An Entity of Type: city, from Named Graph:, within Data Space:

Florida is a state located in the Southern United States. There are 267 cities, 123 towns, and 21 villages in the U.S. state of Florida, a total of 411 incorporated municipalities. They are distributed across 67 counties, in addition to 66 county governments. Jacksonville has the only consolidated city–county government in the state, so there is no Duval County government. However, smaller municipal governments exist within the consolidated municipality, e.g., Baldwin and the Jacksonville Beaches. All but two of Florida's county seats are incorporated municipalities (the exceptions are Crawfordville, county seat of rural Wakulla County; and East Naples, county seat of Collier County).

Property Value
  • Aquí sota hi ha una llista de les ciutats de Florida: (ca)
  • قائمة بلديات فلوريدا في الولايات المتحدة. تضم ولاية فلوريدا 410 بلدية وهي 282 مدينة و 109 بلدات و 19 قرية موزعة على 67 مقاطعة. ملاحظة: جدول المحتويات لا ينطبق إلا عندما يتم فرز القائمة حسب اسم المكان. * «ترتيب» يشير إلى الوضع النسبي للبلدية على القائمة المرتبة 1-410 حسب عدد السكان. * «السنة» يشير إلى المرة الأولى التي أدرج فيها اسم المكان. إذا المجتمع أسسها كبلدة، ثم أدرجت بعد ذلك باعتبارها مدينة، يتم وضع أقرب وقت منهم. (ar)
  • Die Liste der Orte in Florida führt alle Orte mit mehr als 20.000 Einwohnern im US-Bundesstaat Florida auf. Dabei handelt es sich meistens um Kommunen (Cities, Towns oder Villages), aber teilweise auch um sogenannte census-designated places (CDPs), die zur sozio-demografischen Erfassung der Bevölkerung gebildet wurden und direkt vom County verwaltet werden. (de)
  • Florida is a state located in the Southern United States. There are 267 cities, 123 towns, and 21 villages in the U.S. state of Florida, a total of 411 incorporated municipalities. They are distributed across 67 counties, in addition to 66 county governments. Jacksonville has the only consolidated city–county government in the state, so there is no Duval County government. However, smaller municipal governments exist within the consolidated municipality, e.g., Baldwin and the Jacksonville Beaches. All but two of Florida's county seats are incorporated municipalities (the exceptions are Crawfordville, county seat of rural Wakulla County; and East Naples, county seat of Collier County). Incorporated municipalities in Florida may be called cities, towns, or villages, but there is no legal distinction between the different terms. As of the 2010 U.S. Census, more than 10 million Floridians, 55% of the state's total population of 18,801,310, lived in incorporated municipalities. The remainder lived in unincorporated areas. However, 94% of the population lives in metropolitan areas. Of the remaining 6%, many live in smaller cities and towns, thus the actual number of residents living in truly rural areas is small. There are ten counties in the state with just one incorporated municipality and ten counties with only two. In 1822, St. Augustine and Pensacola became the first municipalities to incorporate. The most recent incorporation was Westlake in 2016. The largest municipality by population and land area is Jacksonville with 949,611 residents and 874.6 square miles (2,265 km2). The smallest by population is Marineland with 15 people, while the smallest by land area is Lazy Lake at 0.022 square miles (0.057 km2). The formation and dissolution of municipalities is governed by Chapter 165 of the Florida Statutes. All Florida municipalities must be operated under a municipal charter approved by a majority of the registered voters in the geographic area of the municipality, which must be confirmed by the state legislature through special legislation. The largest cities in Florida (population over 200,000) utilize the strong mayor–council form of government. The mayor typically appoints a chief administrative officer who performs the same function as a city manager which is utilized by 70% of Florida's municipalities, whose mayors are primarily symbolic and ceremonial. (en)
