- Ranulf de Blondeville, sisè comte (earl) de Chester i primer comte (earl) de Lincoln. (1172–1232), conegut en algunes referències com el quart comte de Chester (el segon llinatge del títol, després de la línia familiar original, es va trencar després del segon comte), era un dels barons anglo-normands de la vella escola dels que la lleialtat a la dinastia angevina era consistent però condicionada a rebre favors lucratius. Se'l descriu com quasi "l'última relíquia de la gran aristocràcia feudal de la Conquesta". (ca)
- Ranulf de Blondeville, 4. Earl of Chester, 1. Earl of Lincoln (* unsicher: 1172 Oswestry (Album Monasterium, Blonde Ville); † 28. Oktober 1232 Wallingford, Berkshire) war ein anglo-normannischer Magnat. Er war Earl of Chester, Earl of Lincoln sowie Vizegraf von Avranches. Er war einer der letzten normannischen Barone, die – unter Gewährung von lukrativen Privilegien – uneingeschränkte Loyalität zum Haus Plantagenet zeigten. Er wurde als „fast das letzte Relikt der großen Feudalaristokratie der Eroberung“ bezeichnet. (de)
- Ranulph (ou Ranulf, Renouf) de Blondeville (1170 – 26 octobre 1232), 6e comte de Chester et 1er comte de Lincoln (à partir de 1217), vicomte héréditaire de l'Avranchin et du Bessin, est un important baron anglo-normand, fidèle à la dynastie angevine mais dont la loyauté dépend des lucratives faveurs dispensées par ses suzerains. Il est décrit comme « quasiment le dernier vestige de la grande aristocratie féodale de la conquête ». (fr)
- Ranulf de Blondeville, 6th Earl of Chester and 1st Earl of Lincoln (1170–26 October 1232), known in some references as the 4th Earl of Chester (in the second lineage of the title after the original family line was broken after the 2nd Earl), was one of the "old school" of Anglo-Norman barons whose loyalty to the Angevin dynasty was consistent but contingent on the receipt of lucrative favours. He has been described as "almost the last relic of the great feudal aristocracy of the Conquest". (en)
- Ranulph de Blondeville, VI conte di Chester (Poitou, 1172 – Wallingford, 1232), di famiglia anglo-normanna fu un potente feudatario inglese. (it)
- Ранульф (III) де Блондевиль (Бландевиль) (англ. Ranulf de Blondeville (Blundevill); 1170 — 18 октября 1232) — англо-нормандский аристократ, 4/6-й граф Честер, виконт д’Авранш и виконт де Байё с 1181 года, граф Ричмонд и герцог Бретани (по праву жены) в 1189—1199 годах, 1-й граф Линкольн с 1217 года, сын Гуго де Кевильока, 3/5-го графа Честера, и Бертрады де Монфор. (ru)
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- 22069 (xsd:nonNegativeInteger)
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- dbr:Carucage
- dbr:Powis_Castle
- dbr:Powys
- dbr:Robin_Hood
- dbr:Robin_of_Sherwood
- dbr:Rouen
- dbc:Burials_at_Chester_Cathedral
- dbr:Battle_of_Lincoln_(1217)
- dbr:Beeston_Castle
- dbc:High_Sheriffs_of_Lancashire
- dbr:John_de_Lacy,_2nd_Earl_of_Lincoln
- dbr:John_of_Scotland,_Earl_of_Huntingdon
- dbr:Richard_I_of_England
- dbr:Viscera
- dbr:De_Lacy
- dbc:Earls_of_Lincoln
- dbr:Earl_of_Lincoln
- dbr:Earl_of_Richmond
- dbr:Inter_vivos
