- The Vatin culture (Serbian: Ватинска култура, romanized: Vatinska kultura / or Ватинска група, Vatinska grupa) is a name of an prehistoric Bronze Age culture, which was named after Vatin, a village in Serbia. The culture had Indo-European roots and was culturally connected with Mycenaean Greece. The Vatin culture is dated to the middle Bronze Age and is generally divided into three phases: Pančevo-Omoljica, Vatin-Vršac, and Belegiš-Ilandža. It flourished from the 16th to the 13th century BC. The people of the Vatin culture inhabited the entire territory of Vojvodina (Banat, Bačka, Syrmia) and many surrounding areas (including Slavonia, Oltenia, Bosnia and Central Serbia). Its core area was in Serbian-Vojvodinian Podunavlje. The remains of this culture were discovered at the beginning of the 20th century near the village of Vatin (Banat region, Vojvodina province, Serbia). However the real importance of this culture was only realised at the end of the 20th century, when the locality of near the village of Mošorin was investigated. (en)
- Ватинская культура или Ватинская группа — археологическая группа бронзового века, названная по эпонимному поселению Ватин в Сербии. Культура имела индоевропейское происхождение, и была культурно связана с Микенской Грецией. (ru)
- Ватинская культура или Ватинская группа — археологическая группа бронзового века, названная по эпонимному поселению Ватин в Сербии. Культура имела индоевропейское происхождение, и была культурно связана с Микенской Грецией. (ru)
- The Vatin culture (Serbian: Ватинска култура, romanized: Vatinska kultura / or Ватинска група, Vatinska grupa) is a name of an prehistoric Bronze Age culture, which was named after Vatin, a village in Serbia. The culture had Indo-European roots and was culturally connected with Mycenaean Greece. The Vatin culture is dated to the middle Bronze Age and is generally divided into three phases: Pančevo-Omoljica, Vatin-Vršac, and Belegiš-Ilandža. It flourished from the 16th to the 13th century BC. (en)