- رودني الكسندر (بالإنجليزية: Rodney Alexander) هو سمسار تأمين وشخصية أعمال وسياسي أمريكي، ولد في 5 ديسمبر 1946 في مقاطعة جاكسون في الولايات المتحدة. حزبياً، نشط في الحزب الديمقراطي والحزب الجمهوري. (ar)
- Rodney Alexander (* 5. Dezember 1946 in , Bienville Parish, Louisiana) ist ein US-amerikanischer Politiker. Von 2003 bis 2013 vertrat er den Bundesstaat Louisiana im US-Repräsentantenhaus, seit 2004 für die Republikanische Partei. Im August 2013 kündigte er an, bis September des Jahres aus dem Kongress auszuscheiden, und nannte als Grund die wachsende Polarisierung und Selbstblockade der Washingtoner Politik. Rodney Alexander besuchte zunächst die Jonesboro-Hodge High School in . Anschließend studierte er am Louisiana Technical College in Ruston. In den folgenden Jahren arbeitete er in der Versicherungsbranche. Zwischen 1964 und 1981 besaß er auch eine Baufirma. Von 1965 bis 1971 gehörte Alexander der Reserve der US Air Force an. Politisch war Alexander damals Mitglied der Demokratischen Partei. Zwischen 1987 und 2002 saß er als Abgeordneter im Repräsentantenhaus von Louisiana. Dort war er Vorsitzender des Health and Welfare Committee. Bei den Kongresswahlen des Jahres 2002 wurde er mit weniger als tausend Stimmen Vorsprung als Demokrat im fünften Wahlbezirk von Louisiana in das US-Repräsentantenhaus in Washington, D.C. gewählt, wo er am 3. Januar 2003 die Nachfolge von John Cooksey antrat. Seit August 2004 gehört er diesem nach einem Parteiwechsel als Republikaner an, was scharfe Kritik der Demokraten seines Heimatstaates nach sich zog, da er seinen Wechsel 30 Minuten vor Ende der Einreichungsfrist für Kandidaten der Wahl 2004 bekanntmachte und damit den Demokraten die Chance nahm, einen ernstzunehmenden Herausforderer zu benennen. Seine Entscheidung brachte ihm aber von Seiten der Republikaner einen Sitz im einflussreichen Investitionsausschuss ein, in dem er Bundesmittel für Louisiana organisierte. Alexander gewann alle fünf Wiederwahlen mit großem Abstand; zuletzt wurde er bei den Wahlen 2010 mit 78,6 Prozent und 2012 mit 77,8 Prozent der Stimmen bestätigt. Alexander stellte sich als „pro-business, pro-life, and pro-gun“-Kandidat dar. Alexander kündigte am 6. August 2013 an, sich aus dem Kongress zurückzuziehen, um im September des Jahres Secretary of Veterans’ Affairs (Minister für Veteranen-Angelegenheiten) in Louisiana zu werden, was eine außerordentliche Nachwahl für seinen Kongress-Sitz nach sich ziehen wird. Als mögliche Nachfolger im republikanisch geprägten Wahlkreis galten der Demokrat Jamie Mayo (Bürgermeister von Monroe) und die republikanischen Senatoren des Bundesstaates Mike Walsworth und sowie der Stabschef Alexanders, Adam Terry; Alexander selbst wird als Kandidat für das Amt des Gouverneurs von Louisiana 2015 gehandelt.Bei der Nachwahl konnte überraschenderweise der Republikaner Vance McAllister den Sitz erobern. Rodney Alexander ist mit Nancy Sutton verheiratet, mit der er drei erwachsene Kinder hat. (de)
- Rodney McKinnie Alexander (born December 5, 1946) is an American politician and member of the Republican Party who served as the Secretary of the Louisiana Department of Veterans Affairs from September 30, 2013, until June 3, 2014. Previously he was the U.S. representative for Louisiana's 5th congressional district from 2003 to 2013. First elected as a Democrat, he changed parties in 2004 to run as a Republican and was re-elected five times. His district covered twenty-four parishes in roughly the northeast quadrant of the state but stretched much further south as a result of the 2010 census. On August 6, 2013, Alexander announced that he would not seek a seventh term in the House in the 2014 congressional elections. He cited his weariness with partisanship in Washington, D.C. as the primary reason for his decision to retire. On August 7, Alexander moved up his timetable for departure from Congress. He resigned his seat effective September 27; a special election was held to replace him, and an upset victory went to a political newcomer without support from the Republican leadership, Vance McAllister, a businessman from Monroe, who was defeated for a full term in the 2014 midterm elections. Alexander joined the administration of Governor Bobby Jindal as the new secretary of the Louisiana Department of Veterans Affairs but remained in that post for only eight months. (en)
