- Heiland bezeichnet im Christentum Jesus Christus als Erlöser der Menschen im Sinne der christlichen Heilslehre; daneben – und der ursprünglichen Wortbedeutung entsprechend – auch allgemein für Erlöser, Erretter und Helfer. Es leitet sich vom Mittelhochdeutschen, Althochdeutschen und Altsächsischen heilant u. ä. her, wurde nach dem Partizip Präsens des Verbums heilen gebildet, und ist eine den westgermanischen Sprachen gemeinsame Lehnübersetzung des kirchenlateinischen Salvator mundi, das seinerseits das griechische Soter übersetzt. Der Begriff wird auch im Zusammenhang mit dem Ehrentitel Salvator mundi („Erlöser der Welt“) gebraucht. Als Soteriologie wird die entsprechende Dogmatik in der christlichen Theologie bezeichnet. (de)
- In Christian theology, Jesus is sometimes referred to by the title Redeemer. This refers to the salvation he accomplished, and is based on the metaphor of redemption, or "buying back". In the New Testament, redemption is used to refer both to deliverance from sin and to freedom from captivity. Although the gospels do not use the title "Redeemer", redemption is used in several of Paul's letters. Leon Morris says that "Paul uses the concept of redemption primarily to speak of the saving significance of the death of Christ." (en)
- La Rédemption est le dogme chrétien selon lequel Dieu le Fils, qui s'est fait homme en Jésus-Christ (dogme de l'Incarnation), a volontairement souffert sa Passion et est mort en sacrifice sur la Croix, dans le but de racheter le péché de l'humanité. Avec la Trinité et l'Incarnation, la Rédemption est l'un des trois dogmes qui fondent le christianisme. Ces dogmes sont communs aux Églises catholique, orthodoxes et protestantes. La Rédemption est commémorée chaque année lors de la Semaine sainte qui précède Pâques, temps liturgique central de l'année pour les chrétiens. (fr)
- 救い主(すくいぬし)とは聖書中においてイエス・キリストに与えられた称号である。ルカ24:27に記載されている通り、聖書全体に渡って救い主について証言されている。 (ja)
- 구속주(救贖主)는 기독교 신앙에서 죄를 대속하는 주님을 의미한다. 속죄주(贖罪主)라고도 한다. 신약 성서에서 구속이란 죄로부터 벗어나는 것이며 포로로부터 자유로워지는 것을 언급한다. 기독교 신앙에서 구속주는 예수 그리스도를 가리킨다. (ko)
- 救世主有时也被音译为立帝贸(英語:Redeemer)或被误写为立帝货,是基督教术语,通常指耶稣基督。指的是救世主能够实现对人的救赎,能够抵免人的罪恶。在《新约》中,救赎既指从罪中得释放,又指从囚禁中得自由。 尽管在《福音书》中并未出现“救世主”一词,但是在保罗书信中却多次出现了“救赎”一词。根据澳大利亚新约学者莱昂·莫里斯的说法,保罗在书信中多次提到“救赎”,其目的是为了彰显耶稣之死的重要意义。 (zh)
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- In Christian theology, Jesus is sometimes referred to by the title Redeemer. This refers to the salvation he accomplished, and is based on the metaphor of redemption, or "buying back". In the New Testament, redemption is used to refer both to deliverance from sin and to freedom from captivity. Although the gospels do not use the title "Redeemer", redemption is used in several of Paul's letters. Leon Morris says that "Paul uses the concept of redemption primarily to speak of the saving significance of the death of Christ." (en)
