- Der Windham–Campbell Literature Prize ist ein US-amerikanischer Literaturpreis, benannt nach dem Schriftsteller Donald Windham und seinem Lebensgefährten, dem Schauspieler . Das Preisgeld beträgt acht Mal 165.000 US-Dollar, womit der Preis zu einem der höchstdotierten Literaturpreise der Welt gehört (und in manchen Kategorien sogar der höchstdotierte Literaturpreis ist). Der Preis wird im Auftrag der Yale University vergeben. (de)
- Le Prix de littérature Windham-Campbell (du nom de Donald Windham et Sandy M. Campbell) est un prix littéraire américain décerné dans trois catégories : fiction, essai et théâtre. Ce prix a été créé grâce à une donation du romancier américain Donald Windham et de sa compagne Sandy M. Campbell. Le prix est attribué par l'université Yale. La première récompense a été attribuée en 2013.Neuf prix sont attribués chaque année. Les gagnants reçoivent la somme de 150 000 dollars. Administré par la Bibliothèque Beinecke de livres rares et manuscrits, le prix récompense les auteurs en langue anglaise sur le plan international. Le but de ce prix est d'attirer l'attention sur la création littéraire et de permettre aux auteurs de se dédier à leurs écrits en toute indépendance financière. (fr)
- I Premi Letterari Windham–Campbell (Donald Windham Sandy M. Campbell Literature Prizes) sono una serie di riconoscimenti letterari assegnati annualmente a scrittori di lingua inglese di tutte le nazionalità. Sono stati istituiti nel 2011 per onorare la volontà dello scrittore morto l'anno prima, e del suo compagno, l'attore , morto nel 1988, entrambi biliofili con il sogno di creare un fondo che premiasse l'alta qualità lettaeraria e consentisse agli autori di concentrarsi sul proprio lavoro. Suddivisi in 4 categorie (narrativa, saggistica, drammaturgia e teatro) e amministrati dalla Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library dell'Università Yale, riconosce ad ogni vincitore un premio di 165.000 dollari. (it)
- The Donald Windham Sandy M. Campbell Literature Prizes is an American literary award which offers prizes in four categories: fiction, nonfiction, poetry and drama. The award was established at Yale University in 2011 with the first prizes presented in 2013. Administered by the Beinecke Rare Book & Manuscript Library, the award recognizes English language writers from anywhere in the world. The mission of the award is to call attention to literary achievement and provide writers the opportunity to focus on their work independent of financial concerns. Eight prizes are awarded annually. Winners receive a citation and an unrestricted remuneration of $165,000. The individual prizes are among the richest literary prize amounts in the world, if not the richest in certain categories. The award is endowed from the combined estates of writer Donald Windham and actor Sandy Campbell. Campbell was Windham's companion of 45 years, and when Campbell died in 1988 he left his estate to Windham with the understanding a literary award would be created from the combined estate after Windham's death. Windham died in 2010, and in 2011 Yale announced they would become administrators of the new award. The inaugural winners were announced in March 2013. (en)
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- Der Windham–Campbell Literature Prize ist ein US-amerikanischer Literaturpreis, benannt nach dem Schriftsteller Donald Windham und seinem Lebensgefährten, dem Schauspieler . Das Preisgeld beträgt acht Mal 165.000 US-Dollar, womit der Preis zu einem der höchstdotierten Literaturpreise der Welt gehört (und in manchen Kategorien sogar der höchstdotierte Literaturpreis ist). Der Preis wird im Auftrag der Yale University vergeben. (de)
- Le Prix de littérature Windham-Campbell (du nom de Donald Windham et Sandy M. Campbell) est un prix littéraire américain décerné dans trois catégories : fiction, essai et théâtre. Ce prix a été créé grâce à une donation du romancier américain Donald Windham et de sa compagne Sandy M. Campbell. Le prix est attribué par l'université Yale. La première récompense a été attribuée en 2013.Neuf prix sont attribués chaque année. Les gagnants reçoivent la somme de 150 000 dollars. (fr)
- The Donald Windham Sandy M. Campbell Literature Prizes is an American literary award which offers prizes in four categories: fiction, nonfiction, poetry and drama. The award was established at Yale University in 2011 with the first prizes presented in 2013. Administered by the Beinecke Rare Book & Manuscript Library, the award recognizes English language writers from anywhere in the world. The mission of the award is to call attention to literary achievement and provide writers the opportunity to focus on their work independent of financial concerns. Eight prizes are awarded annually. (en)
- I Premi Letterari Windham–Campbell (Donald Windham Sandy M. Campbell Literature Prizes) sono una serie di riconoscimenti letterari assegnati annualmente a scrittori di lingua inglese di tutte le nazionalità. Sono stati istituiti nel 2011 per onorare la volontà dello scrittore morto l'anno prima, e del suo compagno, l'attore , morto nel 1988, entrambi biliofili con il sogno di creare un fondo che premiasse l'alta qualità lettaeraria e consentisse agli autori di concentrarsi sul proprio lavoro. (it)
- Windham–Campbell Literature Prize (de)
- Prix de littérature Windham-Campbell (fr)
- Premi Letterari Windham–Campbell (it)
- Windham–Campbell Literature Prizes (en)
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