- Monthly Girls' Nozaki-kun (月刊少女野崎くん , Gekkan Shōjo Nozaki-kun?) és un còmic web de quatre panells escrit i il·lustrat per . Els seus capítols es publiquen a , i són publicats en volums tankōbon per Square Enix. Una adaptació a sèrie d'animació per part de l'estudi va començar a emetre's el juliol de 2014. (ca)
- نوزاكي-كون من مجلة الفتيات الشهرية(باليابانية: 月刊少女野崎くん، بالروماجي: Gekkan Shōjo Nozaki-kun) هي سلسلة مانغا يابانية من تأليف ورسم ، نشرت من قبل سكوير إنكس في مجلة غانغان كوميكس، منذ 25 أغسطس عام 2011. أنتجت إلى مسلسل أنمي تلفزيوني من قبل استوديو دوغا كوبو، عرض الأنمي في 7 يوليو عام 2014 واستمر عرضه حتى 22 سبتمبر عام 2014، وتكون من 12 حلقة. (ar)
- Shojo-Mangaka Nozaki-kun (jap. 月刊少女野崎くん) ist eine Yonkoma-Mangaserie von , die seit 2011 in Japan erscheint. Sie wurde unter anderem als Anime-Fernsehserie und Original Video Animation adaptiert und in mehrere Sprachen übersetzt. (de)
- Gekkan Shoujo Nozaki-kun (月刊少女野崎 lit. Chicas Mensuales Nozaki?), también conocido en español como Nozaki y su revista mensual para chicas, es un manga yonkoma de comedia romántica escrito e ilustrado por Izumi Tsubaki. Serializado en volúmenes tankōbon por Square Enix y publicado en la revista Shōnen Gangan Online desde agosto de 2011 en Japón. Se ha adaptado a una serie de anime para televisión por el estudio Dogakobo que comenzó a transmitirse en julio de 2014. (es)
- Monthly Girls' Nozaki-kun (Japanese: 月刊少女野崎くん, Hepburn: Gekkan Shōjo Nozaki-kun) is a Japanese four-panel manga series written and illustrated by Izumi Tsubaki. The chapters are serialized online in Gangan Online, and have been published in both physical and digital releases of Shoujo Romance Girly and tankōbon volumes by Square Enix. An anime adaptation by Doga Kobo aired in July 2014. (en)
- Gekkan Shōjo Nozaki-kun (月刊(げっかん)少女(しょうじょ)野崎(のざき)くん), en anglais Monthly Girls' Nozaki-kun, littéralement « Mensuel féminin Nozaki-kun », est un manga en quatre cases écrit et dessiné par Izumi Tsubaki. Prépublié dans le magazine Gangan Online de Square Enix, il a été édité physiquement et numériquement dans Shoujo Romance Girly et imprimé en tankōbon. Le manga a fait l'objet d'une adaptation en série télévisée, produite par le studio Doga Kobo et diffusée entre juillet et septembre 2014. (fr)
- Komikus Shojo Nozaki (bahasa Jepang: 月刊少女野崎くん Hepburn: Gekkan Shōjo Nozaki-kun, Monthly Girls' Nozaki-kun) adalah manga empat panel bergenre komedi romantis yang ditulis dan digambar oleh Izumi Tsubaki. Setiap babnya yang diunggah secara berseri di Gangan Online telah diterbitkan oleh Square Enix di majalah Shoujo Romance Girly dalam bentuk cetak maupun digital serta dalam bentuk tankōbon. Adaptasi komik web ini ke dalam bentuk anime oleh Doga Kobo telah disiarkan di televisi bulan Juli–September 2014. (in)
- 『月刊少女野崎くん』(げっかんしょうじょのざきくん)は、椿いづみによる日本の4コマ漫画作品。スクウェア・エニックスのウェブコミック配信サイト『ガンガンONLINE』で2011年8月25日更新分より連載中。月2回(第2・第4木曜日)更新。 2014年7月にはテレビアニメ化され、深夜アニメとしてテレビ東京ほかで全12話が放送された。 (ja)
- 《월간순정 노자키 군》(일본어: 月刊少女野崎くん 겟칸쇼죠 노자키 군[*], 월간순정 노자키 군)은 일본의 4컷 웹코믹 로맨틱 코미디 만화다. 츠바키 이즈미가 글을 쓰고 그림도 그렸다. 스퀘어 에닉스 계열의 간간 온라인(Gangan Online)에서 연재되고 있으며, 스퀘어 에닉스가 단행본을 발행하였다. 대한민국에서는 학산문화사에서 배급 및 번역하고 있으며 2021년 12월 기준으로 13권까지 출판되었다. 동화공방이 제작한 TV 애니메이션은 2014년 7월 7일부터 9월 22일까지 방영되었다. 대한민국에서 TV 애니메이션은 애니플러스에서 방송하였다. (ko)