- dbr:William_de_Ferrers,_4th_Earl_of_Derby
- dbr:County_of_Chester
- dbr:Clitheroe
- dbr:Egypt
- dbr:Elen_ferch_Llywelyn
- dbr:Frodsham
- dbr:Genoa
- dbr:Geoffrey_II,_Duke_of_Brittany
- dbr:Gloucester
- dbr:Montgomeryshire
- dbr:Mountsorrel
- dbr:Constance,_Duchess_of_Brittany
- dbr:Angevin_kings_of_England
- dbr:Lincoln_Castle
- dbr:Llywelyn_the_Great
- dbr:Louis_VIII_of_France
- dbr:Macclesfield
- dbr:Magna_Carta
- dbr:Magna_Carta_of_Chester
- dbr:Simon_de_Montfort,_6th_Earl_of_Leicester
- dbc:Earls_of_Chester_(1121_creation)
- dbr:Halton_(UK_Parliament_constituency)
- dbr:Sharon_Kay_Penman
- dbr:Medieval_Archaeology
- dbr:Avranches
- dbr:Bugbrooke
- dbc:Anglo-Normans
- dbc:High_Sheriffs_of_Shropshire
- dbc:Norman_warriors
- dbc:1170_births
- dbc:12th-century_English_nobility
- dbc:13th-century_English_nobility
- dbr:Wallingford,_Oxfordshire
- dbr:Wallingford_Castle
- dbr:Welshpool
- dbr:William_Marshal,_1st_Earl_of_Pembroke
- dbr:Hawise_of_Chester,_1st_Countess_of_Lincoln
- dbr:Damietta
- dbr:Earl_of_Chester
- dbr:Anglo-Normans
- dbr:Baron
- dbr:Norman_Conquest
- dbr:Chartley_Castle
- dbr:Château_d'Avranches
- dbr:Dieulacres_Abbey
- dbr:Matilda_of_Chester,_Countess_of_Huntingdon
- dbr:Henry_III_of_England
- dbr:Henry_II_of_England
- dbr:Henry_IV_of_England
- dbr:High_Sheriff_of_Staffordshire
- dbr:James_Goldman
- dbr:The_Crown
- dbr:Arthur_of_Brittany
- dbc:Christians_of_the_Fifth_Crusade
- dbr:Chester
- dbr:Chester_Castle
- dbr:Chester_Cathedral
- dbr:Chipping_Campden
- dbc:1232_deaths
- dbc:High_Sheriffs_of_Staffordshire
- dbr:John,_King_of_England
- dbr:Suo_jure
- dbr:High_Sheriff_of_Lancashire
- dbr:Bolingbroke_Castle
- dbr:Philip_II_of_France
- dbr:Poitou
- dbr:Pontefract
- dbr:Spilsby
- dbr:Fief
- dbr:Hugh_of_Cyfeiliog,_5th_Earl_of_Chester
- dbr:Nantes
- dbr:Lordship_of_Bowland
- dbr:Magnate
- dbr:Welsh_Marches
- dbr:Vassal
- dbr:Duke_of_Brittany
- dbr:Hugh_de_Kevelioc,_5th_Earl_of_Chester
- dbr:Piers_Plowman
- dbr:Shotwick_Castle
- dbr:Saer_de_Quincy,_1st_Earl_of_Winchester
- dbr:Partisan_(political)
- dbr:Ranulf_de_Gernon
- dbr:Hawise_of_Chester,_Countess_of_Lincoln
- dbr:Matilda_of_Chester
- dbr:Hubert_de_Burgh
- dbr:High_Sheriff_of_Salop
- dbr:Margaret_de_Quincy
- dbr:Bishop_Pelagius
- dbr:Capetian
- dbr:File:Old-Bolingbroke-Castle.jpg
- dbr:Bertrade_de_Montfort_of_Evreux
- dbr:File:St_Nicholas_Wallingford_Castle.jpg
- dbr:William_of_Fougères
- dbr:Alan_de_Dinant
- dbr:Clemence_of_Fougères
- dbr:File:Ranulf_de_Blondeville.jpg
- dbr:Geoffrey_of_Fougères
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- Montgomeryshire, Powys, Wales (en)
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- Wallingford, Berkshire, England (en)
- Ranulf de Blondeville (en)
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- Matilda of Chester, Countess of Salisbury (en)
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- 1181 (xsd:integer)
- 1217 (xsd:integer)
