- كونغرس ولاية واشنطن (بالإنجليزية: Washington State Legislature) هي الهيئة التشريعية لولاية واشنطن، التي تعقد داخل مقر الولاية في واشنطن، تتكون من المجلس الأعلى مجلس شيوخ ولاية واشنطن الذي يضم 49 مقعداً، والمجلس الأدنى مجلس نواب واشنطن الذي يضم 98 مقعداً. (ar)
- Die Washington State Legislature ist die State Legislature und damit die Legislative des US-Bundesstaats Washington. Sie wurde durch die staatliche Verfassung 1889 geschaffen und besteht aus dem Repräsentantenhaus von Washington, das als Unterhaus fungiert, sowie dem Senat von Washington als Oberhaus. Die State Legislature tagt im in Olympia, das auch Sitz des Gouverneurs und seines Stellvertreters ist. Das Repräsentantenhaus besteht aus 98 Mitgliedern, der Senat aus 49. Das Repräsentantenhaus wird für zwei Jahre gewählt. Die Amtszeit der Senatoren beträgt vier Jahre, jeweils die Hälfte des Senats wird gleichzeitig mit dem Repräsentantenhaus gewählt. Der Wahltag fällt mit dem des Bundeskongresses zusammen. In jedem Wahlbezirk werden ein Senator und zwei Mitglieder des Repräsentantenhauses gewählt, für letztere hat jeder Wähler daher zwei Stimmen. Wählbar sind US-Bürger, die im Wählerregister eingetragen sind. Das Mindestalter für beide Häuser beträgt 18 Jahre. Die National Conference of State Legislatures (NCSL) ordnet die State Legislature von Washington als „hybrid“ zwischen einem Vollzeit- und einem Teilzeitparlament ein. Mit einer Vergütung von 56.881 USD pro Jahr und 120 USD pro Sitzungstag (2020) liegen die Abgeordneten im Mittelfeld der Staatsparlamentarier. (de)
- La Legislatura Estatal de Washington (en inglés: Washington State Legislature) es la legislatura estatal (órgano encargado del Poder legislativo) del estado de Washington, en Estados Unidos. Es un organismo bicameral, compuesto por la Cámara de Representantes de Washington, compuesta por 98 Representantes, y el Senado Estatal de Washington, con 49 senadores, más el vicegobernador actuando como presidente. El estado está dividido en 49 distritos legislativos, cada uno de los cuales elige un senador y dos representantes. La Legislatura del Estado se reúne en el Edificio Legislativo del Capitolio del Estado de Washington, en Olympia . . A partir de marzo de 2021, los demócratas controlan ambas cámaras de la legislatura del estado de Washington. Los demócratas tienen una mayoría de 57 a 41 en la Cámara de Representantes y una mayoría de 28 a 21 en el Senado (con un senador demócrata reunido con los 20 republicanos). (es)
- La législature d'État de Washington (en anglais : Washington State Legislature) est l'organe législatif du gouvernement de l'État américain de Washington. Institution bicamérale, la législature est composée d'une chambre basse, la Chambre des représentants (98 représentants), ainsi que d'une chambre haute, le Sénat (49 sénateurs). (fr)
- The Washington State Legislature is the state legislature of the U.S. state of Washington. It is a bicameral body, composed of the lower Washington House of Representatives, composed of 98 Representatives, and the upper Washington State Senate, with 49 Senators plus the Lieutenant Governor acting as president. The state is divided into 49 legislative districts, each of which elect one senator and two representatives. The State Legislature meets in the Legislative Building at the Washington State Capitol in Olympia. As of January 2021, Democrats control both houses of the Washington State Legislature. Democrats hold a 57-41 majority in the House of Representatives and a 28-21 majority in the Senate (with one Democratic senator caucusing with the 20 Republicans). (en)
