- Das Ligbi (auch Ligwi, Nigbi, Nigwi, Tuba, Banda, Dzowo, Namasa, Tsie, Weila, Wiila, Weela und Jogo) ist die Sprache der westafrikanischen Ligbi-Volksgruppe mit nur noch ca. 15.000 Sprechern in Ghana (2003 GILLBT) und etwa 4.000 Sprechern in der Elfenbeinküste. In Ghana wird Ligbi in Numasa im nordwestlichen Gebiet der Brong Ahafo Region, östlich von Sampa und nordwestlich von Wenchi gesprochen. In der Elfenbeinküste wird Ligbi im östlichen Department verwendet in einem größeren Dorf mit dem Namen Bineto. Ferner gibt es eine Sprecher-Gruppe in Bouna sowie der Stadt Slil in der Nähe von Boundoukou sowie einige Sprecher in Ourodougou am Rande zu Gebiet in dem Malinke gesprochen wird. Anerkannte Dialekte sind Bungase, Gyogo, Hwela (Weila, Wiila, Weela, Vwela), Dwera (Manji-Kasa), Atumfour (Atoumfuor-Kasa) und Ntoleh. (de)
- The Ligbi (or Ligby) people speak a Mande language in Ghana, in the north-west corner of the Brong-Ahafo Region. Ligbi is spoken by approximately 10,000 speakers (1988 GILLBT/SIL). It is fairly closely related to Jula, Vai and Kono. A small population of Ligbi speakers (around 4,000) is reported to live in Ivory Coast (Vanderaa 1991). Ligbi is also known as Wela (Hwela) or Numu. The latter of these refers to a subsection of the Ligbi people; Numu is Dyula for 'blacksmith'. (See blacksmiths of western Africa.) The Ligbi area in Ghana is bordered to the west by Nafaanra, the Senufo language of the Nafana people. The Ligbi people have come to the area of Begho (Bighu), an ancient trading town on the Tain river in Ghana, in the early 17th century before the Nafana. Ligbi has seven oral and seven nasal vowels. It is a tonal language with two level tones, High and Low. Syllables are of the form (C1)V(C2) or N (a syllabic nasal), where CV is the most common syllable type. C1 can be any of the consonants, whereas the optional C2 slot can have only nasals homorganic with the following consonants, e.g., gbám mádáánè "nine houses," gbán táà "ten houses." V (a vowel) alone occurs word-initial only in personal pronouns, some loan words, and names, e.g., á jádɛ̀ "we have come." (en)
- Das Ligbi (auch Ligwi, Nigbi, Nigwi, Tuba, Banda, Dzowo, Namasa, Tsie, Weila, Wiila, Weela und Jogo) ist die Sprache der westafrikanischen Ligbi-Volksgruppe mit nur noch ca. 15.000 Sprechern in Ghana (2003 GILLBT) und etwa 4.000 Sprechern in der Elfenbeinküste. In Ghana wird Ligbi in Numasa im nordwestlichen Gebiet der Brong Ahafo Region, östlich von Sampa und nordwestlich von Wenchi gesprochen. Anerkannte Dialekte sind Bungase, Gyogo, Hwela (Weila, Wiila, Weela, Vwela), Dwera (Manji-Kasa), Atumfour (Atoumfuor-Kasa) und Ntoleh. (de)
- The Ligbi (or Ligby) people speak a Mande language in Ghana, in the north-west corner of the Brong-Ahafo Region. Ligbi is spoken by approximately 10,000 speakers (1988 GILLBT/SIL). It is fairly closely related to Jula, Vai and Kono. A small population of Ligbi speakers (around 4,000) is reported to live in Ivory Coast (Vanderaa 1991). Ligbi is also known as Wela (Hwela) or Numu. The latter of these refers to a subsection of the Ligbi people; Numu is Dyula for 'blacksmith'. (See blacksmiths of western Africa.) (en)