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- مقاطعة ميتشل (بالإنجليزية: Mitchell County) هي إحدى المقاطعات في ولاية جورجيا في الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية. (ar)
- Das Mitchell County ist ein County im Bundesstaat Georgia der Vereinigten Staaten. Der Verwaltungssitz (County Seat) ist , benannt nach der Tochter von General David Mitchell. (de)
- El condado de Mitchell (en inglés: Mitchell County), fundado en 1857, es uno de 159 condados del estado estadounidense de Georgia. En el año 2007, el condado tenía una población de 24 139 habitantes y una densidad poblacional de 21 personas por km². La sede del condado es Camilla. El condado recibe su nombre en honor a . (es)
- Mitchell konderria (ingelesez: Mitchell County) Georgiako konderri bat da, Ameriketako Estatu Batuetan. Hiriburua Camilla da. 2010eko zentsuaren arabera 23.498 biztanle zituen, Mitchell kilometro koadroko azaleran. (eu)
- Le comté de Mitchell est un comté de Géorgie, aux États-Unis. (fr)
- Mitchell County is a county in the U.S. state of Georgia. As of the 2010 census, the population was 23,498. The county seat is Camilla. Mitchell County was created on December 21, 1857. (en)
- ミッチェル郡(ミッチェルぐん、Mitchell County)はアメリカ合衆国ジョージア州に位置する郡である。2000年現在、人口は23,932人である。ここの郡の郡庁所在地はである。 (ja)
- Mitchell County is een county in de Amerikaanse staat Georgia. De county heeft een landoppervlakte van 1.326 km² en telt 23.932 inwoners (volkstelling 2000). De hoofdplaats is Camilla. (nl)
- La contea di Mitchell (in inglese Mitchell County) è una contea dello Stato della Georgia, negli Stati Uniti. La popolazione al censimento del 2000 era di 23 932 abitanti. Il capoluogo di contea è Camilla. (it)
- 미첼군 또는 미첼 카운티(Mitchell County)는 미국 조지아주에 위치한 군이다. 2010년 기준으로 이 지역의 인구 수는 총 23,498명이다. 2018년 추산으로 이 지역의 총 인구 수는 22,192명이다. (ko)
- Hrabstwo Mitchell – hrabstwo w USA, w stanie Georgia. Według danych z 2010 roku, hrabstwo zamieszkiwało 23 498 osób. (pl)
- Ми́тчелл (англ. Mitchell County) — округ штата Джорджия, США. Население округа на 2000 год составляло 23932 человек. Административный центр округа — город . (ru)
- O Condado de Mitchell é um dos 159 condados do Estado americano de Geórgia. A sede do condado é Camilla, e sua maior cidade é Camilla. O condado possui uma área de 1 331 km², uma população de 23 932 habitantes, e uma densidade populacional de 18 hab/km² (segundo o censo nacional de 2000). O condado foi fundado em 18 de dezembro de 1857. (pt)
- Mitchell County är ett administrativt område i delstaten Georgia, USA, med 23 498 invånare. Den administrativa huvudorten (county seat) är Camilla. (sv)
- 米切爾縣(英語:Mitchell County)是美國喬治亞州西南部的一個縣。面積1,331平方公里。根據美國2000年人口普查估計,共有人口23,932人。2005年減至23,791人。縣治卡米拉(Camilla)。 成立於1857年12月21日。縣名紀念亨利·米切爾。 (zh)
- Округ Мітчелл (англ. Mitchell County) — округ (графство) у штаті Джорджія, США. Ідентифікатор округу 13205. (uk)
- 1326073912.492032 (xsd:double)
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- dbr:Camilla,_Georgia
- dbr:Rogerville,_Georgia
- dbr:2010_United_States_Census
- dbr:Branchville,_Georgia
- dbr:David_Brydie_Mitchell
- dbr:DeWitt,_Georgia
- dbr:Decatur_County,_Georgia
- dbc:Georgia_(U.S._state)_counties
- dbr:Hopeful,_Georgia
- dbc:Majority-minority_counties_in_Georgia
