- Christliche Namen sind zum Beispiel Vornamen, die oft auf den christlichen Glauben ihrer Träger verweisen, indem sie sich von Begriffen christlicher Theologie herleiten oder die Namen von Personen des Neuen oder auch des Alten Testaments aufgreifen. (de)
- Santutegi edo santuen izendegia bataio-izenak emateko erreferentziazkotzat hartzen den kristautasuneko santuen izen-zerrenda nolabait arautua da. Euskaraz horren adibide dira Sabin Arana eta Koldo Eleizalderen Deun-ixendegi euzkotarra, edo Euskaltzaindiaren 66. araua, Santutegiko Izen Ohikoenak arautzen dituena. Santuen izendegia santuen egutegiarekin ere lotua izan ohi da. (eu)
- A saint's name, which is usually also a biblical name, is the name of a saint given to individuals at their baptism or confirmation within the Catholic Church, as well as in certain parts of the Eastern Orthodox Churches, Oriental Orthodox Churches, Lutheran Churches and Anglican Communion. It is believed that the saint whose name is chosen will serve as a special patron to protect, guide, and be the heavenly intercessor for the individual who bears his or her name. The custom of giving the name of a saint originated with the practice of individuals who converted to Christianity taking a new Christian name at their baptism; for example, in the Bible, Saul became Paul after accepting faith in Jesus. The custom was popular in France and Germany during the Middle Ages and is still customary in continental Europe. In many English-speaking countries, however, it is more common for the saint's name to be adopted upon Confirmation, in which case it would usually not be part of one's legal name. Under the current Code of Canon Law of the Catholic Church, Canon 855 states "Parents, sponsors and parish priests are to take care that a name is not given which is foreign to Christian sentiment," which would simply prohibit a baptismal name being something in the vein of "Satan," "Lucifer" or "Death." However, this was not always the case; in the 1917 Code of Canon Law, Canon 761 required pastors to ensure the baptismal name was a Christian name such as "Christian," "Grace" or "Faith" - hence what is now called a given name was once referred to as a Christian name, originating with the pagans of Europe who discarded their pagan names for Biblical ones when they converted to Christianity and participated in baptism - or that an additional saint's name must be given when the former is impossible. In some Christian countries, the saint's day of the person's name is celebrated as a birthday is in other countries (cf. Name day). A child may also be named after the saint whose feast is the child's birthday. In places where Christians are in the minority and may face persecution, parents may give both a Christian saint's name and a secular name to a child, allowing them to use the saint's name for religious purposes and the secular name for all other purposes. This is especially common in cultures, such as in South Korea, where traditional given names do not line up with Catholic saints' names; many Catholics in English-speaking countries of Korean descent use a Korean forename as well as a saints' name. (en)
- Christliche Namen sind zum Beispiel Vornamen, die oft auf den christlichen Glauben ihrer Träger verweisen, indem sie sich von Begriffen christlicher Theologie herleiten oder die Namen von Personen des Neuen oder auch des Alten Testaments aufgreifen. (de)
- Santutegi edo santuen izendegia bataio-izenak emateko erreferentziazkotzat hartzen den kristautasuneko santuen izen-zerrenda nolabait arautua da. Euskaraz horren adibide dira Sabin Arana eta Koldo Eleizalderen Deun-ixendegi euzkotarra, edo Euskaltzaindiaren 66. araua, Santutegiko Izen Ohikoenak arautzen dituena. Santuen izendegia santuen egutegiarekin ere lotua izan ohi da. (eu)
- A saint's name, which is usually also a biblical name, is the name of a saint given to individuals at their baptism or confirmation within the Catholic Church, as well as in certain parts of the Eastern Orthodox Churches, Oriental Orthodox Churches, Lutheran Churches and Anglican Communion. It is believed that the saint whose name is chosen will serve as a special patron to protect, guide, and be the heavenly intercessor for the individual who bears his or her name. (en)