About: Penny Wong

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Penelope Ying-Yen Wong (born 5 November 1968) is an Australian politician who has been Minister for Foreign Affairs and Leader of the Government in the Senate in the Albanese Government since 2022. A member of the Australian Labor Party (ALP), she has been a Senator for South Australia since 2002. Wong previously served as Minister for Climate Change and Minister for Finance and Deregulation during the governments of Kevin Rudd and Julia Gillard from 2007 until 2013.

Property Value
  • بيني وونغ (مواليد 5 نوفمبر 1968) هي سياسية أسترالية تشغل منصب وزيرة الخارجية منذ 23 مايو 2022 ضمن حكومة أنتوني ألبانيز. (ar)
  • Penelope Ying-Yen „Penny“ Wong (chinesisch 黃英賢 / 黄英贤, Pinyin Huáng Yingxián; * 5. November 1968 in Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, Malaysia) ist eine malaysisch-australische Politikerin und seit dem 23. Mai 2022 Außenministerin Australiens. Zuvor war sie ab 2013 die Oppositionsführerin im australischen Senat. Sie war von 2007 bis 2010 australische Ministerin für Klimawandel und Wasser und von 2010 bis 2013 Ministerin für Finanzen und Deregulierung, und seit 2002 Senatorin. Sie war das erste offen homosexuelle und das erste in Asien geborene Mitglied eines australischen Regierungskabinetts. (de)
  • Penelope Ying-Yen Wong (born 5 November 1968) is an Australian politician who has been Minister for Foreign Affairs and Leader of the Government in the Senate in the Albanese Government since 2022. A member of the Australian Labor Party (ALP), she has been a Senator for South Australia since 2002. Wong previously served as Minister for Climate Change and Minister for Finance and Deregulation during the governments of Kevin Rudd and Julia Gillard from 2007 until 2013. Born in Malaysia to a Chinese Malaysian father and a British Australian mother, Wong was educated at Scotch College in Adelaide, before attending the University of Adelaide, graduating with Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Laws degrees. Prior to beginning her political career, she worked as a lawyer and political advisor. Wong entered politics by winning a Senate seat in the 2001 election. Following Labor's victory in the 2007 election, she was appointed Minister for Climate Change, going on to lead for Australia at the landmark 2009 UN Climate Change Conference in Copenhagen. Following the 2010 election, Wong was moved to become Minister for Finance and Deregulation, and in June 2013, she was elected by her colleagues to become Leader of the Government in the Senate. Following Labor's defeat in the 2013 election, Wong held several roles in the Shadow Cabinets of both Bill Shorten and Anthony Albanese, serving as Leader of the Opposition in the Senate throughout. Upon Labor's victory at the 2022 election, Wong was appointed Minister for Foreign Affairs, and resumed her role as Leader of the Government in the Senate. Wong has been described by her biographer as "principled, intellectual, private, restrained and sane". In 2008, she became the first Asian-born member of an Australian Cabinet. She was also the first female openly-LGBTI Australian federal parliamentarian, and was an instrumental figure in the legalisation of same-sex marriage in Australia in 2017, reversing her previous endorsement of Labor Party policy that had opposed it. (en)
  • Penny Wong, née le 5 novembre 1968 à Kota Kinabalu en Malaisie, est une femme politique australienne. Membre du Parti travailliste, elle est depuis 2002 sénatrice de l'Australie-Méridionale. Première titulaire du poste de ministre du Changement climatique, de l'Efficacité énergétique et de l'Eau, entre 2007 et 2010, elle est ensuite ministre du Budget et de la Déréglementation de 2010 à 2013. Elle est ministre des Affaires étrangères depuis le 23 mai 2022. Penny Wong est la première personne née en Asie et la première homosexuelle à devenir membre du cabinet australien. (fr)