- L'assistente del mese - Gekkan shojo Nozaki kun (月刊少女野崎くん Gekkan shōjo Nozaki-kun?, lett. "Lo shōjo mensile di Nozaki") è un manga yonkoma scritto e disegnato da , serializzato sulla rivista Gangan Online di Square Enix dal 25 agosto 2011. Un adattamento anime, prodotto da Doga Kobo, è stato trasmesso in Giappone tra il 6 luglio e il 21 settembre 2014. (it)
- Gekkan Shōjo Nozaki-kun (月刊少女野崎くん Mangá Mensal para Garotas, Nozaki-kun?) é um mangá yonkoma de comédia romântica escrito e ilustrado por Izumi Tsubaki. Os capítulos tankōbon foram serializados na revista Gangan Online pela editora Square Enix. A adaptação para anime foi feita pelo estúdio Doga Kobo, e transmitida no Japão entre 6 de julho e 21 de setembro de 2014. A série foi transmitida no Brasil através da Crunchyroll. (pt)
- Mistrz romansu Nozaki (jap. 月刊少女野崎くん Gekkan shōjo Nozaki-kun) – czteropanelowa manga z gatunku komedia romantyczna, której autorem jest . Kolejne rozdziały ukazują się w internetowym czasopiśmie „Gangan Online” wydawnictwa Square Enix. Na podstawie mangi powstała adaptacja w formie anime. W Polsce mangę wydaje Waneko. (pl)
- Gekkan Shoujo Nozaki-kun (яп. 月刊少女野崎くん гэккан сё:дзё Нодзаки-кун, букв. «Ежемесячное сёдзё Нодзаки-куна») — четырёхкадровая веб-манга (ёнкома) в жанре романтической комедии и одноименное аниме, снятое на студии Dogakobo. С 20 июня 2015 г. продюсерская компания запустила Drama CD по манге. (ru)
- 《月刊少女野崎同學》(日语:月刊少女野崎くん)是椿泉的日本四格漫畫作品,自2011年8月25日起於Square Enix的漫畫網站「GANGAN ONLINE」每月連載一回(每月第4個星期四)。2014年7月開始播放電視動畫。 (zh)
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- Baiorensu bāsasu Purinsu (en)
- Dokidoki, Tariteru? (en)
- Gakuen no Ōji-sama no Nayami (en)
- Kome Shiyo (en)
- Mahō o Kakete Ageru (en)
- Mangaka Nō Nozaki-kun (en)
- Nyū Hiroin o Yoroshiku ne (en)
- Otoko ni wa, Tatakawaneba Naranai, Toki ga Aru. (en)
- Tsuyomaru no wa, Kizuna to Tazuna (en)
- Kono Kimochi ga Koi Janai Nara, Kitto Sekai ni Koi wa Nai. (en)
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- dbr:Atsuko_Nakajima
- Osamu Yamazaki (en)
- Hiroaki Yoshikawa (en)
- Ryōhei Takeshita (en)
- Mitsue Yamazaki (en)
- Chieko Miyakawa (en)
- Miki Takihara, Yuka Kudō, Atsuko Nakajima, Mitsue Mori, Junichirō Taniguchi (en)
- Chisato Kikunaga (en)
- Chisato Kikunaga, Masayoshi Kikuchi, Hitomi Kaiho (en)
- Kyōko Kotani, Satonobu Kikuchi, Manamu Amazaki (en)
- Manamu Amazaki, Tsubasa Itō, Keiko Ichihara (en)
- Miki Takihara, Yuka Kudō, Kanako Yoshida (en)
- Odahiro Watanabe (en)
- Tetsuto Saitō (en)
- Yuka Kudō (en)
- Kanako Yoshida, Mina Ōtaka, Yumiko Komiyama, Yuka Kudō, Manamu Amazaki (en)
- Cover of the first volume featuring Umetarō Nozaki (en)
- This volume covers chapters 1-10. (en)
- This volume covers chapters 101-110. (en)
- This volume covers chapters 11-20. (en)
- This volume covers chapters 111-120. (en)
- This volume covers chapters 121-130.5. (en)
- This volume covers chapters 21-30. (en)
- This volume covers chapters 31-40. (en)
- This volume covers chapters 41-50. (en)
- This volume covers chapters 51-60.5. (en)
- This volume covers chapters 61-70.5. (en)
- This volume covers chapters 71-80.5. (en)
- This volume covers chapters 81-90. (en)
- This volume covers chapters 91-100. (en)
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- Geisei Morita (en)
- Ryōhei Takeshita (en)
- Mitsue Yamazaki (en)
