- أوليفيرا كاتارينا (بالصربية: Оливера Катарина) هي عارضة وكاتِبة ومغنية وشاعرة وممثلة صربية، ولدت في 5 مارس 1940 في صربيا. (ar)
- Olivera Katarina (serbokroatisch-kyrillisch Оливера Катарина; * 5. März 1940 in Belgrad; mit bürgerlichem Namen Olivera Šakić (serbokroatisch-kyrillisch Оливера Шакић), auch Olivera Vučo (serbokroatisch-kyrillisch Оливера Вучо), gebürtige Petrović) ist eine bekannte jugoslawische bzw. serbische Schauspielerin und Sängerin. (de)
- Olivera Katarina (en serbe : Оливера Катарина), née Petrović (Петровић) à Belgrade (Yougoslavie, actuellement Serbie) le 5 mars 1940 , connue précédemment sous le nom d'Olivera Vučo (Оливера Вучо) et aussi Olivera Šakić (Оливера Шакић), est une actrice, chanteuse et écrivain serbe et yougoslave. (fr)
- Olivera Katarina (née Petrović; Serbian Cyrillic: Оливера Катарина, née Петровић; born 5 March 1940), also previously known as Olivera Vučo (Serbian Cyrillic: Оливера Вучо) and Olivera Šakić (Serbian Cyrillic: Оливера Шакић), is a Serbian actress, singer and writer. She was one of the leading stars of Yugoslav cinema in the 1960s and the 1970s, and is probably the best known for her performance in Aleksandar Petrović's film I Even Met Happy Gypsies (1967), which won the Grand Prix at the 1967 Cannes Film Festival. As a singer, Olivera Katarina has performed music of various genres, varying from Serbian traditional to pop music, and in numerous languages. Her version of "", which she performed in I Even Met Happy Gypsies, has been considered one of the best renditions of that song ever recorded. (en)
- أوليفيرا كاتارينا (بالصربية: Оливера Катарина) هي عارضة وكاتِبة ومغنية وشاعرة وممثلة صربية، ولدت في 5 مارس 1940 في صربيا. (ar)
- Olivera Katarina (serbokroatisch-kyrillisch Оливера Катарина; * 5. März 1940 in Belgrad; mit bürgerlichem Namen Olivera Šakić (serbokroatisch-kyrillisch Оливера Шакић), auch Olivera Vučo (serbokroatisch-kyrillisch Оливера Вучо), gebürtige Petrović) ist eine bekannte jugoslawische bzw. serbische Schauspielerin und Sängerin. (de)
- Olivera Katarina (en serbe : Оливера Катарина), née Petrović (Петровић) à Belgrade (Yougoslavie, actuellement Serbie) le 5 mars 1940 , connue précédemment sous le nom d'Olivera Vučo (Оливера Вучо) et aussi Olivera Šakić (Оливера Шакић), est une actrice, chanteuse et écrivain serbe et yougoslave. (fr)
- Olivera Katarina (née Petrović; Serbian Cyrillic: Оливера Катарина, née Петровић; born 5 March 1940), also previously known as Olivera Vučo (Serbian Cyrillic: Оливера Вучо) and Olivera Šakić (Serbian Cyrillic: Оливера Шакић), is a Serbian actress, singer and writer. She was one of the leading stars of Yugoslav cinema in the 1960s and the 1970s, and is probably the best known for her performance in Aleksandar Petrović's film I Even Met Happy Gypsies (1967), which won the Grand Prix at the 1967 Cannes Film Festival. (en)