- The Royal Navy is the principal naval warfare service branch of the British Armed Forces. As of October 2022, there are 72 commissioned ships in the Royal Navy. Of the commissioned vessels, twenty-two are major surface combatants (two aircraft carriers, six guided missile destroyers, twelve frigates and two amphibious transport docks) and ten are nuclear-powered submarines (four ballistic missile submarines and six fleet submarines). In addition the Navy possesses nine mine countermeasures vessels, twenty-six patrol vessels, three survey vessels, one icebreaker and one historic warship, Victory. The total displacement of the Royal Navy is approximately 431,000 tonnes. The Royal Navy operates four bases where commissioned ships are based: HMNB Portsmouth, HMNB Devonport and HMNB Clyde and the Royal Navy's newest base, HMS Jufair in Bahrain. In addition, a number of commissioned vessels belonging to the University Royal Naval Units (URNU) are stationed at various locations around the United Kingdom. Two fast patrol boats, together with a forward-deployed River-class Offshore Patrol Vessel, normally form part of the Gibraltar Squadron and are permanently based there. Four other River-class vessels are forward-deployed: in the Falkland Islands (one ship), the Caribbean (one ship) and the Indo-Pacific region (two ships). Besides the Royal Navy, the Royal Fleet Auxiliary (RFA) and the Royal Marines operate their own flotillas of vessels which complement the assets of the Royal Navy, however they are not included in this list or the above figures (the Royal Navy and RFA combined have 83 vessels with a total displacement in excess of 763,000 tonnes). In addition, the naval training vessels Brecon and Cromer can be found based at the Royal Navy shore establishment HMS Raleigh and the Britannia Royal Naval College, respectively, along with a number of P1000s and Motor Whalers. As a supporting contingent of His Majesty's Naval Service, the civilian Marine Services operate many auxiliary ships (including coastal logistics, tugs and research vessels) in support of Royal Navy and Royal Fleet Auxiliary operations. (with a total displacement in excess of 817,500 tonnes). All ships and submarines currently in commission with the Royal Navy were built in the United Kingdom, with the exceptions of icebreaker Protector which was built in Norway and survey vessel Magpie which was substantially built in Ireland. All vessels of the Royal Navy bear the ship prefix "HMS", for His Majesty's Ship or His Majesty's Submarine. (en)
- Cet article est une liste des bâtiments de la Royal Navy, marine militaire du Royaume-Uni, en service en 2021.La Royal Navy au sens strict n'inclut pas les bâtiments de soutien de la Royal Fleet Auxiliary, qui ont un statut civil tout en ayant une mission militaire. Ils sont à réincorporer dans la flotte de guerre britannique avant de procéder à toute comparaison avec d'autres marines militaires. (fr)
- イギリス海軍艦艇一覧は、イギリス海軍 (Royal Navy) が過去保有した、または現在保有する、または将来保有する予定の、未完成・計画中止を含めた歴代艦艇一覧である。 '凡例 (ja)
- Questa pagina elenca le unità navali in servizio della Royal Navy, la marina militare del Regno Unito. Alla data del 28 agosto 2014 le unità in servizio erano settantasette, di cui sei cacciatorpediniere lanciamissili, tredici fregate e dieci sottomarini nucleari. Il dislocamento totale della flotta assomma a 336.000 tonnellate. Gli unici vascelli a non essere stati costruiti nel Regno Unito sono i rompighiaccio e , realizzati in Norvegia. Tutte le navi della Royal Navy sono precedute dal prefisso navale "HMS" (Her Majesty's Ship o, nel caso dei sottomarini, Her Majesty's Submarine); unica eccezione è il piccolo , che ha come prefisso "HMSML", Her Majesty's Survey Motor Launch. Le navi della Royal Fleet Auxiliary e dei Royal Marines, che pure fanno parte della Royal Navy, non sono incluse nella pagina, così come non vi sono incluse le imbarcazioni dipendenti dal , che gestisce centinaia di navi ausiliarie a supporto del Naval Service britannico. (it)
- Surface Fleet | Royal Navy (pl)
- Cet article est une liste des bâtiments de la Royal Navy, marine militaire du Royaume-Uni, en service en 2021.La Royal Navy au sens strict n'inclut pas les bâtiments de soutien de la Royal Fleet Auxiliary, qui ont un statut civil tout en ayant une mission militaire. Ils sont à réincorporer dans la flotte de guerre britannique avant de procéder à toute comparaison avec d'autres marines militaires. (fr)
- イギリス海軍艦艇一覧は、イギリス海軍 (Royal Navy) が過去保有した、または現在保有する、または将来保有する予定の、未完成・計画中止を含めた歴代艦艇一覧である。 '凡例 (ja)
- Surface Fleet | Royal Navy (pl)
- The Royal Navy is the principal naval warfare service branch of the British Armed Forces. As of October 2022, there are 72 commissioned ships in the Royal Navy. Of the commissioned vessels, twenty-two are major surface combatants (two aircraft carriers, six guided missile destroyers, twelve frigates and two amphibious transport docks) and ten are nuclear-powered submarines (four ballistic missile submarines and six fleet submarines). In addition the Navy possesses nine mine countermeasures vessels, twenty-six patrol vessels, three survey vessels, one icebreaker and one historic warship, Victory. The total displacement of the Royal Navy is approximately 431,000 tonnes. (en)
- Questa pagina elenca le unità navali in servizio della Royal Navy, la marina militare del Regno Unito. Alla data del 28 agosto 2014 le unità in servizio erano settantasette, di cui sei cacciatorpediniere lanciamissili, tredici fregate e dieci sottomarini nucleari. Il dislocamento totale della flotta assomma a 336.000 tonnellate. (it)