- Daftar karakter Shugo Chara! (in)
- Shugo Chara! is a Japanese shōjo manga created by the manga author duo Peach-Pit. The story centers on elementary schoolgirl Amu Hinamori, whose popular exterior, referred to as "cool and spicy" by her classmates, contrasts with her introverted personality. When Amu wishes for the courage to be reborn as her would-be self, she is surprised to find three colorful eggs the next morning, which hatch into three Guardian Characters: Ran, Miki, and Su. Peach-Pit uses Amu to explore differences between one's true self and the self that is presented to others. Like Jun Sakurada in Peach-Pit's previous work, Rozen Maiden, Amu tackles issues such as alienation and fitting in at school. Unlike most heroines in other magical girl series, Amu is neither the perfect sweetheart nor a complete klutz. Amu gets grumpy and frequently talks back to others in contrast to the polite schoolgirls that fill the genre. Amu's Guardian Characters—Ran, Miki, Su, and later Diamond—aid her in her quest of self-discovery. Each Guardian Character represents an aspect of Amu's true self. Ran represents Amu's desire to be more honest and athletic, Miki represents Amu's desire to be more level headed and artistic, Su represents Amu's desire to be more caring and improve her domestic skills, while Diamond represents Amu's desire to shine in front of others and be a good speaker. Moreover, the Guardian Characters are more than mere mascots who help Amu learn about her true self. They can also perform a "Character Change" where Amu's personality is replaced by an entirely different one. However, Amu is not the only one with Guardian Characters. Each of the Guardians—Tadase Hotori, Nadeshiko Fujisaki, Kukai Soma, and Yaya Yuiki—have their own Guardian Characters. Amu also encounters Ikuto Tsukiyomi and Utau Hoshina(Tsukiyomi), two siblings who also have Guardian Characters and are employed by the Easter Company to search for the Embryo. Eventually, Nadeshiko Fujisaki and Kukai Soma leave the Guardians and are replaced by Rima Mashiro and Kairi Sanjo, respectively. Kairi later leaves and is replaced by Nagihiko Fujisaki, Nadeshiko's real identity. (en)
- しゅごキャラ!の登場人物(しゅごキャラ!のとうじょうじんぶつ)では、PEACH-PITの漫画作品およびそれを原作としたアニメ作品『しゅごキャラ!』(『しゅごキャラ!!どきっ』、『しゅごキャラパーティー!』)に登場するキャラクターについて説明する。 なお、このページにおける話数表記は原作の話数に準拠しており、アニメ版に関してはアニメ版第〜話と表記している。 (ja)
- 캐릭캐릭 체인지의 등장 인물은 PEACH-PIT의 소녀 만화 작품 캐릭캐릭 체인지에 등장하는 캐릭터에 대해 설명하고 있다.
* 한국어판에서의 인물명의 경우 만화는 본래의 명칭을 사용하며, 추가적으로 표기된 명칭은 애니메이션판에서 사용함.
* 등장인물 이름 소개는 '일본어판 이름(일어), 한국어판 이름)'으로 구성.
* 성우는 일본어판 / 한국어판 순. (ko)
- Lista dei personaggi del manga e dell'anime di Shugo Chara - La magia del cuore. (it)
- 守护甜心!角色列表,是PEACH-PIT原作漫画作品《守护甜心!》中登場的人物說明。 (zh)
- Daftar karakter Shugo Chara! (in)
- しゅごキャラ!の登場人物(しゅごキャラ!のとうじょうじんぶつ)では、PEACH-PITの漫画作品およびそれを原作としたアニメ作品『しゅごキャラ!』(『しゅごキャラ!!どきっ』、『しゅごキャラパーティー!』)に登場するキャラクターについて説明する。 なお、このページにおける話数表記は原作の話数に準拠しており、アニメ版に関してはアニメ版第〜話と表記している。 (ja)
- 캐릭캐릭 체인지의 등장 인물은 PEACH-PIT의 소녀 만화 작품 캐릭캐릭 체인지에 등장하는 캐릭터에 대해 설명하고 있다.
* 한국어판에서의 인물명의 경우 만화는 본래의 명칭을 사용하며, 추가적으로 표기된 명칭은 애니메이션판에서 사용함.
* 등장인물 이름 소개는 '일본어판 이름(일어), 한국어판 이름)'으로 구성.
* 성우는 일본어판 / 한국어판 순. (ko)
- Lista dei personaggi del manga e dell'anime di Shugo Chara - La magia del cuore. (it)
- 守护甜心!角色列表,是PEACH-PIT原作漫画作品《守护甜心!》中登場的人物說明。 (zh)
- Shugo Chara! is a Japanese shōjo manga created by the manga author duo Peach-Pit. The story centers on elementary schoolgirl Amu Hinamori, whose popular exterior, referred to as "cool and spicy" by her classmates, contrasts with her introverted personality. When Amu wishes for the courage to be reborn as her would-be self, she is surprised to find three colorful eggs the next morning, which hatch into three Guardian Characters: Ran, Miki, and Su. (en)