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Michael Henry Flanders OBE (1 March 1922 – 14 April 1975) was an English actor, broadcaster, and writer and performer of comic songs. He is best known for his stage partnership with Donald Swann. As a young man Flanders seemed to be heading for a successful acting career. He contracted polio in 1943 while serving in the Royal Navy Volunteer Reserve and for the rest of his life was reliant on a wheelchair. He made a career as a prolific broadcaster on radio and later television, and together with his old schoolfriend, the composer Donald Swann, he wrote successful songs in the late 1940s and early and mid-1950s for revues in the West End of London. In 1956 they themselves performed some of these songs, along with new songs, in a two-man revue, At the Drop of a Hat. This show, and its succes

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  • Michael Henry Flanders OBE (1 March 1922 – 14 April 1975) was an English actor, broadcaster, and writer and performer of comic songs. He is best known for his stage partnership with Donald Swann. As a young man Flanders seemed to be heading for a successful acting career. He contracted polio in 1943 while serving in the Royal Navy Volunteer Reserve and for the rest of his life was reliant on a wheelchair. He made a career as a prolific broadcaster on radio and later television, and together with his old schoolfriend, the composer Donald Swann, he wrote successful songs in the late 1940s and early and mid-1950s for revues in the West End of London. In 1956 they themselves performed some of these songs, along with new songs, in a two-man revue, At the Drop of a Hat. This show, and its successor, At the Drop of Another Hat, ran with occasional short breaks from 1956 to 1967 and played in theatres throughout the British Isles, the US, Australia and elsewhere. During and after the stage partnership with Swann, Flanders pursued a many-faceted career, performing on stage, screen, radio, concert platforms and recordings. He wrote opera librettos, a children's book, a volume of poetry and the words of a cantata about Noah's Ark. (en)
  • Michael Henry Flanders (1 de marzo de 1922 – 14 de abril de 1975) fue un actor, locutor, guionista e intérprete musical de nacionalidad británica, conocido sobre todo por formar junto a Donald Swann el dúo , dedicado a la interpretación de canciones cómicas. (es)
  • Michael Henry Flanders (Londra, 1º marzo 1922 – Betws-y-Coed, 14 aprile 1975) è stato un attore, giornalista, scrittore e interprete di canzoni britannico.È particolarmente noto per la sua collaborazione teatrale con Donald Swann. Da giovane sembrava avviarsi verso una carriera di attore di successo. Contrasse la poliomielite nel 1943, mentre prestava servizio nella Royal Navy Volunteer Reserve, e per il resto della sua vita dovette fare affidamento di una sedia a rotelle. Fece carriera come prolifico intrattenitore di una emittente radiofonica e poi televisiva, e insieme al suo vecchio compagno di scuola, il compositore Donald Swann, scrisse canzoni di successo alla fine degli anni 1940 e all'inizio e alla metà degli anni 1950 per le riviste del West End di Londra. Nel 1956 loro stessi eseguirono alcune di queste canzoni, insieme ad altre nuove, in una rivista per due uomini, At the Drop of a Hat. Questo spettacolo, e il suo successore, At the Drop of Another Hat, andò in scena, con brevi pause occasionali, dal 1956 al 1967 e venne portato nei teatri delle isole britanniche, degli Stati Uniti d'America, dell'Australia e altrove. Durante e dopo la collaborazione teatrale con Swann, Flanders intraprese una carriera multiforme, esibendosi sul palco, sullo schermo, alla radio, su piattaforme per concerti e registrazioni. Scrisse libretti d'opera, un libro per bambini, un volume di poesie e le parole di una cantata sull'Arca di Noè. (it)
  • 米高·亨利·夫蘭達斯 (Michael Henry Flanders)(1922年3月1日-1975年4月14日),英國演員,播音員,喜劇歌曲作詞和表演者。他最為人熟悉的是他與當奴·史旺的2人合作關係。(見夫蘭達斯與史旺) 米高.夫蘭達斯生於1922年3月1日之英國倫敦。他父親是一名職業小提琴家和演員。米高小時的志願是長大後能在歌劇院裏工作。1940年入讀牛津大學歷史系之前,他在西敏學校讀書,亦在那兒認識了當奴·史旺。 他在牛津讀書期間開始成為職業演員,稍後離開大學加入皇家海軍自願後備軍。1941年從軍期間,他隸屬的軍艦在非洲對開海面被魚雷擊沉。米高雖然大難不死,其後更獲晉升二級海軍中尉,但因為在海中感染小兒麻痺症,1943年後便要依靠輪椅代步。 由於不能夠繼續完成學業,米高當上了電台播音員。在機緣巧合下,他在1948年重遇上當奴,大家開始合作起來。初期他倆為倫敦西部歌劇院區監製人羅理亞·李斯特 (Laurier Lister) 寫歌,米高負責寫詞、當奴負責作曲。他們的歌曲曾經由歌手伊恩·華萊士(Ian Wallace)和喬伊斯·顧蓮費爾(Joyce Grenfell) 主唱。他倆後來創作了2套諷刺時事滑稽劇,《帽子掉下的一刻》(At The Drop Of A Hat)和《另一頂帽子掉下的一刻》(At The Drop Of Another Hat),並作全球巡迴演出。1967年2人合作告終。 與當奴合作以外,米高亦是一位多才多藝的歌劇作詞家、演員和播音員。他曾為《三人行》(Three's Company),《聖誕節故事》(Christmas Story) 和兒童清唱劇 《挪亞船長和他漂浮中的動物園》(Captain Noah and his Floating Zoo) 等等的灰諧歌劇寫上歌詞。他在舞台劇和電影裏也曾演出過。包括 《士兵的故事》(The Soldier's Tale)和《十年重刑》(Ten Years Hard)這兩套舞台劇,還有電影《醫生要求救》(Doctor in Distress) (1963) 和《憤怒的月亮》(The Raging Moon) (1971). 他在電台和電視上也曾多次演出。Serge Prokofiev 的 《彼得與柴狼》(Peter and the Wolf) 兒童故事錄音也是由他敘述,這個錄音曾是EMI唱片公司的主要基本產品。 米高.夫蘭達斯在1975年4月14日在威爾士 Betws-y-Coed 旅行期間不幸中風逝世。他遺下夫人克勞迪亞(Claudia)和女兒羅拉(Laura)和史提芬妮(Stephanie)。 (zh)
