitude (numbers)#1033     1e-33
milliard           milliard                              1,000,000,000                          1e9
million            million                               Million                                1e6
millionth          millionth                             Million                                1e-6
millionths         millionths                            Million                                1e-6
nonilliard         nonilliard                            Orders of magnitude (numbers)#1057     1e57
nonillion          nonillion                             Orders of magnitude (numbers)#1030     1e30
nonillionth        nonillionth                           Orders of magnitude (numbers)#1030     1e-30
nonillionths       nonillionths                          Orders of magnitude (numbers)#1030     1e-30
octilliard         octilliard                            Orders of magnitude (numbers)#1051     1e51
octillion          octillion                             Orders of magnitude (numbers)#1027     1e27
octillionth        octillionth                           Orders of magnitude (numbers)#1027     1e-27
octillionths       octillionths                          Orders of magnitude (numbers)#1027     1e-27
quadrilliard       quadrilliard                          Orders of magnitude (numbers)#1027     1e27
quadrillion        quadrillion                           Orders of magnitude (numbers)#1015     1e15
quadrillionth      quadrillionth                         Orders of magnitude (numbers)#1015     1e-15
quadrillionths     quadrillionths                        Orders of magnitude (numbers)#1015     1e-15
quintilliard       quintilliard                          Orders of magnitude (numbers)#1033     1e33
quintillion        quintillion                           Orders of magnitude (numbers)#1018     1e18
quintillionth      quintillionth                         Orders of magnitude (numbers)#1018     1e-18
quintillionths     quintillionths                        Orders of magnitude (numbers)#1018     1e-18
septilliard        septilliard                           Orders of magnitude (numbers)#1045     1e45
septillion         septillion                            Orders of magnitude (numbers)#1024     1e24
septillionth       septillionth                          Orders of magnitude (numbers)#1024     1e-24
septillionths      septillionths                         Orders of magnitude (numbers)#1024     1e-24
sextilliard        sextilliard                           Orders of magnitude (numbers)#1039     1e39
sextillion         sextillion                            Orders of magnitude (numbers)#1021     1e21
sextillionth       sextillionth                          Orders of magnitude (numbers)#1021     1e-21
sextillionths      sextillionths                         Orders of magnitude (numbers)#1021     1e-21
trilliard          trilliard                             Orders of magnitude (numbers)#1021     1e21
trillion           trillion                              Orders of magnitude (numbers)#1012     1e12
trillionth         trillionth                            Orders of magnitude (numbers)#1012     1e-12
trillionths        trillionths                           Orders of magnitude (numbers)#1012     1e-12


-- If val has "|long scale=on" the following definitions are used
-- (then, if not found here, the normal definitions are used).
-- Unit code       Symbol                                Link                                   Flags/Scale
local builtin_units_long_scale = [=[

== Long scale numbers and phrases ==
billion            billion                               Orders of magnitude (numbers)#1012     1e12
billionth          billionth                             Orders of magnitude (numbers)#1012     1e-12
billionths         billionths                            Orders of magnitude (numbers)#1012     1e-12
decillion          decillion                             Orders of magnitude (numbers)#1060     1e60
decillionth        decillionth                           Orders of magnitude (numbers)#1060     1e-60
decillionths       decillionths                          Orders of magnitude (numbers)#1060     1e-60
nonillion          nonillion                             Orders of magnitude (numbers)#1054     1e54
nonillionth        nonillionth                           Orders of magnitude (numbers)#1054     1e-54
nonillionths       nonillionths                          Orders of magnitude (numbers)#1054     1e-54
octillion          octillion                             Orders of magnitude (numbers)#1048     1e48
octillionth        octillionth                           Orders of magnitude (numbers)#1048     1e-48
octillionths       octillionths                          Orders of magnitude (numbers)#1048     1e-48
quadrillion        quadrillion                           Orders of magnitude (numbers)#1024     1e24
quadrillionth      quadrillionth                         Orders of magnitude (numbers)#1024     1e-24
quadrillionths     quadrillionths                        Orders of magnitude (numbers)#1024     1e-24
quintillion        quintillion                           Orders of magnitude (numbers)#1030     1e30
quintillionth      quintillionth                         Orders of magnitude (numbers)#1030     1e-30
quintillionths     quintillionths                        Orders of magnitude (numbers)#1030     1e-30
septillion         septillion                            Orders of magnitude (numbers)#1042     1e42
septillionth       septillionth                          Orders of magnitude (numbers)#1042     1e-42
septillionths      septillionths                         Orders of magnitude (numbers)#1042     1e-42
sextillion         sextillion                            Orders of magnitude (numbers)#1036     1e36
sextillionth       sextillionth                          Orders of magnitude (numbers)#1036     1e-36
sextillionths      sextillionths                         Orders of magnitude (numbers)#1036     1e-36
trillion           trillion                              Orders of magnitude (numbers)#1018     1e18
trillionth         trillionth                            Orders of magnitude (numbers)#1018     1e-18
trillionths        trillionths                           Orders of magnitude (numbers)#1018     1e-18


return { builtin_units = builtin_units, builtin_units_long_scale = builtin_units_long_scale }
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