- Tatsuya Nokimori (en)
- Odahiro Watanabe (en)
- Masaya Ōbayashi, Hisayuki Seki, Ryōhei Takeshita, Mitsue Yamazaki (en)
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- Gekkan Shōjo Nozaki-kun (en)
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- 2014-09-22 (xsd:date)
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- 2015-11-17 (xsd:date)
- 2016-02-23 (xsd:date)
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- 2016-08-30 (xsd:date)
- 2016-11-22 (xsd:date)
- 2017-02-21 (xsd:date)
- 2017-05-23 (xsd:date)
- 2017-07-18 (xsd:date)
- 2018-04-24 (xsd:date)
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- 2020-03-10 (xsd:date)
- 2021-06-01 (xsd:date)
- 2022-07-12 (xsd:date)
- - (en)
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- Monthly Girls' Nozaki-kun (en)
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- 2014-07-14 (xsd:date)
- 2014-07-21 (xsd:date)
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- Sakura takes Nozaki to the mall on his day off so he can take a break from his manga. However, they spend the time watching a movie for background references, shopping for a sailor uniform, and browsing a figurine store for poses. There they encounter Mikoshiba looking at bishōjo figurines who, embarrassed, kicks them out. Nozaki invites Sakura to his house afterwards, hoping she can wear his newly bought sailor uniform for photo references. Later, Mikoshiba volunteers to model for the art club. Though he feels reluctant at first, Sakura and the art club help him feel comfortable by directing his poses. Mikoshiba becomes too comfortable and careless with his words that, when asked if he would model again, he promises to do it nude. (en)
- Hoping to write a story for his side characters Oze and Waka, Nozaki has Wakamatsu accept a movie date with Seo. The date ends up one-sided, as Wakamatsu is appalled by Seo's tastes in movies. Offended, she decides to invite other boys to the amusement park, but Wakamatsu offers to go in their place so they don't suffer. When Hori suggests doing a musical production, Kashima requests singing lessons with Seo, as the former is tone-deaf and cannot sing. Later, the drama club is in need of a substitute actor so Hori, Nozaki and then Mikoshiba are volunteered to join. During Mikoshiba's turn, Hori realizes Mikoshiba's shy but determined personality resembles Mamiko. Hori can't help but root for Mikoshiba knowing he is Mamiko, to Kashima's jealousy. (en)
- Nozaki runs into [[#Hirotaka Wakamatsu (en)
- Nozaki describes to Sakura how his first impression of Ken was cynical; Nozaki only warmed up to Ken once the latter proved he thoroughly read Nozaki's manga. Later, Nozaki wants to create more excitement within his manga. For reference he pranks Sakura in various ways to surprise her, one of which he hides curry under a bento of rice, to Sakura's delight. In comic form, Ken states the curry idea reminds him of a gourmet manga. Later, Mikoshiba, Hori and Wakamatsu get caught in the rain and stay over at Nozaki's place for shelter. The three awkwardly spend time together without revealing they work for Nozaki's manga. Hori discovers Nozaki is using their interactions as reference for a story about slumber parties. Nozaki persuades them to gossip but he falls asleep right as their conversation becomes interesting. (en)