  • L'État américain de Floride compte 412 municipalités, qui peuvent être une city, une town ou un village. (fr)
  • Berikut adalah daftar kota di Florida, Amerika Serikat: (in)
  • Questa lista delle città della Florida, Stati Uniti d'America, comprende le 920 località suddivise in 268 city, 124 town, 19 villaggi e 509 census-designated place (CDP). (it)
  • Esta é uma lista de cidades, vilas e aldeias do estado da Flórida, Estados Unidos. As localidades incorporadas na Flórida podem ser chamadas de cidades, vilas ou aldeias, entretanto não existe distinção legal entre os diferentes termos. Existem 410 localidades incorporadas na Flórida, sendo 269 cidades, 122 vilas e 19 aldeias, distribuídos em 67 condados. Jacksonville é a única cidade-condado consolidada. Todas as sedes de condado são localidades incorporadas, com exceção de Crawfordville, sede do condado rural de Wakulla. De acordo com o Censo 2010 mais de 10 milhões de residentes da Flórida, ou seja, 55% da população total do estado, vivem em localidades incorporadas, e o restante em área não incorporada. Contudo, 94% da população vive em regiões metropolitanas, enquanto dos 6% remanescentes, muitos vivem em cidades e vilas menores, portanto, o número real de moradores que vivem em áreas rurais é realmente pequena. Existem dez condados no estado com apenas um município incorporado e dez condados com apenas dois. Os primeiros municípios a serem incorporados foram Pensacola e Saint Augustine em 1822, enquanto os mais recentes foram Grant-Valkaria e Loxahatchee Groves em 2006. O maior município em população e área de terra é Jacksonville, com 821 784 habitantes e 1 934,7 ​​km². O menor município em população é Lake Buena Vista com 10 pessoas, enquanto o menor em área terrestre é Lazy Lake com 0,05 km². Sunny Isles Beach é a cidade mais densamente povoada, com 7 885,6 hab/km² e Bay Lake é a menos densamente povoada, com 0,8 hab/km². Mais de 95% da área total de Manalapan é coberta por água. As cidades com o maior crescimento populacional da Flórida são: Groveland (269,9%), Clermont (208,0%), Orchid (196,4%), Oakland (171,2%), Marineland (166,7%), Indian Creek (160,6%), Jasper (155,4%), La Crosse (151,7%), North Port (151,6%), Winter Garden (140,9%), Lauderdale-by-the-Sea (136,3%), Palm Coast (129,7%), Saint Leo (125,2%), Doral (123,6%), Carrabelle (113,2%), Midway (107,7%) e Bay Lake (104,3%). Sea Ranch Lakes é a cidade com a maior redução populacional do estado, 52%. (pt)
  • Список городов Флориды по численности населения включает в себя все города штата Флорида в США с населением свыше 100 тысяч человек, а также ряд городов штата с населением, приближающимся к этому показателю. (ru)
  • 美国东南部的佛罗里达州拥有282个城市,109个镇和19个村,共计410个注册成立的市法团。这些市法团分布在全州的67个县,共有66个县政府。杰克逊维尔拥有全州唯一一个市县合一的地方政府,所以杜瓦尔县没有县政府。不过,一些合并的市法团中可能还会有较小的市级政府,例如鲍德温和(Jacksonville Beaches)。全州所有的县城中只有一个不是注册成立的市法团,这个例外就是沃库拉县县城克劳福德维尔,属于乡村地带。佛罗里达注册成立的市法团可以被称之城市、镇或乡村,不同的称呼之间没有法定区别。根据2010年美国人口普查的数据,全州共有1880万1310位居民,其中超过1000万(55%)居民在注册成立的市法团,其他居民则住在非建制地區。不过全州94%的人口都生活在城市群内,剩下的6%中大部分生活在小城镇内,因此真正生活在农村地区的居民人数很少,全州十个县只有一个注册成立的市法团。 圣奥古斯丁和彭萨科拉于1822年成为全州最早注册成立的市法团。则年轻的则是2006年注册成立的洛克斯哈特克黑格罗夫斯和格兰特瓦卡瑞阿。无论是按人口数量还是陆地面积,最大的市法团都是杰克逊维尔,拥有82万1784位居民,2292平方公里面积。人口最少的布埃纳文图拉湖只有十人,陆地面积最小的懒惰湖只有0.058平方公里。 市法团的组建和解散由佛罗里达州法规的第165章进行管辖。佛罗里达州所有的市法团都必须根据其所在区域大部分注册选民批准的进行运作,并且市宪章必须获得州议会特别立法议程确认。 佛罗里达州人口超过20万的大城市采用市长——议会制进行管理。市长通常会任命一位职责和相同的首席行政官,而市长本人则是象征性的职责。佛罗里达州70%的市法团都是采用这一形式进行管理。 (zh)
  • 33323927 (xsd:integer)