  • 1922-03-01 (xsd:date)
  • Michael Henry Flanders (en)
  • 1922-01-01 (xsd:gYear)
  • 1975-04-14 (xsd:date)
  • 1975-01-01 (xsd:gYear)
  • 0281141
  • 377619 (xsd:integer)
  • 25882 (xsd:nonNegativeInteger)
  • 1114313687 (xsd:integer)
  • left (en)
  • right (en)
  • #F5F6CE (en)
  • #CEF6CE (en)
  • #F6CED8 (en)
  • 1922-03-01 (xsd:date)
  • Michael Henry Flanders (en)
  • London, England (en)
  • Flanders in 1966 (en)
  • 1975-04-14 (xsd:date)
  • Betws-y-Coed, Wales (en)
  • 281141 (xsd:integer)
  • Michael Flanders (en)
  • Actor, broadcaster, writer and performer (en)
  • 0001-07-26 (xsd:gMonthDay)
  • 0001-08-28 (xsd:gMonthDay)
  • 0001-08-29 (xsd:gMonthDay)
  • Donald Swann (en)
  • Further performances— (en)
  • GO TO IT! (en)
  • It made Bundles for Britten, and Piles for Pears. (en)
  • M. H. Flanders (en)
  • Musical arrangements by (en)
  • Of the first Beggar's Opera they used to say (en)
  • Produced, devised and presented by (en)
  • Revived by our hero after all these years, (en)
  • That it made Gay rich and it made Rich gay: (en)
  • Westminster School Revue (en)
  • Michael Flanders's lyrics, at their best, approach the intricate ease of W.S.Gilbert. (en)
  • true (en)
  • right (en)
  • "Guide to Britten", 1953 (en)
  • Bamber Gascoigne, TheObserver, 1963 (en)
  • The first Flanders and Swann show (en)
  • 220 (xsd:integer)
  • 230 (xsd:integer)
  • 20.0
  • Michael Henry Flanders (1 de marzo de 1922 – 14 de abril de 1975) fue un actor, locutor, guionista e intérprete musical de nacionalidad británica, conocido sobre todo por formar junto a Donald Swann el dúo , dedicado a la interpretación de canciones cómicas. (es)
  • Michael Henry Flanders OBE (1 March 1922 – 14 April 1975) was an English actor, broadcaster, and writer and performer of comic songs. He is best known for his stage partnership with Donald Swann. As a young man Flanders seemed to be heading for a successful acting career. He contracted polio in 1943 while serving in the Royal Navy Volunteer Reserve and for the rest of his life was reliant on a wheelchair. He made a career as a prolific broadcaster on radio and later television, and together with his old schoolfriend, the composer Donald Swann, he wrote successful songs in the late 1940s and early and mid-1950s for revues in the West End of London. In 1956 they themselves performed some of these songs, along with new songs, in a two-man revue, At the Drop of a Hat. This show, and its succes (en)
  • Michael Henry Flanders (Londra, 1º marzo 1922 – Betws-y-Coed, 14 aprile 1975) è stato un attore, giornalista, scrittore e interprete di canzoni britannico.È particolarmente noto per la sua collaborazione teatrale con Donald Swann. Da giovane sembrava avviarsi verso una carriera di attore di successo. Contrasse la poliomielite nel 1943, mentre prestava servizio nella Royal Navy Volunteer Reserve, e per il resto della sua vita dovette fare affidamento di una sedia a rotelle. Fece carriera come prolifico intrattenitore di una emittente radiofonica e poi televisiva, e insieme al suo vecchio compagno di scuola, il compositore Donald Swann, scrisse canzoni di successo alla fine degli anni 1940 e all'inizio e alla metà degli anni 1950 per le riviste del West End di Londra. Nel 1956 loro stessi es (it)
  • 米高·亨利·夫蘭達斯 (Michael Henry Flanders)(1922年3月1日-1975年4月14日),英國演員,播音員,喜劇歌曲作詞和表演者。他最為人熟悉的是他與當奴·史旺的2人合作關係。(見夫蘭達斯與史旺) 米高.夫蘭達斯生於1922年3月1日之英國倫敦。他父親是一名職業小提琴家和演員。米高小時的志願是長大後能在歌劇院裏工作。1940年入讀牛津大學歷史系之前,他在西敏學校讀書,亦在那兒認識了當奴·史旺。 他在牛津讀書期間開始成為職業演員,稍後離開大學加入皇家海軍自願後備軍。1941年從軍期間,他隸屬的軍艦在非洲對開海面被魚雷擊沉。米高雖然大難不死,其後更獲晉升二級海軍中尉,但因為在海中感染小兒麻痺症,1943年後便要依靠輪椅代步。 米高.夫蘭達斯在1975年4月14日在威爾士 Betws-y-Coed 旅行期間不幸中風逝世。他遺下夫人克勞迪亞(Claudia)和女兒羅拉(Laura)和史提芬妮(Stephanie)。 (zh)
  • Michael Flanders (en)
  • Michael Flanders (es)
  • Michael Flanders (it)
  • 米高·夫蘭達斯 (zh)
  • Michael Flanders (en)
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