- Nozaki introduces Sakura to his friend and assistant [[#Mikoto Mikoshiba (en)
- Mikoshiba introduces Sakura and Nozaki to his best friend [[#Yū Kashima (en)
- Inside Hori's bag, Kashima finds a copy of Nozaki's manga with detailed notes, leading her to believe Hori secretly wants to be a girl. Wishing to help, she replaces his clothes with feminine clothes. While driven crazy by her antics, he is also impressed by how coordinated the feminine clothes are. Later, Hori urges Nozaki to practice drawing backgrounds, a skill the latter is bad at. Much to Hori's frustration, Nozaki places boxes under his characters to compensate for bad art perspective. Hori collapses at school, tired from drawing for Nozaki all night, so Kashima carries him like a horse to the nurse’s office while wearing a bull mask. Enchanted when Kashima reveals her face, Hori agrees to draw all of Nozaki's backgrounds as long as Nozaki writes a play about a prince who turns into a bull. (en)
- Mikoshiba asks Nozaki if he can stay the night for advice regarding girls in his dating simulation game. Mikoshiba initially played dating simulations to learn to talk to real girls, but he developed a love for 2D girls instead. As they play through the game, they realize that the protagonist's best friend Tomoda supported the protagonist every step of the way. Touched by Tomoda's selfless love, Nozaki and Mikoshiba make a comic about the two characters, later discovered by Sakura, in a Boy's Love story. Later, Mikoshiba is invited to attend a mixer, but he is too shy to know what to do there. Nozaki and Sakura unsuccessfully practice with him, since they also have no experience with mixers. In the end, Kashima takes Mikoshiba's place at the event and succeeds as the only one to attract girls. (en)
- When Sakura and Nozaki forget to bring umbrellas for a rainy day, Nozaki brainstorms manga ideas involving umbrellas. After Seo throws them her umbrella and runs away, Sakura walks home sharing the umbrella with Nozaki. She hopes their walk inspires Nozaki's next issue, only to find just Seo's moment was added. Later, the two observe how Miyako deals with her editor Maeno’s crazy recommendations. Miyako struggles to confront Maeno, so she passive-aggressively draws a male character in a gaudy tanuki costume to make a statement. However, Maeno loves the character; even Sakura adores the character once Miyako redraws him to resemble Nozaki. Bothered, Nozaki attempts to draw his own characters in tanuki costumes but Sakura tells him to respect his manga. (en)
- In the summertime, Sakura finds her Valentine’s Day chocolates for Nozaki, which she failed to give due to him gathering research. Seo and Kashima urge her to give Nozaki the chocolates to eat, however he accidentally spills her chocolates on the ground. Nozaki promises to treat her with candy, to which Sakura happily pretends the candy is a White Day gift. Sakura, Nozaki and their friends attend a summer festival where Sakura reminisces of the time she and Nozaki first met, when he lifted her up and over their school gate on the first day of school. During the fireworks display, Sakura quietly confesses her love to Nozaki. Thinking he heard her, he leans in to Sakura and replies that he loves fireworks too. Sakura laughs off his misleading response, knowing she is happy just staying by his side. (en)