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  • August 2021 (en)
  • 2020 (xsd:integer)
  • Aquí sota hi ha una llista de les ciutats de Florida: (ca)
  • قائمة بلديات فلوريدا في الولايات المتحدة. تضم ولاية فلوريدا 410 بلدية وهي 282 مدينة و 109 بلدات و 19 قرية موزعة على 67 مقاطعة. ملاحظة: جدول المحتويات لا ينطبق إلا عندما يتم فرز القائمة حسب اسم المكان. * «ترتيب» يشير إلى الوضع النسبي للبلدية على القائمة المرتبة 1-410 حسب عدد السكان. * «السنة» يشير إلى المرة الأولى التي أدرج فيها اسم المكان. إذا المجتمع أسسها كبلدة، ثم أدرجت بعد ذلك باعتبارها مدينة، يتم وضع أقرب وقت منهم. (ar)
  • Die Liste der Orte in Florida führt alle Orte mit mehr als 20.000 Einwohnern im US-Bundesstaat Florida auf. Dabei handelt es sich meistens um Kommunen (Cities, Towns oder Villages), aber teilweise auch um sogenannte census-designated places (CDPs), die zur sozio-demografischen Erfassung der Bevölkerung gebildet wurden und direkt vom County verwaltet werden. (de)
  • L'État américain de Floride compte 412 municipalités, qui peuvent être une city, une town ou un village. (fr)
  • Berikut adalah daftar kota di Florida, Amerika Serikat: (in)
  • Questa lista delle città della Florida, Stati Uniti d'America, comprende le 920 località suddivise in 268 city, 124 town, 19 villaggi e 509 census-designated place (CDP). (it)
  • Список городов Флориды по численности населения включает в себя все города штата Флорида в США с населением свыше 100 тысяч человек, а также ряд городов штата с населением, приближающимся к этому показателю. (ru)
  • Florida is a state located in the Southern United States. There are 267 cities, 123 towns, and 21 villages in the U.S. state of Florida, a total of 411 incorporated municipalities. They are distributed across 67 counties, in addition to 66 county governments. Jacksonville has the only consolidated city–county government in the state, so there is no Duval County government. However, smaller municipal governments exist within the consolidated municipality, e.g., Baldwin and the Jacksonville Beaches. All but two of Florida's county seats are incorporated municipalities (the exceptions are Crawfordville, county seat of rural Wakulla County; and East Naples, county seat of Collier County). (en)
  • Esta é uma lista de cidades, vilas e aldeias do estado da Flórida, Estados Unidos. As localidades incorporadas na Flórida podem ser chamadas de cidades, vilas ou aldeias, entretanto não existe distinção legal entre os diferentes termos. Existem 410 localidades incorporadas na Flórida, sendo 269 cidades, 122 vilas e 19 aldeias, distribuídos em 67 condados. Jacksonville é a única cidade-condado consolidada. Todas as sedes de condado são localidades incorporadas, com exceção de Crawfordville, sede do condado rural de Wakulla. (pt)
  • 美国东南部的佛罗里达州拥有282个城市,109个镇和19个村,共计410个注册成立的市法团。这些市法团分布在全州的67个县,共有66个县政府。杰克逊维尔拥有全州唯一一个市县合一的地方政府,所以杜瓦尔县没有县政府。不过,一些合并的市法团中可能还会有较小的市级政府,例如鲍德温和(Jacksonville Beaches)。全州所有的县城中只有一个不是注册成立的市法团,这个例外就是沃库拉县县城克劳福德维尔,属于乡村地带。佛罗里达注册成立的市法团可以被称之城市、镇或乡村,不同的称呼之间没有法定区别。根据2010年美国人口普查的数据,全州共有1880万1310位居民,其中超过1000万(55%)居民在注册成立的市法团,其他居民则住在非建制地區。不过全州94%的人口都生活在城市群内,剩下的6%中大部分生活在小城镇内,因此真正生活在农村地区的居民人数很少,全州十个县只有一个注册成立的市法团。 圣奥古斯丁和彭萨科拉于1822年成为全州最早注册成立的市法团。则年轻的则是2006年注册成立的洛克斯哈特克黑格罗夫斯和格兰特瓦卡瑞阿。无论是按人口数量还是陆地面积,最大的市法团都是杰克逊维尔,拥有82万1784位居民,2292平方公里面积。人口最少的布埃纳文图拉湖只有十人,陆地面积最小的懒惰湖只有0.058平方公里。 (zh)
  • قائمة بلديات فلوريدا (ar)
  • Llista de ciutats de Florida (ca)
  • Liste der Orte in Florida (de)
  • Daftar kota di Florida (in)
  • Liste des municipalités de Floride (fr)
  • Città della Florida (it)
  • List of municipalities in Florida (en)
  • Lista de cidades da Flórida (pt)
  • Список городов Флориды по численности населения (ru)
  • 佛罗里达州市镇村列表 (zh)
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