Poligeenan (CAS No. 53973-98-1) is a low viscosity, low molecular weight, sulfated polygalactan polymer used exclusively in clinical diagnostic applications. The polymer is derived from the molecular backbone of carrageenan.
Poligeenan (synonym degradiertes Carrageenan, dCGN) ist ein teilweise hydrolysiertes Carrageen aus Rotalgen der Familie Rhodophyceae. (de)
Poligeenan (CAS No. 53973-98-1) is a low viscosity, low molecular weight, sulfated polygalactan polymer used exclusively in clinical diagnostic applications. The polymer is derived from the molecular backbone of carrageenan. (en)
Poligeenan (synonym degradiertes Carrageenan, dCGN) ist ein teilweise hydrolysiertes Carrageen aus Rotalgen der Familie Rhodophyceae. (de)
Poligeenan (CAS No. 53973-98-1) is a low viscosity, low molecular weight, sulfated polygalactan polymer used exclusively in clinical diagnostic applications. The polymer is derived from the molecular backbone of carrageenan. (en)