- The restoration of Tahmasp II to the Safavid throne took place in the latter part of 1729 by a series of battles fought between Nader, Tahmasp's commander-in-chief and Ashraf Hotaki. Despite nominally bringing Tahmasp to the seat of power, true authority still rested with Nader who had ever since the debacle in northern Khorasan managed to seize Tahmasp II as his vassal. As for Afghan rule, the Ghilzai Afghans were ejected from the Iranian Plateau permanently and in the following years were re-annexed by Nader whence they were once again absorbed into the Persian empire. (en)
- La Restaurazione di Tahmasp II al trono safavide (detta anche Guerra safavide o Guerra safavide di Ghilzai), fu una serie di battaglie combattute tra le forze dell'Impero safavide capeggiate dal generale Nadir e quelle della Dinastia Hotak (col supporto dall'Impero ottomano). Malgrado nominalmente la sede del potere fosse concessa a Tahmasp, la vera autorità nel conflitto nella guida delle armate persiane venne affidata al generale Nadir che sin dalle prime vittoria nel Khorasan aveva tentato di proclamare Tahmasp II quale suo vassallo. Al termine del conflitto la Dinastia Hotak venne detronizzata ed i suoi domini riannessi all'Impero persiano, mentre Tahmasp II poté tornare sul trono. (it)
- Восстановление Тахмаспа II на сефевидском престоле (азерб. II Təhmasibin Səfəvi taxtına geri gətirilməsi) — это событие стало возможным в результате ряда сражений, произошедших в 1729 году между Надир-ханом, генералом Тахмаспа II, и афганцем Ашрафом Хотаки. Хотя номинально на престоле находился Тахмасп II, фактическая власть была сосредоточена в руках Надир-хана. Афганцы же были навсегда изгнаны с большой части территорий Сефевидской империи, а через некоторое время Надир выступил и снова подчинил их. (ru)
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- Supported by:
- *Ottoman Empire
- Safavid loyalists
- Hotak dynasty
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- Safavidvictory
- * Tahmasp II is restored to the throne by Nader
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- 4587 (xsd:nonNegativeInteger)
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- Isfahan , as the capital of Persia, was the ultimate objective of Nader's campaign for the liberation of Persia from Hotaki rule (en)
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- Hotak dynasty (en)
- Safavid loyalists (en)
- Supported by:
* Ottoman Empire (en)
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- Safeviler'in devrilmesi (en)
- August 1729 – March 1730 (en)
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- Safavid victory (en)
- * Tahmasp II is restored to the throne by Nader (en)
- 20 (xsd:integer)
- 40000 (xsd:integer)
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- The restoration of Tahmasp II to the Safavid throne took place in the latter part of 1729 by a series of battles fought between Nader, Tahmasp's commander-in-chief and Ashraf Hotaki. Despite nominally bringing Tahmasp to the seat of power, true authority still rested with Nader who had ever since the debacle in northern Khorasan managed to seize Tahmasp II as his vassal. As for Afghan rule, the Ghilzai Afghans were ejected from the Iranian Plateau permanently and in the following years were re-annexed by Nader whence they were once again absorbed into the Persian empire. (en)
- La Restaurazione di Tahmasp II al trono safavide (detta anche Guerra safavide o Guerra safavide di Ghilzai), fu una serie di battaglie combattute tra le forze dell'Impero safavide capeggiate dal generale Nadir e quelle della Dinastia Hotak (col supporto dall'Impero ottomano). Malgrado nominalmente la sede del potere fosse concessa a Tahmasp, la vera autorità nel conflitto nella guida delle armate persiane venne affidata al generale Nadir che sin dalle prime vittoria nel Khorasan aveva tentato di proclamare Tahmasp II quale suo vassallo. Al termine del conflitto la Dinastia Hotak venne detronizzata ed i suoi domini riannessi all'Impero persiano, mentre Tahmasp II poté tornare sul trono. (it)
- Восстановление Тахмаспа II на сефевидском престоле (азерб. II Təhmasibin Səfəvi taxtına geri gətirilməsi) — это событие стало возможным в результате ряда сражений, произошедших в 1729 году между Надир-ханом, генералом Тахмаспа II, и афганцем Ашрафом Хотаки. Хотя номинально на престоле находился Тахмасп II, фактическая власть была сосредоточена в руках Надир-хана. Афганцы же были навсегда изгнаны с большой части территорий Сефевидской империи, а через некоторое время Надир выступил и снова подчинил их. (ru)
- Restaurazione di Tahmasp II al trono safavide (it)
- Restoration of Tahmasp II to the Safavid throne (en)
- Восстановление Тахмаспа II на сефевидском престоле (ru)
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- Safeviler'in devrilmesi (en)
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