- dbr:Pebble_City,_Georgia
- dbr:Pelham,_Georgia
- dbr:Petty,_Georgia
- dbr:United_States_Census_Bureau
- dbr:Vada,_Georgia
- dbr:Lieutenant_Governor_of_Georgia
- dbc:1857_establishments_in_Georgia_(U.S._state)
- dbr:Colquitt_County,_Georgia
- dbr:Cotton,_Georgia
- dbr:County_(United_States)
- dbr:Meigs,_Georgia
- dbr:Saco,_Georgia
- dbr:Sale_City,_Georgia
- dbr:English_people
- dbr:Georgia_(U.S._state)
- dbr:Georgia_State_Route_111
- dbr:Georgia_State_Route_112
- dbr:Georgia_State_Route_262
- dbr:Georgia_State_Route_270
- dbr:Georgia_State_Route_3
- dbr:Georgia_State_Route_300
- dbr:Georgia_State_Route_311
- dbr:Georgia_State_Route_37
- dbr:Georgia_State_Route_65
- dbr:Georgia_State_Route_93
- dbr:Georgia_State_Route_97
- dbr:Georgia_historical_markers
- dbr:Grady_County,_Georgia
- dbr:Mitchell_County_School_District
- dbr:Thomas_County,_Georgia
- dbr:2020_United_States_census
- dbr:Lester,_Georgia
- dbr:Per_capita_income
- dbr:Baconton,_Georgia
- dbr:Baker_County,_Georgia
- dbr:U.S._Route_19_in_Georgia
- dbr:U.S._state
- dbr:Adelaide,_Georgia
- dbr:Akridge,_Georgia
- dbr:Americans
- dbr:Flint,_Georgia
- dbr:Flint_River_(Georgia)
- dbr:Census
- dbr:Georgia_State_Route_37_Connector_(Camilla)
- dbr:Greenough,_Georgia
- dbr:Greenwood,_Georgia
- dbr:Hinsonton,_Georgia
- dbr:Irish_people
- dbr:County_seat
- dbr:ACF_River_Basin
- dbc:Populated_places_established_in_1857
- dbr:Laney,_Georgia
- dbr:Latino_(U.S._Census)
- dbr:Dougherty_County,_Georgia
- dbr:Marriage
- dbr:Population_density
- dbr:Ochlockonee_River
- dbc:Mitchell_County,_Georgia
- dbr:Worth_County,_Georgia
- dbr:Poverty_line
- dbr:National_Register_of_Historic_Places_listings_in_Mitchell_County,_Georgia
- dbr:Native_American_(U.S._Census)
- dbr:Seminary
- dbr:African_American_(U.S._Census)
- dbr:George_Thornewell_Smith
- dbr:Asian_(U.S._Census)
- dbr:Race_(United_States_Census)
- dbr:White_(U.S._Census)
- dbr:Hispanic_(U.S._Census)
- dbr:File:US_19.svg
- dbr:File:Georgia_111.svg
- dbr:File:Georgia_270.svg
- dbr:File:Georgia_93.svg
- dbr:File:Georgia_3.svg
- dbr:File:Georgia_300.svg
- dbr:File:Georgia_112.svg
- dbr:File:Georgia_37.svg
- dbr:File:Georgia_262.svg
- dbr:File:Georgia_311.svg
- dbr:File:Georgia_97.svg
- dbr:File:Georgia_65.svg
- dbr:File:Georgia_37_Connector.svg
- dbr:File:Mitchell_County_Board_of_Education,_Camilla.jpg
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- Mitchell County, Georgia (en)
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- Mitchell County Courthouse .JPG (en)
- Mitchell County Courthouse , Camilla (en)
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- Mitchell County, Georgia (en)
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- مقاطعة ميتشل (بالإنجليزية: Mitchell County) هي إحدى المقاطعات في ولاية جورجيا في الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية. (ar)
- Das Mitchell County ist ein County im Bundesstaat Georgia der Vereinigten Staaten. Der Verwaltungssitz (County Seat) ist , benannt nach der Tochter von General David Mitchell. (de)
- El condado de Mitchell (en inglés: Mitchell County), fundado en 1857, es uno de 159 condados del estado estadounidense de Georgia. En el año 2007, el condado tenía una población de 24 139 habitantes y una densidad poblacional de 21 personas por km². La sede del condado es Camilla. El condado recibe su nombre en honor a . (es)