- Rodney McKinnie Alexander (Bienville, 5 dicembre 1946) è un politico statunitense, membro della Camera dei Rappresentanti per lo stato della Louisiana dal 2003 al 2013. (it)
- Rodney McKinnie Alexander, född 5 december 1946 i , Louisiana, är en amerikansk politiker. Han representerade delstaten Louisianas femte distrikt i USA:s representanthus 2003–2013. Alexander gick i skola i Jonesboro-Hodge High School och studerade vid . Han arbetade sedan som affärsman. Alexander besegrade som demokraternas kandidat republikanen Lee Fletcher i kongressvalet 2002. Han fick starkt stöd från senatorerna John Breaux och Mary Landrieu. Alexander bytte parti från demokraterna till republikanerna i augusti 2004. Han omvaldes fem gånger som republikan. Alexander avgick 2013 och efterträddes som kongressledamot av Vance McAllister. (sv)
- Rodney McKinnie Alexander (nascido em 5 de dezembro de 1946) é um político norte-americano atualmente filiado ao Partido Republicano. Ele tem sido um membro da Câmara dos Deputados desde 2003. Ele representa um distrito da Louisiana, que abrange 22 paróquias em aproximadamente o quadrante nordeste do estado. (pt)
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- 21425 (xsd:nonNegativeInteger)
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- dbr:American_Farm_Bureau_Federation
- dbc:Republican_Party_members_of_the_United_States_House_of_Representatives
- dbr:Scott_Angelle
- dbc:Jonesboro-Hodge_High_School_alumni
- dbr:List_of_United_States_representatives_who_switched_parties
- dbr:National_Federation_of_Independent_Business
- dbr:2010_United_States_census
- dbr:Bienville,_Louisiana
- dbr:Bobby_Jindal
- dbr:David_LaCerte
- dbr:David_Vitter
- dbr:Democratic_Party_(United_States)
- dbr:Jonesboro,_Louisiana
- dbr:Jonesboro-Hodge_High_School
- dbr:Republican_Party_(United_States)
- dbr:Republican_Study_Committee
- dbr:Right_to_Life
- dbc:Parish_jurors_and_commissioners_in_Louisiana
- dbr:United_States_Congress
- dbr:United_States_Congressional_International_Conservation_Caucus
- dbr:United_States_Forest_Service
- dbr:United_States_House_Committee_on_Appropriations
- dbr:United_States_House_of_Representatives
- dbr:University_of_Louisiana_at_Monroe
- dbr:Vance_McAllister
- dbr:Lieutenant_Governor_of_Louisiana
- dbr:List_of_members_of_the_110th_United_St..._served_in_the_United_States_military
- dbc:20th-century_American_politicians
- dbc:21st-century_American_politicians
- dbc:Living_people
- dbr:Congressional_Constitution_Caucus
- dbr:Ruston,_Louisiana
- dbr:Louisiana's_5th_congressional_district
- dbr:Closed_primary
- dbr:Monroe,_Louisiana
- dbr:Congressional_Caucus_on_Turkey_and_Turkish_Americans
- dbr:United_States_House_Appropriations_Sub...ncial_Services_and_General_Government
- dbr:Libertarian_Party_(United_States)
- dbr:Louisiana
- dbr:Louisiana_Department_of_Veterans_Affairs
- dbr:Louisiana_House_of_Representatives
- dbr:Louisiana_Political_Museum_and_Hall_of_Fame
- dbr:Louisiana_Public_Service_Commission
- dbr:Louisiana_State_Legislature
- dbr:Louisiana_Tech_University
- dbc:People_from_Jonesboro,_Louisiana
- dbc:State_cabinet_secretaries_of_Louisiana
- dbr:Shreveport,_Louisiana
- dbc:1946_births
- dbc:Baptists_from_Louisiana
- dbc:Democratic_Party_members_of_the_United...use_of_Representatives_from_Louisiana
- dbc:Louisiana_Republicans
- dbc:Members_of_the_Louisiana_House_of_Representatives
- dbc:University_of_Louisiana_at_Monroe_alumni
- dbr:Cedric_Richmond
- dbr:Washington,_D.C.
