The following is a list of Teen Choice Award winners and nominees for Choice TV Actress - Action. This award was first introduced (along with Choice TV Actor - Action and Choice TV - Action) in 2008.
The following is a list of Teen Choice Award winners and nominees for Choice TV Actress - Action. This award was first introduced (along with Choice TV Actor - Action and Choice TV - Action) in 2008. (en)
青少年選擇獎最佳電視動作女演員(Teen Choice Award for Choice TV Actress Action)是美國青少年選擇獎針對電視類動作片女演員獲獎者和被提名者名單。該獎項於2008年首次推出(與青少年選擇獎最佳電視動作男演員一同增設)。 (zh)
The following is a list of Teen Choice Award winners and nominees for Choice TV Actress - Action. This award was first introduced (along with Choice TV Actor - Action and Choice TV - Action) in 2008. (en)
青少年選擇獎最佳電視動作女演員(Teen Choice Award for Choice TV Actress Action)是美國青少年選擇獎針對電視類動作片女演員獲獎者和被提名者名單。該獎項於2008年首次推出(與青少年選擇獎最佳電視動作男演員一同增設)。 (zh)