- La Rédemption est le dogme chrétien selon lequel Dieu le Fils, qui s'est fait homme en Jésus-Christ (dogme de l'Incarnation), a volontairement souffert sa Passion et est mort en sacrifice sur la Croix, dans le but de racheter le péché de l'humanité. Avec la Trinité et l'Incarnation, la Rédemption est l'un des trois dogmes qui fondent le christianisme. Ces dogmes sont communs aux Églises catholique, orthodoxes et protestantes. La Rédemption est commémorée chaque année lors de la Semaine sainte qui précède Pâques, temps liturgique central de l'année pour les chrétiens. (fr)
- 救い主(すくいぬし)とは聖書中においてイエス・キリストに与えられた称号である。ルカ24:27に記載されている通り、聖書全体に渡って救い主について証言されている。 (ja)
- 구속주(救贖主)는 기독교 신앙에서 죄를 대속하는 주님을 의미한다. 속죄주(贖罪主)라고도 한다. 신약 성서에서 구속이란 죄로부터 벗어나는 것이며 포로로부터 자유로워지는 것을 언급한다. 기독교 신앙에서 구속주는 예수 그리스도를 가리킨다. (ko)
- 救世主有时也被音译为立帝贸(英語:Redeemer)或被误写为立帝货,是基督教术语,通常指耶稣基督。指的是救世主能够实现对人的救赎,能够抵免人的罪恶。在《新约》中,救赎既指从罪中得释放,又指从囚禁中得自由。 尽管在《福音书》中并未出现“救世主”一词,但是在保罗书信中却多次出现了“救赎”一词。根据澳大利亚新约学者莱昂·莫里斯的说法,保罗在书信中多次提到“救赎”,其目的是为了彰显耶稣之死的重要意义。 (zh)
- Heiland bezeichnet im Christentum Jesus Christus als Erlöser der Menschen im Sinne der christlichen Heilslehre; daneben – und der ursprünglichen Wortbedeutung entsprechend – auch allgemein für Erlöser, Erretter und Helfer. Es leitet sich vom Mittelhochdeutschen, Althochdeutschen und Altsächsischen heilant u. ä. her, wurde nach dem Partizip Präsens des Verbums heilen gebildet, und ist eine den westgermanischen Sprachen gemeinsame Lehnübersetzung des kirchenlateinischen Salvator mundi, das seinerseits das griechische Soter übersetzt. (de)
- Heiland (de)
- Rédemption (christianisme) (fr)
- 구속주 (ko)
- 救い主 (ja)
- Redeemer (Christianity) (en)
- 救世主 (基督教) (zh)
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- dbr:Benedictus_(canticle)
- dbr:Salzburg_Cathedral
- dbr:San_Giacomo_Scossacavalli
- dbr:San_Nicolò_all'Arena,_Verona
- dbr:San_Salvatore_in_Lauro
- dbr:Sandu_Tudor
- dbr:Santissimo_Redentore_a_Valmelaina
- dbr:Santissimo_Salvatore,_Alcamo
- dbr:List_of_cathedrals_in_Slovenia
- dbr:List_of_churches_in_Malta
- dbr:Meme
- dbr:Philosophical_Fragments
- dbr:Prayer_of_the_Apostle_Paul
- dbr:Most_Holy_Redeemer
- dbr:Basilica_of_Sacro_Cuore_di_Gesù,_Grosseto
- dbr:Denmark
- dbr:Anna_Lombard
- dbr:List_of_churches_in_Estonia
- dbr:Resurrection_of_Jesus
- dbr:Unitarianism
- dbr:Death_of_the_Virgin_(van_der_Goes)
- dbr:List_of_parishes_of_the_Latin_Patriarchate_of_Jerusalem
- dbr:List_of_places_of_worship_in_Berlin
- dbr:Victim_soul
- dbr:The_Christ_Myth
- dbr:Timeline_of_Eastern_Orthodoxy_in_Greece_(1924–1974)
- dbr:Cornelis_van_Haarlem
- dbr:An_Appeal_to_All_that_Doubt
- dbr:Saint_Thomas_Church,_Jersey
- dbr:Erythraean_Sibyl
- dbr:Christ_the_Redeemer
- dbr:Names_and_titles_of_Jesus_in_the_New_Testament