- dbr:Winnfield,_Louisiana
- dbr:List_of_American_politicians_who_switched_parties_in_office
- dbr:United_States_House_Appropriations_Sub...ices,_Education,_and_Related_Agencies
- dbr:United_States_Senate_Appropriations_Su...ices,_Education,_and_Related_Agencies
- dbr:Air_Force_Reserve_Command
- dbr:Alexandria,_Louisiana
- dbr:Food_and_Drug_Administration
- dbc:Louisiana_Tech_University_alumni
- dbr:Otto_Passman
- dbr:Ouachita_Parish,_Louisiana
- dbc:People_from_Bienville,_Louisiana
- dbr:Governor_of_Louisiana
- dbr:Psychologist
- dbr:Jay_Dardenne
- dbr:Tea_Party_Caucus
- dbr:County_commission
- dbr:Hurricane_Katrina
- dbr:State_Treasurer
- dbc:Tea_Party_movement_activists
- dbc:United_States_Air_Force_airmen
- dbr:Chamber_of_Commerce
- dbc:Southern_Baptists
- dbc:United_States_Air_Force_reservists
- dbr:Jerry_Huckaby
- dbr:Jimmy_Hayes
- dbr:John_Bel_Edwards
- dbr:John_Cooksey
- dbr:Jackson_Parish,_Louisiana
- dbr:Mary_Landrieu
- dbr:Pineville,_Louisiana
- dbr:Planned_Parenthood
- dbr:SourceWatch
- dbr:Napoleonville,_Louisiana
- dbr:National_Rifle_Association
- dbr:Patient_Protection_and_Affordable_Care_Act
- dbr:Louisiana's_5th_congressional_district_special_election,_2013
- dbr:John_Neely_Kennedy
- dbr:United_States_House_Appropriations_Subcommittee_on_Energy_and_Water_Development
- dbr:United_States_order_of_precedence
- dbr:Independent_(politics)
- dbr:U.S._Senator
- dbr:Southern_Baptist
- dbr:Bienville_Parish
- dbr:Tangipahoa_Parish
- dbr:Amite,_Louisiana
- dbr:Anti-environmental
- dbr:Robert_Matsui
- dbr:U.S._Air_Force_Reserve
- dbr:Jock_Scott_(politician)
- dbr:Stop_the_War_on_Coal_Act
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- Former US Representative (en)
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- Bienville, Louisiana, U.S. (en)
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- rodney-alexander/1727 (en)
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- 2002 (xsd:integer)
- 2013-09-26 (xsd:date)
- 2014-06-03 (xsd:date)
- 1988 (xsd:integer)
- 2003-01-03 (xsd:date)
- 2013-09-30 (xsd:date)
- dbr:United_States_order_of_precedence
- Member of the U.S. House of Representatives (en)
- Member of the Louisiana House of Representatives (en)
- from the 13th district (en)
- from Louisiana's 5th congressional district (en)
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- 1988 (xsd:integer)
- 2003 (xsd:integer)
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- رودني الكسندر (بالإنجليزية: Rodney Alexander) هو سمسار تأمين وشخصية أعمال وسياسي أمريكي، ولد في 5 ديسمبر 1946 في مقاطعة جاكسون في الولايات المتحدة. حزبياً، نشط في الحزب الديمقراطي والحزب الجمهوري. (ar)
- Rodney McKinnie Alexander (Bienville, 5 dicembre 1946) è un politico statunitense, membro della Camera dei Rappresentanti per lo stato della Louisiana dal 2003 al 2013. (it)
- Rodney McKinnie Alexander (nascido em 5 de dezembro de 1946) é um político norte-americano atualmente filiado ao Partido Republicano. Ele tem sido um membro da Câmara dos Deputados desde 2003. Ele representa um distrito da Louisiana, que abrange 22 paróquias em aproximadamente o quadrante nordeste do estado. (pt)
- Rodney Alexander (* 5. Dezember 1946 in , Bienville Parish, Louisiana) ist ein US-amerikanischer Politiker. Von 2003 bis 2013 vertrat er den Bundesstaat Louisiana im US-Repräsentantenhaus, seit 2004 für die Republikanische Partei. Im August 2013 kündigte er an, bis September des Jahres aus dem Kongress auszuscheiden, und nannte als Grund die wachsende Polarisierung und Selbstblockade der Washingtoner Politik. Rodney Alexander ist mit Nancy Sutton verheiratet, mit der er drei erwachsene Kinder hat. (de)
- Rodney McKinnie Alexander (born December 5, 1946) is an American politician and member of the Republican Party who served as the Secretary of the Louisiana Department of Veterans Affairs from September 30, 2013, until June 3, 2014. Previously he was the U.S. representative for Louisiana's 5th congressional district from 2003 to 2013. First elected as a Democrat, he changed parties in 2004 to run as a Republican and was re-elected five times. His district covered twenty-four parishes in roughly the northeast quadrant of the state but stretched much further south as a result of the 2010 census. (en)
- Rodney McKinnie Alexander, född 5 december 1946 i , Louisiana, är en amerikansk politiker. Han representerade delstaten Louisianas femte distrikt i USA:s representanthus 2003–2013. Alexander gick i skola i Jonesboro-Hodge High School och studerade vid . Han arbetade sedan som affärsman. Alexander besegrade som demokraternas kandidat republikanen Lee Fletcher i kongressvalet 2002. Han fick starkt stöd från senatorerna John Breaux och Mary Landrieu. (sv)
- Rodney Alexander (en)
- رودني الكسندر (ar)
- Rodney Alexander (de)
- Rodney Alexander (it)
- Rodney Alexander (pt)
- Rodney Alexander (sv)
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