- روكي أندرسون (بالإنجليزية: Rocky Anderson) هو محامي وسياسي أمريكي، ولد في 9 سبتمبر 1951 في الولايات المتحدة. حزبياً، نشط في الحزب الديمقراطي. (ar)
- Ross C. “Rocky” Anderson (* 9. September 1951 in Logan, Utah) ist ein US-amerikanischer Politiker. Er war von 2000 bis 2008 Bürgermeister von Salt Lake City, der Hauptstadt des US-Bundesstaates Utah. Vor seiner Kandidatur war er Vorsitzender der lokalen Organisation der American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU). Anderson absolvierte im Jahr 1978 die Law School der George Washington University mit Auszeichnung, bevor er zunächst für 21 Jahre als Rechtsanwalt in Salt Lake City arbeitete. 1996 bewarb er sich ohne Erfolg als Kandidat der Demokraten für den Kongress. Anderson gehörte bis zum Jahr 2011 der Demokratischen Partei an, trat jedoch in dem Jahr aus Enttäuschung über die Politik der Partei aus. Er trat bei den Präsidentschaftswahlen 2012 als Kandidat der neugegründeten an. Er erhielt 43.018 Stimmen bzw. 0,03 Prozent der Stimmen. (de)
- Ross Carl "Rocky" Anderson (born September 9, 1951), from the United States, is an attorney, writer, activist, civil and human rights advocate. He served two terms as the 33rd Mayor of Salt Lake City, Utah from 2000 to 2008. He is now running for a third term as Salt Lake City Mayor. Prior to serving as Mayor, Anderson practiced law for 21 years in Salt Lake City, during which time he was listed in Best Lawyers in America, received the highest rating, A-V, by Martindale-Hubbell, served as chair of the Utah State Bar Litigation Section and was Editor-in-Chief of, and a contributor to, Voir Dire legal journal. He was also the 1996 Democratic nominee for Congress in Utah’s Second Congressional District. Following his service as Salt Lake City Mayor, Anderson founded and served as the Executive Director of High Road for Human Rights (2008–2011), a human rights education and advocacy organization, and was a founding member of the Justice Party, which nominated Anderson as its presidential nominee in 2012. After the 2012 presidential campaign, Anderson taught for two semesters as an adjunct instructor at the University of Utah, then practiced law again until February 2021, during which time, among many other things, he challenged the NSA’s and former President Bush’s illegal surveillance, won an important First Amendment case against the Utah Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control, successfully challenged the Utah Legislature’s scheme requiring that all medical cannabis be distributed by state or local health department officials instead of by the private sector, and successfully resolved major civil rights cases involving a wrongful police shooting, and the wrongful death of a pretrial detainee in the Salt Lake County Jail. Anderson then served as a full-time volunteer Executive Director of the Justice Party (now Allied Justice ) until beginning his campaign in August 2022 for another term as Mayor of Salt Lake City. As mayor, Anderson was a major leader and advocate relating to several national and international causes, including climate protection, immigration reform, restorative criminal justice, LGBTQ+ rights, and an end to the "War on Drugs". Before and after the 2003 invasion of Iraq, Anderson was a leading national opponent of the invasion and occupation of Iraq, and a leading opponent of illegal surveillance and torture. Anderson was named by Bloomberg BusinessWeek as one of the top-twenty activists in the world regarding the climate crisis. He was a member of the Newsweek Global Environmental Leadership Advisory Board and was recognized by the Human Rights Campaign as one of the top ten straight advocates in the United States for LGBT equality. He has received numerous awards for his work, including the EPA Climate Protection Award, the Sierra Club Distinguished Service Award, the Respect the Earth Planet Defender Award, the Terra Firma Environmental Leadership Award, the National Association of Hispanic Publications Presidential Award, The Drug Policy Alliance Richard J. Dennis Drugpeace Award, the Progressive Democrats of America Spine Award, the League of United Latin