Protea pityphylla, also known as Ceres sugarbush or mountain rose (along with a number of similar species), is a flowering shrub of the genus Protea, in the family Proteaceae. The plant is endemic to the southwestern Cape Region of South Africa.
Protea pityphylla, also known as Ceres sugarbush or mountain rose (along with a number of similar species), is a flowering shrub of the genus Protea, in the family Proteaceae. The plant is endemic to the southwestern Cape Region of South Africa. (en)
Protea pityphylla (лат.) — кустарник, вид рода Протея (Protea) семейства Протейные (Proteaceae), эндемик Капской области Южной Африки. (ru)
Protea pityphylla är en tvåhjärtbladig växtart som beskrevs av Henry Phillips. Protea pityphylla ingår i släktet Protea och familjen Proteaceae. Inga underarter finns listade i Catalogue of Life. (sv)
Protea pityphylla, also known as Ceres sugarbush or mountain rose (along with a number of similar species), is a flowering shrub of the genus Protea, in the family Proteaceae. The plant is endemic to the southwestern Cape Region of South Africa. (en)
Protea pityphylla (лат.) — кустарник, вид рода Протея (Protea) семейства Протейные (Proteaceae), эндемик Капской области Южной Африки. (ru)
Protea pityphylla är en tvåhjärtbladig växtart som beskrevs av Henry Phillips. Protea pityphylla ingår i släktet Protea och familjen Proteaceae. Inga underarter finns listade i Catalogue of Life. (sv)