Submit a New Convention
To submit information about a NEW CONVENTION (or the next dates for a convention we've listed in the past), use the form below.
To update information on a convention that's already listed, please go to that convention's page and use the "Update" link at the bottom. If this convention is not an anime convention, it may already be listed on Policy on Listed Events
Before submitting, please read our Policy on Listed Events.Recent Change to Policy on Listed Events
In order to keep the site focused on conventions, we no longer accept submissions for collectible and hobbyist shows. This includes card shows, pin collecting shows, swap meets, flea markets, garage sales, fan marketplaces, and other events which are entirely sales-based. We also no longer accept events at comic or collectible shops promoted as "conventions" or "mini-cons".Any of these events which were already listed will remain listed, but we will no longer accept new listings for future events of this type.
You may refer to our announcement of the policy change.