American Citizens Profile in Courage Award, the Bill of Rights Defense Committee Patriot Award, the Code Pink (Salt Lake City) Pink Star honor, the Morehouse College Gandhi, King, Ikeda Award, the Human Rights Campaign Equality Award, the Freedom to Marry Voice for Equality Award, the LGBTQ+ Community Center of Utah Champion’s Award, the Utah Pride Political Action Award, and the World Leadership Award (London) for environmental programs. Formerly a member of the Democratic Party who won several Best Utah Democrat Awards and several Best Utah Elected Official Awards, Anderson expressed his disappointment with that party in 2011, Anderson ran for president in 2012 as a candidate for the newly-formed Justice Party. (en)
- Ross Carl « Rocky » Anderson, né le 9 septembre 1951 à Logan, est un avocat et homme politique américain, membre du Parti démocrate. Il est maire de la ville de Salt Lake City de 2000 à 2008 et est candidat à l'élection présidentielle de 2012 sous la bannière du . (fr)
- Ross C. "Rocky" Anderson, född 9 september 1951 i Logan, Utah, är en amerikansk politiker. Han är före detta borgmästare i Salt Lake City. Anderson avlade först sin grundexamen i filosofi vid University of Utah och sedan 1978 juristexamen vid George Washington University Law School. Han arbetade sedan i 21 år som advokat i Salt Lake City. I 1996 års kongressval kandiderade demokraten Anderson till USA:s representanthus. Han förlorade mot republikanen , som fick 55% av rösterna. Cook betonade i sin kampanj att Anderson är en anhängare av homoäktenskap. Anderson valdes 1999 till borgmästare och omvaldes 2003. Medan republikanerna i allmänhet är det starkare partiet i Utah, har demokraterna sitt starkaste fäste i storstaden Salt Lake City. (sv)
- 洛奇·安德森,全名羅斯·卡爾·安德森(英語:Ross Carl "Rocky" Anderson,1951年9月19日-)是一名美國律師和政治人物。他從2000年至2008年曾任兩屆猶他州鹽湖城第33位市長。他是行政總裁和創黨成員。 (zh)
- روكي أندرسون (بالإنجليزية: Rocky Anderson) هو محامي وسياسي أمريكي، ولد في 9 سبتمبر 1951 في الولايات المتحدة. حزبياً، نشط في الحزب الديمقراطي. (ar)
- Ross Carl « Rocky » Anderson, né le 9 septembre 1951 à Logan, est un avocat et homme politique américain, membre du Parti démocrate. Il est maire de la ville de Salt Lake City de 2000 à 2008 et est candidat à l'élection présidentielle de 2012 sous la bannière du . (fr)
- 洛奇·安德森,全名羅斯·卡爾·安德森(英語:Ross Carl "Rocky" Anderson,1951年9月19日-)是一名美國律師和政治人物。他從2000年至2008年曾任兩屆猶他州鹽湖城第33位市長。他是行政總裁和創黨成員。 (zh)
- Ross C. “Rocky” Anderson (* 9. September 1951 in Logan, Utah) ist ein US-amerikanischer Politiker. Er war von 2000 bis 2008 Bürgermeister von Salt Lake City, der Hauptstadt des US-Bundesstaates Utah. Vor seiner Kandidatur war er Vorsitzender der lokalen Organisation der American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU). Anderson absolvierte im Jahr 1978 die Law School der George Washington University mit Auszeichnung, bevor er zunächst für 21 Jahre als Rechtsanwalt in Salt Lake City arbeitete. 1996 bewarb er sich ohne Erfolg als Kandidat der Demokraten für den Kongress. (de)
- Ross Carl "Rocky" Anderson (born September 9, 1951), from the United States, is an attorney, writer, activist, civil and human rights advocate. He served two terms as the 33rd Mayor of Salt Lake City, Utah from 2000 to 2008. He is now running for a third term as Salt Lake City Mayor. Following his service as Salt Lake City Mayor, Anderson founded and served as the Executive Director of High Road for Human Rights (2008–2011), a human rights education and advocacy organization, and was a founding member of the Justice Party, which nominated Anderson as its presidential nominee in 2012. (en)
- Ross C. "Rocky" Anderson, född 9 september 1951 i Logan, Utah, är en amerikansk politiker. Han är före detta borgmästare i Salt Lake City. Anderson avlade först sin grundexamen i filosofi vid University of Utah och sedan 1978 juristexamen vid George Washington University Law School. Han arbetade sedan i 21 år som advokat i Salt Lake City. I 1996 års kongressval kandiderade demokraten Anderson till USA:s representanthus. Han förlorade mot republikanen , som fick 55% av rösterna. Cook betonade i sin kampanj att Anderson är en anhängare av homoäktenskap. (sv)