An Entity of Type: Protected cruiser, from Named Graph:, within Data Space:

The Kaiser Franz Joseph I class (sometimes called the Kaiser Franz Josef I class) was a class of two protected cruisers built for the Austro-Hungarian Navy. Named for Austro-Hungarian Emperor Franz Joseph I, the class comprised SMS Kaiser Franz Joseph I and SMS Kaiserin Elisabeth. Construction took place throughout the late 1880s, with both ships being laid down in 1888. Kaiser Franz Joseph I was built by Stabilimento Tecnico Triestino in Trieste, while Kaiserin Elisabeth was built at the Pola Navy Yard in Pola. The Kaiser Franz Joseph I-class ships were the first protected cruisers constructed by the Austro-Hungarian Navy. Kaiser Franz Joseph I was the first ship of the class to be commissioned into the fleet in July 1890. She was followed by Kaiserin Elisabeth in November 1892.

Property Value
  • 103700.0
  • Třída Kaiser Franz Joseph I. byl první třída chráněných křižníků Rakousko-uherského námořnictva, postavených v letech 1888–1892. Skládala se ze dvou jednotek – Kaiser Franz Joseph I. postavila loděnice v Terstu, zatímco křižník Kaiserin Elisabeth byl postaven námořním arzenálem v Pule. Jejich neobvykle silná torpédová výzbroj vedla k tomu, že byly zpočátku označovány Torpedo-Rammschiff. Bylo to proto, že jejich původním určením byl doprovod torpédových plavidel.[zdroj?!] K tomuto účelu však nebyly nikdy použity, protože nově stavěným torpédoborcům a torpédovkám již nestačili rychlostí. (cs)
  • The Kaiser Franz Joseph I class (sometimes called the Kaiser Franz Josef I class) was a class of two protected cruisers built for the Austro-Hungarian Navy. Named for Austro-Hungarian Emperor Franz Joseph I, the class comprised SMS Kaiser Franz Joseph I and SMS Kaiserin Elisabeth. Construction took place throughout the late 1880s, with both ships being laid down in 1888. Kaiser Franz Joseph I was built by Stabilimento Tecnico Triestino in Trieste, while Kaiserin Elisabeth was built at the Pola Navy Yard in Pola. The Kaiser Franz Joseph I-class ships were the first protected cruisers constructed by the Austro-Hungarian Navy. Kaiser Franz Joseph I was the first ship of the class to be commissioned into the fleet in July 1890. She was followed by Kaiserin Elisabeth in November 1892. Constructed in response to the Italian cruisers Giovanni Bausan and Etna, the design of the Kaiser Franz Joseph I-class was heavily influenced by the Jeune École (Young School) naval strategy. The cruisers were intended to serve as the "battleship of the future" by Commander-in-Chief of the Navy (German: Marinekommandant) Maximilian Daublebsky von Sterneck, the ships were heavily criticized by officers and sailors alike in the Austro-Hungarian Navy, who labeled the ships, "Sterneck's sardine–boxes". Changes in technology and strategic thinking around the world rendered the design of the Kaiser Franz Joseph I-class ships obsolete shortly after they were commissioned. Nevertheless, the ships remained an important component of Austro-Hungarian naval policy, which continued to emphasize the Jeune École doctrine and the importance of coastal defense and overseas missions to show the flag around the world. Both Kaiser Franz Joseph I and Kaiserin Elisabeth participated in several overseas voyages during their careers, with the former conducting a tour of East Asia between 1892 and 1893, the first such voyage by a steel-hulled ship of the Austro-Hungarian Navy. Archduke Franz Ferdinand accompanied Kaiserin Elisabeth for most of this voyage. Kaiserin Elisabeth saw action during the Boxer Rebellion, and thereafter the two ships of the Kaiser Franz Joseph I-class would alternate tours of duty in the Far East until the start of World War I. At the outbreak of the war, Kaiserin Elisabeth was stationed in China and participated in the defense of the German-held Kiautschou Bay concession against Japan and the United Kingdom. Her guns were removed during the Siege of Tsingtao for use as a shoreline battery. She was scuttled by her crew in November 1914 shortly before the surrender of the port of Tsingtao to Anglo-Japanese forces. Kaiser Franz Joseph I was a member of the Fifth Battle Division at the onset of war and was stationed at the Austro-Hungarian naval base at Cattaro. Obsolete by the start of the war, Kaiser Franz Joseph I saw little action during most of the conflict, and rarely left the Bocche di Cattaro. In late 1914, she participated in shelling Franco-Montenegrin artillery batteries located on the