- Henry Wellesley Wild (born April 27, 1972) is an American screenwriter, producer, and voice actor. He is best known for writing and producing several episodes of the animated series Family Guy. He was a former executive producer and an occasional voice actor for the show. Wild attended Westminster School, a Founders League prep school located in Simsbury, Connecticut. Family Guy creator Seth MacFarlane also attended another Founders League school, the Kent School in Kent, Connecticut. Wild also wrote for The Late Late Show with Craig Kilborn during the show's first year. (en)
- Henry Wellesley Wild (New York, 27 aprile 1972) è uno sceneggiatore e produttore televisivo statunitense, noto per la sua collaborazione nella serie animata I Griffin, di cui è anche produttore esecutivo e, in più occasioni, ha doppiato anche alcuni personaggi. (it)
- Wellesley Wild är en amerikansk författare och producent av tecknad film, mest känd för sitt arbete med den tecknade serien Family Guy. Han är för närvarande co-exekutiv producent och gör en och annan röstroll för showen. Wild anställdes som medarbetare till serien Family Guy år 2005 och har sedan dess varit med och skrivit (helt eller delvis) och/eller producerat bland annat följande avsnitt: "North by North Quahog", "Fast Times at Buddy Cianci Jr. High", "Petarded", "PTV", "Petergeist". "Untitled Griffin Family History", "Stu and Stewie's Excellent Adventure", "Chick Cancer", "Barely Legal", "Road to Rupert", "Airport '07", "McStroke", "Long John Peter", "Tales of a Third Grade Nothing", "Family Gay", "Peter's Progress", "Road to the Multiverse". Ofta skriver Wild sina avsnitt tillsammans med kollegan Alec Sulkin. Wild var även författare till The Late Late Show med Craig Kilborn under seriens första år. (sv)
- Henry Wellesley Wild (born April 27, 1972) is an American screenwriter, producer, and voice actor. He is best known for writing and producing several episodes of the animated series Family Guy. He was a former executive producer and an occasional voice actor for the show. Wild attended Westminster School, a Founders League prep school located in Simsbury, Connecticut. Family Guy creator Seth MacFarlane also attended another Founders League school, the Kent School in Kent, Connecticut. Wild also wrote for The Late Late Show with Craig Kilborn during the show's first year. (en)
- Henry Wellesley Wild (New York, 27 aprile 1972) è uno sceneggiatore e produttore televisivo statunitense, noto per la sua collaborazione nella serie animata I Griffin, di cui è anche produttore esecutivo e, in più occasioni, ha doppiato anche alcuni personaggi. (it)
- Wellesley Wild är en amerikansk författare och producent av tecknad film, mest känd för sitt arbete med den tecknade serien Family Guy. Han är för närvarande co-exekutiv producent och gör en och annan röstroll för showen. Ofta skriver Wild sina avsnitt tillsammans med kollegan Alec Sulkin. Wild var även författare till The Late Late Show med Craig Kilborn under seriens första år. (sv)