  • Penelope "Penny" Ying-yen Wong (lahir 5 November 1968) adalah seorang politikus asal Australia berdarah Tionghoa kelahiran Malaysia. Kini dia menjabat sebagai sebagai . Wong juga adalah member dari Partai Buruh Australia dan anggota dan anggota Senat. Dia adalah menteri pertama di . Dia diangkat pada 26 Februari 2010 oleh perdana menteri Julia Gillard. Pada 13 september 2010, dia diangkat sebagai menteri keuangan di kabinet Gillard. Dia juga mewakili Australia Selatan di Senat Australia sejak 2002. Wong adalah seorang kelahiran dan berdarah asia di luar Australia yang menjadi menteri di kabinet Australia dan seorang Lesbian pertama yang menjadi menteri di Kabinet Australia. Sebelum menjadi Senat, dia adalah seorang Pengacara di Adelaide, Australia Selatan dan penasihat Bob Carr di New South Wales. (in)
  • 페넬로페 잉옌 웡(영어: Penelope "Penny" Ying-yen Wong, 중국어: 黃英賢, 1968년 11월 5일~)은 오스트레일리아의 레즈비언 정치인이다. 하카계 말레이시아인 아버지와 오스트레일리아인 어머니 사이에서 태어났으며, 말레이시아에서 태어나 8세 때 오스트레일리아로 이주했다. 오스트레일리아 노동당 소속이며, 2002년부터 사우스오스트레일리아주를 대표하는 오스트레일리아 상원의원을 지내고 있다. 케빈 러드 내각에 입각하여 2007년 12월부터 2010년 9월까지 초대 기후변화 수자원장관(Minister for Climate Change, Energy Efficiency and Water)직을, 이어서 2013년까지 재무장관 직을 지냈다. (ko)
  • ペニー・ウォン(Penelope "Penny" Ying-Yen Wong、1968年11月5日 - )は、オーストラリアの政治家。女性として、同性愛者としてオーストラリア政界で多くの「初」記録を打ち立てた。漢名は黄 英賢(ピンイン:Huáng Yīngxián、粤拼:wong4 ying1 yin4)。 (ja)
  • Penelope Ying-yen "Penny" Wong, chin. 黃英賢, pinyin : Huáng Yīngxián (ur. 5 listopada 1968 w Kota Kinabalu) – australijska polityk, senatorka z ramienia Australijskiej Partii Pracy (ALP) reprezentująca okręg wyborczy Australia Południowa. Po zwycięskich dla ALP wyborach w 2007 została ministrem ds. zmian klimatycznych i wody (Climate Change and Water Minister). Po kolejnych wyborach w 2010 roku została przeniesiona na urząd minister finansów i deregulacji. Pełniła go do 18 września 2013, kiedy to jej ugrupowanie przeszło do opozycji po przegranych wyborach. Powołana 23 maja 2022 roku na stanowisko minister spraw zagranicznych w gabinecie Anthony’ego Albanesego. Jest pierwszą osobą azjatyckiego pochodzenia i pierwszym politykiem otwarcie przyznającym się do swojej orientacji homoseksualnej w gabinecie Australii. (pl)
  • 黄英贤(英語:Penny Wong,1968年11月5日-),澳大利亞華裔政治人物、現任外交部长暨。她持有法律学研究生学历。 黄英贤先前曾在陆克文和吉拉德政府内阁中财务与放寬監管部部长(财务部长是财政部长的助理部长之一,负责政府财务和支出等)。她既是澳大利亚第一位公开的女同性恋参议员、第一位亚裔女性参议员,也是第一位亚裔财务部长。作为工党在联邦参议院的领袖,黄英贤是工党兩度作为执政党时排名第三的政治领袖,是澳大利亚历史上位置最高的华裔政治人物。 (zh)
  • 1968-11-05 (xsd:date)
  • Penelope Ying-Yen Wong (en)
  • Penny-Handwritten-Name.jpg
  • 958868 (xsd:integer)
  • 44864 (xsd:nonNegativeInteger)
  • 1123238815 (xsd:integer)
  • 1968-11-05 (xsd:date)
  • Penelope Ying-Yen Wong (en)
  • Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, Malaysia (en)
  • Official portrait, 2021 (en)
  • 2 (xsd:integer)
  • University of Adelaide( ) (en)
  • University of South Australia( ) (en)
  • Penny Wong (en)
  • Sophie Allouache (en)
  • Penny-Handwritten-Name.jpg (en)
  • 2010-09-14 (xsd:date)
  • 2013-09-18 (xsd:date)
  • 2022-05-23 (xsd:date)
  • 2002-07-01 (xsd:date)
  • 2007-12-03 (xsd:date)
  • 2010-09-14 (xsd:date)
  • 2013-06-27 (xsd:date)
  • 2013-09-18 (xsd:date)
  • 2022-05-23 (xsd:date)
  • 2022-06-01 (xsd:date)
  • 2002 (xsd:integer)
  • 2007 (xsd:integer)
  • 2010 (xsd:integer)
  • 2013 (xsd:integer)
  • 2022 (xsd:integer)
  • بيني وونغ (مواليد 5 نوفمبر 1968) هي سياسية أسترالية تشغل منصب وزيرة الخارجية منذ 23 مايو 2022 ضمن حكومة أنتوني ألبانيز. (ar)