slopes of Mount Lovćen, which overshadowed the Bocche. In January 1916, when the Austria-Hungary began an invasion of Montenegro, Kaiser Franz Joseph I assisted in again silencing the Montenegrin batteries on Mount Lovćen in support of the Austro-Hungarian Army, which seized the mountain and subsequently captured the Montenegrin capital of Cetinje, knocking the country out of the war. In 1917, Kaiser Franz Joseph I was decommissioned, disarmed, and converted into a headquarters ship for the Austro-Hungarian base at Cattaro. She remained in this capacity through the rest of the war. When Austria-Hungary was facing defeat in October 1918, the Austrian government transferred its navy to the newly formed State of Slovenes, Croats and Serbs in order to avoid having to hand the ship over to the Allies. Following the Armistice of Villa Giusti in November 1918, an Allied fleet sailed into Cattaro and seized the former Austro-Hungarian ships stationed in the Bocche, including Kaiser Franz Joseph I. She was ceded to France as a war reparation after the war, but sank during a gale off Kumbor in October 1919. (en)
  • La classe Kaiser Franz Joseph I est une classe de croiseur protégé construite pour la marine austro-hongroise. Elle fut réalisée à la suite de la construction de l'unique SMS Tiger livrée par l'Italie et de la première classe Panther. (fr)
  • カイザー・フランツ・ヨーゼフ1世級防護巡洋艦 (SMS Kaiser Franz Joseph I class Kleiner Kreuzer) は、オーストリア=ハンガリー帝国海軍が第一次大戦前に建造した防護巡洋艦の艦級である。 (ja)
  • Krążowniki typu Kaiser Franz Joseph I – typ trzech krążowników pancernopodłogowych, zbudowanych przez Austro-Węgry pod koniec XIX wieku. Należały do niego dwa okręty: SMS „Kaiser Franz Joseph I” i SMS „Kaiserin Elisabeth”. (pl)
  • Бронепалубные крейсера типа «Кайзер Франц-Иосиф I» — тип бронепалубных крейсеров австро-венгерского флота. Первые полноценные бронепалубные крейсера Австро-Венгрии. Построено 2 единицы: «Кайзер Франц-Иосиф I» (нем. Kaiser Franz Joseph I) и «Кайзерин Элизабет» (нем. Kaiserin Elisabeth). Официально именовались «торпедо-таранными» кораблями (нем. Torpedo-Rammschiff). (ru)
  • A Classe Kaiser Franz Joseph I foi uma classe de cruzadores protegidos operada pela Marinha Austro-Húngara, composta pelo SMS Kaiser Franz Joseph I e SMS Kaiserin Elisabeth. Suas construções começaram no final da década de 1880; o batimento de quilha das duas embarcações ocorreram em 1888. O Kaiser Franz Joseph I foi construído pelos estaleiros da Stabilimento Tecnico Triestino, enquanto o Kaiserin Elisabeth foi construído no Arsenal Naval de Pola. O primeiro navio foi lançado ao mar em 1889 e comissionado no ano seguinte, enquanto o segundo foi lançado em 1890 e comissionado em 1892. Um terceiro cruzador foi planejado, mas nunca construído. A classe foi construída em resposta aos cruzadores italianos Giovanni Bausan e Etna, com seu projeto tendo sido muito influenciado pela estratégia naval da Jeune École. O vice-almirante Maximilian Daublebsky von Sterneck, o comandante da marinha, tinha a intenção para que servissem como uma espécie de couraçado, porém mudanças na tecnologia naval e pensamento estratégico os deixaram obsoletos pouco depois de terem entrado em serviço. Mesmo assim, os dois cruzadores permaneceram como componentes importantes da política naval austro-húngara, que continuou a enfatizar a doutrina da Jeune École e a importância da defesa litorânea e viagens diplomáticas. O Kaiser Franz Joseph I e o Kaiserin Elisabeth participaram de várias viagens para o exterior no início de suas carreiras, com o segundo realizando uma viagem para o Oceano Pacífico entre 1892 e 1893. Foi a primeira viagem desse tipo de uma embarcação austro-húngara com casco de ferro e durante a maior parte o arquiduque Francisco Fernando, herdeiro do trono, esteve a bordo. O navio também se envolveu na supressão do Levante dos Boxers na China em 1899. Depois disto a Áustria-Hungria recebeu uma concessão territorial em Tianjin, o que fez os membros da Classe Kaiser Franz Joseph I alternarem períodos de serviço no local até a Primeira Guerra Mundial. O Kaiserin Elisabeth estava na China no começo da guerra e ajudou na defesa da Baía de Kiauchau, porém foi deliberadamente afundado ao final do Cerco de Tsingtao em novembro de 1914. O Kaiser Franz Joseph I permaneceu a maior parte do conflito na Baía de Cátaro e pouco fez, mas mesmo assim ajudou no bombardeio de fortificações montenegrinas em 1914 e 1916. Ele foi descomissionado e desarmado em 1917 e transformado em um quartel-general flutuante. O cruzador foi tomado pelos Aliados ao final da guerra e posteriormente cedido à França como prêmio de guerra, porém afundou durante um vendaval próximo de Kumbor em outubro de 1919. (pt)