- Легіслатура штату Вашингтон — законодавчий орган американського штату Вашингтон. Легіслатура є партійним двопалатним органом, і складається із , який є верхньою палатою і в якому 49 сенаторів, та із , яка є нижньою палатою і в якій 98 представників. Територія штату поділена на 49 виборчих округів, в кожному з них обирається по одному сенатору та по два представники. Легіслатура збирається в будівлі Капітолію штату Вашингтон в столиці штату, місті Олимпія. Наразі, демократи мають контроль над обома палатами легіслатури маючи в Сенаті 28 депутатів із 49 та в Палаті представників 57 депутатів із 98. (uk)
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- 49 (xsd:nonNegativeInteger)
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- Seal_of_Washington.svg (en)
- 2017-11-15 (xsd:date)
- 2020-01-13 (xsd:date)
- 2021-01-13 (xsd:date)
- Senate (en)
- House of Representatives (en)
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- 2020-11-03 (xsd:date)
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- President Pro Tem of the Senate (en)
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- 49 (xsd:integer)
- 98 (xsd:integer)
- 147 (xsd:integer)
- Washington State Legislature (en)
- 2022-11-08 (xsd:date)
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- * (en)
- Democratic (en)
- Republican (en)
- Majority
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- Minority
* (en)
- Democrat Caucusing with Republicans (en)
- Majority Caucus
* (en)
- Minority Caucus
* (en)
- WACapitolLegislativeBldg.jpg (en)
- Washington State House 2021.svg (en)
- WashingtonStateSenate66.svg (en)
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- كونغرس ولاية واشنطن (بالإنجليزية: Washington State Legislature) هي الهيئة التشريعية لولاية واشنطن، التي تعقد داخل مقر الولاية في واشنطن، تتكون من المجلس الأعلى مجلس شيوخ ولاية واشنطن الذي يضم 49 مقعداً، والمجلس الأدنى مجلس نواب واشنطن الذي يضم 98 مقعداً. (ar)
- La législature d'État de Washington (en anglais : Washington State Legislature) est l'organe législatif du gouvernement de l'État américain de Washington. Institution bicamérale, la législature est composée d'une chambre basse, la Chambre des représentants (98 représentants), ainsi que d'une chambre haute, le Sénat (49 sénateurs). (fr)
- Die Washington State Legislature ist die State Legislature und damit die Legislative des US-Bundesstaats Washington. Sie wurde durch die staatliche Verfassung 1889 geschaffen und besteht aus dem Repräsentantenhaus von Washington, das als Unterhaus fungiert, sowie dem Senat von Washington als Oberhaus. Die State Legislature tagt im in Olympia, das auch Sitz des Gouverneurs und seines Stellvertreters ist. Wählbar sind US-Bürger, die im Wählerregister eingetragen sind. Das Mindestalter für beide Häuser beträgt 18 Jahre. (de)
- La Legislatura Estatal de Washington (en inglés: Washington State Legislature) es la legislatura estatal (órgano encargado del Poder legislativo) del estado de Washington, en Estados Unidos. Es un organismo bicameral, compuesto por la Cámara de Representantes de Washington, compuesta por 98 Representantes, y el Senado Estatal de Washington, con 49 senadores, más el vicegobernador actuando como presidente. El estado está dividido en 49 distritos legislativos, cada uno de los cuales elige un senador y dos representantes. . (es)
- The Washington State Legislature is the state legislature of the U.S. state of Washington. It is a bicameral body, composed of the lower Washington House of Representatives, composed of 98 Representatives, and the upper Washington State Senate, with 49 Senators plus the Lieutenant Governor acting as president. The state is divided into 49 legislative districts, each of which elect one senator and two representatives. The State Legislature meets in the Legislative Building at the Washington State Capitol in Olympia. (en)
