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Robert Murray M'Cheyne (21 May 1813 – 25 March 1843) was a minister in the Church of Scotland from 1835 to 1843. He was born at Edinburgh on 21 May 1813, was educated at the university and at the Divinity Hall of his native city, and was assistant at Larbert and Dunipace. A mission of inquiry among the Jews throughout Europe and in Palestine, and a religious revival at his church in Dundee, made him feel that he was being called to evangelistic rather than to pastoral work, but before he could carry out his plans he died, on 25 March 1843. McCheyne, though wielding remarkable influence in his lifetime, was still more powerful afterwards, through his Memoirs and Remains, edited by Andrew Bonar, which ran into far over a hundred English editions. Some of his hymns became well known and his B

Property Value
  • Robert Murray M'Cheyne (21 de marzo de 1813-25 de marzo de 1843) fue ministro en la Iglesia de Escocia, desde 1835 hasta 1843. Nació en Edimburgo, y fue educado en la Universidad de Edimburgo y en el Divinity Hall de su ciudad natal. Murray había servido primero como asistente de John Bonar en la parroquia de Larbert y Dunipace, cerca de Falkirk, desde 1835 hasta 1838. Tras ello se asoció con la Iglesia de San Pedro en Dundee, donde sirvió como ministro hasta su muerte a la edad de 29, durante una epidemia de tifo. Poco antes de su muerte, su amigo Andrew Alexander Bonar editó su biografía, la cual fue publicada con algunos de sus manuscritos como Las Memorias y Recuerdos del Reverendo Robert Murray M'Cheyne. Este libro tuvo varias ediciones posteriores, y tuvo una influencia duradera en el cristianismo evangélico en todo el mundo. En 1839, M'Cheyne y Bonar, junto con dos ministros más antiguos, Dr. Alexander Black y Dr. Alexander Keith, fueron enviados a Palestina en una misión para inquirir la condición de los judíos. A su regreso, su reporte oficial para el Consejo de Misiones de la Iglesia de Escocia fue publicado como Narrativa de una Visita a la Tierra Santa y Misión de Inquisición a los Judíos. Subsecuentemente, esto llevó al establecimiento de misiones hacia los judíos de parte de la Iglesia de Escocia y por la Iglesia Libre de Escocia. M'Cheyne fue un predicador, pastor, poeta, y escribió muchas cartas. Fue un hombre de gran piedad, y un hombre de oración, que nunca se casó. Murray M'Cheyne murió exactamente dos meses antes de la Disrupción de 1843. A razón de esto, su nombre fue tenido en alta estima por todas las diversas ramas del presbiterianismo escocés, aunque él mismo mantuvo una fuerte opinión contra el erastianismo, el cual llevó a la Disrupción. Bonar escribió: Y cuando, el 7 de marzo del año siguiente, la causa de la Iglesia finalmente se argüiría en la Cámara de los Comunes, le encontré escribiendo: ‘Gran noche esta en el Parlamento Británico! Una vez más, Jesús el Rey se levanta en un tribunal de la Tierra, y ellos no Le conocen!’ (Memoria, 1892, p. 147). * Datos: Q389941 * Multimedia: Robert Murray M'Cheyne / Q389941 (es)
