- Tetsuji Takechi (武智 鉄二, Takechi Tetsuji), né le 10 décembre 1912 et mort le 26 juillet 1988, est un réalisateur, metteur en scène, un critique et un auteur. (fr)
- Tetsuji Takechi (武智 鉄二, Takechi Tetsuji, 10 December 1912 – 26 July 1988) was a Japanese theatrical and film director, critic, and author. First coming to prominence for his theatrical criticism, in the 1940s and 1950s he produced influential and popular experimental kabuki plays. Beginning in the mid-1950s, he continued his innovative theatrical work in noh, kyōgen and modern theater. In late 1956 and early 1957 he hosted a popular TV program, The Tetsuji Takechi Hour, which featured his reinterpretations of Japanese stage classics. In the 1960s, Takechi entered the film industry by producing controversial soft-core theatrical pornography. His 1964 film Daydream was the first big-budget, mainstream pink film released in Japan. After the release of his 1965 film , the government arrested him on indecency charges. The trial became a public battle over censorship between Japan's intellectuals and the government. Takechi won the lawsuit, enabling the wave of softcore pink films which dominated Japan's domestic cinema during the 1960s and 1970s. In the later 1960s, Takechi produced three more pink films. Takechi did not work in film during most of the 1970s. In the 1980s, he remade Daydream twice, starring actress Kyōko Aizome in both films. The first Daydream remake (1981) is considered the first theatrical hardcore pornographic film in Japan. Though Takechi is largely unknown in Japan today, he was influential in both the cinema and the theater during his lifetime, and his innovations in kabuki were felt for decades. He also helped shape the future of the pink film in Japan through his battles against governmental censorship, earning him the titles, "The Father of Pink" and "The Father of Japanese Porn." (en)
- 武智 鉄二(たけち てつじ、旧字体:鐡二、大正元年(1912年)12月10日 - 昭和63年(1988年)7月26日)は、大阪市出身の日本の演劇評論家、演出家、映画監督。役者の型や口伝に影響されない狂言作者の意図に忠実なを世に問うたことで知られる。歌舞伎のみならず、能や文楽、オペラ、舞踏、映画の演出も手がけ、わいせつ図画公然陳列罪で起訴された「黒い雪裁判」の被告人の一人としても知られる。本名ははじめ武智 鐡二、のち西村 鐡二(にしむら てつじ)、のち川口 鐡二(かわぐち てつじ)。 日本演劇学会、伝統芸術の会、日本文芸家協会、日本オペラ協会、日本演劇協会、各会員。 (ja)
- Tetsuji Takechi (Osaka, 10 dicembre 1912 – 26 luglio 1988) è stato un regista giapponese. È considerato il padre del genere Pinku eiga, nato con l'uscita del suo film Daydream nel 1964. (it)
- Tetsuji Takechi (武智 鉄二, Takechi Tetsuji), né le 10 décembre 1912 et mort le 26 juillet 1988, est un réalisateur, metteur en scène, un critique et un auteur. (fr)
- 武智 鉄二(たけち てつじ、旧字体:鐡二、大正元年(1912年)12月10日 - 昭和63年(1988年)7月26日)は、大阪市出身の日本の演劇評論家、演出家、映画監督。役者の型や口伝に影響されない狂言作者の意図に忠実なを世に問うたことで知られる。歌舞伎のみならず、能や文楽、オペラ、舞踏、映画の演出も手がけ、わいせつ図画公然陳列罪で起訴された「黒い雪裁判」の被告人の一人としても知られる。本名ははじめ武智 鐡二、のち西村 鐡二(にしむら てつじ)、のち川口 鐡二(かわぐち てつじ)。 日本演劇学会、伝統芸術の会、日本文芸家協会、日本オペラ協会、日本演劇協会、各会員。 (ja)
- Tetsuji Takechi (Osaka, 10 dicembre 1912 – 26 luglio 1988) è stato un regista giapponese. È considerato il padre del genere Pinku eiga, nato con l'uscita del suo film Daydream nel 1964. (it)
- Tetsuji Takechi (武智 鉄二, Takechi Tetsuji, 10 December 1912 – 26 July 1988) was a Japanese theatrical and film director, critic, and author. First coming to prominence for his theatrical criticism, in the 1940s and 1950s he produced influential and popular experimental kabuki plays. Beginning in the mid-1950s, he continued his innovative theatrical work in noh, kyōgen and modern theater. In late 1956 and early 1957 he hosted a popular TV program, The Tetsuji Takechi Hour, which featured his reinterpretations of Japanese stage classics. (en)