- Легіслатура штату Вашингтон — законодавчий орган американського штату Вашингтон. Легіслатура є партійним двопалатним органом, і складається із , який є верхньою палатою і в якому 49 сенаторів, та із , яка є нижньою палатою і в якій 98 представників. Територія штату поділена на 49 виборчих округів, в кожному з них обирається по одному сенатору та по два представники. Легіслатура збирається в будівлі Капітолію штату Вашингтон в столиці штату, місті Олимпія. (uk)
- Washington State Legislature (en)
- كونغرس ولاية واشنطن (ar)
- Washington State Legislature (de)
- Legislatura Estatal de Washington (es)
- Législature d'État de Washington (fr)
- Легіслатура штату Вашингтон (uk)
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- Washington State Legislature (en)
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- dbr:Cal_Anderson
- dbr:Calvin_Goings
- dbr:Calvin_S._Barlow
- dbr:Carnation,_Washington
- dbr:Carolyn_Eslick
- dbr:Precinct_captain
- dbr:Primary_State_Highway_6_(Washington)
- dbr:Progressive_Party_(United_States,_1912)
- dbr:Puget_Sound_Regional_Council
- dbr:Robinson,_Illinois
- dbr:Rod_Chandler
- dbr:Rosa_Franklin
- dbr:Rosemary_McAuliffe
- dbr:Sam_Cho
- dbr:Samuel_Hill
- dbr:Scott_White_(politician)
- dbr:Electoral_reform_in_Washington_(state)
- dbr:List_of_Washington_ballot_measures
- dbr:List_of_Washington_state_agencies
- dbr:List_of_Washington_state_legislatures
- dbr:List_of_Washington_state_symbols
- dbr:List_of_Wesleyan_University_people_in_politics_and_government
- dbr:List_of_faculty_and_alumni_of_John_Carroll_University
- dbr:List_of_first_African-American_U.S._state_legislators
- dbr:List_of_first_Native_American_U.S._state_legislators
- dbr:Mercer_Girls
- dbr:Metro_Parks_Tacoma
- dbr:Pat_Thibaudeau
- dbr:Washington's_42nd_legislative_district
- dbr:Washington's_1st_legislative_district
- dbr:2012_United_States_presidential_election_in_Washington_(state)
- dbr:2012_Washington_Initiative_502
- dbr:Belle_Reeves
- dbr:Bellevue_College
- dbr:Bob_Drewel
- dbr:Brad_Owen
- dbr:Brad_Smith_(American_lawyer)
- dbr:Davenport_v._Washington_Education_Ass'n
- dbr:David_P._Bond_(author)
- dbr:David_Rolf
- dbr:Daylight_saving_time
- dbr:Daylight_saving_time_in_the_United_States
- dbr:Debbie_Regala
- dbr:Dennis_Flannigan
- dbr:Denny_Heck
- dbr:Aplets_&_Cotlets
- dbr:Howard_Schultz
- dbr:John_Spellman
- dbr:Jolene_Unsoeld
- dbr:Joseph_J._Tyson
- dbr:Julia_Butler_Hansen
- dbr:Julia_Cornelia_Slaughter
- dbr:Julia_Patterson
- dbr:List_of_Interstate_Highways_in_Washington
- dbr:List_of_United_States_state_legislatures
- dbr:List_of_Washington_state_parks
- dbr:List_of_enacting_clauses
- dbr:List_of_state_routes_in_Washington
- dbr:Paul_Kraabel
- dbr:Pearl_Anderson_Wanamaker
- dbr:Permanent_time_observation_in_the_United_States
- dbr:Rick_Olson_(Michigan_politician)
- dbr:Roads_and_Transit
- dbr:Charlene_Strong
- dbr:Unicameralism
- dbr:University_of_Puget_Sound
- dbr:University_of_Washington_College_of_Arts_and_Sciences
- dbr:Vader,_Washington
- dbr:Velma_Veloria
- dbr:Domestic_partnership_in_Washington_(state)
- dbr:Earl_Coe
- dbr:Index_of_Washington_(state)-related_articles
- dbr:Liberty_Bay
- dbr:Linda_Deziah_Jennings
- dbr:List_of_informally_named_dinosaurs
- dbr:List_of_people_killed_for_being_transgender
- dbr:Washington_Redistricting_Commission
- dbr:Washington's_9th_legislative_district
- dbr:Washington's_35th_legislative_district
- dbr:Washington's_3rd_legislative_district