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- High school girl Chiyo Sakura confesses to her crush Umetarou Nozaki by telling him she's a fan, but gets his autograph. She asks to be with him, which he accepts, but she becomes an inker for Nozaki's manga. It turns out he is a popular shojo manga artist named Sakiko Yumeno. Sakura and Nozaki discuss how to portray delinquents. When a scenario comes up where the main manga couple wants to share a bicycle ride home, Nozaki ponders how to do it without breaking the law, and to realize the scene, he invites Sakura to ride with him on a tandem bicycle. Nozaki introduces Sakura to his friend Mikoto Mikoshiba, nicknamed "Mikorin", who does background floral illustrations. Mikorin appears to be a popular and flirtatious ladies' man, but is actually painfully shy and easily embarrassed. Nozaki wants to introduce a new character to his manga, so Sakura introduces him to her friend Yuzuki Seo, an outgoing girl with a loud personality but is rather insensitive and cannot read the room. Mikorin introduces Sakura and Nozaki to his friend, Yuu Kashima, a tall girl who acts more like a charismatic school prince in attracting a number of girls. Kashima acts goofy around her upperclassman Masayuki Hori, who is president of the Drama Club and who later turns out be Nozaki's assistant on backgrounds. Nozaki's editor Ken Miyamae visits. Mikorin stays over at Nozaki's place to play a dating sim game. Sakura meets Yukari Miyako, Nozaki's neighbor who is also a manga artist. She also meets Mitsuya Maeno, Nozaki's narcissistic yet clueless former editor. As Hori works with Nozaki on some new stories, Kashima shares with Sakura about Hori's background. Sakura and Hori role-play some parts that Nozaki wrote up; Mikorin joins in on the fun. (en)
- When Nozaki finishes his manuscript early, he and Sakura go shopping. Nozaki talks with Sakura about Maeno and then meets up with Miyamae. Wakamatsu continues to look for Lorelai, shares his basketball woes with Nozaki, and then drops by his place only to fall asleep to Lorelai's singing. Wakamatsu borrows Nozaki's manga as reference material for confronting Seo. Miyamae asks Nozaki to identify with being Mamiko for the day. Kashima is bothered that Hori has been cold to her, while Hori finds Kashima annoying as usual, until he throws his bookbag at her and she finds Nozaki's manga and asks some of the guys about it. When Nozaki and Sakura forget their umbrellas, they discuss the sharing umbrella trope. Nozaki's neighbor Miyako struggles with having lots of tanukis in her manga. Mikorin poses for Sakura's art club. When Nozaki is sick with a cold, Sakura, Hori, and Wakamatsu show up to help work on his manga's screentones and backgrounds. (en)
