Michael Colton (born 1975) is an American screenwriter and former journalist. With writing partner John Aboud, he was a regular commentator on Best Week Ever and other VH1 shows, including I Love the '80s.
ميخائيل كولتون (بالإنجليزية: Michael Colton) هو كاتب سيناريو أمريكي، ولد في 7 أبريل 1975 في كامبريدج في الولايات المتحدة. (ar)
Michael Colton (born 1975) is an American screenwriter and former journalist. With writing partner John Aboud, he was a regular commentator on Best Week Ever and other VH1 shows, including I Love the '80s. (en)
ميخائيل كولتون (بالإنجليزية: Michael Colton) هو كاتب سيناريو أمريكي، ولد في 7 أبريل 1975 في كامبريدج في الولايات المتحدة. (ar)
Michael Colton (born 1975) is an American screenwriter and former journalist. With writing partner John Aboud, he was a regular commentator on Best Week Ever and other VH1 shows, including I Love the '80s. (en)