- dbr:Washington's_48th_legislative_district
- dbr:Washington's_4th_legislative_district
- dbr:William_H._Gates_Hall
- dbr:Washington_State_Toll_Bridge_Authority
- dbr:White_Center_COVID-19_quarantine_site
- dbr:1894–95_United_States_Senate_elections
- dbr:1995_American_League_West_tie-breaker_game
- dbr:Communications_Workers_of_America_v._Beck
- dbr:Community_Transit
- dbr:Convention_Place_station
- dbr:Marysville,_Washington
- dbr:Medina,_Washington
- dbr:Melanie_Stambaugh
- dbr:Gay_panic_defense
- dbr:Olympic_Peninsula
- dbr:Washington's_25th_legislative_district
- dbr:Washington's_26th_legislative_district
- dbr:Washington's_43rd_legislative_district
- dbr:Washington's_41st_legislative_district
- dbr:Washington's_46th_legislative_district
- dbr:Seattle_Municipal_Court
- dbr:Seattle_Privacy_Coalition
- dbr:Seattle_SuperSonics_relocation_to_Oklahoma_City
- dbr:1891_State_Normal_School_at_Cheney_fire
- dbr:Chris_Marr
- dbr:Chris_Vance_(politician)
- dbr:City_Line_(Spokane,_Washington)
- dbr:Climate_Pledge_Arena
- dbr:Elizabeth_Scott_(politician)
- dbr:Ellensburg,_Washington
- dbr:Enumclaw_horse_sex_case
- dbr:Frank_Chopp
- dbr:Frank_Warnke
- dbr:George_Bush_(pioneer)
- dbr:George_Crawford_Britton
- dbr:George_W._Dilling
- dbr:Ginkgo_Petrified_Forest_State_Park
- dbr:Gordon_S._Clinton
- dbr:Grant_County,_Washington
- dbr:Grays_Harbor_County,_Washington
- dbr:Great_Northern_School_District
- dbr:Mossyrock_Dam
- dbr:Mount_Vernon,_Washington
- dbr:Mukai_Cold_Process_Fruit_Barrelling_Plant
- dbr:Murder_of_Georgann_Hawkins
- dbr:My-Linh_Thai
- dbr:Condon_Hall_(University_of_Washington)
- dbr:Conservative_Party_of_Washington
- dbr:LGBT_rights_in_Washington_(state)
- dbr:2018_Washington_Initiative_1631
- dbr:2019_United_States_state_legislative_elections
- dbr:2020_United_States_state_legislative_elections
- dbr:2012_Washington_Initiative_1185
- dbr:Bertha_(tunnel_boring_machine)
- dbr:Lester,_Washington
- dbr:Lewis_and_Clark_Bridge_(Columbia_River)
- dbr:Lewis_and_Clark_National_Historic_Trail
- dbr:Line_1_(Sound_Transit)
- dbr:Link_light_rail
- dbr:Lisa_Brown_(Washington_politician)
- dbr:List_of_Alpha_Phi_Omega_members
- dbr:Lois_Stratton
- dbr:Longacres
- dbr:Louie_Sam
- dbr:Lum_You
- dbr:Lumen_Field
- dbr:Lynnwood_Convention_Center
- dbr:MV_Chimacum
- dbr:MV_Samish
- dbr:Majority_Coalition_Caucus
- dbr:Camano–Whidbey_ferry
- dbr:Sid_Morrison
- dbr:Sid_Snyder
- dbr:State_highways_in_Washington
- dbr:Statue_of_Lenin_(Seattle)
- dbr:Steve_Hobbs_(Washington_politician)
- dbr:Steven_Nielson
- dbr:Stonerose_Interpretive_Center
- dbr:Comparison_of_U.S._state_and_territory_governments
- dbr:Competition_between_Airbus_and_Boeing
- dbr:Yuh-Line_Niou
- dbr:Howard_Costigan
- dbr:Joseph_Wicks
- dbr:Pacific_Northwest_Corridor
- dbr:Playhouse_Theatre_(Seattle)
- dbr:Terry_Pettus
- dbr:1964_state_highway_renumbering_(Washington)
- dbr:Ballard,_Seattle
- dbr:Bruce_Dammeier
- dbr:Burke_Museum_of_Natural_History_and_Culture
- dbr:Adele_Ferguson_(American_journalist)
- dbr:Ainsworth,_Washington
- dbr:Tim_Eyman
- dbr:Tomio_Moriguchi
- dbr:Tukwila,_Washington
- dbr:U.S._Route_12_in_Washington
- dbr:U.S._Route_195
- dbr:U.S._Route_197
- dbr:U.S._Route_2_in_Washington
- dbr:U.S._Route_395_in_Washington
- dbr:U.S._Route_730
- dbr:Walla_Walla,_Washington
- dbr:Washington's_10th_congressional_district
- dbr:Washington's_11th_legislative_district
- dbr:Washington_(state)
- dbr:Washington_Governor's_Mansion
- dbr:Washington_House_of_Representatives
- dbr:Washington_State_Capitol
- dbr:Washington_State_Democratic_Party
- dbr:Washington_State_Department_of_Agriculture
- dbr:Washington_State_Department_of_Corrections