- Sakura realizes she has not made any progress with Nozaki; her friends suggest she act like a little tease, so she acts like Seo. Kashima has a cold, so she gets Mikorin and friends to read out her thoughts that she has written on a sketch pad. While helping Miyako with some background characters, Nozaki ponders some artist copying techniques. His brother Mayu wants to create some manga-style visual posters for his judo club. While they take the train, Wakamatsu tells Mikorin that he is in love with Lorelai, when Seo arrives and Mikorin discovers from Sakura that Seo is Lorelai. Nozaki ponders an animal mascot for his manga, and goes to the art club to experiment with clay while Sakura's club-mates observe how the two interact. Hori is having a Drama Club overnight trip, and the whole gang joins in. As the girls shop for swimsuits, Wakamatsu gets more concerned about Kashima's relationship with Seo. The gang has fun at the beach, even when Seo causes the guys to lose their swim trunks in the water. Afterwards, they have a hot springs soak and hang out in each other's rooms. Miyako and Nozaki discuss magazine cover art layouts while their editor counterparts go out drinking. Sakura recalls the time when she and Nozaki first met. (en)
- Do You Have Enough Excitement? (en)
- I'll Cast a Spell on You (en)
- Let's Rice (en)
- Say Hello to the New Heroine (en)
- The Manga Artist’s Brain, Nozaki-kun (en)
- The Prince of the School's Problems (en)
- There are Times When Men Must Fight (en)
- Violence vs. the Prince (en)
- What's Strengthened is Our Bond and Our Reins (en)
- If This Feeling Isn’t Love, Then There Is No Love At All (en)
- TV series (en)
- manga (en)
- ova (en)
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- Monthly Girls' Nozaki-kun (月刊少女野崎くん , Gekkan Shōjo Nozaki-kun?) és un còmic web de quatre panells escrit i il·lustrat per . Els seus capítols es publiquen a , i són publicats en volums tankōbon per Square Enix. Una adaptació a sèrie d'animació per part de l'estudi va començar a emetre's el juliol de 2014. (ca)
- نوزاكي-كون من مجلة الفتيات الشهرية(باليابانية: 月刊少女野崎くん، بالروماجي: Gekkan Shōjo Nozaki-kun) هي سلسلة مانغا يابانية من تأليف ورسم ، نشرت من قبل سكوير إنكس في مجلة غانغان كوميكس، منذ 25 أغسطس عام 2011. أنتجت إلى مسلسل أنمي تلفزيوني من قبل استوديو دوغا كوبو، عرض الأنمي في 7 يوليو عام 2014 واستمر عرضه حتى 22 سبتمبر عام 2014، وتكون من 12 حلقة. (ar)
- Shojo-Mangaka Nozaki-kun (jap. 月刊少女野崎くん) ist eine Yonkoma-Mangaserie von , die seit 2011 in Japan erscheint. Sie wurde unter anderem als Anime-Fernsehserie und Original Video Animation adaptiert und in mehrere Sprachen übersetzt. (de)
- Gekkan Shoujo Nozaki-kun (月刊少女野崎 lit. Chicas Mensuales Nozaki?), también conocido en español como Nozaki y su revista mensual para chicas, es un manga yonkoma de comedia romántica escrito e ilustrado por Izumi Tsubaki. Serializado en volúmenes tankōbon por Square Enix y publicado en la revista Shōnen Gangan Online desde agosto de 2011 en Japón. Se ha adaptado a una serie de anime para televisión por el estudio Dogakobo que comenzó a transmitirse en julio de 2014. (es)
- Monthly Girls' Nozaki-kun (Japanese: 月刊少女野崎くん, Hepburn: Gekkan Shōjo Nozaki-kun) is a Japanese four-panel manga series written and illustrated by Izumi Tsubaki. The chapters are serialized online in Gangan Online, and have been published in both physical and digital releases of Shoujo Romance Girly and tankōbon volumes by Square Enix. An anime adaptation by Doga Kobo aired in July 2014. (en)