- Mitchell konderria (ingelesez: Mitchell County) Georgiako konderri bat da, Ameriketako Estatu Batuetan. Hiriburua Camilla da. 2010eko zentsuaren arabera 23.498 biztanle zituen, Mitchell kilometro koadroko azaleran. (eu)
- Le comté de Mitchell est un comté de Géorgie, aux États-Unis. (fr)
- Mitchell County is a county in the U.S. state of Georgia. As of the 2010 census, the population was 23,498. The county seat is Camilla. Mitchell County was created on December 21, 1857. (en)
- ミッチェル郡(ミッチェルぐん、Mitchell County)はアメリカ合衆国ジョージア州に位置する郡である。2000年現在、人口は23,932人である。ここの郡の郡庁所在地はである。 (ja)
- Mitchell County is een county in de Amerikaanse staat Georgia. De county heeft een landoppervlakte van 1.326 km² en telt 23.932 inwoners (volkstelling 2000). De hoofdplaats is Camilla. (nl)
- La contea di Mitchell (in inglese Mitchell County) è una contea dello Stato della Georgia, negli Stati Uniti. La popolazione al censimento del 2000 era di 23 932 abitanti. Il capoluogo di contea è Camilla. (it)
- 미첼군 또는 미첼 카운티(Mitchell County)는 미국 조지아주에 위치한 군이다. 2010년 기준으로 이 지역의 인구 수는 총 23,498명이다. 2018년 추산으로 이 지역의 총 인구 수는 22,192명이다. (ko)
- Hrabstwo Mitchell – hrabstwo w USA, w stanie Georgia. Według danych z 2010 roku, hrabstwo zamieszkiwało 23 498 osób. (pl)
- Ми́тчелл (англ. Mitchell County) — округ штата Джорджия, США. Население округа на 2000 год составляло 23932 человек. Административный центр округа — город . (ru)
- O Condado de Mitchell é um dos 159 condados do Estado americano de Geórgia. A sede do condado é Camilla, e sua maior cidade é Camilla. O condado possui uma área de 1 331 km², uma população de 23 932 habitantes, e uma densidade populacional de 18 hab/km² (segundo o censo nacional de 2000). O condado foi fundado em 18 de dezembro de 1857. (pt)
- Mitchell County är ett administrativt område i delstaten Georgia, USA, med 23 498 invånare. Den administrativa huvudorten (county seat) är Camilla. (sv)
- 米切爾縣(英語:Mitchell County)是美國喬治亞州西南部的一個縣。面積1,331平方公里。根據美國2000年人口普查估計,共有人口23,932人。2005年減至23,791人。縣治卡米拉(Camilla)。 成立於1857年12月21日。縣名紀念亨利·米切爾。 (zh)
- Округ Мітчелл (англ. Mitchell County) — округ (графство) у штаті Джорджія, США. Ідентифікатор округу 13205. (uk)
- Mitchell County, Georgia (en)
- مقاطعة ميتشل (جورجيا) (ar)
- Mitchell County (Georgia) (de)
- Kantono Mitchell (Georgio) (eo)
- Condado de Mitchell (Georgia) (es)
- Mitchell konderria (Georgia) (eu)
- Comté de Mitchell (Géorgie) (fr)
- Contea di Mitchell (Georgia) (it)
- 미첼군 (조지아주) (ko)
- ミッチェル郡 (ジョージア州) (ja)
- Hrabstwo Mitchell (Georgia) (pl)
- Mitchell County (Georgia) (nl)
- Condado de Mitchell (Geórgia) (pt)
- Митчелл (округ, Джорджия) (ru)
- Mitchell County, Georgia (sv)
- 米切爾縣 (喬治亞州) (zh)
- Мітчелл (округ, Джорджія) (uk)
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- http://gadm.geovocab.org/id/2_35273
- freebase:Mitchell County, Georgia
- yago-res:Mitchell County, Georgia
- http://viaf.org/viaf/125504239
- wikidata:Mitchell County, Georgia
- geodata:Mitchell County, Georgia
- dbpedia-ar:Mitchell County, Georgia
- dbpedia-bar:Mitchell County, Georgia
- dbpedia-bg:Mitchell County, Georgia
- http://bpy.dbpedia.org/resource/মিচেল_কাউন্টি,_জর্জিয়া