  • 103.700000 (xsd:double)
  • 14.750000 (xsd:double)
  • 3967000000.000000 (xsd:double)
  • 4494000000.000000 (xsd:double)
  • 36.391800 (xsd:double)
  • 58081947 (xsd:integer)
  • 55381 (xsd:nonNegativeInteger)
  • 1117666530 (xsd:integer)
  • *Stabilimento Tecnico Triestino, Trieste *Pola Navy Yard, Pola (en)
  • 1888 (xsd:integer)
  • None (en)
  • 5360000 (xsd:integer)
  • (en)
  • 1890 (xsd:integer)
  • Kaiser Franz Joseph I-class (en)
  • * * * (en)
  • *2 × K L/35 guns *6 × SK L/35 guns *16 × SFK L/44 guns *4 × torpedo tubes (en)
  • *2 × SK L/40 guns *6 × SK L/35 guns *16 × SFK L/44 guns *4 × torpedo tubes (en)
  • * Deck: * Hull: * Turrets: *Conning tower: (en)
  • 367 (xsd:integer)
  • * * (en)
  • * o/a * p/p (en)
  • *2 shafts *4 × cylindrical double-ended boilers *2 × horizontal triple expansion engines * (en)
  • at (en)
  • Protected cruiser (en)
  • 1 (xsd:integer)
  • 2 (xsd:integer)
  • 2 (xsd:integer)
  • 3 (xsd:integer)
  • Třída Kaiser Franz Joseph I. byl první třída chráněných křižníků Rakousko-uherského námořnictva, postavených v letech 1888–1892. Skládala se ze dvou jednotek – Kaiser Franz Joseph I. postavila loděnice v Terstu, zatímco křižník Kaiserin Elisabeth byl postaven námořním arzenálem v Pule. Jejich neobvykle silná torpédová výzbroj vedla k tomu, že byly zpočátku označovány Torpedo-Rammschiff. Bylo to proto, že jejich původním určením byl doprovod torpédových plavidel.[zdroj?!] K tomuto účelu však nebyly nikdy použity, protože nově stavěným torpédoborcům a torpédovkám již nestačili rychlostí. (cs)
  • La classe Kaiser Franz Joseph I est une classe de croiseur protégé construite pour la marine austro-hongroise. Elle fut réalisée à la suite de la construction de l'unique SMS Tiger livrée par l'Italie et de la première classe Panther. (fr)
  • カイザー・フランツ・ヨーゼフ1世級防護巡洋艦 (SMS Kaiser Franz Joseph I class Kleiner Kreuzer) は、オーストリア=ハンガリー帝国海軍が第一次大戦前に建造した防護巡洋艦の艦級である。 (ja)
  • Krążowniki typu Kaiser Franz Joseph I – typ trzech krążowników pancernopodłogowych, zbudowanych przez Austro-Węgry pod koniec XIX wieku. Należały do niego dwa okręty: SMS „Kaiser Franz Joseph I” i SMS „Kaiserin Elisabeth”. (pl)
  • Бронепалубные крейсера типа «Кайзер Франц-Иосиф I» — тип бронепалубных крейсеров австро-венгерского флота. Первые полноценные бронепалубные крейсера Австро-Венгрии. Построено 2 единицы: «Кайзер Франц-Иосиф I» (нем. Kaiser Franz Joseph I) и «Кайзерин Элизабет» (нем. Kaiserin Elisabeth). Официально именовались «торпедо-таранными» кораблями (нем. Torpedo-Rammschiff). (ru)
  • The Kaiser Franz Joseph I class (sometimes called the Kaiser Franz Josef I class) was a class of two protected cruisers built for the Austro-Hungarian Navy. Named for Austro-Hungarian Emperor Franz Joseph I, the class comprised SMS Kaiser Franz Joseph I and SMS Kaiserin Elisabeth. Construction took place throughout the late 1880s, with both ships being laid down in 1888. Kaiser Franz Joseph I was built by Stabilimento Tecnico Triestino in Trieste, while Kaiserin Elisabeth was built at the Pola Navy Yard in Pola. The Kaiser Franz Joseph I-class ships were the first protected cruisers constructed by the Austro-Hungarian Navy. Kaiser Franz Joseph I was the first ship of the class to be commissioned into the fleet in July 1890. She was followed by Kaiserin Elisabeth in November 1892. (en)
  • A Classe Kaiser Franz Joseph I foi uma classe de cruzadores protegidos operada pela Marinha Austro-Húngara, composta pelo SMS Kaiser Franz Joseph I e SMS Kaiserin Elisabeth. Suas construções começaram no final da década de 1880; o batimento de quilha das duas embarcações ocorreram em 1888. O Kaiser Franz Joseph I foi construído pelos estaleiros da Stabilimento Tecnico Triestino, enquanto o Kaiserin Elisabeth foi construído no Arsenal Naval de Pola. O primeiro navio foi lançado ao mar em 1889 e comissionado no ano seguinte, enquanto o segundo foi lançado em 1890 e comissionado em 1892. Um terceiro cruzador foi planejado, mas nunca construído. (pt)
  • Třída Kaiser Franz Joseph I. (cs)
  • Kaiser Franz Joseph I-class cruiser (en)
  • Classe Kaiser Franz Joseph I (fr)
  • カイザー・フランツ・ヨーゼフ1世級防護巡洋艦 (ja)
  • Krążowniki typu Kaiser Franz Joseph I (pl)
  • Classe Kaiser Franz Joseph I (pt)
  • Бронепалубные крейсера типа «Кайзер Франц-Иосиф I» (ru)
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