- dbr:Tomb_of_Bruno_the_Priest
- dbr:The_Jesus_I_Never_Knew
- dbr:Owen_Hall
- dbr:Christ_the_Redeemer_(statue)
- dbr:Christ_the_Redeemer_Church
- dbr:Christianity_and_Theosophy
- dbr:Christianity_in_Middle-earth
- dbr:Christology
- dbr:Church_of_Denmark
- dbr:Church_of_La_Compañía,_Quito
- dbr:Church_of_Our_Most_Holy_Redeemer_and_St_Thomas_More,_Chelsea
- dbr:Church_of_the_Redeemer,_Bad_Homburg
- dbr:Church_of_the_Redeemer_(Toronto)
- dbr:Free_Church_of_Scotland_(since_1900)
- dbr:Gospel_of_Luke
- dbr:Mount_Galesios
- dbr:Crucifixion_of_Jesus
- dbr:Themes_of_The_Lord_of_the_Rings
- dbr:Verziere
- dbr:Loutolim
- dbr:St_Saviour's_Cathedral,_Goulburn
- dbr:St_Saviour's_Church,_Eastbourne
- dbr:Stephen_I_of_Hungary
- dbr:Sudbury_Priory
- dbr:New_Apostolic_Church
- dbr:Madonna_Standing_(van_der_Weyden)
- dbr:Madonna_of_the_Dry_Tree
- dbr:St_George's_Fields
- dbr:Barack_Obama
- dbr:Tolomeo_Faccendi
- dbr:Traditions_of_Italy
- dbr:Transfiguration_Cathedral_in_Odesa
- dbr:Gandalf
- dbr:Jesus:_A_Portrait
- dbr:Jesus_in_Christianity
- dbr:Job_(biblical_figure)
- dbr:Law_and_Grace_-_Lucas_Cranach_the_Elder_(Prague_type)
- dbr:Abrahamic_religions
- dbr:Alcamo
- dbr:Ammonihah
- dbr:30s
- dbr:Brarup_Church
- dbr:Novacella_Abbey
- dbr:Our_Savior
- dbr:Palmanova
- dbr:Goel
- dbr:Hanauer_Straße
- dbr:List_of_Jesus-related_topics
- dbr:List_of_Philippine_city_name_etymologies
- dbr:Redeemer
- dbr:Gregory_of_Narek
- dbr:Jehovah's_Witnesses
- dbr:Tarcisio_Stramare
- dbr:Hungarian_Evangelical_Fellowship
- dbr:Hyperdispensationalism
- dbr:Verziere_Column
- dbr:San_Giacomo,_Foligno
- dbr:Star_Maker
- dbr:Assemblies_of_God_in_Great_Britain
- dbr:A_Hymn_to_God_the_Father
- dbr:Abundant_life
- dbr:Jesus'_interactions_with_women
- dbr:Kilmallock_Abbey
- dbr:Reformed_Episcopal_Seminary
- dbr:Martqopi_monastery
- dbr:Plan_of_Saint_Gall
- dbr:Plan_of_salvation_in_Mormonism
- dbr:Messianism
- dbr:Migettuwatte_Gunananda_Thera
- dbr:Camp_meeting
- dbr:Senglea
- dbr:Seventh-day_Adventist_Church
- dbr:Shemokmedi_Monastery
- dbr:Christ_Pantocrator
- dbr:Christianity_and_Judaism
- dbr:Christology:_A_Biblical,_Historical,_and_Systematic_Study_of_Jesus
- dbr:Middle_Ages
- dbr:Samuel_Austin_(poet)
- dbr:Savior
- dbr:Saint_Louis_de_Montfort's_Prayer_to_Jesus
- dbr:Our_Saviour
- dbr:The_Lord_(book)
- dbr:Variations_of_the_ichthys_symbol
- dbr:Sacraments_of_the_Catholic_Church
- dbr:Mystici_corporis_Christi
- dbr:Soterioupolis
- dbr:Patron_saints_of_places
- dbr:Scuola_Grande_di_San_Rocco
- dbr:Our_Most_Holy_Redeemer
- dbr:Santi_Pietro_e_Paolo,_Castignano
- dbr:Warnemünde_Church
- dbr:Roman_Catholic_Deanery_of_Munich-Perlach
- dbr:Jesus_as_Saviour
- dbr:Jesus_as_Redeemer
- dbr:Jesus_as_Savior
- dbr:Redeemer,_Redemption
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