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- Ranulf de Blondeville, sisè comte (earl) de Chester i primer comte (earl) de Lincoln. (1172–1232), conegut en algunes referències com el quart comte de Chester (el segon llinatge del títol, després de la línia familiar original, es va trencar després del segon comte), era un dels barons anglo-normands de la vella escola dels que la lleialtat a la dinastia angevina era consistent però condicionada a rebre favors lucratius. Se'l descriu com quasi "l'última relíquia de la gran aristocràcia feudal de la Conquesta". (ca)
- Ranulf de Blondeville, 4. Earl of Chester, 1. Earl of Lincoln (* unsicher: 1172 Oswestry (Album Monasterium, Blonde Ville); † 28. Oktober 1232 Wallingford, Berkshire) war ein anglo-normannischer Magnat. Er war Earl of Chester, Earl of Lincoln sowie Vizegraf von Avranches. Er war einer der letzten normannischen Barone, die – unter Gewährung von lukrativen Privilegien – uneingeschränkte Loyalität zum Haus Plantagenet zeigten. Er wurde als „fast das letzte Relikt der großen Feudalaristokratie der Eroberung“ bezeichnet. (de)
- Ranulph (ou Ranulf, Renouf) de Blondeville (1170 – 26 octobre 1232), 6e comte de Chester et 1er comte de Lincoln (à partir de 1217), vicomte héréditaire de l'Avranchin et du Bessin, est un important baron anglo-normand, fidèle à la dynastie angevine mais dont la loyauté dépend des lucratives faveurs dispensées par ses suzerains. Il est décrit comme « quasiment le dernier vestige de la grande aristocratie féodale de la conquête ». (fr)
- Ranulf de Blondeville, 6th Earl of Chester and 1st Earl of Lincoln (1170–26 October 1232), known in some references as the 4th Earl of Chester (in the second lineage of the title after the original family line was broken after the 2nd Earl), was one of the "old school" of Anglo-Norman barons whose loyalty to the Angevin dynasty was consistent but contingent on the receipt of lucrative favours. He has been described as "almost the last relic of the great feudal aristocracy of the Conquest". (en)
- Ranulph de Blondeville, VI conte di Chester (Poitou, 1172 – Wallingford, 1232), di famiglia anglo-normanna fu un potente feudatario inglese. (it)
- Ранульф (III) де Блондевиль (Бландевиль) (англ. Ranulf de Blondeville (Blundevill); 1170 — 18 октября 1232) — англо-нормандский аристократ, 4/6-й граф Честер, виконт д’Авранш и виконт де Байё с 1181 года, граф Ричмонд и герцог Бретани (по праву жены) в 1189—1199 годах, 1-й граф Линкольн с 1217 года, сын Гуго де Кевильока, 3/5-го графа Честера, и Бертрады де Монфор. (ru)
- Ranulf de Blondeville (ca)
- Ranulf de Blondeville, 4. Earl of Chester (de)
- Ranulph de Blondeville (it)
- Ranulph de Blondeville (fr)
- Ranulf de Blondeville, 6th Earl of Chester (en)
- Ранульф де Блондевиль, 6-й граф Честер (ru)
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- Ranulf de Blondeville (en)
is dbo:builder
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- dbr:Caludon_Castle
- dbr:English_invasion_of_France_(1230)
- dbr:List_of_castles_in_Cheshire
- dbr:List_of_earldoms
- dbr:List_of_earls_in_the_reign_of_Henry_II_of_England
- dbr:List_of_earls_in_the_reign_of_King_John
- dbr:Battle_of_Fariskur_(1219)
- dbr:Battle_of_Lincoln_(1217)
- dbr:Beeston,_Cheshire
- dbr:Beeston_Castle
- dbr:David,_Earl_of_Huntingdon