- Gekkan Shōjo Nozaki-kun (月刊(げっかん)少女(しょうじょ)野崎(のざき)くん), en anglais Monthly Girls' Nozaki-kun, littéralement « Mensuel féminin Nozaki-kun », est un manga en quatre cases écrit et dessiné par Izumi Tsubaki. Prépublié dans le magazine Gangan Online de Square Enix, il a été édité physiquement et numériquement dans Shoujo Romance Girly et imprimé en tankōbon. Le manga a fait l'objet d'une adaptation en série télévisée, produite par le studio Doga Kobo et diffusée entre juillet et septembre 2014. (fr)
- Komikus Shojo Nozaki (bahasa Jepang: 月刊少女野崎くん Hepburn: Gekkan Shōjo Nozaki-kun, Monthly Girls' Nozaki-kun) adalah manga empat panel bergenre komedi romantis yang ditulis dan digambar oleh Izumi Tsubaki. Setiap babnya yang diunggah secara berseri di Gangan Online telah diterbitkan oleh Square Enix di majalah Shoujo Romance Girly dalam bentuk cetak maupun digital serta dalam bentuk tankōbon. Adaptasi komik web ini ke dalam bentuk anime oleh Doga Kobo telah disiarkan di televisi bulan Juli–September 2014. (in)
- 『月刊少女野崎くん』(げっかんしょうじょのざきくん)は、椿いづみによる日本の4コマ漫画作品。スクウェア・エニックスのウェブコミック配信サイト『ガンガンONLINE』で2011年8月25日更新分より連載中。月2回(第2・第4木曜日)更新。 2014年7月にはテレビアニメ化され、深夜アニメとしてテレビ東京ほかで全12話が放送された。 (ja)
- 《월간순정 노자키 군》(일본어: 月刊少女野崎くん 겟칸쇼죠 노자키 군[*], 월간순정 노자키 군)은 일본의 4컷 웹코믹 로맨틱 코미디 만화다. 츠바키 이즈미가 글을 쓰고 그림도 그렸다. 스퀘어 에닉스 계열의 간간 온라인(Gangan Online)에서 연재되고 있으며, 스퀘어 에닉스가 단행본을 발행하였다. 대한민국에서는 학산문화사에서 배급 및 번역하고 있으며 2021년 12월 기준으로 13권까지 출판되었다. 동화공방이 제작한 TV 애니메이션은 2014년 7월 7일부터 9월 22일까지 방영되었다. 대한민국에서 TV 애니메이션은 애니플러스에서 방송하였다. (ko)
- L'assistente del mese - Gekkan shojo Nozaki kun (月刊少女野崎くん Gekkan shōjo Nozaki-kun?, lett. "Lo shōjo mensile di Nozaki") è un manga yonkoma scritto e disegnato da , serializzato sulla rivista Gangan Online di Square Enix dal 25 agosto 2011. Un adattamento anime, prodotto da Doga Kobo, è stato trasmesso in Giappone tra il 6 luglio e il 21 settembre 2014. (it)
- Gekkan Shōjo Nozaki-kun (月刊少女野崎くん Mangá Mensal para Garotas, Nozaki-kun?) é um mangá yonkoma de comédia romântica escrito e ilustrado por Izumi Tsubaki. Os capítulos tankōbon foram serializados na revista Gangan Online pela editora Square Enix. A adaptação para anime foi feita pelo estúdio Doga Kobo, e transmitida no Japão entre 6 de julho e 21 de setembro de 2014. A série foi transmitida no Brasil através da Crunchyroll. (pt)
- Mistrz romansu Nozaki (jap. 月刊少女野崎くん Gekkan shōjo Nozaki-kun) – czteropanelowa manga z gatunku komedia romantyczna, której autorem jest . Kolejne rozdziały ukazują się w internetowym czasopiśmie „Gangan Online” wydawnictwa Square Enix. Na podstawie mangi powstała adaptacja w formie anime. W Polsce mangę wydaje Waneko. (pl)
- Gekkan Shoujo Nozaki-kun (яп. 月刊少女野崎くん гэккан сё:дзё Нодзаки-кун, букв. «Ежемесячное сёдзё Нодзаки-куна») — четырёхкадровая веб-манга (ёнкома) в жанре романтической комедии и одноименное аниме, снятое на студии Dogakobo. С 20 июня 2015 г. продюсерская компания запустила Drama CD по манге. (ru)
- 《月刊少女野崎同學》(日语:月刊少女野崎くん)是椿泉的日本四格漫畫作品,自2011年8月25日起於Square Enix的漫畫網站「GANGAN ONLINE」每月連載一回(每月第4個星期四)。2014年7月開始播放電視動畫。 (zh)
- نوزاكي-كون من مجلة الفتيات الشهرية (ar)
- Gekkan Shōjo Nozaki-kun (ca)
- Shojo-Mangaka Nozaki-kun (de)
- Gekkan Shōjo Nozaki-kun (es)
- Komikus Shojo Nozaki (in)
- L'assistente del mese - Gekkan shojo Nozaki kun (it)
- Gekkan Shōjo Nozaki-kun (fr)
- 월간순정 노자키 군 (ko)
- Monthly Girls' Nozaki-kun (en)
- 月刊少女野崎くん (ja)
- Mistrz romansu Nozaki (pl)
- Gekkan Shōjo Nozaki-kun (pt)
- Monthly Girls’ Nozaki-kun (ru)
- 月刊少女野崎同學 (zh)
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