- http://ceb.dbpedia.org/resource/Mitchell_County_(kondado_sa_Tinipong_Bansa,_Georgia)
- dbpedia-cy:Mitchell County, Georgia
- dbpedia-de:Mitchell County, Georgia
- dbpedia-eo:Mitchell County, Georgia
- dbpedia-es:Mitchell County, Georgia
- dbpedia-et:Mitchell County, Georgia
- dbpedia-eu:Mitchell County, Georgia
- dbpedia-fa:Mitchell County, Georgia
- dbpedia-fr:Mitchell County, Georgia
- dbpedia-hu:Mitchell County, Georgia
- http://hy.dbpedia.org/resource/Միտչել_շրջան_(Ջորջիա)
- dbpedia-it:Mitchell County, Georgia
- dbpedia-ja:Mitchell County, Georgia
- dbpedia-ko:Mitchell County, Georgia
- dbpedia-la:Mitchell County, Georgia
- dbpedia-nds:Mitchell County, Georgia
- dbpedia-nl:Mitchell County, Georgia
- dbpedia-no:Mitchell County, Georgia
- dbpedia-pl:Mitchell County, Georgia
- dbpedia-pt:Mitchell County, Georgia
- dbpedia-ro:Mitchell County, Georgia
- dbpedia-ru:Mitchell County, Georgia
- dbpedia-sh:Mitchell County, Georgia
- dbpedia-simple:Mitchell County, Georgia
- dbpedia-sq:Mitchell County, Georgia
- dbpedia-sr:Mitchell County, Georgia
- dbpedia-sv:Mitchell County, Georgia
- dbpedia-tr:Mitchell County, Georgia
- http://tt.dbpedia.org/resource/Митчелл_(округ,_Джорджия)
- dbpedia-uk:Mitchell County, Georgia
- http://ur.dbpedia.org/resource/مچل_کاؤنٹی،_جارجیا
- dbpedia-vi:Mitchell County, Georgia
- dbpedia-war:Mitchell County, Georgia
- dbpedia-zh:Mitchell County, Georgia
- http://ce.dbpedia.org/resource/Митчелл_(гуо,_Джорджи)
- https://global.dbpedia.org/id/4Zbh3
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is dbo:birthPlace
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is dbo:subdivision
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- dbr:Camilla,_Georgia
- dbr:Rogerville,_Georgia
- dbr:Branchville,_Georgia
- dbr:DeWitt,_Georgia
- dbr:Hopeful,_Georgia
- dbr:Pebble_City,_Georgia
- dbr:Pelham,_Georgia
- dbr:Petty,_Georgia
- dbr:Vada,_Georgia
- dbr:Cotton,_Georgia
- dbr:Meigs,_Georgia
- dbr:Saco,_Georgia
- dbr:Sale_City,_Georgia
- dbr:Lester,_Georgia
- dbr:Baconton,_Georgia
- dbr:Adelaide,_Georgia
- dbr:Akridge,_Georgia
- dbr:Flint,_Georgia
- dbr:Greenough,_Georgia
- dbr:Greenwood,_Georgia
- dbr:Hinsonton,_Georgia
- dbr:Laney,_Georgia
is dbo:wikiPageDisambiguates
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- dbr:Camilla,_Georgia
- dbr:Putney,_Georgia
- dbr:Rogerville,_Georgia
- dbr:List_of_U.S._county_name_etymologies_(J–M)
- dbr:List_of_United_States_FIPS_codes_by_county
- dbr:List_of_United_States_counties_and_county_equivalents
- dbr:List_of_United_States_counties_by_per_capita_income
- dbr:List_of_United_States_tornadoes_from_January_to_February_2000
- dbr:List_of_United_States_tornadoes_from_January_to_March_2017
- dbr:List_of_United_States_tornadoes_in_April_2020
- dbr:List_of_counties_by_U.S._state_and_territory
- dbr:List_of_county_courthouses_in_Georgia
- dbr:List_of_county_seats_in_Georgia
- dbr:List_of_district_attorneys_by_county
- dbr:List_of_first_women_lawyers_and_judges_in_Georgia
- dbr:Michael_Meyer_von_Bremen
- dbr:Mitchell_County
- dbr:2008_United_States_presidential_election_in_Georgia
- dbr:2012_United_States_presidential_election_in_Georgia
- dbr:Bob_Alligood
- dbr:Branchville,_Georgia
- dbr:DeWitt,_Georgia
- dbr:Dean_Burke
- dbr:Decatur_County,_Georgia