- dbr:History_of_Worcester
- dbr:History_of_Worcestershire
- dbr:List_of_earls_in_the_reign_of_Henry_III_of_England
- dbr:List_of_earls_in_the_reign_of_Richard_I_of_England
- dbr:List_of_nobles_and_magnates_of_France_in_the_13th_century
- dbr:Penwortham_Castle
- dbr:Repton_Priory
- dbr:Villeneuve_Abbey
- dbr:De_laude_Cestrie
- dbr:Earl_of_Lincoln
- dbr:Earl_of_Richmond
- dbr:William_de_Ferrers,_5th_Earl_of_Derby
- dbr:List_of_nobles_and_magnates_of_England_in_the_13th_century
- dbr:List_of_peers_1190–1199
- dbr:List_of_peers_1220–1229
- dbr:List_of_peers_1230–1239
- dbr:List_of_rulers_of_Brittany
- dbr:Robert_de_Vieuxpont_(died_1227/8)
- dbr:1170
- dbr:1170s_in_England
- dbr:1194
- dbr:1230
- dbr:1232
- dbr:13th_century_in_Wales
- dbr:Combermere_Abbey
- dbr:Criccieth_Castle
- dbr:Measham
- dbr:Rushton,_Staffordshire
- dbr:Salford
- dbr:Welsh_uprising_of_1211
- dbr:William_de_Cantilupe_(died_1251)
- dbr:Freiston
- dbr:Geoffrey_II,_Duke_of_Brittany
- dbr:Grade_I_listed_buildings_in_Cheshire_West_and_Chester
- dbr:Conan_I,_Viscount_of_Léon
- dbr:Constable_of_Chester
- dbr:Constance,_Duchess_of_Brittany
- dbr:Andrew_II,_Baron_of_Vitré
- dbr:Macclesfield
- dbr:Magna_Carta
- dbr:Magna_Carta_of_Chester
- dbr:Simon_de_Montfort,_6th_Earl_of_Leicester
- dbr:Henry_Audley
- dbr:Maud_of_Gloucester,_Countess_of_Chester
- dbr:Bainbridge,_North_Yorkshire
- dbr:Timeline_of_Cheshire_history
- dbr:Walter_of_Hereford,_Abbot_of_Vale_Royal
- dbr:Hawise_of_Chester,_1st_Countess_of_Lincoln
- dbr:Lamprey_pie
- dbr:Lavendon_Abbey
- dbr:Earl_of_Chester
- dbr:Fifth_Crusade
- dbr:First_Barons'_War
- dbr:Forests_of_Mara_and_Mondrem
- dbr:Dieulacres_Abbey
- dbr:Falkes_de_Bréauté
- dbr:Fotheringhay_Castle
- dbr:History_of_Chester
- dbr:John_Russell_(knight)
- dbr:John_fitz_Richard
- dbr:Leekfrith
- dbr:Matilda_of_Chester,_Countess_of_Huntingdon
- dbr:Greyfriars,_Coventry
- dbr:Haigh_Hall
- dbr:Heaton,_Staffordshire
- dbr:Henry_III_of_England
- dbr:High_Sheriff_of_Staffordshire
- dbr:Tarvin
- dbr:Arthur_I,_Duke_of_Brittany
- dbr:Cheshire
- dbr:Chester_Cathedral
- dbr:John,_King_of_England
- dbr:Heritage_Lincolnshire
- dbr:High_Sheriff_of_Lancashire
- dbr:Honour_of_Richmond
- dbr:Margaret_of_Huntingdon,_Lady_of_Galloway
- dbr:Bolingbroke_Castle
- dbr:Spilsby
- dbr:Feudal_barony_of_Berry_Pomeroy
- dbr:Guihomar_V,_Viscount_of_Léon
- dbr:Hugh_of_Cyfeiliog,_5th_Earl_of_Chester
- dbr:Neston_Town_Hall
- dbr:Ralph_Neville
- dbr:Worcester_city_walls
- dbr:Margaret_de_Quincy,_Countess_of_Lincoln
- dbr:List_of_sources_for_the_Crusades
- dbr:Listed_buildings_in_Beeston,_Cheshire
- dbr:Peter_de_Maulay
- dbr:Ranulf_of_Chester
- dbr:Roger_de_Lacy_(1170–1211)
- dbr:Siege_of_Damietta_(1218–1219)
- dbr:Shotwick_Castle
- dbr:Ranulph_de_Blondeville,_6th_Earl_of_Chester
- dbr:Randolph_de_Blondeville,_4th_Earl_of_Chester
- dbr:Ranulf_de_Blondeville,_1st_Earl_of_Lincoln
- dbr:Ranulph_III
- dbr:Ranulph_de_Blondeville,_1st_Earl_of_Lincoln
- dbr:Ranulph_de_Blondeville,_4th_Earl_of_Chester
- dbr:Ranulph_de_Meschines,_4th_Earl_of_Chester
is dbp:after
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