- Nijō Ishi/Tameko (Japanese: 二条 為子) was a representative poetess of the Nijō poetic school in the latter half of the Kamakura period. She was rewarded with Junior Third Rank (贈従三位, Zo-Jusanmi) posthumously. She was a descendant of Fujiwara no Teika, and the daughter of Nijō Tameyo, a great poet. She was the wife of Crown Prince Takaharu-shinnō (later Emperor Go-Daigo-tennō). At first, she served as Yūgimon'in to Princess Reishi, and later held an important position as Emperor Go-Nijō's lady-in-waiting. Around this time, the late 1300s, she started courting Imperial Prince Takaharu-shinnō, who was also a master of waka poetry. Following the death of Emperor Nijō in 1308, he became Crown Prince, and she became Crown Princess. She lived happily with Prince Takaharu-shinnō and had Imperial Prince Takanaga (also Takayoshi), and Imperial Prince Munenaga (also Muneyoshi), the most well-known poet of the Southern Court (also head priest of Enryaku-ji /Tendai-zasu ), who died prematurely before he ascended the throne. Emperor Go-Daigo, who ascended the throne after Tameko's death, became a protector of the Nijō poetic school and worked to promote it. As a result, through Ashikawa Takauji, the first shogun of the Ashikawa shogunate and a poet, who admired Emperor Go-Daigo, the Nijō poetic school had been the leading school for more than 500 years in the Middle Ages, early modern period and late modern period. Her poetic style was described as "gentle poetry" and 71 of her poems were collected in the Shingosen Wakashū (新後撰和歌集, New Later Collection of Waka), an imperial anthology of Japanese waka poetry. She influenced future generations, such as Kanze Nobumitsu’s noh play Momijigari (紅葉狩, Maple Viewing) (mid-Muromachi period). Her kiryoka (travelling poetry) was well received, and a poem about Sumida River was selected in the Ogura Hyakunin Isshu (小倉百人一首), the anthology of one hundred Japanese waka by one hundred poets (1686). In addition to poetry, she had knowledge of Chinese literature and excelled in writing. She was praised as "the wife of honour" ("the great woman") because of her versatile personality. (en)
- 二条 為子(にじょう いし/ためこ)は、鎌倉時代後期、二条派の代表的歌人。贈従三位為子(ぞうじゅさんみいし/ためこ)とも。歌聖藤原定家の嫡系子孫で、歌壇の大御所二条為世の娘。皇太子尊治親王(のちの後醍醐天皇)の妃。 はじめ遊義門院(姈子内親王)に仕え、さらに後二条天皇典侍を務めるなど重職を歴任した。これと前後して1300年代後半ごろから、為子と同じく和歌の名手である尊治親王と交際を始め、徳治3年(1308年)の後二条崩御に伴い尊治が皇太子となったことで、為子も皇太子妃となる。尊治とは仲睦まじく、第一皇子である一品中務卿尊良親王や、南朝最大の歌人である南朝征夷大将軍宗良親王(天台座主尊澄法親王)らをもうけたが、尊治の即位前に早逝した。為子の死後に即位した後醍醐は、二条派の庇護者となって振興に努めた。結果、後醍醐を敬愛し武家歌人としても傑出していた室町幕府初代征夷大将軍足利尊氏らを通じ、同派は中世・近世・近代の500年以上に渡り歌壇を主導した。 その歌風は「やさしき歌」と評され、『新後撰和歌集』以下の勅撰和歌集に計71首が入集した。後世、観世信光の能『紅葉狩』(室町時代中期)などに影響を与えた。羇旅歌(きりょか、旅情の歌)にも優れ、隅田川を題にした歌が『名所和歌百人一首』(貞享3年(1686年)9月)に撰出された。歌のほか、漢学の素養もあり、また書にも秀でるなど、万能の人であったことから、「名誉の女房」(「偉大なる女性」)と称えられた。 (ja)
- 二條為子(生卒年不詳),又稱藤原為子、從三位為子,日本鎌倉時代後期女性和歌歌人、女官。父親,有弟弟、、。 她先出仕於後宇多天皇的皇后遊義門院(即姈子內親王)為權大納言,嘉元二年(1304年)後成為後二條天皇的典侍。德治三年(1308年)後二條天皇崩御,之後她成為尊治親王(後來的後醍醐天皇)的側室,生子女、宗良親王、、欣子内親王。文保二年(1318年)後醍醐天皇即位後,被贈從三位。 她是的代表歌人之一,曾多次參加後二條天皇的,包括正安四年(1302年)六月和乾元二年(1303年)七月。嘉元元年(1303年)左右應後宇多上皇之召為「嘉元百首」進呈作品,收入敕撰和歌集的作品共計有70首。 (zh)