- dbr:Washington_State_Department_of_Labor_and_Industries
- dbr:Washington_State_Department_of_Transportation
- dbr:Washington_State_Employment_Security_Department
- dbr:Washington_State_Guard
- dbr:Washington_State_History_Museum
- dbr:Washington_State_Route_100
- dbr:Washington_State_Route_106
- dbr:Washington_State_Route_109
- dbr:Washington_State_Route_16
- dbr:Washington_State_Route_168
- dbr:Washington_State_Route_18
- dbr:Washington_State_Route_20
- dbr:Washington_State_Route_211
- dbr:Washington_State_Route_213
- dbr:Washington_State_Route_240
- dbr:Washington_State_Route_243
- dbr:Washington_State_Route_270
- dbr:Washington_State_Route_276
- dbr:Washington_State_Route_304
- dbr:Washington_State_Route_305
- dbr:Washington_State_Route_397
- dbr:Washington_State_Route_403
- dbr:Washington_State_Route_510
- dbr:Washington_State_Route_512
- dbr:Washington_State_Route_520
- dbr:Washington_State_Route_522
- dbr:Washington_State_Route_523
- dbr:Washington_State_Route_530
- dbr:Washington_State_Route_531
- dbr:Washington_State_Route_539
- dbr:Washington_State_Route_546
- dbr:Washington_State_Route_706
- dbr:Washington_State_Route_92
- dbr:Washington_State_Route_971
- dbr:Washington_State_Route_99
- dbr:Washington_State_Senate
- dbr:Washington_State_University
- dbr:Washington_State_University_Spokane
- dbr:Washington_Women's_History_Consortium
- dbr:William_Henry_Mitchell
- dbr:William_Owen_Bush
- dbr:William_Strong_(Oregon_judge)
- dbr:Willis_Mahoney
- dbr:Winged_Victory_(Lewis)
- dbr:DreamAhead_College_Investment_Plan
- dbr:Harstine_Island,_Washington
- dbr:Law_of_Washington_(state)
- dbr:List_of_African-American_Republicans
- dbr:Washington's_24th_legislative_district
- dbr:Washington_State_Office_of_Superintendent_of_Public_Instruction
- dbr:Washington_court_system
- dbr:Washington's_40th_legislative_district
- dbr:Washington's_27th_legislative_district
- dbr:Washington_State_Department_of_Information_Services
- dbr:2016_Mukilteo_shooting
- dbr:Addison_G._Foster
- dbr:2006_Washington_State_Senate_election
- dbr:2009_Washington_Referendum_71
- dbr:Agate_Pass_Bridge
- dbr:Alaskan_Way_Viaduct
- dbr:Alaska–Yukon–Pacific_Exposition
- dbr:Albert_F._Canwell
- dbr:303rd_Cavalry_Regiment_(United_States)
- dbr:Eastern_Washington
- dbr:Eastern_Washington_University
- dbr:Edgar_Martínez
- dbr:Everett_Memorial_Stadium
- dbr:Ezra_Meeker
- dbr:Federal_Way,_Washington
- dbr:Flag_of_Washington
- dbr:Ballard_Locks
- dbr:Northwest_Seaport_Alliance
- dbr:Disciplinary_probation
- dbr:Government_and_politics_of_Seattle
- dbr:Government_of_New_Jersey
- dbr:Government_of_Washington_(state)
- dbr:History_of_Filipino_Americans
- dbr:History_of_Walla_Walla,_Washington
- dbr:The_Double_(Seattle_Mariners)
- dbr:Washington_State_Department_of_Archaeology_and_Historic_Preservation
- dbr:Gretchen_Carlson
- dbr:Henry_McBride_(politician)
- dbr:Highline_College
- dbr:Hiram_F._Smith
- dbr:Hiram_Gill
- dbr:Interstate_182
- dbr:Interstate_5_in_Washington
- dbr:Interstate_605_(Washington)
- dbr:Interstate_82
- dbr:Interstate_90_in_Washington
- dbr:J._J._Donovan
- dbr:J._T._Wilcox
- dbr:Jacob_Falconer
- dbr:James_E._West_(politician)
- dbr:Jamie_Pedersen
- dbr:Jay_Inslee
- dbr:Jean_Berkey
- dbr:Jeff_Morris_(politician)
- dbr:Jefferson_Davis_Park
- dbr:The_Jungle_(Seattle)
- dbr:Jefferson_Davis_Highway
- dbr:Same-sex_marriage_in_Washington_(state)
- dbr:Same-sex_marriage_in_the_United_States
- dbr:Arizona_State_Legislature
- dbr:Arlington,_Washington
- dbr:Asa_Mercer
- dbr:A_Modest_Video_Game_Proposal
- dbr:Chelsey_Glasson
- dbr:Cheney,_Washington
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