- 『第十二書簡』(だいじゅうにしょかん、希: Ἐπιστολή ιβ'、羅: Epistula XII、英: Epistle XII, Twelfth Epistle, Twelfth Letter)は、プラトンの『書簡集』中の書簡の1つ。偽作と考えられる。 紀元前388年から紀元前367年の間、すなわち第1回シケリア旅行から第2回シケリア旅行の間の期間、プラトンが友人であるイタリア半島南部ターラス市のピタゴラス学派の政治家アルキュタスから、資料の覚書を受け取り、それに対する感謝と自分側の覚書の送付について述べている、という体裁となっている。 (ja)
- The Twelfth Letter of Plato, also known as Epistle XII or Letter XII, is an epistle that tradition has ascribed to Plato, though it is almost certainly a literary forgery. Of all the Epistles, it is the only one that is followed by an explicit denial of its authenticity in the manuscripts. In the Stephanus pagination, it spans 359c–e of Vol. III. Like the Ninth Letter, the Twelfth Letter is purportedly addressed to Archytas. It thanks him for sending Plato some treatises, which it then goes on to praise effusively, declaring its author worthy of his ancestors and including in their number Myrians, colonists from Troy during the reign of Laomedon. It then promises to send to Archytas some of Plato's unfinished treatises. Diogenes Laërtius preserves this letter in his Lives and Opinions of Eminent Philosophers, as well as a letter from Archytas which presumably occasioned the Twelfth Letter; This letter points to the treatises having been those of Ocellos of Lucania, a Pythagorean. Because the writings which are attributes to Ocellos are forgeries from the First Century BC, the Twelfth Letter is probably also a forgery, and by the same forger, intended to stamp the treatises with Plato's authority. There is no other mention of a Trojan colony in Italy from the reign of Laomedon, let alone of Lucania or the Lucani having been descended from the otherwise unknown "Myrians." R. G. Bury also notes that the Twelfth Letter, along with the Ninth, spell Archytas with an α, whereas Plato spells it in more authoritative epistles with an η (Αρχύτης). (en)
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- I am overjoyed at receiving the treatises that have come from you and am filled with admiration for their author, who seemed to me a man worthy of his ancient ancestors. These ancestors are said to have been Myrians, and to have been among the Trojans who emigrated under Laomedon. Good men they were, according to the accepted legend. As to the writings of mine about which you wrote, they are not yet completed, but I am sending them to you as they are. We are agreed that they ought to be guarded, so I need not admonish you on that point. (en)
- traditionally attributed to Plato (en)
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- 『第十二書簡』(だいじゅうにしょかん、希: Ἐπιστολή ιβ'、羅: Epistula XII、英: Epistle XII, Twelfth Epistle, Twelfth Letter)は、プラトンの『書簡集』中の書簡の1つ。偽作と考えられる。 紀元前388年から紀元前367年の間、すなわち第1回シケリア旅行から第2回シケリア旅行の間の期間、プラトンが友人であるイタリア半島南部ターラス市のピタゴラス学派の政治家アルキュタスから、資料の覚書を受け取り、それに対する感謝と自分側の覚書の送付について述べている、という体裁となっている。 (ja)
- The Twelfth Letter of Plato, also known as Epistle XII or Letter XII, is an epistle that tradition has ascribed to Plato, though it is almost certainly a literary forgery. Of all the Epistles, it is the only one that is followed by an explicit denial of its authenticity in the manuscripts. In the Stephanus pagination, it spans 359c–e of Vol. III. (en)
- 第十二書簡 (ja)
- Twelfth Letter (en)
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