B-17 Flying Fortress - Photo of B-17 42-3491

Delivered Denver 11/7/43; Grenier 18/8/43; Assigned 812BS/482BG [MI-G] Alconbury 20/8/43 (H2-X); Missing in Action Berlin 6/3/44 with Maj Fred Rabo, Co-pilot: John Morgan, Ball turret gunner: Bill Westcott, Waist gunner: Steve Keaton (4 Prisoner of War); Navigator: Capt John Crotty{385BG}, rad/nav-Capt Ken Klotz, Bombardier: Capt Lou Dentoni, Flight engineer/top turret gunner: Francis Foote, to-Tom Kon, Waist gunner: Ed Friesorger,Tail gunner: Lt Walter Regoli{385BG}, Mis/CO-Col Russell Wilson{4BW} (6 Killed in Action); flak hit, ship broke up and crashed Lake Harvel, near Berlin, Ger. Missing Air Crew Report 3362.