  • Penelope Ying-Yen „Penny“ Wong (chinesisch 黃英賢 / 黄英贤, Pinyin Huáng Yingxián; * 5. November 1968 in Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, Malaysia) ist eine malaysisch-australische Politikerin und seit dem 23. Mai 2022 Außenministerin Australiens. Zuvor war sie ab 2013 die Oppositionsführerin im australischen Senat. Sie war von 2007 bis 2010 australische Ministerin für Klimawandel und Wasser und von 2010 bis 2013 Ministerin für Finanzen und Deregulierung, und seit 2002 Senatorin. Sie war das erste offen homosexuelle und das erste in Asien geborene Mitglied eines australischen Regierungskabinetts. (de)
  • Penny Wong, née le 5 novembre 1968 à Kota Kinabalu en Malaisie, est une femme politique australienne. Membre du Parti travailliste, elle est depuis 2002 sénatrice de l'Australie-Méridionale. Première titulaire du poste de ministre du Changement climatique, de l'Efficacité énergétique et de l'Eau, entre 2007 et 2010, elle est ensuite ministre du Budget et de la Déréglementation de 2010 à 2013. Elle est ministre des Affaires étrangères depuis le 23 mai 2022. Penny Wong est la première personne née en Asie et la première homosexuelle à devenir membre du cabinet australien. (fr)
  • 페넬로페 잉옌 웡(영어: Penelope "Penny" Ying-yen Wong, 중국어: 黃英賢, 1968년 11월 5일~)은 오스트레일리아의 레즈비언 정치인이다. 하카계 말레이시아인 아버지와 오스트레일리아인 어머니 사이에서 태어났으며, 말레이시아에서 태어나 8세 때 오스트레일리아로 이주했다. 오스트레일리아 노동당 소속이며, 2002년부터 사우스오스트레일리아주를 대표하는 오스트레일리아 상원의원을 지내고 있다. 케빈 러드 내각에 입각하여 2007년 12월부터 2010년 9월까지 초대 기후변화 수자원장관(Minister for Climate Change, Energy Efficiency and Water)직을, 이어서 2013년까지 재무장관 직을 지냈다. (ko)
  • ペニー・ウォン(Penelope "Penny" Ying-Yen Wong、1968年11月5日 - )は、オーストラリアの政治家。女性として、同性愛者としてオーストラリア政界で多くの「初」記録を打ち立てた。漢名は黄 英賢(ピンイン:Huáng Yīngxián、粤拼:wong4 ying1 yin4)。 (ja)
  • 黄英贤(英語:Penny Wong,1968年11月5日-),澳大利亞華裔政治人物、現任外交部长暨。她持有法律学研究生学历。 黄英贤先前曾在陆克文和吉拉德政府内阁中财务与放寬監管部部长(财务部长是财政部长的助理部长之一,负责政府财务和支出等)。她既是澳大利亚第一位公开的女同性恋参议员、第一位亚裔女性参议员,也是第一位亚裔财务部长。作为工党在联邦参议院的领袖,黄英贤是工党兩度作为执政党时排名第三的政治领袖,是澳大利亚历史上位置最高的华裔政治人物。 (zh)
  • Penelope Ying-Yen Wong (born 5 November 1968) is an Australian politician who has been Minister for Foreign Affairs and Leader of the Government in the Senate in the Albanese Government since 2022. A member of the Australian Labor Party (ALP), she has been a Senator for South Australia since 2002. Wong previously served as Minister for Climate Change and Minister for Finance and Deregulation during the governments of Kevin Rudd and Julia Gillard from 2007 until 2013. (en)
  • Penelope "Penny" Ying-yen Wong (lahir 5 November 1968) adalah seorang politikus asal Australia berdarah Tionghoa kelahiran Malaysia. Kini dia menjabat sebagai sebagai . Wong juga adalah member dari Partai Buruh Australia dan anggota dan anggota Senat. Dia adalah menteri pertama di . Dia diangkat pada 26 Februari 2010 oleh perdana menteri Julia Gillard. Pada 13 september 2010, dia diangkat sebagai menteri keuangan di kabinet Gillard. Dia juga mewakili Australia Selatan di Senat Australia sejak 2002. (in)
  • Penelope Ying-yen "Penny" Wong, chin. 黃英賢, pinyin : Huáng Yīngxián (ur. 5 listopada 1968 w Kota Kinabalu) – australijska polityk, senatorka z ramienia Australijskiej Partii Pracy (ALP) reprezentująca okręg wyborczy Australia Południowa. Po zwycięskich dla ALP wyborach w 2007 została ministrem ds. zmian klimatycznych i wody (Climate Change and Water Minister). Po kolejnych wyborach w 2010 roku została przeniesiona na urząd minister finansów i deregulacji. Pełniła go do 18 września 2013, kiedy to jej ugrupowanie przeszło do opozycji po przegranych wyborach. Powołana 23 maja 2022 roku na stanowisko minister spraw zagranicznych w gabinecie Anthony’ego Albanesego. (pl)
  • بيني وونغ (ar)
  • Penny Wong (de)
  • Penny Wong (in)
  • Penny Wong (fr)
  • Penny Wong (it)
  • 페니 웡 (ko)
  • ペニー・ウォン (ja)
  • Penny Wong (en)
  • Penny Wong (pl)
  • 黄英贤 (zh)
  • Penny Wong (en)
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