  • Robert Murray M'Cheyne (21 May 1813 – 25 March 1843) was a minister in the Church of Scotland from 1835 to 1843. He was born at Edinburgh on 21 May 1813, was educated at the university and at the Divinity Hall of his native city, and was assistant at Larbert and Dunipace. A mission of inquiry among the Jews throughout Europe and in Palestine, and a religious revival at his church in Dundee, made him feel that he was being called to evangelistic rather than to pastoral work, but before he could carry out his plans he died, on 25 March 1843. McCheyne, though wielding remarkable influence in his lifetime, was still more powerful afterwards, through his Memoirs and Remains, edited by Andrew Bonar, which ran into far over a hundred English editions. Some of his hymns became well known and his Bible reading plan is still in common use. (en)
  • Robert Murray McCheyne, né le 21 mai 1813, a été pasteur de l'Église d'Écosse de 1835 à sa mort, le 25 mars 1843. Auteur de poèmes et de nombreuses lettres, il eut une grande influence, en tant que prédicateur, sur le renouveau de la ferveur religieuse en Écosse, et fut membre d'une délégation de quatre pasteurs envoyés à Jérusalem pour enquêter sur les Juifs. Son décès avant le schisme de 1843 lui permit de jouir d'une excellente réputation tout aussi bien dans l'Église d'Écosse que dans la Free Church of Scotland, et sa biographie fut une lecture conseillée à de multiples reprises par les pasteurs écossais. (fr)
  • 로버트 머리 맥체인(Robert Murray M'Cheyne, 1813년 5월 21일 - 1843년 3월 25일)은 스코틀랜드의 목사로서 1835년부터 1843년까지 스코틀랜드 교회를 섬겼다. 그는 에든버러에서 태어나 에든버러 대학과 Divinity Hall에서 교육받았다. 그는 1835년부터 1838년까지는 Falkirk 부근에 있는 Larbert 교구와 Dunipace 교구에서 John Bonar의 조수로 섬겼다. 그 후로는 던디의 성 베드로 교회의 목사로 일하다 29세에 발진티푸스병으로 요절했다. 그가 죽은 후 얼마 지나지 않아 그의 친구인 는 맥체인의 전기를 편집하여 맥체인의 원고들과 함께 로버트 맥체인 회고록(원제: The Memoir and Remains of the Rev. Robert Murray M'Cheyne)라는 제목으로 출판하였다. 이 책은 여러 번 재판되었으며, 세계적으로 개신교에 많은 영향을 남겼다. 1839년 맥체인과 는 알렉산더 블랙 목사 및 알랙산더 케이쓰 목사와 함께 유대인의 상황을 조사하는 목적으로 팔레스타인 지방으로 파견된다. 그들의 귀환 후 스코틀랜드 교회의 선교 위원회에 제출한 보고서는 ‘Narrative of a Visit to the Holy Land and Mission of Inquiry to the Jews’라는 제목으로 출판되었다. 이 보고서는 스코틀랜드 교회와 스코틀랜드 자유교회(Free Church of Scotland)에서 유대교에 대한 전도 사업을 수립하는 데 큰 영향을 끼쳤다. 맥체인은 시인이기도 했으며, 많은 저서를 남겼다. 그는 신앙심이 깊은 사람이었으며 기도의 사람이었다는 평가를 받았다. 결혼은 하지 않았다. 맥체인은 1843년 스코틀랜드 교회 분열이 일어나기 두 달 전에 사망했다. 때문에 그는 스코틀랜드 장로교의 다양한 교파에서 존경받고 있으나 그는 교회 분열의 원인이 된 에 대해 강한 반대 의견을 가지고 있었다. (ko)
  • Robert Murray M'Cheyne (ook wel: Robert Murray MacCheyne, Edinburgh, 21 mei 1813 – Dundee, 25 maart 1843) was een Schots predikant. In 1835 werd hij predikant in de Kerk van Schotland. Belangrijke thema's in zijn prediking waren de vergeving van zonden en de noodzaak van wedergeboorte. Hij schreef diverse christelijke boeken en liederen. In 1839 ging M'Cheyne samen met Andrew Alexander Bonar op zendingsreis naar het toenmalige Palestina. Reeds op 29-jarige leeftijd overleed hij aan tyfus. Enkele maanden na zijn dood ontstond de Free Church of Scotland, waar ook zijn gemeente te Dundee zich bij aansloot. (nl)
  • 1813-05-21 (xsd:date)
  • 1843-03-25 (xsd:date)
  • sometimes "McCheyne" (en)
  • 1017701 (xsd:integer)
  • 17675 (xsd:nonNegativeInteger)
  • 1089324938 (xsd:integer)
  • 1813-05-21 (xsd:date)
  • Edinburgh, Scotland (en)
  • M'Cheyne self portrait (en)
  • 1843-03-25 (xsd:date)
  • Dundee, Scotland (en)
  • High School of Edinburgh (en)
  • elected in August 1836 (en)
  • Robert Murray M'Cheyne (en)
  • sometimes "McCheyne" (en)
  • pronounced "Mak-shayn" (en)
  • 1836-11-24 (xsd:date)
  • 0001-07-01 (xsd:gMonthDay)
  • Robertmurraymcch00smel orig 0010signature.png (en)