- dbr:Area_code_229
- dbr:Hopeful,_Georgia
- dbr:Hurricane_Georges_tornado_outbreak
- dbr:List_of_former_state_routes_in_Georgia_(U.S._state,_1–199)
- dbr:List_of_former_state_routes_in_Georgia_(U.S._state,_200–699)
- dbr:Pebble_City,_Georgia
- dbr:Pelham,_Georgia
- dbr:Pelham_City_School_District
- dbr:Petty,_Georgia
- dbr:United_States_District_Court_for_the_Middle_District_of_Georgia
- dbr:Vada,_Georgia
- dbr:Vehicle_registration_plates_of_Georgia_(U.S._state)
- dbr:De_Soto_Trail_Regional_Library_System
- dbr:Index_of_Georgia_(U.S._state)-related_articles
- dbr:Index_of_U.S._counties
- dbr:List_of_hospitals_in_Georgia_(U.S._state)
- dbr:List_of_municipalities_in_Georgia_(U.S._state)
- dbr:List_of_school_districts_in_Georgia
- dbr:North_American_blizzard_of_2003
- dbr:143rd_Georgia_General_Assembly
- dbr:1860_United_States_presidential_election_in_Georgia
- dbr:1880_United_States_presidential_election_in_Georgia
- dbr:1884_United_States_presidential_election_in_Georgia
- dbr:1888_United_States_presidential_election_in_Georgia
- dbr:1892_United_States_presidential_election_in_Georgia
- dbr:1896_United_States_presidential_election_in_Georgia
- dbr:1900_United_States_presidential_election_in_Georgia
- dbr:1904_United_States_presidential_election_in_Georgia
- dbr:1908_United_States_presidential_election_in_Georgia
- dbr:1912_United_States_presidential_election_in_Georgia
- dbr:1916_United_States_presidential_election_in_Georgia
- dbr:1920_United_States_presidential_election_in_Georgia
- dbr:1924_United_States_presidential_election_in_Georgia
- dbr:1928_United_States_presidential_election_in_Georgia
- dbr:1932_United_States_presidential_election_in_Georgia
- dbr:17th_Georgia_Infantry_Regiment
- dbr:1976_United_States_presidential_election_in_Georgia
- dbr:1980_United_States_presidential_election_in_Georgia
- dbr:1984_United_States_presidential_election_in_Georgia
- dbr:1988_United_States_presidential_election_in_Georgia
- dbr:1988_United_States_presidential_election_in_Tennessee
- dbr:1992_United_States_presidential_election_in_Georgia
- dbr:Colquitt_County,_Georgia
- dbr:Cotton,_Georgia
- dbr:Meigs,_Georgia
- dbr:Saco,_Georgia
- dbr:Sale_City,_Georgia
- dbr:Orange_Island_(Florida)
- dbr:Eleanor_P._Sheppard
- dbr:George_T._Smith
- dbr:Georgia's_2nd_congressional_district
- dbr:Georgia_House_of_Representatives
- dbr:Georgia_State_Route_111
- dbr:Georgia_State_Route_112
- dbr:Georgia_State_Route_262
- dbr:Georgia_State_Route_270
- dbr:Georgia_State_Route_3
- dbr:Georgia_State_Route_300
- dbr:Georgia_State_Route_311
- dbr:Georgia_State_Route_37
- dbr:Georgia_State_Route_65
- dbr:Georgia_State_Route_93
- dbr:Georgia_State_Route_97
- dbr:Georgia_State_Senate
- dbr:Georgia_Williams_Nursing_Home
- dbr:Grady_County,_Georgia
- dbr:Mitchell_County,_GA
- dbr:Mitchell_County_School_District
- dbr:Mount_Enon_Church_and_Cemetery
- dbr:Thomas_County,_Georgia
- dbr:1936_United_States_presidential_election_in_Georgia
- dbr:1940_United_States_presidential_election_in_Georgia
- dbr:1944_United_States_presidential_election_in_Georgia
- dbr:1948_United_States_presidential_election_in_Georgia
- dbr:1952_United_States_presidential_election_in_Georgia
- dbr:1956_United_States_presidential_election_in_Georgia
