- This is a list of the birds that belong to the group gadfly petrels. They are all from the genus Pterodroma and belong to the family Procellariidae.
* Pterodroma macroptera, great-winged petrel, breeds and ranges on islands of the southern oceans
* Pterodroma gouldi, grey-faced petrel, breeds on islands off the coast of the North Island, New Zealand, and off the coast of southwestern Australia
* Pterodroma neglecta, Kermadec petrel, breeds on islands of the south Pacific from New Zealand to Easter Island, Juan Fernández Islands, San Ambrosio, and San Félix
* Pterodroma neglecta neglecta breeds on south Pacific islands from New Zealand to Easter Island
* Pterodroma neglecta juana breeds on Juan Fernández Islands, San Ambrosio, and San Félix
* Pterodroma magentae, magenta petrel, breeds on Chatham Islands
* Pterodroma arminjoniana, herald petrel breeds on Raine Island, Tonga, French Polynesia to Easter Island, Trindade Island and Martín Vaz
* Pterodroma arminjoniana arminjoniana breeds on Trindade Island and Martín Vaz
* Pterodroma arminjoniana heraldica breeds on Raine Island, Tonga, and French Polynesia to Easter Island
* Pterodroma ultima, Murphy's petrel breeds on Tuamotu Archipelago, Austral Islands and Pitcairn Island
* Pterodroma solandri, providence petrel breeds on Lord Howe Island and Philip Island; ranges to northwestern Pacific Ocean
* Pterodroma atrata, Henderson petrel breeds on Henderson Island
* Pterodroma madeira, Zino's petrel breeds on Madeira Island; ranges to east Atlantic Ocean
* Pterodroma feae, Fea's petrel breeds on the Cape Verde Islands and Desertas Islands; ranges to the eastern Atlantic Ocean
* Pterodroma mollis, soft-plumaged petrel breeds on Gough Island, Antipodes Island, Tristan da Cunha, Marion Island, Crozet Islands, Kerguelan Islands, and Amsterdam Island
* Pterodroma mollis mollis breeds on Gough Island, Antipodes Island, and Tristan da Cunha
* Pterodroma mollis dubia breeds on Marion Island, Crozet Islands, Kerguelan Islands, and Amsterdam Island
* Pterodroma baraui, Barau's petrel breeds on Réunion Island and Rodrigues Island
* Pterodroma lessonii, white-headed petrel breeds on islands in the south Indian Ocean and south Pacific Ocean
* Pterodroma inexpectata, mottled petrel breeds on Stewart Island, Snares Islands, and southwestern South Island
* Pterodroma cahow, Bermuda petrel breeds on Nonsuch Island; ranges along the Gulf Stream
* Pterodroma hasitata, black-capped petrel breeds on Cuba, Hispaniola, Guadeloupe, and Dominica; ranges to the west Atlantic
* Pterodroma hasitata hasitata breeds on Cuba, Hispaniola, Guadeloupe, and Dominica; ranges to the west Atlantic
* Pterodroma hasitata caribbaea extinct
* Pterodroma externa, Juan Fernandez petrel breeds on Alejandro Selkirk Island
* Pterodroma incerta, Atlantic petrel breeds on Tristan da Cunha and Gough Island; ranges south Atlantic
* Pterodroma phaeopygia, Galapagos petrel breeds on the Galápagos Islands; ranges from Clipperton Island to northern Peru
* Pterodroma sandwichensis, Hawaiian petrel breeds on the Hawaiian Islands; ranges to Polynesia
* Pterodroma cervicalis, white-necked petrel breeds on the Kermadec Islands; ranges to south Pacific
* Pterodroma hypoleuca, Bonin petrel breeds on the Volcano Islands, Bonin Islands, and the western Hawaiian Islands; ranges to Polynesia
* Pterodroma nigripennis, black-winged petrel breeds in the southwest Pacific; ranges to south central Pacific
* Pterodroma axillaris, Chatham petrel breeds on Rangitira Island and adjacent islands
* Pterodroma cookii, Cook's petrel breeds on the islands of the coast of New Zealand; ranges to eastern and northern Pacific
* Pterodroma defilippiana, Masatierra petrel breeds on Juan Fernández Islands, San Ambrosio, and San Félix
* Pterodroma leucoptera, Gould's petrel breeds on the Cook Islands, Fiji, and Cabbage Tree Island off of eastern Australia
* Pterodroma leucoptera leucoptera breeds on Cabbage Tree Island off of eastern Australia; ranges to the south Pacific
* Pterodroma leucoptera caledonica breeds on New Caledonia
* Pterodroma leucoptera brevipes breeds on the Cook Islands and Fiji
* Pterodroma longirostris, Stejneger's petrel breeds on Alejandro Selkirk Island; ranges to eastern and northern Pacific
* Pterodroma pycrofti, Pycroft's petrel breeds on the small islands off the coast of New Zealand; ranges to north Pacific
* Pterodroma alba, Phoenix petrel breeds from French Polynesia to Kermadec Islands; ranges to the south Pacific
* Pterodroma occulta, Vanuatu petrel possible breeds on Banks Islands (en)
- This is a list of the birds that belong to the group gadfly petrels. They are all from the genus Pterodroma and belong to the family Procellariidae.
* Pterodroma macroptera, great-winged petrel, breeds and ranges on islands of the southern oceans
* Pterodroma gouldi, grey-faced petrel, breeds on islands off the coast of the North Island, New Zealand, and off the coast of southwestern Australia
* Pterodroma neglecta, Kermadec petrel, breeds on islands of the south Pacific from New Zealand to Easter Island, Juan Fernández Islands, San Ambrosio, and San Félix
* Pterodroma neglecta neglecta breeds on south Pacific islands from New Zealand to Easter Island
* Pterodroma neglecta juana breeds on Juan Fernández Islands, San Ambrosio, and San Félix
* Pterodroma magentae, magenta petrel, breed (en)