  • Robert Murray McCheyne, né le 21 mai 1813, a été pasteur de l'Église d'Écosse de 1835 à sa mort, le 25 mars 1843. Auteur de poèmes et de nombreuses lettres, il eut une grande influence, en tant que prédicateur, sur le renouveau de la ferveur religieuse en Écosse, et fut membre d'une délégation de quatre pasteurs envoyés à Jérusalem pour enquêter sur les Juifs. Son décès avant le schisme de 1843 lui permit de jouir d'une excellente réputation tout aussi bien dans l'Église d'Écosse que dans la Free Church of Scotland, et sa biographie fut une lecture conseillée à de multiples reprises par les pasteurs écossais. (fr)
  • Robert Murray M'Cheyne (ook wel: Robert Murray MacCheyne, Edinburgh, 21 mei 1813 – Dundee, 25 maart 1843) was een Schots predikant. In 1835 werd hij predikant in de Kerk van Schotland. Belangrijke thema's in zijn prediking waren de vergeving van zonden en de noodzaak van wedergeboorte. Hij schreef diverse christelijke boeken en liederen. In 1839 ging M'Cheyne samen met Andrew Alexander Bonar op zendingsreis naar het toenmalige Palestina. Reeds op 29-jarige leeftijd overleed hij aan tyfus. Enkele maanden na zijn dood ontstond de Free Church of Scotland, waar ook zijn gemeente te Dundee zich bij aansloot. (nl)
  • Robert Murray M'Cheyne (21 de marzo de 1813-25 de marzo de 1843) fue ministro en la Iglesia de Escocia, desde 1835 hasta 1843. Nació en Edimburgo, y fue educado en la Universidad de Edimburgo y en el Divinity Hall de su ciudad natal. Murray había servido primero como asistente de John Bonar en la parroquia de Larbert y Dunipace, cerca de Falkirk, desde 1835 hasta 1838. Tras ello se asoció con la Iglesia de San Pedro en Dundee, donde sirvió como ministro hasta su muerte a la edad de 29, durante una epidemia de tifo. * Datos: Q389941 * Multimedia: Robert Murray M'Cheyne / Q389941 (es)
  • Robert Murray M'Cheyne (21 May 1813 – 25 March 1843) was a minister in the Church of Scotland from 1835 to 1843. He was born at Edinburgh on 21 May 1813, was educated at the university and at the Divinity Hall of his native city, and was assistant at Larbert and Dunipace. A mission of inquiry among the Jews throughout Europe and in Palestine, and a religious revival at his church in Dundee, made him feel that he was being called to evangelistic rather than to pastoral work, but before he could carry out his plans he died, on 25 March 1843. McCheyne, though wielding remarkable influence in his lifetime, was still more powerful afterwards, through his Memoirs and Remains, edited by Andrew Bonar, which ran into far over a hundred English editions. Some of his hymns became well known and his B (en)
  • 로버트 머리 맥체인(Robert Murray M'Cheyne, 1813년 5월 21일 - 1843년 3월 25일)은 스코틀랜드의 목사로서 1835년부터 1843년까지 스코틀랜드 교회를 섬겼다. 그는 에든버러에서 태어나 에든버러 대학과 Divinity Hall에서 교육받았다. 그는 1835년부터 1838년까지는 Falkirk 부근에 있는 Larbert 교구와 Dunipace 교구에서 John Bonar의 조수로 섬겼다. 그 후로는 던디의 성 베드로 교회의 목사로 일하다 29세에 발진티푸스병으로 요절했다. 그가 죽은 후 얼마 지나지 않아 그의 친구인 는 맥체인의 전기를 편집하여 맥체인의 원고들과 함께 로버트 맥체인 회고록(원제: The Memoir and Remains of the Rev. Robert Murray M'Cheyne)라는 제목으로 출판하였다. 이 책은 여러 번 재판되었으며, 세계적으로 개신교에 많은 영향을 남겼다. 맥체인은 시인이기도 했으며, 많은 저서를 남겼다. 그는 신앙심이 깊은 사람이었으며 기도의 사람이었다는 평가를 받았다. 결혼은 하지 않았다. (ko)
  • Robert Murray M'Cheyne (es)
  • Robert Murray McCheyne (fr)
  • 로버트 머리 맥체인 (ko)
  • Robert Murray M'Cheyne (nl)
  • Robert Murray M'Cheyne (en)
  • Robert Murray M'Cheyne (en)
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