- dbr:1960_United_States_presidential_election_in_Georgia
- dbr:1964_United_States_presidential_election_in_Georgia
- dbr:1968_United_States_presidential_election_in_Georgia
- dbr:1972_United_States_presidential_election_in_Georgia
- dbr:2018_Georgia_gubernatorial_election
- dbr:2020_United_States_presidential_election_in_Georgia
- dbr:2020–21_United_States_Senate_election_in_Georgia
- dbr:2020–21_United_States_Senate_special_election_in_Georgia
- dbr:Lester,_Georgia
- dbr:Lowndes_County,_Georgia
- dbr:Cambarus_cryptodytes
- dbr:1996_United_States_presidential_election_in_Georgia
- dbr:2000_United_States_presidential_election_in_Georgia
- dbr:2004_Georgia_flag_referendum
- dbr:2004_United_States_presidential_election_in_Georgia
- dbr:Bacon_Family_Homestead
- dbr:Baconton,_Georgia
- dbr:Baker_County,_Georgia
- dbr:Tiger_Flowers
- dbr:Tornado_outbreak_of_April_22–23,_2020
- dbr:Tornado_outbreak_of_April_4–7,_2022
- dbr:Tornado_outbreak_of_February_28_–_March_2,_2007
- dbr:Tornadoes_of_2003
- dbr:U.S._Route_19_in_Georgia
- dbr:Winfred_Dukes
- dbr:Tropical_Storm_Alberto_(1994)
- dbr:2016_Georgia_Democratic_presidential_primary
- dbr:2016_United_States_presidential_election_in_Georgia
- dbr:51st_Georgia_Infantry_Regiment
- dbr:6th_Georgia_Infantry_Regiment
- dbr:Adelaide,_Georgia
- dbr:Akridge,_Georgia
- dbr:Flint,_Georgia
- dbr:Flint_River
- dbr:Georgia_4-H
- dbr:Georgia_statistical_areas
- dbr:List_of_Georgia_(U.S._state)_locations_by_per_capita_income
- dbr:List_of_Superfund_sites_in_Georgia_(U.S._state)
- dbr:Greenough,_Georgia
- dbr:Greenwood,_Georgia
- dbr:Hinsonton,_Georgia
- dbr:Cost_of_rent_by_state_and_county_in_the_United_States
- dbr:Hurricane_Hermine
- dbr:Jimmy_Autry_State_Prison
- dbr:2020_Georgia_Republican_presidential_primary
- dbr:ACF_River_Basin
- dbr:Albany_Movement
- dbr:K._Griner
- dbr:Laney,_Georgia
- dbr:Dougherty_County,_Georgia
- dbr:Great_Storm_of_1975
- dbr:Camilla_massacre
- dbr:Worth_County,_Georgia
- dbr:Tornado_outbreak_of_February_13–14,_2000
- dbr:List_of_signers_of_the_Georgia_Ordinance_of_Secession
- dbr:Little_Ochlockonee_River
- dbr:October_1916
- dbr:National_Register_of_Historic_Places_listings_in_Mitchell_County,_Georgia
- dbr:Moultrie_Technical_College
- dbr:South_Georgia_Council
- dbr:Southwest_Georgia
- dbr:List_of_places_in_Georgia_(U.S._state)_(A–D)
- dbr:List_of_places_in_Georgia_(U.S._state)_(E–H)
- dbr:List_of_places_in_Georgia_(U.S._state)_(I–R)
- dbr:List_of_places_in_Georgia_(U.S._state)_(S–Z)
- dbr:Worth_County_Library_System
is dbp:birthPlace
of | |
is dbp:counties
of | |
is dbp:county
of | |
is dbp:east
of | |
is dbp:north
of | |
is dbp:northwest
of | |
is dbp:south
of | |
is dbp:southwest
of | |
is dbp:subdivisionName
of |
- dbr:Camilla,_Georgia
- dbr:Rogerville,_Georgia
- dbr:Branchville,_Georgia
- dbr:DeWitt,_Georgia
- dbr:Hopeful,_Georgia
- dbr:Pebble_City,_Georgia
- dbr:Pelham,_Georgia
- dbr:Petty,_Georgia
- dbr:Vada,_Georgia
- dbr:Cotton,_Georgia
- dbr:Meigs,_Georgia
- dbr:Saco,_Georgia
- dbr:Sale_City,_Georgia
- dbr:Lester,_Georgia
- dbr:Baconton,_Georgia
- dbr:Adelaide,_Georgia
- dbr:Akridge,_Georgia
- dbr:Flint,_Georgia
- dbr:Greenough,_Georgia
- dbr:Greenwood,_Georgia
- dbr:Hinsonton,_Georgia
- dbr:Laney,_Georgia
is dbp:west
of | |
is foaf:primaryTopic
of | |